Read Liars & Thieves Online

Authors: Stephen Coonts

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Intelligence officers, #Mystery & Detective, #Virginia, #General, #Spy fiction; American, #Massacres, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense stories; American, #Fiction, #Espionage

Liars & Thieves (8 page)

BOOK: Liars & Thieves
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Out on the street I glanced at my watch. How much time did I have?

I drove toward the subdivision exit as far from her house as I could get and still see her driveway, which was only about seventy yards due to the way the street curved. There was a house sitting there with black windows and a FOR SALE sign in the yard, so I backed into the driveway and killed the engine. Then I used the duct tape on her wrists and mouth, then taped the seat belt to her arms so she couldn’t pull them out of the belt. She was moaning and starting to come around as I snapped the seat belt in place to hold her. I checked her jaw—didn’t seem to be broken, although the bruise was turning yellow and purple and swelling up right before my eyes.

She came to slowly, began thrashing as she realized she was restrained, eyed me wildly.

“Did you call 911?”

A look of defiance crossed her face.

“We’ll just sit here and see who shows up,” I said, and rolled down my window to let some air in—and so I could hear a chopper overhead, if one showed up.

After two or three minutes, she calmed down. At least she stopped squirming, trying to get loose. I ignored her facial expressions, just watched the street. I had about decided that everyone in the neighborhood had burrowed in for the night when a hardy soul wearing a raincoat came along walking his dog. Apparently the dog needed a potty break rain or shine. The man paid no attention to us in the car, didn’t even look our way.

Ten minutes passed, then fifteen. I checked my watch occasionally. After twenty minutes had gone by, I remarked, “These Virginia cops are certainly Johnny-on-the-spot. Good thing you weren’t getting murdered or raped, huh?”

After twenty-two minutes a ten-year-old rattletrap rolled down the street—woofers thudding—and parked in a driveway two doors away from Erlanger’s house. The driver went inside.

The bad guys arrived in two unmarked cars twenty-seven minutes after I parked in the driveway. I pushed her down and ducked my head as they went by. The cars went slowly down the street, one behind the other. At least two men in each car. They stopped in front of Erlanger’s house, doused the lights.

“Doesn’t look like cops to me,” I remarked. “Plainclothes, no cruisers.”

She was watching intently. Although the distance was about seventy yards, the streetlight beyond her house limned the men. One of the four men stayed by the cars while the others went toward the house, out of our line of sight.

“Seen enough?” I asked her.

For the first time she looked my way. There was fear in her eyes.

I started the car, snapped on the lights, and got under way toward the subdivision entrance. No one followed me.

When we were rolling out on the freeway, I ripped the tape from her mouth. She screamed.

“Hurts like hell, doesn’t it?”

“Who are you?”

“I told you, lady. Tommy Carmellini, CIA.”

“Who were those men back there?”

“They sure as hell weren’t street cops speeding to assist an honest taxpayer in distress.”

“They came to kill me, didn’t they?”

“Probably.” I shrugged. “A friend of mine got your address from the telephone company. The only reason I reached you first is because I knew your name.”

“Why me, for God’s sake?”

“Someone doesn’t want Goncharov’s notes read by anyone. You’ve seen them. You might know too much.”

“I don’t know anything!” she shrieked, then began sobbing.

I was fresh out of sympathy. The ditsy broad stole my car, which was now sitting abandoned in her driveway. Whatever slim chance I once had of talking my way out of trouble had evaporated. No doubt the hit men were looking for me, too.

The rain started again. I turned on the wipers and tried to concentrate on driving but found that impossible. What should I do now? How was I going to stay one jump ahead of hit men who showed up when someone called the police? If the police were tipping them off, intentionally or inadvertently, no doubt the FBI was also cooperating. Hell, maybe the hit men were FBI.

I felt like a man driving to his own execution. “Get this tape off me,” she said. “You gonna bail at the first stoplight?” “No.”

I thought a little clarification wouldn’t hurt. “Those people back there came to kill us, lady. I thought they’d show up before long looking for you, which is why I went to get you out of there.”

“A knight in shining armor,” she said acidly.

“You’ve been told. You want out of this car, that’s fine with me. I’ll drop you anywhere you say. Call the cops, the FBI, your boss, your boyfriend, your mama, whoever. Someone kills you, that’ll be your tough luck.”

I pulled over to the side of the road and ripped the tape off her arms. It must have hurt like hell, but she stifled the scream.

“You got a cell phone on you?” I asked when we were rolling again.

She swabbed her face with the tail of her blouse. When she finished she said, “Yes.”

“May I use it?”

She removed it from a pocket and passed it over. I threw it out the window.

Liars And Thieves

The neighborhood where my lock shop partner, Willie the Wire, lived was quiet that soggy evening. I drove through once, looking for cars parked with people in them. Didn’t see anyone, so I decided to try the dead man’s cell phone.

I turned it on, waited for it to find the network, then dialed Willie’s number.

“Yeah,” Willie growled when he picked up his phone. He answered the telephone at the lock shop the same way—a nasty habit I had tried to argue him out of.

“It’s me.” He had told me a dozen times that relying on other people to recognize your voice was impolite, an ego trip, but I wasn’t going to drop it until he said hello in the conventional manner. Okay, so we were both a bit childish.

“Where are ya?”

“Driving by on your street.”

“Give me two minutes, then drive by again. I’ll jump in.”

“It’s a four-door sedan, white. Not the Benz.”


He was on his stoop as I braked to a stop. He intended to get in the passenger seat. When he saw Kelly he got in the back. I had the car rolling before he could get the door closed.

“Kelly Erlanger, Willie Varner.”

She wasn’t talking to me at that point—still fuming about me tossing her telephone, I suppose—but she tossed off a “Hi” to Willie.

He grunted at her, then addressed me. “Carmellini, you idiot, what have you got your silly ass into this time?”

Keeping my eye on the rearview mirror, I told it straight, leaving nothing out. The stuff about the archivist was classified, of course, as was the existence of the CIA’s Greenbrier River safe house. Being a convicted felon, Willie Varner couldn’t have gotten a security clearance if his life depended on it. As I saw it that night, one more little felonious security breach wouldn’t blacken my character more than it already was. What the heck, the killers that morning probably didn’t have security clearances either.

When I finished my tale of woe, Willie gave a low whistle. “Jesus, Carmellini. Send you out of town for a day and all hell breaks loose. I never saw you so deep in shit before, man. Gonna need a backhoe to dig yourself out.”

“I should have let them shoot me?”

“Sounds like somebody’s gonna do you sooner or later.”

“You going to help or not?”

“Oh, sure. I’ll pop over to Langley tomorrow and ask to see the director. Get this all cleaned up.”


“Like, whaddaya want me to do?”

I held the cell phone up, offered it to him. “I took this off the guy who was driving the crashed car. There must be a bunch of telephone numbers on it. I want to know who they belong to. All of them.”

He didn’t reach for the phone. “I don’t want to go back to the joint,” he said. “I been there and I didn’t like it.”

I took my foot off the accelerator and half turned to look at him.

“Oh, all right!” He grabbed the phone. “Goddamn you, Carmellini.”

As we headed back for his house he muttered—loud enough for me to hear, naturally—“As if I didn’t have enough misery in my goddamn life . . . goddamn Russian assassins now.”

I could never do anything with Willie when he got pouty, so I didn’t try. Kelly Erlanger knew this mess wasn’t my fault, and she was in high dudgeon, too.

When I was braking to a stop in front of Willie’s house, he said, “They bust down my door and shoot my innocent black ass, Carmellini, I’ll torture you in hell until the end of time.”

He got out and slammed the door. As we drove away, Erlanger said, “What if he calls the police?”

“He won’t,” I assured her. “Willie Varner’s my best friend.”

She made a rude noise, which I ignored.

Erlanger was sulking, doubtlessly angry the killers didn’t wax her, when I remembered Dorsey O’Shea.

Well, why not, I asked myself.

Dorsey lived on that estate overlooking the Potomac, five hundred wooded acres complete with tennis court and swimming pool and a little three-story brick shack with fifteen or twenty rooms, five fireplaces, and a dozen commodes. And Dorsey owed me big for getting her cute little heinie out of the clutches of her porno boyfriend last spring. Surely she wouldn’t mind if Kelly Erlanger and I dropped in unannounced and hid from the law and the outlaws for a few days.

I pointed the car in Dorsey’s direction. We had been driving for fifteen or twenty minutes when Kelly asked, “Where are we going?”

“To visit a friend of mine.”

“She a plastic surgeon? You and I are going to need one if we hope to live out the year.”

“Naw. She’s a rich socialite. Never worked a day in her life, inherited a huge heaping pile when her parents had the grace to die young.”

“So how do you know her?”

“I was her boy toy for a while,” I said flippantly.

“Good Lord! She must be ancient if you were the best she could do.”

“She’s a real old prune,” I snarled. “And she’s got servants. A maid and a cook. Better keep your lip zipped and let me do the talking or we’re liable to wind up in drawers at the morgue.”

“This is your gig, hero. I’ll cling to you and look deeply into your eyes while you talk us into the house. But I want my own bedroom.”

I wasn’t about to tell Erlanger about robbing a safe deposit box for O’Shea. “You don’t know Dorsey,” I explained. “She’s a friend. She’ll be delighted to help. You’ll see.” ,

Dorsey O’Shea had a long winding drive, which was cool; you couldn’t see the house from the road.

A Porsche was parked in front of the place. I didn’t think it was Dorsey’s, because she always parked in the garage around back. I parked the heap beside the Porsche and hoisted the suitcase from the trunk. Kelly climbed the stairs and crossed the formal stoop and pushed the doorbell.

I joined her on the stoop with the suitcase.

After a bit the porch light came on.

I heard someone unlocking the door, then it opened.

Dorsey was wearing a slinky black silk thing and a set of high-heeled slippers, and apparently not much else. She had a glass of wine in her hand. It was brutally obvious we had interrupted something.

“What in the name of God are you doing here, Carmellini?” she snarled.

Kelly Erlanger tittered. She leaned against the doorjamb and held her hand over her mouth, and her shoulders began to shake as the laughter went off the scale and she fought for air.

I pulled her hands down. “Hey, get a grip.”

Her whole face contorted and she lost it. Just went to pieces.

I picked her up in my arms and marched through the door, pushing Dorsey aside. “Get the suitcase,” I growled at O’Shea. “This woman’s been through hell and needs a place to sleep.”

As I strode through the living room to the grand staircase, I got a gander at Dorsey’s romantic interest, a balding twit twenty pounds overweight standing by the fireplace with his mouth open.

The guest room that I picked had a nice double bed all made up. “A glass of whiskey on the rocks would be appreciated,” I told Dorsey, who followed me up the stairs and stood twisting her hands in the doorway. She scurried away. I stripped off Erlanger’s shoes and put her between the sheets, then sat down on the edge of the bed as she tried to control her sobbing.

You keep doing that, you’re going to get the hiccups something terrible.”

Dorsey was back with the whiskey within a minute. I took a sip, just a taste test, then offered it to Kelly. She shook her head no.

“Hey, this is medicine. Settle you down.”

She grasped the glass with both hands and took a long pull as if it were milk.

The sobs stopped. She hiccupped once, then belted back another big slurp.

“How can you be so calm?” she asked.

Dorsey was still in the room. I heard her moving behind me.

“What should I be doing?”

“I don’t know.” She worked some more on the whiskey.

“The best thing we can do for those people who got murdered is to make sure their killers don’t get away with it.”

She thought about that, then nodded.

“To do that, we have to stay alive.”


“These people whacked Goncharov at a top secret safe house. Before we go walking into a police station or FBI office, we had better figure out how they did it. We make one mistake, we’re dead.”

She tossed off the last of the whiskey, then snagged a piece of ice and sucked noisily on it. She looked at Dorsey, then met my eyes. “I want to see the bastards dead.”

“That’s the spirit.” I stood and took the empty glass. “Get a good night’s sleep. We’ll talk in the morning. I warn you. Don’t make any telephone calls. The killers know we got away. They’re going to be moving heaven and earth to find us. Let’s not make it easy for them.”

“I’ve got a boyfriend,” she objected. “And parents and a couple of girlfriends who really care about me. They are going to be worried sick.”

“We’ll worry about that when and if your name gets in the press.”

“You don’t think that—?”

“Bet the press never hears a whisper. Now get some sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.”


I shooed Dorsey out of the room and turned off the light, then pulled the door shut.

BOOK: Liars & Thieves
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