Leather and Lace (Tempered Steel Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Leather and Lace (Tempered Steel Book 2)
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Angel knew what he wanted from her. But she could say, “I love you” a thousand times a day and he wouldn’t believe her because he didn’t trust her. It was a complicated mess, but at least she was one step closer to her goal – Sam’s love and trust.

Angel glanced at the closed door of her office as Sam ranted and raved about security and staying open, the cops ineptitude, and life in general. Ben had said she could clean up since the forensics’ team had been in. It was a mess, but she couldn’t bring herself to go in. Just cleaning up the kitchen was giving her bad flashbacks. She definitely didn’t need the jealous macho man act right now.

“What? What did you want me to say?” She looked past him at the front door, remembering the pain in her scalp as her assailant yanked her back.

She heard Sam say something else, but she wasn’t paying attention. She saw a man walking past her house. Was that him? She couldn’t be sure.
No, he wouldn’t be so bold as to walk down the street when the cops were looking for him…..but he had assaulted her in broad daylight, when her shop was open.
She shivered. Was he out there in the woods watching her? Ben had assured her that he had scoured the area himself before he let her back in her home.
Ben was only one man. He might have missed something.
Her knees began to tremble. Her panic grew. She felt her breath hitch.
She had to leave. She had to get out of here.
Hands grabbed her arms and she screamed.

“Baby! Baby! It’s me! Shit!” Sam held her close and soothed her back. The stress of the day had caught up to her. She struggled in his arms, back in her nightmare. The butt of her hand caught him in the chin and he instinctively let her go. She whirled for the stairs then cried out in pain and fell against the banister.

Angel came out of her trance when the pain hit her foot. She glanced down to find a shard of bone china sticking out of her heel. She recognized the color as one of the many teacups her grandmother had lovingly collected over the years, and the intruder had destroyed in his quest to hurt her. It was suddenly too much, and she began sobbing against the spindles of the old staircase. She wanted her grandma. Her grandma loved her.

“Shhh, baby. I’m here now. I’m so sorry.” Sam whispered in front of her. “I’m going to put my arms around you and lift you, baby. We need to clean your foot.” She felt his strong arms gently gather her close to his chest. He lifted her effortlessly, and she clung to him as he headed up the stairs.

“I’m going to remove that shard and bandage you up,” Sam said as he kicked the door to the master bedroom open. “Do you want to get a bath? I can run one for you, then clean and bandage your foot.”

Angel nodded. It felt so good to just let go and let Sam take care of her. She was trying to calm her crying, but he didn’t seem to mind she was soaking his shirt. Her hair hung limply over the sides of her face. Her makeup was surely smeared. She was a mess, and she needed to get it together. She couldn’t quite find the strength to do it though.

When Sam gently lowered her onto the counter, she started to undo the buttons on her blouse. “Here, let me.” Sam brushed aside her hands with a tender caress. He lifted her to remove her pants and she clung to him once again, needing to feel his strength. “I’m going to draw your bath. Where’s the first aid kit?” He opened and closed drawers until he found it. Angel couldn’t even summon the energy to answer him. He gently removed the china shard and cleaned the wound.

Sam carried her over to the jetted tub and lowered her into it, gently running a washcloth over her body. She sighed in appreciation and closed her eyes. “You know, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I thought about you naked in front of me for the first time in so long,” he said softly.

“I had pictured something different myself,” she confirmed dreamily.

“Well, don’t tell me. I’m having enough trouble keeping my hands to myself right now.” Sam winked at her.

Angel smiled. “I think I would love to have your hands on me right now.”

Sam’s blue eyes turned dark. “I’m going to lift you out, dry you off, bandage you up, and put you to bed. Don’t tempt me, Angel.”

“I like tempting you. I love knowing you want me after all these years.” She traced a finger along his forearm.

Sam pulled the plug and tugged her up, wrapping her in a towel. Once again, she sat on the counter as he briskly dried her off and bandaged her foot. “Did the doctor give you anything for pain?” he gruffly inquired.

“I didn’t go to the doctor,” she answered in a soft voice.

Sam swore and rummaged through medicine cabinet. Not finding what he wanted, he ran down the stairs, coming back up moments later with a tumbler of amber liquid. He shoved it at Angel. “Drink it.”

Angel did as she was told. She was too tired to even ask what it was. When her throat burned, then a warm glow invaded her stomach, she knew Sam had found her stash of Scotch.

Lifting her up, he carried her into the bedroom. He cradled her in one hand while he pulled back the covers with another. He noticed the teddy bear sitting on her nightstand next to a picture of him as he lowered her to the bed. He picked it up. He thought about how she had carried it with them everywhere, calling it their “baby.” He remembered how she had clutched it to her breast as they had driven out of town that fateful weekend.

He felt her silent regard. He offered up a lopsided grin. “You kept that old thing?”

“Hey, that’s my bedmate.” She frowned at him and reached to grab it out of his hand.

“Not tonight, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” Sam replaced it on the nightstand and gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead.

Angel snuggled into the bed as he arranged the bedding around her.

“Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

Angel felt the other side of the bed dip as he settled down, drawing her to his side. She fell asleep cuddling his hand against her breasts.


Chapter Seven


Angel sighed wistfully as she watched Sam striding down the street toward her a week later. From the window by her desk, she noted the changing colors of the leaves glowing in the setting sun. October in Grafton was one of the most beautiful scenes she knew she would ever see. The blue of the sky was the perfect background to the ever turning foliage along the bluffs, while the sparkling river added a shimmering intensity to the entire landscape.

She understood why hundreds of people flocked to the river-bend area to picnic or walk, or bike the trails. But she especially loved to see the artists with their paints and easels, trying desperately to recapture the beauty of God’s perfect colors before the sun set.

She waved to Sam as he came in the back gate. He smiled at her. Since she and Sam had reconciled their differences, so to speak, she had been happier than she had been in the past fifteen years, but there was still a wall between them. Whenever she tried to bring up the past, a shuttered look would come into his eyes and he would change the subject.

She was so afraid of breaking their fragile bond, she would back off, and they would continue as if nothing bad ever happened. He was going to have to talk about it, and soon, because she knew they could never be truly happy with each other until the past was put to rest.

Angel heard Sam in the mud room washing up and taking off his dirty clothes. The brothers had been working long hours at the construction site, taking twice the time to clean up the mess, going over the debris from the fire with a fine tooth comb, hoping to find something that the arson squad, and Sam’s buddies from his SEAL days, had overlooked. There had to be something that could pinpoint the location in Las Vegas of the vandal. It was a starting point.

Lucky had flown there earlier in the week and, after a few discreet inquiries provided by Sam’s contacts, had gotten a job as a bouncer at one of the small casinos known for less than reputable business practices. He had high hopes of finding something of value to the family because the owner had been making noises about opening another casino in the Midwest last year.

Sam walked into the living room and Angel rose to greet him. Even though he had stripped down to a pair of boxer briefs, he still smelled of smoke and sweat. She wrinkled her nose. Sam caught her look, and with a lecherous grin, he reached out to grab her. She laughed and swiftly evaded his outstretched hands. “Catch me if you can, big guy!”

He took off in hot pursuit, happy her ordeal hadn’t given her any residual issues. He ran, chasing her around the coffee table and down the hall. Running up the stairs, she shrieked in mock horror as his hand grabbed at her foot. With a short kick, she was free and running into her bedroom. Before he had a chance to catch her, she had locked the door.

“How’s about a little kiss, sweetie?” He pounded on the door, shouting at her in an obscene voice. “I’ll show you where I want it.”

“Ewww! I’ll show you where you’re going to get it, if you don’t get in that shower and clean yourself up.”

“So, if I clean myself up, you’re gonna give it to me?” Sam asked, deliberating twisting her words. “Where’s the soap, baby? I’m taking a bath.”

Angel laughed, hearing his footsteps recede into the bathroom. Sam was in a playful mood. Since their reconciliation, he had been charming and gallant, like the old Sam. It had been fun. Flowers, candy, old-fashioned courting that seemed so out of style with today’s standards. They had sat on the front porch and talked about anything and everything. His tender kisses and sweet compliments made her feel desirable and beautiful. She was more than ready to consummate their relationship, but since they declared a truce, Sam seemed more than eager to let that part of their relationship progress slowly. He needed to be in control and his lovemaking invariably left her wanting more.

If she hadn’t witnessed his own sexual torment when they stopped, she would think he’d found the ultimate revenge on her. She knew he couldn’t trust her yet, so she had been patient. Surely to God, he’d get tired of cold showers. She wanted to make him lose control. Things could not continue this way. She’d expire from sexual frustration.

Her assailant was still on the loose, but she had slept peacefully in Sam’s arms for the past week. Unfortunately, all they did was sleep. He woke up hard and she woke up wanting, but then he’d mumble something about waiting until she was over her trauma. Well, she was done waiting. He was holding back, and she was going to push him yet again.

Tonight she was going to seduce him.


The distinctive smell of sweet-n-sour spare ribs wafted through the air as Sam reached for the clean clothes lying on the bed. His stomach growled in anticipation as he hastily donned his tan pants. Shrugging into a navy shirt and running a comb through his damp blonde hair, he ran down the servant’s stairs at the back of the house, licking his lips in anticipation of the food and the sweet companionship of the woman cooking it. It had been hell these past few days, sleeping with her at night without touching her. But he wanted to bind her to him with more than just lovemaking. Perhaps living together would bind her to him.
Bind her. Now that’s an interesting thought. His beautiful Angel trussed up for his pleasure.
He’d learned a few things about his nature while in the Navy. Dominance definitely made him rock hard and ready.

At the bottom of the stairs, he came to an abrupt halt. Chagrined, he stared at the elaborately set table. Candles, fine china, and crystal all were laid out in readiness. A bottle of wine sat chilling in a silver bucket next to his place. It was a seductive scene straight out of the movies. And even more alluring was the woman dressed in an ivory satin corset and screw me stilettos, leaning over the table to light the candles. Her beautiful ass tempting him to spank it a pretty pink.

Any other man would be creaming in his jeans, but Sam knew what this was. Angel wanted to talk about the past. Oh, she was more than happy to make love as well. But this was definitely a lure-him-into-sexual-craziness-so-she-could-spill-her-guts scene. He flashed back to his thoughts on the stairs.
Yes, all trussed up, flat across the table and awaiting punishment.
He adjusted his cock. Maybe it
time to put the past to rest.

Everyone had told him to let it go. But he had been there. He had seen her sidle up to her father and take his hand at Sam’s arraignment. All she had to do was walk away with him. But she had decided to stay with Daddy. Miraculously, the charges had been dropped and he had been given his freedom, from jail and Angel. He’d thought at the time he’d had a narrow escape from both. As she turned and smiled softly at him, he knew the truth. He would never be free of her. She held his heart. He could only make the best of it.

Shaking off his memories, he grabbed her close. Kissing her lightly, he asked, “What’s all this? The President coming for dinner?”

“No. I thought this might be a nice change from paper plates and pizza.” Angel wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his throat. “Do you like it?”

“Very nice. Hoping to get lucky, are you?” Sam asked as he nibbled at the sensitive spot right above her collarbone. She gasped and brought his head up to meet her lips.

“I’m already lucky. I’ve got you back in my arms.” she whispered against his lips. She kissed him passionately.

Sam’s mind immediately conjured up images of Angel lying naked on the table as he lovingly licked the wine from various parts of her silken body. His desire hardened as he scented her arousal. He maneuvered her against the table, lifting her up and stepping between her legs. He smiled as he noticed the front zipper on her corset – so very handy for what he had in mind. As he lowered the zipper, Sam kissed the soft skin he exposed. Angel moaned.

His cell phone rang.

Angel considered throwing the damn phone in the champagne bucket when Sam paused in the act of undressing her. Tonight would be the night that they would lay the old ghosts to rest. She could feel it. She lightly caressed his chest under his shirt, scrunching her fingers playfully into the dark hair as the phone pinged again. She kissed his chin. “Let voice mail get it, baby,” She cuddled closer to him, rubbing against his jeans.

“Uh huh.” He kissed her exposed breasts.

Angel pulled him down on top of her, wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing him nipping at his ear, shoving her hands under his shirt to remove it. His phone clattered onto the table, the caller ID still visible.

“Shit! It’s Jax. I gotta take this, baby.” He reached for the phone as it went to voicemail.

Sam lifted himself off Angel, disentangling her legs from his waist. “He’s one of my SEAL buddies. He wouldn’t call unless he’s got info.” Sam put the phone to his ear.

Something’s going down tonight in Grafton. Right now. I’m at the strip club near the casino. The meeting’s set for seven at the Conservation Department #19 hut...It’s six forty-five now. No way I can get your back, brother. I’ll call Noah for you. Don’t get dead.

“What was that all about?” Angel asked as she zipped her corset back up. Sam watched her with regret. She had looked so lovely displayed on the table for his enjoyment.

“I’m sorry, babe.” He grabbed a roll from the basket as he helped her off the table. “I’ve got to go. Jax overheard something about a deal going down at the Conservation Department hut. I think this may be our guy.” He headed for the back door, Angel hot on his heels.

“Keep the damn door locked. You don’t answer it unless you know who it is.” He kissed her again. “And get the gun from the bedroom. I want it near you at all times.”

“Please be careful. I don’t like the sound of this.” Angel wrapped her arms around him for a quick hug.

“Don’t worry. I’m just going to observe. If it looks dangerous, I’ll call Ben.” Dropping a quick kiss on her lips, he walked out the door.

“Yeah, that’s what you said about the construction offices, and you nearly got yourself killed,” she mumbled as she walked back into the dining room to blow out the candles. “I’m definitely calling Chance.”

After a short conversation where Chance did a lot of cursing, she was back in the living room with a roll and a full bottle of wine. She plopped down in an overstuffed chair. “A loaf of bread, a flask of wine, and thee,” she quoted Fitzgerald as she flipped on the TV. “Gee, what’s wrong with this picture?”


At precisely seven o’clock, Sam crouched down in the brush surrounding the shack that was once part of the Conservation Department checkpoints. Since the flood, most of the shacks had been either torn down or boarded up. No one was allowed access to the buildings, but from what Sam could see, someone had broken in. There was definitely a light of some sort coming through the cracks in the wall. “Seek and ye shall find, you bastard. I’ve got you now.”

Sam looked over his shoulder. He recalled another night he had tried to investigate and had been left for dead. The fire at the construction company still gave him nightmares. He reached into his pocket for his cell and tried Mac’s house. He needed to know this. He got the voicemail. He left a message and prepared to get a bit closer to the hut.

Sam fell back on his ass when the phone was slapped out of his hand. He turned to the intruder only to be kicked in the face with a lug soled boot.

“Fuck! Not again,” he mumbled as he fell back into the river with a splash.

“Fish him out and find out who he was talking to, then kill him.”

Sam awoke to someone punching him in the face. His head was pounding and his lungs hurt. He tried to raise his hands to ward off the blows, but he found they were tied behind his back.

“Well, Sleeping Beauty has decided to join us. Lucky for you the boss wants to speak to you.”

Sam lifted his head, dizzy for a moment. He blinked and tried to focus. When his vision finally cleared, he half wished he’d kept his eyes shut. A huge man with dark stringy hair, even darker eyes, smiled down at him. His breath was rank and so was his body odor. The long black beard had particles of food clinging to it. His smile revealed several rotting teeth while his filthy, sweat stained shirt proclaimed him “King of the Bear Whiz Beer Belly Contest.” Eyeing the wiggling patch of tattooed belly peeking out from the too small shirt, Sam had to agree with the declaration.


Big and Ugly punched him again. “Just to bring some color to your cheeks, pretty boy.” He laughed at his joke then sauntered over to a table cluttered with beer bottles and what looked to be the remains of several meals. He picked up a bottle and drank greedily, sloshing the contents all over himself and his clothes.

Sam turned away in disgust. He looked around the room, hoping for something to help him escape. His stomach curled with dread. He seemed to be in a storeroom but he had no idea where. Crates and barrels were stacked haphazardly against the grimy wall. A few broken bar stools leaned drunkenly against an old pinball machine. The lone light bulb gave off the only illumination and confirmed that the only weapons available were on the table six feet away.

But what scared him the most was the sounds coming from the shadows in the storeroom.

“Hey, pretty boy, I was talking to you,” Big and Ugly slammed the empty beer bottle against Sam’s skull. Pain exploded in his head, but he had seen the arc of the bottle out of his peripheral vision. He managed to close his eyes and turn away from the worst of it. Otherwise the glass could have damaged his eye. As it was, a shard sliced through his eyelid, sending blood pouring down his face.

BOOK: Leather and Lace (Tempered Steel Book 2)
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