Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) (5 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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Chapter 9

Gianni guided her to a Roman-style trattoria, a small Italian restaurant. It looked less formal than some, but the smells were inviting. And Leah was glad to be warm.

Helping her into her seat, Gianni said, “I’ve heard a lot about this place. I thought we’d try it.”

Leah ordered the fettuccini, and Gianni chose the rigatoni. He selected a bottle of Chianti to go with it. They ate freshly baked bread while they waited for their meals.

“I had promised to update you on the Designer’s Edge scam that Vadim is perpetrating,” Gianni said. “And this is probably a good time to fill you in.”

Not inclined to argue, Leah let him tell her all about the counter-ploy his team had come up with, and how it was working out so far. Not only was she interested in the whole affair, and intimately involved, she was flattered that Gianni was including her.

She didn’t have an active role. All she had to do was refrain from giving guidance to Vadim when he proceeded to spend money in ways he shouldn’t. Leah was his coordinator, but he kept a large part of the business from her, anyway. Likely, he wouldn’t even tell her about his acquisitions until it was all over.

After finishing the story, Gianni leaned back and took a sip of wine. “What do you think?”

It wasn’t lost on Leah that this was the first time he had told her the details of the plan. This was progress. “It looks like it’s a very effective strategy. I’m impressed.”

Gianni’s expression became more serious. “Outside of Dawson, Joshua, and me, you are the only person who knows about it.”

“I’m glad that you trust me.”

“Of course I trust you. I have all along. But now that we are this far into it, I don’t think you are at risk. At least, knowing these details doesn’t put you more at risk.”

Leah took a sip of her wine. “Yes, there are more potential consequences over what will happen to Vadim, or even Barrington. He is my employer, after all.”

He reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’ve taken that into consideration. But I didn’t see any other way.”

“There really isn’t.” Leah looked into his gorgeous blue eyes. “I’ll be okay.”

“I’ll take care of you.”

“You don’t need to. It’s my career. I’ll see this through, no matter how it turns out.”

Gianni didn’t disagree, and Leah was glad about that. She didn’t want to fight with him about her independence in the workplace. Looking across at him, so sexy in his soft sweater with his hair windblown, she had other interests.

During the meal, they chatted about the city and what they wanted to see, and shared thoughts on a variety of topics. They were comfortable with each other, and the enjoyment of his company—combined with the anticipation of having him alone in the suite later—aroused Leah.

The gleam in Gianni’s eyes when he looked at her, the way he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles or slid his foot against hers under the table, conveyed his desire. By the time they left, the electricity between them was strong.

The hotel was only a couple of blocks away, and Gianni kept his arm around her the whole way. Once alone in the elevator, he pushed her against the wall and gave her a lip-bruising kiss. His lips were chilled from being outside, and he tasted of wine. The feel of his body on hers made her weak, and she pressed against him.

As soon as the elevator opened, Gianni swept her into the suite, and they shed their coats. Night lights reflected against the windows, casting shadows across the room. Catching his look, Leah forgot to breathe. His blue eyes were dark and stern.

“Take your clothes off and stand by the piano,” he said.

While she made her way there, Gianni watched her like an animal stalking prey, and a finger of anxiety rose in her breast. With his eyes on her the whole time, Leah removed her clothes, one garment at a time. Down to her panties, she delayed, trying to read Gianni’s expression.

“Take off your panties,” he said.

Reaching for the elastic band, she complied. Standing naked, Leah watched Gianni strip off everything but his pants. They hung low on his hips, tempting her to take them off. But she didn’t dare. He walked over to her and ran his fingertips along her jaw.

That she was his was not in question. A simple touch, a command, was all it took. Gianni pulled out the long, padded piano bench. “Sit there,” he said, and turned to go to the bedroom. He wasn’t gone long, and when he returned he held a long rope.

But it wasn’t just any rope. The length of it was studded with tiny rhinestones. They could be diamonds for all Leah knew. The sparkle was dazzling, and the glitter momentarily distracted her. Until she realized what he had in mind.

“I want you on your back,” he said, “with your legs apart.”

The padded bench was much wider than Leah had thought. There was plenty of room for her, and with her head at the top edge, the bench extended to her knees. Emotionless, Gianni arranged her how he wanted her.

With her legs spread, he placed her arms along her sides. Taking his time, Gianni tied her up with the glimmering rope. He secured her ankles to the bench legs, then guided the rope around one thigh, then between her legs.

She could feel the rope press between her outer lips, but he wasn’t done. Gianni wound it up and behind her waist, pulling one swollen lip open. Pulling the rope across the front of her other hip, he managed to thread it between her legs, pulling the other lip open, before securing it around her waist.

There was still plenty of rope, and he tied it around her upper body, circling her breasts and making them more prominent. He finished by securing her wrists to her sides. The expertise with which he executed her bondage told her Gianni had practiced rope-tying.

Leah’s nipples were distended, her breasts swollen, and her clit throbbing. The whole procedure had been sensual foreplay. As she watched him tie her up, touching her most sensitive areas, she verged on climax before he had done anything but secure the rope.

Gianni’s eyes grazed over her, making her tingle from that alone. He seemed pleased with his creation. The low light radiated around her just enough to make the tiny gems sparkle. She looked like a sexual work of art.

With the lips of her sex held apart, she had no buffer, and the ambient air in the room pushed her close to the precipice. Leah licked her lips and tried to maintain some composure. But it was useless. Gianni was in control.

He stood above her. “You look gorgeous.”

Leah didn’t respond, knowing that what came next would be intense. Bound as she was, it had to be. With her watching, Gianni pulled off his pants and briefs in one motion, letting his cock spring free. He was huge and hard. The ritual of rope-tying had affected him, as it had her.

She took the opportunity to drink in his hot body. His muscled chest and strong arms were hard to look away from. But she let her eyes drift down his washboard abs to his narrow waist. At the apex of his lean thighs was a patch of hair she longed to put her fingers in.

His cock had veins bulging along the sides, and seeing the thick head, Leah thought of the times he had allowed her to put her mouth over it. And do much more. His balls were tight underneath, and the sight of his thick shaft gave her the overpowering urge to put her hand around him.

But she couldn’t move.

Gianni knelt between her legs at the end of the bench, and Leah shuddered. She knew that he expected her to hold on, but she wasn’t sure she could. With one finger he teased her nipples until they hurt. And it felt like there was a string between her nipples and her clit.

Each time he touched a nipple, sensation went straight to the little pebble between her legs. She could only imagine how wet she was. Gianni seemed aware of her predicament, and stopped touching her just before she exploded.

“That’s good, baby. You are being patient.”

Leah tried to relax, but she wanted him to touch her clit more than anything. If only he would put pressure there and let her come. She needed the release, and needed it soon.

“You’re not to come,” he said, and her heart fell. “I will bring you close, so close it hurts. But I will stop in time. Tell me you won’t come. I need your assurance.”

His voice was stern, yet the glistening of his eyes betrayed him. Gianni was as turned on as she was. “Tell me.”

Leah struggled to speak, such was her agony. “I…I won’t.”

Gianni placed his palms on her inner thighs. “That’s good, baby.”

Then he leaned down and blew on her sex. With her lips held apart by the rope, every nerve ending came to life. It was intense. One more second, and Leah would come whether she wanted to or not. The stimulation bordered on pain.

Gianni stopped, leaving her clit tight and her core aching. “Good, baby.”

He touched her cheek then ran his fingers down her ribs, which made her tingle from head to toe. Gianni leaned close and blew on her again. Her sex clenched, and Leah willed her body not to come. She felt like she was high on drugs.

Her arousal spiraled up, and she felt giddy. Leah didn’t care what he did to her. She was nothing but need, nothing but craving. Gianni stopped and kissed her inner thighs. Her only focus was on resisting the explosion building inside.

She prayed he would touch her clit and grant her the release she could barely withhold. He ran his finger over her lips, but she couldn’t even move to kiss it. Gianni blew on her once again. Not as long this time.

Twice more he blew on her, and then stopped. The brush of air against her sensitive tissues had her reeling. Then, on his knees, he looked into her eyes. Their gazes locked. “Does it hurt?” he said.

At first, no words came forth. She knew he expected an answer, and, despite the extenuating circumstances, wouldn’t let her get away with just nodding. Pulling from some inner strength she didn’t know she had, Leah said, “It…hurts.”

“I know it does, baby,” he said. “It will make the pleasure more intense. The pain will blend with the pleasure. I’ll be here when you shatter underneath me.”

The tip of his cock touched her wet tissues, and Leah cried out. He couldn’t expect her not to come. When he dipped into her, she felt the stretch. The thickness of his cock slid deeper. It felt so amazing. She trembled, but managed to hold her climax off.

Leah was drunk on the feel of him inside her. She closed her eyes. There was nothing but Gianni, nothing but the feel of his heat splitting her open.

“Open your eyes,” he growled. “I want to look in your eyes when you come apart.”

He was plunged to the hilt, his balls resting against her. She could feel the heat as his cock filled her. Looking into his eyes, she saw such emotion, Leah nearly cried out. With their gazes locked, Gianni said, “How bad does it hurt?”

“V-very bad.”

He was still, but she could feel his cock throb inside her. “You need to come, don’t you?”

“Please,” she gasped.

“Should I let you, baby? Should I give you that pleasure?” He sounded so calm. But she knew it had to be tough on him, too.


Gianni pulled back and stroked into her, fiercely. “Come
, baby.”

He fucked her hard, and tied to the bench as she was, it was insanely good. Gianni was hot, and so damn sexy. And he’d given her permission. She lost track of how many times he stroked into her, or when he sped up.

But as he pounded into her ferociously, Leah shattered. She screamed with release, but her body couldn’t absorb the intensity. The power of it centered in her core, sending her into a climax so strong it threatened to shred her.

At her peak, she felt Gianni stiffen. He moaned in exquisite pleasure and poured his cum into her. His cock pulsed, over and over. As she came down from the height of her orgasm, shivers still shaking her body, he gave her all he had.

The all-consuming release left her limp in its wake, but floating on a cloud of ecstasy. Leah sighed. After a moment, Gianni pulled out of her and quickly undid the rope. He rubbed her wrists and ankles, and, like a rag doll in his arms, she let him.

Gianni lifted her into his arms and carried her to the jade marble tub, where he ran a bath for them. Leah was in a dreamlike state, and let him guide her. Once in the warm water, leaned up against him, she began to relax.

“Are you okay, baby?” he whispered, with his lips against her temple.

She reached up and put her palm on his cheek, unable to lift her head. “I love you,” she said. Gianni stroked her arm, but didn’t reply.


Chapter 10

The vow of love unnerved Gianni, but he didn’t react visibly. Leah had confessed her feelings before, but she didn’t say it often. Somehow, the way she said it after the heated scene pierced through his defenses.

Dominating put Gianni in charge, but not necessarily in control of deep emotions. That was something a man couldn’t control. He had learned that long ago. And admonishing Leah that the emotion was to be expected when such an intense scene played out did nothing to change her mind.

He knew when Leah said she loved him that she meant it. But he had nothing in return. Except worry and concern. Gianni knew from an experience he couldn’t forget how potent the feeling of love could be. Whether real or imagined, it didn’t seem to matter.

His obsession with Leah refused to be quelled, despite the dangers. One of the greatest dangers was the deepening of her love. Gianni could feel it, yet he couldn’t turn away from pushing her to new limits. The way she responded to him was an addiction he couldn’t get enough of.

To her credit, Leah didn’t corner him. Her words had hung in the air, and Gianni hadn’t been able to think of an appropriate response. She had just snuggled closer to him in the water, satisfied that she had said it, and already knowing he wouldn’t respond in kind.

The evening flowed into something gentler. He had pushed her enough for one night. Tender and close, they had spent the late hours caressing, which lead to another orgasm. One less intense, but no less pleasurable.

The weekend was a getaway they both needed. Neither discussed
, though Gianni couldn’t push it from his mind. He was more reserved for the rest of their stay, and was sure Leah noticed. But she didn’t bring it up.

Since Leah hadn’t been to the city before, during the day Gianni took her to the major attractions: Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, with its remarkable collection of impressionist art. He had been before, but sharing it with her was better.

None of the restaurants they tried disappointed. And one evening they spent some time in one of the nightclubs. But Gianni most looked forward to having Leah to himself, alone in the luxurious suite. And she clearly felt the same.

By the time they drove back late Sunday, something had changed. It was subtle, but Gianni could feel it. The change wasn’t so much in Leah as in him. Although the heated sex of the weekend had affected her too.

If only he could have put a name to it, Gianni might have been able to express how he felt to Leah. But he couldn’t define it. Yet he wasn’t the same man he had been before the trip. He was closer to her, and, though he was reluctant to admit it, more attached.

Leah was quiet on the way back. She looked content, so Gianni just let her enjoy the drive and take in the scenery. Watching her, with her long brown hair flowing over her shoulders, and her voluptuous figure, he got hard.

No matter how much he had her, Gianni wanted more. He was tempted to ask her to unbutton her blouse and unclasp her bra, so he could see her bare breasts. The urge to see her naked beauty against the backdrop of the red leather seats haunted him.

But he didn’t command her to do it. Being rattled by the changes in their relationship, Gianni decided to cool it a little. He needed to think things through. He was supposed to be
to open up to her, but he was at a loss as to exactly how to do that.

Yet she was patient. Gianni glanced over many times during the trip to drink in her loveliness. If only she knew how sensual she was. Maybe she was figuring it out. After all, he had told her enough times, and shown her in every way he could.

When they stopped for something to drink, Leah sat pressed up against him. Reluctant to go home, it was obvious that she savored the last of their time away. Then he remembered his brother’s text.

“I heard from my brother Jacob last week,” he said.

Leah looked up. “Oh, any news?”

“Just the normal stuff, with the family and all.”

She sipped her tea and continued to look at him. “Glad to hear everything is okay.”

For some reason, Gianni’s heart raced. But he asked anyway. “Thanksgiving is coming up. I don’t always spend it with my family. All of us aren’t always in town, so it’s not expected.” He rubbed his fingers over Leah’s shoulder. “Stephano is in Europe busy with his fashion photography. And my youngest brother, Micah, well…he’s a wild one. We don’t know
he is half the time. But Jacob is going to be home, and my father too. He asked if I could join them.”

Leah smiled. “You should.”

“I’d like you to go with me,” he said.

Clearly she was caught off guard. Gianni could see it in her expression. “You do?”

“Of course I do. Unless you will be with your family, which I would understand.”

She shook her head. “No, not this year. Jena is still in Greece. Aubrey will be there. But I haven’t gone home every year. When I was in school it didn’t always work out.”

Gianni didn’t know why he was nervous. “So you will go with me?”

Leah touched his thigh. “I would love to.” She smiled. “I’ll be taking a long weekend to visit my family before the holiday. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my mother. I’m looking forward to going home. But I will be free on Thanksgiving.”

Contentment settled over Gianni, and he decided he was really losing it. He was close to his family, and it would be good to see them. The confirmation that Leah would go with him made him happy in a way he was unfamiliar with.

Gianni hugged her. “I think you’ll like my family. You already know Daniela. She will be there.”

“Oh, good. At least I will know someone. And your sister is so nice. I hope the rest of your family likes me.”

“How could they not?”

Leah rested her head on his shoulder, making him want to stay longer at the tiny café. He considered having her spend the night at his condo, instead of taking her home. But that wouldn’t do. They needed time apart. The relationship was heating up enough as it was.


In the quiet of her bed that night, Leah hugged her pillow to her chest, cherishing the memories of being with Gianni all weekend. He had been bold, tender, and even sweet. But the things he’d done lit a fire inside her.

Then he had asked her to attend a family dinner with him. That had thrown her off. In many ways, he remained distant, although in the bedroom he didn’t hold back. Pain and pleasure he understood. Sensation combined with the heady feeling of submission was hers when she was in his arms.

It was difficult not to read too much into his Thanksgiving invitation. She wondered if he had brought other women home for the holiday. It was something she would have to ask. Trepidation about the tenuous nature of her relationship with Gianni kept her awake.

So she turned the light on and took time to write in her journal.

Gianni knows I love him. More than once I’ve told him. Yet his heart remains unavailable. But I shouldn’t complain. We had a wonderful weekend together. If I wrote down the things we did, the ink would burn right off the page.

And he can be so romantic and caring. I couldn’t believe he offered to help my mother if she needed it. The generosity is beyond comprehension. But I feel like I am living a dream, and one morning I’ll wake up to find it all gone.

I’m in a bubble, protected by Gianni, and included in his life. He is even sharing more with me. But will it last? I have no assurance. I suppose no woman does. But if he said that he loved me, I would feel more secure.

There is no bond between us, except sex, which we both crave. I sometimes feel like a woman in a desert being offered a drink of water. Gianni’s sex scenes take me to new places, and satisfy in a deep way that I hadn’t imagined existed.

I’d wished for it and dreamed about it. For years I wrote fantasies about such things. But having now experienced them, the real thing is so much better than I knew. It’s an elixir of pleasure that I have great capacity for.

Partaking of it is so amazing that it only serves to make me want more. Maybe that should be enough. Gianni says he is greedy, but I am just as greedy as he. The intimate scenes are not enough for me. I want the heart of the man who gives me such immense pleasure.

I want to hear the words. I long for the day when Gianni tells me that he loves me. Sometimes I think maybe he does, but cannot admit it. Why that is, I’m not sure. Over the weekend I was tempted to pry the past from him.

There is something he holds close to the chest, something he has not yet shared. I think it has to do with a woman. That’s my intuition about it. And I want to ask, but I don’t think he is quite ready to tell me. It must be pretty bad for him to be unwilling to bring it to light.


Leah did fly to Portland to visit her family a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. The instant she saw the Victorian-style home, with its neatly trimmed lawn and stone steps, her lingering homesickness dissolved. It was so different from New York. And although she loved the city and her new life, this was home.

It was so great to see her family, and her mother looked healthy. There was no sign of the cancer coming back, and the doctor had told her not to worry about the two-year check. He seemed confident. At least, that was what her mother told her. Her dad took a day off just to be able to spend time with her, which was rare for him. The bakery required long hours, and few days off. He filled her in on all the changes, some renovations he had done, new baked goods he carried, and told stories about customers that had them both cracking up.

She spent hours talking with her mother, telling her all about her job and the places she had recently traveled. Leah skipped over anything distressing, and omitted telling her about Vadim’s underhanded tactics. Her mother didn’t need to hear about all of that.

Aubrey told her very little about her new boyfriend, and Leah wasn’t sure why she was tight-lipped about it. Clearly her youngest sister was taken with Chace Nicols, the new love of her life. But it was not something she was ready to share.

On the other hand, Leah talked for some time about Gianni. Her sister knew all about the relationship, and was overawed about the places he had taken Leah.

“I can’t imagine dating a man that wealthy,” Aubrey said.

“It’s not really how you’d think. He doesn’t act like he has money.” Leah considered how to phrase it. “It’s just that he can take me places, and buy gifts if he wants to. He even offered to help Mom with her medical issues, if that was needed.”

“That’s awfully good of him.”

“I agree. It goes beyond anything I’d expect.” She was thoughtful for a moment. “It’s as though he uses his money as a means to help. He donates to charities, and he uses it in many ways to please me. He isn’t all about self-gratification. Does that make sense?”

Aubrey nodded. Her blond hair was up in a loose ponytail, and when she moved her head it swayed back and forth. Her blue eyes reflected understanding, and Leah felt good having her to talk to. “I do get that. I haven’t known anyone that is rich, but it’s so good you found a man that isn’t greedy.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that.” Leah’s cheeks warmed. “We seem to be inseparable, and when we are alone…it’s hot.”

Aubrey giggled. “I can tell by the look on your face.”

“But I don’t know if he loves me.”

“It seems like he does.”

“I mean
loves me
, for real,” Leah said. “He wants me, and I’m glad he does. But love is different. You know. You’re in love.”

Her sister blushed.

“So you know what I mean.” Leah shook her head. “I just don’t know how it’s going to work. I love him more every day.” She smiled. “I miss him right now, and wish he could have come with me.”

“If you love him, it will work out.”

“I have to believe that, but I don’t know,” Leah said. “The more my love grows, the more I worry I’ll scare him off. It’s not easy for me to play down my feelings. And everything he does just makes me love him more.”

Aubrey nodded sympathetically.

Leah shook her head. “I’m a mess.”

They both laughed.

“But I’m so happy you came to visit,” her sister said, “because I miss our talks.”

Reaching over, Leah gave her a hug. “Me too. I’ll have to call more often. That’s all there is to it.”


BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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