Read Lawyers In Love: Bittersweet Homecoming Online

Authors: Ann Jacobs

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

Lawyers In Love: Bittersweet Homecoming (10 page)

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“You’re doing great. All I need to come is your big, hard cock in my pussy. Everything else is gravy. Oh, yesss,” she whimpered as she raised up and impaled herself on him once again. “You found my G-spot.”

Her cunt clenched and spasmed around his cock, and her cream flowed, soaking his balls. When she clamped her teeth into his shoulder, his control slipped. Clutching her ass cheeks, he held her to him and shot his load, jet after jet of scalding semen. Useless except for the release it brought.

As he held Andi, both of them trembling in the aftermath of climax, Gray wondered why whenever he came, he regretted his sterility—when it rarely crossed his mind at other times.



Chapter Six


Andi had felt Gray’s mental withdrawal almost as soon as they came off the simultaneous orgasms that left both of them drained—her emotionally as well as physically. Damn it, there had to be a way she could help him get back his confidence—make him believe the truth: that she found him as hot, as sexy, and as desirable now as she ever had.

While he’d struggled to put his pants back on, Gray had been close to apologetic for having given her as mind-bending a climax as she’d ever had. Afterward when they met Sandra, Rocky, Kristine and Tony at Bern’s for dinner, he hardly said a word. If it hadn’t been for the others arguing over whether they should take a weekend honeymoon cruise aboard Rocky’s
Neptune’s Dungeon
or Tony’s smaller but more luxurious
Miss Trial
, Andi imagined the only sounds at their table would have been the requisite oohs and ahs over the five-star restaurant’s trademark steaks.

“So what’s it going to be?” Tony asked after the waiter had cleared the table. “Luxury or the pleasure palace everybody who’s ever been there whispers about?”

Andi wasn’t going to make that choice. “Gray?”

“We’d better stay on dry land, guys. Andi’s scared of the water.”

Rocky shot Sandra a knowing grin. “Sandy and I have plenty of fun aboard the
without even leaving the dock. It’s a good escape from Rocky Junior, and we’re still close by enough to get to him if he needs us.”

Andi had heard rumors—stories that
Neptune’s Dungeon
was just that, an imaginatively equipped BDSM playground for the highly respected chief of detectives and her ex-boss, who apparently wasn’t quite as tightly wound up as she’d always seemed at work. Maybe…

No. Though Gray had definitely been a sexual dominant eight years ago, he hadn’t given her any indication he was into leather and chains, or even especially enamored of any but the most basic sorts of sex toys. Besides, a dom/submissive relationship was a lot more emotional than physical—and she had no desire to place emphasis on the physical acts they could and couldn’t perform. Gray did that enough for both of them.

Relying on slings and dungeon toys to enhance their pleasure would only play up to Gray’s belief that he somehow was less a man than he’d been before his injuries. If only she could persuade him it made her incredibly hot and wet to know he wanted her to straddle him and fuck him while he enjoyed her breasts…that she loved knowing her lace-topped thigh-highs turned him on. Those stockings hugged her thighs now, reminding her how good it had felt to impale herself on his huge, hard cock. Andi let out an audible sigh.

“Thanks, guys, but I think we’ll opt for a long weekend at Gray’s condo on the beach,” she said, mentally sorting through sex scenarios where Gray could feel he was in control. “All right, Gray?”

He squeezed her hand, as if grateful she’d saved him the chore of turning down their friends’ kind offers. “Sure. That’s fine with me.”

“Who’s taking care of Brett?” Kristine asked.

“My brother Joe and his wife. I’d have asked you, but—”

“Our little guy could come along just about any minute,” Tony concluded for her, laughing.

Rocky grinned. “Just wait. You won’t get any sleep for months if he’s like Junior. “

“I don’t care. I’m grooming Gray to take on some of my trial load so I’ll have more time for Krissie and the baby.”

Suddenly Gray’s face contorted, as though he were in pain.

“Gray?” Andi murmured. “What’s wrong?”

“A cramp. It’s all right now,” he said, his tone not encouraging more questions.

A few minutes later, as they made their way to Gray’s car, he asked, “Why did you arrange to leave Brett with your brother?”

Furious that he’d even asked, Andi slid behind the wheel and stuck the key in the ignition. When Gray closed the passenger door, she looked at him.

“You may be marrying me to give our son a complete family, but believe me, I expect a honeymoon to remember. Translate that to sex, fun and games all day and all night for at least the three days before we have to settle down in our jobs and your house. Honeymoons and seven-year-old kids don’t mix. Not in my book. For three whole days, whether you like it or not, your cock’s going to be my cock.”

“Andi, you don’t have to pretend you like what precious little I can do for you now.”

“Who’s pretending?”

His wry laugh filled the generous space inside the big car. “You are, baby, if you’ve deceived yourself into believing life with me’s going to be one long happy fuckfest.”

“You seem to manage fucking just fine. Besides, there are other things we can do that will make us both feel good. Or are you so damned determined to dwell on what you can’t do to consider what you can? No, don’t answer that, because I’m going to use those three days to show you, and I don’t need our son underfoot.”

The purr of the car’s powerful engine when she turned the key in the ignition cut off Gray’s protest.


* * * * *

None of the arguments Gray had proffered changed Andi’s mind. Now, on Friday afternoon after the docket had been cleared, he sat next to Tony behind the defense table in Judge Carlson’s courtroom, waiting not for a trial to commence but for a wedding to begin. His wedding. Not what Mother would have wanted, but the scene worked fine for him. Thank God Andi hadn’t opted for pomp and circumstance and a reception for a thousand at the yacht club.

He hadn’t had to drag himself to an altar or stand on unsteady feet in front of an army of guests while a dozen bridesmaids preceded his blushing bride down a red-carpeted aisle. And no one would gawk at his painful progress afterward, when he’d walk Andi outside not to a limo but to his specially equipped sedan. Something, indeed, for which he could be grateful.

Too bad they weren’t alone with the requisite two witnesses. Winston Roe’s criminal division had come out in force, and Gray noticed a good many of Andi’s coworkers drifting in. Probably had late court appearances, Gray imagined, noting that Hank Ehlers, Tony’s personal assistant, was just getting here from the arraignments he’d been handling for the firm earlier this afternoon.

Gray’s breath caught when he saw Andi come in with Brett and her brother Joe. Jesus, she deserved a whole man if any woman did. For a minute he felt guilty for consigning her to living with him, for playing on her love for their son.

Hell, it was her own fault she was marrying him. She sure as fuck shouldn’t be harboring any illusions. Not now, after he’d sat her down and explained in more detail than she’d wanted to hear—hell, more detail than he’d needed to know but the docs had told him anyhow—about his injuries and his prognosis.

And here she was, looking too damn good for a cripple like him, with a bright smile on her lips and the prettiest handful of pastel colored flowers he’d ever seen clutched in her hands. He groaned. Damn it, he hadn’t even thought to order her a bouquet.

“Who…? Damn it, I should have remembered.” Gray didn’t like the idea that somebody else had thought of a detail he should have taken care of, himself.

“I had Michelle take care of sending her flowers, turkey,” Tony said. “Figured you’d forget about them.”

“Thanks.” He’d have to remember to do something nice for Tony’s secretary next week.

Gray’s eye focused on his bride: the slender, sexy as hell redhead who’d figured in his futile fantasies…who’d given him a son and offered him a future he’d never dared to imagine since glimpsing himself in a mirror once he got back to civilization. Her pale green suit hit her gorgeous legs mid-thigh, and the neckline of the jacket dipped low enough to give him a tantalizing view of the inner curves of her firm breasts.

And a glimpse of pale green lace. His cock twitched. Why was it, he wondered, that it hadn’t gotten the message that this marriage was for his son, not his gonads?

The words they exchanged were simple. Yes, he took her for better or worse. She took him in sickness and in health, a vow that should have scared her shitless but apparently didn’t. The kiss that sealed the vows they’d made left him shaking, the imprint of her soft, sensual lips not only on his mouth but in his soul.

His mind on overload, Gray greeted the friends who’d come to share the moment and offer good wishes…but all he could think about was the three days stretching out in front of him. Two long days and three interminable nights when his bride had vowed they’d devote twenty-four/seven to sexual fun and games.

An eternity during which she’d learn the hard way just how little he could do other than lie on his back and let her fuck him. Once they’d taken leave of their friends, Andi snuggled up beside him in the car and rested her hand suggestively on his crotch. A tear tickled his cheek as it made its way from his eye to his stubbled jaw.

Her brash declaration, “Your cock is my cock,” rang in his ears as he drove over the causeway to the condo where this whole thing had begun eight years ago.


* * * * *

The silence that hung between them in Gray’s condo was driving Andi quietly insane despite the sensual sounds of background music that surrounded them from all directions. After setting the basket of sex toys she’d bought on a table beside an overstuffed chair, she fished out several fat, fragrant candles and set them on the mantel.

She met Gray’s questioning gaze. “Tell me what you want.”

“Baby, this cozy honeymoon was your idea. You tell me.” Gray stood, his arm muscles bulging when he leaned on his forearm crutches. So far all he’d done was sink onto the sofa in front of a window that overlooked the Gulf, take off his jacket, loosen his tie, and fold back the sleeves of his pale-blue shirt. Now, though, he began a painfully slow trek across the living room floor.

“I want you to tell me what turns you on,” Andi said when he stopped and looked at her with what she hoped was longing…passion…desire for more than a physical release.

“You. Your pretty face. Your soft, soft skin. The elusive bit of lace inside your suit jacket that shows when you move in just the right direction. The curve of your ass and the dip of your waistline where a man could lift you up and…” His brows knit together, and the look on his face bespoke pure pain. “…hell, Andi, you got yourself one lousy bargain. I couldn’t carry you over the threshold if I tried.”

She wanted to throttle him for spoiling the mood with his self-pity, but she gritted her teeth and let the remark pass. When she spoke, she used a deliberately seductive tone. “Do you want to see more of this?” She unbuttoned the top button of her suit jacket to reveal more of the lace demi-bra he’d mentioned, pasting on what she hoped would pass for a sexy come-on-to-me smile.

He groaned, but his gaze held steady on her fingers as she loosened another button, then a third one. When the jacket fell open, his moan was unmistakable. “Yeah, baby. I want to see it all.”

“Then tell me. Damn it, tell me what to do.” If only he could get it through his thick head that he could turn her on as much with words as with action.

“Get rid of the jacket.” He sat, not on the sofa where they’d fucked the first time, but on a matching overstuffed chair. His crutches clattered to the floor, the sound muted by the thick, plush carpeting. “Give me a show I’ll remember when this is over and done. Be my own private stripper.”

His self-deprecating grin took the edge off. Andi chose to interpret it as the first sign that the Alpha male in him was rising up to fight the feelings of inadequacy that now lay at the forefront of his personality. “Yes, Master.” Only half teasing, she let the jacket slide down her arms and onto the floor on top of one of his crutch tips. “Help me here. What next?”

“The skirt. Unzip it slow and easy. Make me wait to see what’s underneath. Think about how hard I’m getting, just visualizing your pretty pussy. Are you getting wet, creaming that lacy green thong I bet matches your bra?”

She was now. Listening to him tell her what he wanted in that deep, mellow voice had her nipples hard and aching, her honey flowing. The thin strip of silk and lace that chafed her slit was sopping wet. Her fingers trembling, Andi unfastened her skirt and let down the zipper inch by inch. A little shimmy of her hips to the rhythm of a slow, sensual jazz piece on the stereo sent the silk shantung fabric slithering down her thighs and calves.

Gray’s sharp intake of breath hinted that he liked the garter belt she’d bought to match the bra and thong. A lot. “You shaved your pussy.”

“I promised I would.” She ran a finger under the sheer silk thong, pulled it aside to give him a better view of her pale, smooth mound that she’d had it waxed at a salon the day before yesterday for his pleasure. Andi glanced at his lap, smiled at the impressive bulge pressing against the lightweight wool of his suit pants. “Will you help me keep it smooth?”

“Oh, yeah, baby. Slide that soaked thong down your gorgeous legs and turn around. Show me your round, firm ass. Think about me putting my cock there. Or in your pussy. Imagine me ramming it down your throat. Picture me coming in you, spurting until you think it’s never going to stop.”

“Yesss. Whatever you want.” Incredibly aroused at his soft-spoken order, Andi turned. Wanting to give him a show he’d never forget, she braced her feet apart—far enough apart that when she bent over, Gray couldn’t help getting a good look at her silky, dripping slit. Her mouth watered at the thought of taking his huge, pulsating cock and sucking him dry…having him invade every orifice, plunder every square inch of her body with his hands and mouth and…

BOOK: Lawyers In Love: Bittersweet Homecoming
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