Read Longing for Kayla Online

Authors: Lauren Fraser

Tags: #Erotica

Longing for Kayla (2 page)

BOOK: Longing for Kayla
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He stared back at her with an intensity she had never seen on his face before.

“You all right?” she asked him.

A deep laugh rumbled from Jesse where he sat on the couch. “He’s fine.” He shot Chris a look. “He’s just a little dazed that you found out his little secret.”

Chris’ head jerked up, his eyes wide when he looked first at Kayla then Jesse. His lips tightened and he glared at Jesse.

Jesse’s laugh turned into a cough. His face filled with amusement. “I just meant he’s thrown about you knowing he cooks.”

“Oh I’ll bet.”Kayla grinned at him. “You are absolutely feeding me again.”

Chris nodded mutely. Kayla flashed him a puzzled look. What was up with him tonight? Must be something in the air, because it seemed as if they were both in odd moods.

Full from an amazing dinner, Kayla shifted her hips and leaned her head back to enjoy the heat of the fireplace against her face. She tipped her beer bottle to her lips. When nothing came out she opened her eyes. With a shrug she set the bottle down on the floor, too languid to get up and get herself another one.

“Look at you, all lazy and relaxed,” Jesse teased. “Here.” He pressed a cold beer against her arm.

“See, it pays to be a sloth around you guys. This way I don’t have to get up.” She batted her eyes at him.

“Maybe I just want to get you drunk.”

Kayla snorted. “Yeah right.”
If only.

Jesse winked then clanked his bottle against hers. “Drink up.”

She eyed him speculatively. What the hell? Kayla took a long, slow pull of her beer, enjoying the yeasty brew sliding down her throat. “Mmm, nothing tastes better than a cold beer.”

“I can think of a few things,” Chris mumbled off to her left.

She tilted her head toward him. “Oh yeah, what?”

His eyes trailed down her body, leisurely lingering on her breasts. Her nipples tightened beneath his stare, and she bit back a gasp. What the hell was the matter with her? She had no intentions of making a fool of herself tonight. Not again, anyway. She sat up straighter and pulled her shirt away from her body, hoping it would detract from the visibility of her arousal.

Chris laughed and shook his head. “Never mind.”

Jesse glanced between the two of them. The corners of his mouth arched up in a half smile. He leaned forward on his chair and pinned Kayla with a look. “So Kayla, you never did tell us what happened with Matt. What was it he wanted to do for your birthday?”

Heat rose up her face as she thought about the whole embarrassing scene with Matt. “Um, I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“Come on, Kay, it’s us. You can talk to us about anything, you know that.”

She glanced between her two best friends. These guys had been with her through everything from the death of her mom to swapping stories about their first times. But how could she talk to them about this? She covered her face with her hands and groaned. “I’d really rather not, guys.”

Jesse kicked her foot. “Come on, you always feel better when you vent.” He pushed her foot again. “Come on, talk. I’m going to bug you all night until you tell me.”

An unexpected laugh burst from her chest. “That’s true, you never shut up.” She looked at them both. “Fine, but you can’t make fun of me, or call me a prude or any of the other things that come to mind. Deal?”

They both shook their heads. “We’ll try our best,” Chris said. The corner of his lip quivered with a smirk.

Kayla narrowed her eyes at him and pointed her finger. “I mean it.”

Chris put his hand across his chest. “I promise not to make fun of you.”

She sighed and then took a long pull of her beer. “He brought another woman up here for the weekend. He seemed to think I’d be willing to have a threesome.”

Both of the men’s mouths dropped open. The silence seemed to go on forever before Chris finally found his tongue. “Had you guys talked about having a threesome?” Chris asked.

“No, it came totally out of left field.” Kayla shifted her body so she could sit cross-legged. “It’s not even the threesome so much that was my problem. But the girl he brought…” She ran her hand along the back of her neck and rubbed the tense muscles. “She’s this girl who has been chasing him for weeks. We see her everywhere, and she just pisses me off because Matt and I are clearly together and she keeps coming on to him. It just seems like he wants to have sex with her, and this way I can’t get pissed with him for cheating on me.” She shook her head. “Oh no, I’ve seen
Sex and the City
. The way he was looking at this girl, I’d end up like Charlotte, shoved off the bed, a complete afterthought.”

Jesse ran his hand over his mouth, confusion etched across his face. “Okay, so let me get this straight. You’d be okay with a threesome?”

“Well come on, you can’t just spring something like that on someone. What kind of idiot is he?” She took another pull of her beer. “Besides it’s my birthday, and he wants to live out his fantasy. What the fuck?”

“Oh yeah, you have a fantasy, do you?” Jesse asked with a smirk on his face.

Kayla picked at a loose string on her sweats. “Doesn’t everyone? If I’m going to have a threesome it’s going to be with two guys, not some chick.”

Chris and Jesse both stared at her with their mouths hanging open.

“What?” she asked.

“You want to do two guys?” Chris asked.

She hesitated. “If we’re talking fantasies. Yeah.” She pushed herself up off the floor. “I’m going to grab another beer. You guys want one?” Neither one replied, seemingly too stunned to even talk after her revelation.

Kayla stood at the fridge door, staring inside, unsure what she was even looking for. What the hell had she been thinking telling them that? There was no way they weren’t going to bug the crap out of her now that they knew she had a kinky side. She leaned her head against the cold shelf. Inhaling deeply, she pushed back from the fridge and grabbed three beers. The only way to handle those two was to go back in there and change the subject. Just pretend she had never said anything. With another deep breath, she steeled herself to go return to the room.

The moment she stepped into the living room, Chris and Jesse’s whispered conversation stopped, and she knew there was no way these two were going to let the subject drop. When Chris reached out to take a beer from her, she pulled it out of his reach. “You want this? Then you need to keep your promise not to make fun of me. Otherwise, I’m taking these beers and drinking them myself elsewhere.”

“Why would we make fun of you?” Chris asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, like I didn’t just give you enough fuel to hold this over me for years.”

“I don’t have any problem with what you said, Kay,” Chris told her, pinning her with a look so hot it scorched the soles of her feet.

Jesse took a step toward her. “Making fun of you is about the last thing on either of our minds.” He took the drinks from her and set them on the table. With the beers gone, she looked around the room, unsure what to do with her hands.

Heat from Jesse’s body invaded her senses as he stepped closer to her. He tilted her chin up with his finger, forcing her to look at him. “You want to live out your fantasy, birthday girl?” His husky voice slid across her, causing her nipples to bead tightly. An arrow of heat surged through her body.

“What?” she squeaked.

“I never got you a present for your birthday. I was thinking maybe this might work instead.” He leaned in and pulled her bottom lip between his teeth. His tongue swept out and licked her lip. The forbiddance of kissing her best friend made her shudder and she leaned against him.
God, if this was a dream she never wanted to wake up.

“So, what do you think, birthday girl? You want us to give you a birthday you’ll never forget?” he murmured against her mouth. Something about hearing the words against her lips intensified everything. She glanced up at Jesse. He pulled her tightly to him so she could feel his erection against her stomach.

“Well?” His tone dared her to deny she wanted this. She looked over her shoulder at Chris who hadn’t said a word. He stood off to the side watching them, giving nothing about what he was feeling away.

She gulped. “Is this what you want too?” she asked Chris. Her voice shook. She wasn’t sure if it was from nerves about him saying yes, or that he might say no.

Chris stepped toward her, his eyes dark with desire. “Oh hell yeah.” He moved in closer, blocking her in from behind.

His hot breath caressed the back of her neck when his body pressed in close. “You sure about this, Kay?”

Her stomach flipped and she had moment of unease. Once they crossed this line, there was no going back. But with the feel of Chris’ erection pressing against her back and the hot throbbing pulse of Jesse against her stomach, it was all she could do to stay upright. She wasn’t about to turn down this opportunity. She had wanted both of them since they were juniors in high school. She just never thought she stood a chance with either. The women they both dated were supermodel-gorgeous and Kayla didn’t kid herself she was in that realm.

Relaxed from a couple of beers, her inhibitions were just low enough to not care about the consequences. For tonight this was exactly what she wanted. She would deal with the fallout tomorrow. Pressing back against Chris, she tilted her head against his shoulder. “This is exactly what I want,” she told him.

A growl rumbled deep in Chris’ chest moments before he claimed her mouth in a searing kiss. Primal, hungry, he devoured her.

Chapter Two


Breaking the kiss, Chris pulled back and took a deep, ragged breath. The air between them sizzled when he looked at Kayla and Jesse. “What do you say we take this into the bedroom so we can get comfortable?”

Kayla’s eyes darted around the room and she gulped audibly. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know what to do.”

He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ve got you covered.”

Chris took her hand and indicated for Jesse to take the other, effectively caging her in, just in case she changed her mind. He had wanted her for so long. He couldn’t believe he finally had the chance to be with her.

Although, he wasn’t sure how he felt about sharing her with Jesse. But that seemed to be the only way this was ever going to happen, and he knew better than to look a gift-horse in the mouth.

He led the way down the hall, past Jesse’s room, not stopping until he got to the bedroom he was using. It didn’t really make sense since this wasn’t even his house, but the first time he needed her in his bed, not Jesse’s.

When he glanced back at them, Jesse smirked as if he knew exactly what was running through Chris’ mind. That was the problem with best friends, they knew too damn much.

Inside the room, he flicked on the bedside table lamp while Jesse turned off the overhead light, bathing the room in a soft glow.

“Looks like you guys have done this before.” Kayla laughed nervously. Then she eyed them. “Have you?”

“We have,” Jesse replied.

She seemed to deflate a bit before his eyes, and she looked down at her feet. “Oh,” she mumbled.

Jesse stepped toward her and brushed a lock of brown hair back from her face. “Think of it as training to get the bumps out since these things don’t always play out smoothly. Now we can use all our expertise to make this fantastic for you.”

Her eyes heated as she took in what he had said. “Hmm, so I get to reap the benefits from all of this ‘practice’?” she asked him.

Even though she was talking to Jesse, her sassy question shot an arrow of lust directly to Chris’ cock. “Fuck yeah,” Chris replied.

Her gaze jerked from Jesse and locked onto him instead. “Show me,” she demanded.

It took everything in Chris not to knock Jesse over to get to her. Stepping back with his palms raised, Jesse laughed. “By all means, show her how it’s done.”

Fueled by the challenge in Jesse’s voice, he stalked forward, a predator ready to devour its prey. Kayla’s eyes widened. Her cheeks flushed in anticipation.

“Chris.” His name came out as a whisper, a sigh.
God, he had loved this woman for so long.
To hear her say his name like that hit him square in the chest.

“I need you naked.” His guttural demand spoke of how aroused he was. “Sorry, I promise there’ll be foreplay. I just really need to fucking see you naked, baby.”

“Oh my,” she sighed. Her fingers touched the hem of her shirt and she bit her lip, her nerves evident on the lines of her face.

The asshole who had made her question her appeal needed to be punched. He put his hands on top of her fingers. “Let me help you,” he said and lifted her shirt over her head.

She stood before him, her breasts barely contained in the cups of her lace bra. And the things she was doing for his sweatpants. Geez. He had never seen anything sexier in his life. If men knew how good their woman could look in their sweats, lingerie sales would plummet.

Jesse walked up behind her, undid her bra and slid it down her arms, exposing her ripe, full breasts to Chris’ eyes for the first time. “Fuck, Kay. You’re gorgeous.”

BOOK: Longing for Kayla
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