Read Laying Claim to the Soul Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #ménage, #aliens, #erotic romance, #demons, #shape shifters, #wedding, #dragons

Laying Claim to the Soul (9 page)

BOOK: Laying Claim to the Soul
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In two strides he was next to her, his long index finger tipped her chin up to stare into his gaze. “I’ll always tell you what I can. Never be afraid to ask, small one. If I can’t tell you, I’ll tell you so.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Now go on, and I’ll be waiting here for you.” He pushed her towards the door with a swat. “We’ll wait in the kitchen for you. I have crackers and ginger ale for you.”

“Oh and Tabby, we’re here if you want to talk.”

Tabatha grabbed the doorknob, and turned it. “How about some ice cream? I could go for some Double Chocolate chip, please,” she smiled. “It would be nice to just sit back, and relax tonight.”

“It’s done, my beauty.” His voice slid down her body, comforting her. She smiled and opened the door, walking into the hallway. Before she could walk to the bathroom, her old bedroom door opened up, and Melody stood in the shadows. She glanced down the hallway towards the living room.

“Is it really you? You’re not dead?” she whispered pulling her into her arms crying, just holding onto her. “I didn’t know what to do, Tabby. I need to talk to you,” she whispered and grabbed her arm, dragging her into the bedroom. The room was dark, but Tabatha could see the outline of Melody’s body as she shut the door.

Melody turned and faced her.

“What the hell happened?” Tabatha stepped up and pushed Melody’s hair away from her face. Her left eye was swollen shut, and her nose was swollen and red. She had lost weight too.

Tears fell down Melody’s face in a steady stream. “I don’t know what happened. Once you disappeared, Ben started celebrating, almost. He didn’t let Hoyt or Chax see it, but I did. I got mad and his personality was so different, scary, but I didn’t want to cause trouble. When he found out you were coming back…,” she gulped out.

“One minute Ben and I were making love, and he just went nuts. Shane was out on patrol, he hasn’t seen me. God Tabby, if he sees what Ben has done, he’ll kill him,” she cried.

“I’m so sorry to dump this on you, but I didn’t know who else to talk to. Shane has been pulling away from Ben lately, and Ben is like a different person, so moody. When Shane brought me back from our small trip, I thought things would be better, that he’d be happy to see me. That we could celebrate your being alive. I was so wrong.” Melody rambled on, crying.

Tabatha pulled Melody further into the room and down on the bed. “I don’t know what to say. Ben has never in his life raised a hand to us.”

Melody stared down at her hands. “I was afraid to come to you, Tabby. I mean he’s your brother, and I love him and you. But I don’t know what to do. I had nowhere to go,” her voice trembled.

Tabatha grabbed her hands. “First, never doubt coming to me. No matter what happens to my brother, you are my sister, and I’m here for you. Yes, this hurts because he’s my brother, but that doesn’t matter. No man has the right to do this. Think of Shannon and all she’s gone through.”

Tabatha called out on her personal connection with her mates. 
Hoyt, Chax I need you. I’m in my old bedroom with Melody. Please come alone, don’t say anything to Shane or Ben.

Are you okay Tabby? Do you need me?
Wol-itelm asked feeling his worry.

She knew he now rested on her breast again, his warm presence reassured her. 
No, it’s a pack matter. Just another disappointment, Wol-itelm.

Well, I’ll have the ice cream all ready for you when you’re done. Maybe a little walk outside?

“Really? You’d allow that?” she asked hoping.

“Yes, Tabatha. I’ll be with you so nothing will happen.”

Tabatha shook her head, and smiled at Melody. “Mates. Hoyt and Chax are coming, Melody. I’ve told them to tell no one, until we figure out what is going on. But I do believe we need to let Shane know, sweetie. He adores you and he would be very hurt that you were afraid to come to him.”

A small tap on the door interrupted them. Melody jumped up, and looked at her. “It’s okay Mel, it’s only Chax and Hoyt.”

Tabatha got up and hugged Melody, as Chax and Hoyt came into the room. She stepped away from Melody, and looked behind her at Hoyt.

He and Chax sucked in their breaths. “Who hurt you, Melody? Does Shane know? No, never mind. If he knew, he’d be hunting,” Hoyt snapped.

“It was Ben, Hoyt.” Tabatha shook her head.

“I don’t know what’s going on anymore. It’s like he’s not Ben. He’s a totally different person.” She looked at Melody and grabbed her hand.

“We need to call Shane in here. Why don’t the two of you use this room for now, and that way I’ll be here, if you need me, Melody?”

She nodded, and sat back down on the bed. “Will you stay with me until Shane comes?” Tabatha sat down next to Melody.

“I’m not going anywhere, lady. Just try and get rid of me. Hoyt, could you get some ice for her?” Tabatha looked up at a furious wolf man.

He nodded and left.

“I’ll get Shane, he’s on the far side of the property and I’ll have one of my brothers take his shift for the rest of the day.” Chax leaned down and kissed Tabby on the cheek, resting his hand on her belly, before disappearing.


Chapter Twelve


With big bowl of ice cream in one hand and glass of ginger ale in the other, Tabatha made her way out onto the deck and curled up out on the balcony. She had been assured by Wol-itelm and his friend that looked like the most perfect mobster that she was safe.

One thing she had always loved was to sit outside on her deck with a blanket curled around her and a good book. “Momma, I miss you so much,” she whispered, taking a drink of her pop. The thought of carrying two little babies scared the crap out of her. Oh, she couldn’t wait to have them in her arms, but she had little enough time with her men as it was. They were always out doing things for the pack, or other people, and that was great, but right now she sat alone because of her asshole brother. Tabatha frowned. He wasn’t the same boy he’d been when they were kids, that’s for sure.

She looked down at her belly and smiled. “I guess you two will get to hear your momma whine for the next 12 months.” Tabatha ran her hand over belly. “Hoyt’s and Chax’s babies.”

“What are you doing sitting out here by yourself? Does Chax know?” Furfur asked, moving to the chair next to her.

“Yes, all three of them know. They are helping Shane and Melody get settled into my old room. I’d feel safer if they stayed here with my brother acting abnormal or hell, but maybe he was always like this and I never saw it.” She shook her head before laying it back on the chair.

“Have you ever felt as if all of this was a dream? You know, your life?” She looked over at Chax’s brother and he snorted.

“Most of my life would be considered at nightmare, but I see where you are coming from. You still have part of the drug in your system that put you to sleep too. So I’m sure that isn’t helping. Wol-itelm is furious about that. The king of that place is scrambling, because all of Wol-itelm’s buddies are debating on whether or not to destroy the planet.”

“What?” She slammed her bowl of ice cream down and jumped up, stomping into the kitchen where Wol-itelm was talking with his friend. He glanced up, smiling at her, holding his hand out to her.

She glared at it and crossed her arms. “What the hell do you two think you are doing? Don’t you know there are innocent people on that planet? You’d kill off thousands just because of one man. Are you dense?” Tabatha screamed the last part. “That would be like me killing off Hoyt’s pack because of what those few women did when I first met them. I will not have that on my damn head!” Tabatha said and spun around to leave the room, but Wol-itelm wrapped his arm around her waist, halting her progress.

“Didn’t I tell you she had a huge heart?” Wol-itelm nipped the side of her neck. “But she must learn not to interrupt. To ease your mind, rest assured innocent people will not be killed, little momma.” He smacked her ass. “Now go and finish that ice cream. When I’m done, we’ll go for that walk you are craving.”

Going to the entrance way to the living room, Tabatha glanced over her shoulder at him. “Please, don’t let them do anything that radical. Look at all we have been through because I’m different. It’s not their fault there are a few assholes.” With that she turned and walked out of the kitchen, but not before she heard Therbelenth say. “Your mate is perfect for you. She has just enough sass to keep you busy.” He laughed and she snorted, heading out on the porch where Furfur still sat.

“I have to say you have some balls, dear sister. You do realize who you were yelling at, right?” Furfur asked as she sat down and took a bite of her ice cream.

“It doesn’t matter. I’d yell at your boss if I had too,” she smiled. “I did laugh at him that one time.”

Chax’s brother turned his head and the expression on his face was comical, to say the least.

“Oh, okay I remember that, but he likes you for some reason.” Furfur said.

“Well thanks a lot, brother of mine. You don’t like me?” She took her spoon and flung chocolate ice cream at him just when he turned his head towards her. The blob of ice cream hit him right below the left eye.

The shocked expression on his face and the ice cream running down his cheek was too much. Tabatha busted out laughing. She laughed so hard tears rolled down her face.

“I so wish I had a camera,” Tabatha said as Wol-itelm came out onto the deck, followed by Chax and Hoyt.

“What’s so funny…damn brother, if you like ice cream so much use a spoon,” Chax teased.

“Funny, real funny. I owe you one, sister,” Furfur got up from his chair and started to head inside, but Tabatha had seen the smile on his face.

She got up and went to him, touching his shoulder. He turned and looked down at her, the ice cream melting. “Thank you. I needed that more then you know.”

Tabatha wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re here, all of you. Even your pain in the ass brother, Nicor.” She stepped back and grinned. “But that is okay, because I’ve decided to help Nicor. What he needs is a mate and I have the perfect person in mind for him.”

Furfur stared down at her for a few seconds, before he started laughing. “I’m so going to love watching this. Consider this your free shot.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek, earning a growl from Chax

“Back off brother,” he growled and pulled her back into his arms.

“Stop!” As Tabitha turned around and looked up at him, she slapped Chax’s chest. “Did you find him?”

Chax shook his head. “No baby, I’m sorry. He disappeared again, but we’ll find him soon enough. I believe Wol-itelm is taking you on a walk?” He leaned down, kissing her lips softly. “I missed your laugh, little girl. Go, while Hoyt and I get somethings cleaned up that we let go while you were gone. Oh, the doctor gave Melody something to help her sleep. Shane will stay with her for the night.”

“Good, she looked so tired. I’ll make my special cinnamon buns tomorrow morning for her and we can have coffee on the porch, and talk. I wish Shannon was here. It would help a lot.”

Wol-itelm held out his hand to her and she took it. Hoyt kissed the top of her head and whispered. “Welcome back baby.”




“Why are you allowing everyone to see you now out here in the open?” Tabatha asked as they stepped off the porch and headed down the worn path she often used to go up to lookout point. “God, I missed this,” she took a deep breath, closing her eyes just a little.

“Many won’t know who I am among Hoyt’s pack, but I’m done hiding. I have a confession to make. I had brought up to Hoyt and Chax that they should act like they had broken it off with you, but both men refused. That was the afternoon you disappeared.” Wol-itelm turned and pulled her into his body.

She only came up to his shoulders, medium height for a human female, but small and precious to him. “I will not hold back anymore. In doing so, we could have lost you. It’s not going to happen again. I need you tonight, my little human.” Wol-itelm leaned down and nibbled at the side of her neck, taking in her scent and everything that was Tabatha.

Kissing his chest, Tabatha looked up at him. “Tell me about yourself. Your parents, where are you from? Were you born to be an Anasazi?” she took his hand and lead him up the trail further.

“No, no one knows who will be chosen to be an Anasazi. I didn’t know till I was well into my prime. On my planet, we live about 300 to 400 years.” He looked up. “My parents and most of my family are gone now. You three plus a few friends are about it.”

Tabatha stopped and stared up at him. “I’m so, so sorry. That really sucks. Well, now you will have the family and we will be here with you always. Will you keep the house where the others live, where I saw you?”

“Yes, I will still have to go there. Now that you are my mates, you will be able to go with me if you would like to. So where are you taking me too?” he asked.

“There is this special place I used to go to when I was angry. I’d come up here and just sit on the boulder looking down onto the valley. It was always so peaceful. There was even an eagles’ nest up there one year, but someone killed them.” She tilted her head and sighed. “I never cried so hard that summer when I found them dead, cut into pieces. My father was furious and wouldn’t allow me to come up here for a long time.” Tabatha raised his hand and kissed it, holding it against her chest.

“Sometimes when I come here lately, I can hear my mom. She’d bring up here and we’d have a picnic sometimes when we…” she stopped walking and frowned. “There was another place we went to.”

“I know what to look for tomorrow. I can picture the place she took me to, but I wouldn’t be able to go there without some kind of map. Unless, she left a note or something.” Tabatha began to walk again towards the right path. She spun around and jumped up and down. “I know where it would be!”

Tabatha started to run up the hill, but Wol-itelm pulled her back to his side. “We will make it up there, just calm down, my little woman.”

It was if a light turned on in her eyes when she jumped in front of him. “I showed my mom my hiding place the last time we were up here, maybe she left something for me, but…” Tabatha’s face fell and moved next to him again leaning against him. “She was murdered. There was no time for her to leave me anything. I forgot for a minute there.”

BOOK: Laying Claim to the Soul
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