Lesbian Euro MILF (First Time Older Woman Younger Woman Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Lesbian Euro MILF (First Time Older Woman Younger Woman Romance)
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She leaned down, her breasts pressed heavily against my chest and she kissed my mouth.

I opened my lips to let her tongue in and pressed my hips into her as she kissed me. I reached behind and cupped her ass with both hands, squeezing the meaty flesh.

Then she sat back up and took her dildo from the drawer next to the bed, smiling at me before she placed the back of it over my sex as if it were a cock then guiding my hand to the shaft before pressing the other end inside her waiting cunt.

I gasped as the end of the dildo rubbed my clitoris while the other end plunged deep inside her folds. It was beyond any kind of pleasure I’d felt masturbating, and instinctively I started pumping my hips into her.

She responded by grinding her hips down on me, the cock completely inside her now, supporting herself with her hands on my breasts, and moaning.

I fucked her hard, driving the dildo as far inside her as I could, wanting to give her everything she was giving me. Her breasts moved around rhythmically as her body lurched forward from the force of my hips.

Then I was there and I couldn’t last any longer. My head shot up and I buried my face in her loving breasts, yelling as I came, pushing the cock deep inside her as my own orgasm flooded the sheets. Finally I collapsed back onto the bed out of breath and out of energy.

She got off and spread her legs, watching my cum drip slowly out of my pussy, gathering some on her finger tip and tasting it once again, before laying down next to me, her aromatic brown hair rested against my cheek, filling my nose with her scent.

“How was that, Lacey?”

“That was…” I wanted to tell her but there were no words for it really. “That was perfect.”

She laughed and cupped my breasts, gently playing with them as my nipples began to arouse again for my rich Italian host mother.


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A Woman's Touch

Bonus Material

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And here’s a little bonus story for you.

Chapter 1

I was sitting in the food court at the mall waiting for Deb when the couple sat down in the booth across from me. I picked at my caesar salad trying to ignore them but they were making it pretty difficult. The nerve of some people. I’d always thought making out in public was so crass but these two were just going at it without a care in the world. They couldn’t have been more than twenty. I was old enough to be their mother and when I suddenly realized how much I was judging them for doing something so natural–something that I’d been missing in my life for sometime–I was disgusted with myself for how far I’d fallen from my normal happy-go-luck attitude since the divorce.

I considered just leaving, texting Deb to tell her I didn’t feel well and that I’d meet her for lunch some other time. But it wasn’t the truth.

There was something unexpected happening that made me want to stay. Watching the young love birds suck face in the middle of the mall was actually making me wet. It was the most action I’d been a part of in quite some time.

Finally Deb showed up, her high heels clacking on the floor announced her entrance before I spotted her.

“Hey, you.” She kissed my cheek before sitting down.

“Hey.” I took another bite of my salad and made a conscious effort to not look towards the couple, hoping Deb wouldn’t see them. But of course she did.

Leaning in close, she said, “Oh my god, checkout the teenagers making out over there.”

I could feel my face turning red already but I couldn’t help taking another look over at them. The guy’s hand was roving up the leg of the girl and she was definitely enjoying it. What would it be like to have someone do that to me? Dismissing the idea, I changed the subject. “Did you buy anything?”

“Just this pair of shoes. You like them?” She stuck her long leg out into the aisle, pointing her toe to show off the unbelievably tall high-heel. She’d always had such amazing legs, too. Sometimes I could get so jealous of her.

“Very nice. You’ve been buying a lot of shoes lately. I mean a lot even for you.”

She grinned in that way that meant she had a secret that she was just dying to tell me. After twenty years of friendship I was quite familiar with the look. “Oh, stop it,” she said. “You sound just like Jim.”

Jim was her husband. It was amazing to me just how happy they were together. Despite Deb’s constant flirting with other women–it was no secret that Deb swung both ways–they were really the model couple. When my marriage disintegrated five years before I was so pissed that hers was still going strong and that her husband supported her lust to be touched by women while mine had always said it was disgusting. I’d always been so sure that if either of us was going to get a divorce it would be her. But it turned out I married a cheating bastard and she picked a winner.

Deb kept grinning and I knew that if I held out just a little longer she’d crack and tell me whatever secret she was dying to tell me. I took a bite of salad and stole another glance at the couple.

“Okay,” she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. “You know that shoe store on the other side of the mall?”

I nodded. She’d taken me there several times but not in a while.

“Well, there’s this girl that works there now. Brenda.”

I couldn’t help but smile. There was always some girl she was flirting with. Somehow, she always kept it innocent though, never crossing the line. “Yeah? That’s why you’ve been buying so many shoes?”

“She’s so hot, Miranda. I just can’t help myself. And today…” She leaned even closer.

I leaned in to join her, admittedly intrigued by this new woman.

“…today I flashed her my panties on purpose.”

I snorted and couldn’t help but laugh. “Shut up! You’re so bad Deb. I can’t believe you sometimes.”

“And,” she continued, “she didn’t even flinch. I know for a fact she looked right at my crotch. I even held my legs open for a few seconds to make sure she got a good look. And you wouldn’t believe it, she just looked right at it then smiled at me.”

“She’s probably used to it. It probably happens all the time. Bored housewives going shopping with no panties. I bet she sees more pussy than a gynecologist.”

Deb threw her head back and laughed. Being with her put me in a better mood, made me forget about my own love troubles.

“So,” she said, her face getting serious. I knew what was coming next. “Anything new in your love life? How’s the internet dating going? Have you tried getting with a woman yet? Even if it’s just a one night stand.”

“Stop it!” I couldn’t help but flash a grin before I recomposed myself and poked my plastic fork at the salad. “I don’t want to talk about it.” The truth was there wasn’t anything to talk about. All the guys I’d met online turned out to be creeps so far and I’d pretty much given up on it. And the idea of exploring my desires for a woman had been suppressed for so long I hadn’t even really considered it.

“That bad, huh? You know Jim has a buddy at work that just got divorced. He’s rich. How about I set up a little double date?”

“No. Absolutely not.” I shot her a look. The last time she tried to set me up with a guy he seemed completely normal until we got to the bedroom and he wanted me to tie him up and call him a sissy.

“Okay, fine. I’m just trying to help.” She took a sip from her iced-latté. “I know what you need.” She raised her eyebrows.

I sighed. “What?”

“You need a new pair of shoes.”

I laughed and shook my head.

“I’m serious. Go see Brenda. She’s so fucking hot, Miranda. And I think she has a thing for older women.”

“I’m too old to be flashing my goods to some teenager.”

“She’s not a teenager. I’m pretty sure she’s at least 21.”

“Oh, that’s so much better.”

“Well, suit yourself. I’m telling you it’ll make you feel better.” She looked down at her watch. “Oh, shit. I have to go pick up the kids.” She stood up quickly, and kissed my cheek. “Call me okay?”

I nodded. “Okay, talk to you later.” The sound of her heels hitting the floor echoed behind me. I looked over at the couple and from where I was sitting I could see his hand working its way into the girl’s crotch. Her face was flush and she was definitely enjoying it.

Fuck it, I thought. I hadn’t bought a new pair of shoes in a while anyway.

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BOOK: Lesbian Euro MILF (First Time Older Woman Younger Woman Romance)
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