Read Last Chance Online

Authors: A. L. Wood

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Last Chance (8 page)

BOOK: Last Chance
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Chapter 14


She has been out of the hospital for almost nine weeks now. I have heard from Liam a total of ten times, and I am getting damned sick of it. I made it clear to him that Minx was mine, and I know he received the message loud and clear.

One thing I don’t understand is why he told me to back off
, that day in the hospital when we walked out into the hallway to talk. The topic he wanted to bring up was that I should stay my distance. That he was questioning my intentions toward her. He believes them to be less than honorable, and honestly my past isn’t giving me any gleaming recommendations.

I wanted to argue back with him. Fight for her. Tell him that he had to take a step back away from my Minx. That she was mine
, that she had already been mine. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell him what transpired between us back in New York. It wasn’t my place to share that with anyone, especially when she and I haven’t even discussed it.

I know she must be hurt
, because she believes I had the trashy bartender after what she and I had shared. I just need time alone with her to make her understand that what she saw or thinks she saw, is as far from the truth as it could get.

I have tempo
rarily sat down roots in Boston. I leased a house that has the option to buy, and it’s in a decent neighborhood in downtown Boston, very close to the Boston Harbor. As long as I am near water, I can find myself feeling like its home.

I am
strongly considering making it permanent. If by chance I do win Natalie over, having my own place will be a good thing. Liam not answering my calls or messages though isn’t going to help my case. I feel like he’s hiding her. That he wants her for himself. And if that is true I might have to punch Liam again. For the second time in our lives.

The water has turned cold and my fingers are pruned, after having been in the shower for close to an hour. I turn the water off and step out of the shower. I
take my towel from the ring holder and run it through my hair. Then I dry off my entire body and throw the now dirty towel in the hamper. I dress quickly in jeans and a tee-shirt.

I woke up early
, so I would have time to linger under the hot spray from the shower. Today is Natalie’s appointment with her counselor. See, I have been what I term investigating. Since Liam won’t reply to my calls, I have been forced to conduct stake-outs. I don’t have Layla’s number and Natalie’s has changed, so I had no other choice.

I attacked the college campus in search of someone, anyone who knew Layla or Natalie
, so I could get their address. I paid some Joe Schmo kindly for it. Every day I have been sitting outside the complex in my rental car. Luckily the guy didn’t fraud me just for the quick cash.

I have seen Layla come and go
, to work I presume. No sign of Natalie or Liam, but I guessed they were just staying upheld in the apartment together; another thing that infuriates me. Just more reason to knock Liam in the face.

Today is day seven. I know she has an appointment every week. I am just not sure of the time
, so I wake up early as hell, take a shower and go park the car out front of the building.

Today I catch her.

Chapter 15


In about an hour, Liam and I head to my doctor’s office. Layla left for the early shift at the bar. They left me with no choice but to make an appointment. For the past few days I have been getting sick. At randomly odd times, and then I feel fine minutes after.

Layla is a germ freak about getting
, sick and she believes I have a virus that I can risk giving her, and although she is well off, she would go crazy without work. If she were to walk in there sick, they would send her right on home.

I awoke with Liam already in the kitchen
. I can hear him making noises, and I can smell that he’s making breakfast. I quickly grab some clothes and throw them on. I walk into the kitchen and see my coffee hot and on the counter waiting for me. It’s strange to think I’ve only known him for such a short time. He meshes well with Layla and I. One thing I do know is that when he does decide that he has to go back on tour, I am going to miss him like crazy.

“Are you all dressed and ready to head out?” Liam says from behind me.

I take a sip of my coffee before replying. I think it’s a redundant question, since I haven’t even had a chance to drink a few cups of this heaven. Coffee always first.

“I am guessing you’ve been awake for
almost two hours now. I say this, because you rise with the sun. And you know I cannot operate on one measly little sip of caffeine. Plus, the appointment’s not for another hour and it only takes twenty minutes to get there.” I reply, then go back to sipping on my steamy cup of brew.

“Fine, I’ll clean up here. You better be ready by the time I’m done. I have a surprise after.” Liam says giddily.

I’m not much for surprises. If it’s a gift, chances are I am not in need of it. Anything that I need, I get for myself. If it is going somewhere, chances are I have already seen it, if it interests me. I hate to sound ungrateful, but I also hate faking a surprise, especially when it’s a friend that I have to act astonished for. Maybe I should warn him now.

“Uh…Liam.” I say nervously. I don’t want to come off as a bitch
, but better to ruin that sinful smile of his now. He stops cleaning the dishes he had dirtied from his breakfast, and turns to look my way.

“Yes Princess?”

“I’m not big on surprises. You should just tell me where you plan on taking me now. There is a reason I didn’t become an actress. Well there’s a few reasons, and faking shock isn’t one of them.” I tell him.

“You’re not getting it out of me that easy.”

I roll my eyes in his direction.

“Whatever. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I set the now empty cup in the sink and go back to my room to get my purse. Coming back out, I tell Liam that I’m ready to go.

My doctor’
s office is a decent drive away from my apartment. I put the address in the navigation system for Liam to follow along. He’s learned where all of the basic places are in Boston, but hasn’t traveled this far out without needing directions.

I stay quiet pretty much the whole ride
, so he can hear the computerized voice that’s telling him where to go. When we arrive, Liam remarks how he thinks we aren’t at the right place.

“No, this is it.” I tell him.

“Are you sure? It looks like someone’s house. I don’t want to get arrested for trespassing when I walk into their living room.”

, I have been here before you know. I would tell you if this wasn’t it.” It’s been a few months since I’ve been here, but I still know what the outside looks like.

It’s a dark blue two
story house, with a long driveway on the left side. If Liam had pulled into the driveway, he would have seen that it extends into a multi-car parking area and that there is a back entrance for patients. I chose this doctor because of its homey appeal.

When I
first came here, I too questioned the outside. But when I had my first doctor visit and was welcomed by the front desk lady, I knew this was right. I hadn’t ever gotten my own doctor. I didn’t need to. Back home my parents had done that and after the accident, I just stayed with where I had always gone.

“You can pull out back you know. They have an entrance out there. That way you can see with your own eyes
, you aren’t trespassing on someone’s property.”

Liam turns the car in the direction of the long driveway and pulls into an empty parking spot. I unbuckle my seat belt and open the car door.

“Thank you for driving me. I should be out in like fifteen minutes. Usually I don’t have to wait long.”

“What?” Liam asks in question.

“I’m going in. I was just telling you I won’t be long.”

“I’m going in with you. I’m not sitting out in this car in this heat.”

I shake my head and shut the car door as he makes his exit.

“Just so you know you can wait in the waiting room. You’re not going into the exam room with me.”


So much for him not going into the room with me. I’m sitting on a bed that is covered in paper for sanitary reasons. Every time I slide my ass around
, I can hear the paper crinkling below me. Liam is sitting on the doctor’s chair with wheels, gliding back and forth, opening cabinet drawers and inspecting each and every item he finds in them.

So far he has found alcohol wipes, tongue depressors and cotton swabs. At any minute the doctor could be in here and see him doing this.

“Liam stay out of that. You are such a child at times. What if they catch you?” I hiss.

“Doctors always knock before they come in and wait for the okay from you
, so they have no way of catching me. Now open your mouth.” He says, while holding up one of the tongue depressors.

“What? No.”

“Yes, maybe you have strep throat. I could see if you have white spots on your throat with this. Just open up.” He says while pressing the wooden stick on my lip.

“Liam, wouldn’t a symptom of strep throat be coughing and sore tonsils? I’m not feeling any of that. Also, I have never heard of strep throat involving vomiting. You just want to use that thing.” I say
, laughing.

“I’m beginning to think you don’t
like me to have any fun.”

“Not when it involves you snooping somewhere you shouldn’t
be.” I say, while pointing at the drawer he had left open when he got excited about examining me.

He glides his chair over to the cabinet and closes the drawer
, then looks back at me like I stole his favorite teddy bear. As he’s gliding back, a knock sounds at the door.

“Yes?” I say letting them know it was okay to come in.

As my primary physician for the past year, Dr. Sovern walks in shutting the door behind her. Liam switches chairs. He’s now sitting in a chair next to the bed I’m sitting on.

“Hello Miss Wright, I haven’t seen you for an appointment for a few months. My nurse tells me that you have been experiencing nausea?”

“Yes. It’s only been going on for a week or so. At random times my stomach starts swirling, and then I vomit and I’m fine. I have no other symptoms, but I wasn’t sure if maybe a virus was going around. That’s all I could think of.” I tell her.

She has my
patient file in her hands. She pauses while leafing through it, then stops on one page.

“Well you don’t have a fever, your blood pressure is normal. Your weight is where you should be at. Hmm….” She says aloud talking to herself. “It doesn’t say if you have been taking birth control. Are you
, or have you ever taken some form of contraceptive?”

I hesitate. I’ve never seen a need to be on birth control. That’s for preventing pregnancy, and I wasn’t going to have sex.

Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

“No I’ve never been on birth control.” I reply shakily. My nerves now going haywire.

“Is there any chance you could be pregnant?” Dr. Sovern asks.

I look to Liam. I know that by saying the one true word, he will know. He will have no doubt as to who I
had sex with. I don’t know what I am more scared of; disappointing Layla, withholding the truth from Liam, or the possibility that I could be carrying a child.

Liam looks back at me in question. Then doubt flickers across his face,
followed by recognition. Then anger, a rage the like of which I have never seen on someone’s face. Positive that this conversation will start the second we leave the office, I turn away from him and answer the Doctor.


Chapter 16


Watching Liam and Natalie get into Layla’s car, she seems happy. She looks at Liam with care and admiration, how I wish for her to look at me. Instead I get the disgust, because of something she believes I did.

I make sure to leave seconds behind Liam
, so that my car isn’t directly behind him. Even if this is a rental, he would recognize me in a second; a confrontation I don’t want to have just yet.

Crouched down into a car seat is going to leave me with a severe backache
later tonight, I’m sure. I left the car still running, so I could leave the air conditioner on. This hot summer air is suffocating. It’s not something I want to have to tolerate, while I wait for Liam and Natalie to exit this house.

I thought she went to a counselor once a week, but this doesn’t look like a place to house a psychiatrist. I have been keeping watch every day this week
, so either this is it, or she canceled for another appointment.

For well over thirty minutes
, I keep watch on the side driveway just waiting for Layla’s car to make its exit, so I can smoothly follow behind. Hoping like hell they are going straight home, so I can ambush the Minx.

Our discussion is long overdue and if Liam even thinks about interrupting or preventing
, I might end up causing him serious harm. My plan is that when they go park the car, I won’t park mine. I’m going to pull right up to the front door of the building and get out of the car.

I’ll be standing at the entrance into her complex. She can try to run
, but if she’s been this much of a hermit, I doubt she would want to be anywhere other than inside.

I’m going to force her to talk to me, to face what we did head on. I’m going to explain to her that what she saw in my hotel room wasn’t what she thought she saw.
I was a fool to go bar hopping in search of a woman. I should have gone to Natalie first. It was a mistake, and I will do whatever I can to prove it to her.

All I need is for her to give me a chance
; one chance to make things right between us.

BOOK: Last Chance
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