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Authors: Olivia Brynn

Last Call (8 page)

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“Use your words, Zach,” she prodded, exasperated. She was in no mood to play charades.

“Room seven-forty-two.”

She scanned the room numbers then turned to the right, leading the way, pulse drumming. This was going to happen. He was going to make her come, he was going to put his mouth on her, slide inside her.
He slipped past her to open the door, still not speaking, still not looking at her. She waited for him to grab her and slam her against the wall once they were in the room, but he walked past her to the bed, tossing the key card down on the dresser with a slap, like he was mad.

She stood near the door, having no idea what to do now. He was across the room and that suddenly felt like miles.

He dragged his fingers through his hair as he looked at her reflection in the glass of the window. “If I touch you right now, I’ll hurt you.”

“Then perhaps I should tie you up.”

She said it playfully, but he whipped around, his nostrils flared and his eyes dark. Oh, so he liked that idea. Heart pounding, she glanced around the room, searching for what she could use, resting on the front of his shirt. He clapped a hand over it before she could say anything.

“Do you know how much this thing cost?” His gaze floated down the length of her body. “Your panties.”

“Not wearing any.” Though she suspected he’d known that and just wanted her to say it.

“I wondered. I can smell you.” He passed his palm over his face and she could see it was shaking. Good. So was she. “Paige.”

“Your belt,” she decided, frightened by the way he said her name, that he was going to send her away.

His fingers rested on it a moment, then he unbuckled it quickly, whipped it from the loops and held it out to her.

She moved two steps forward and took it without touching him. The expensive leather was supple under her fingers. She looked from the belt to the bed, the slatted headboard that would be perfect. Zach shrugged out of his jacket and stretched on the bed, his long elegant fingers curling through the slats.

This wasn’t exactly how she’d imagined their first time. She’d rather have him touching her, stroking her skin, kissing her mouth. But if this was what he wanted, she’d play along.

“I’ve never tied anyone up before,” she admitted.

“Good,” he said, the word rumbling in his throat.

She approached from the other side of the bed and looped the belt through the slats, then around his wrists as his breathing increased. His legs moved restlessly, his arms tensed as she bent over him. His hot breath gusted against her breasts above the bodice of her dress, and she felt his gaze burning into her. She would not let him scare her away. She looped the leather together, unable to fasten it, and straightened to see her handiwork.

The fine fabric of his white button-down shirt was twisted around his body. She hadn’t seen this new Zach disheveled, and that weakness gave her hope. The expensive fabric of his pants tented with his erection she ached to feel. His fingers flexed above the leather, his eyes slitted.

“You’re taking your time.”

“Payback for you making me wait.” She knelt on the bed beside him, her gaze returning to that lovely erection. She made her decision and straddled him, the insides of her thighs against the soft fabric of his slacks. She let her bare pussy brush the placket over his zipper as she reached for the buttons of his shirt.

“Paige!” His voice was strangled, on the barest leash.

Last Call




Olivia Brynn





When sparks flare, stop, drop and roll with it.


When Eric Layton lunges for his ringing cell phone in the middle of the night, he’s halfway to the door before he realizes it’s not his chief summoning him to an out-of-control fire. It’s an out-of-control woman who’s too tipsy to figure out she’s dialed the wrong number. But the line goes dead before he can explain he’s not her brother.

His conscience won’t let him leave the woman to wait for a ride that’s never going to come. Yet nothing prepares him for the chemistry when he helps Joanne into his truck. She’s curvy, blonde, and vulnerable—a three-alarm warning to do the right thing and keep her at arm’s length.

Still keeping watch over her through the night sounds reasonable. Until she awakens, and desire burns reason to a crisp…


This book has been previously published.


Warning: Contains explicit sex scenes that may be too hot for summer reading. Author recommends you check to make sure your air-conditioning is in working order and turned up full blast.

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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Last Call

Copyright © 2012 by Olivia Brynn

ISBN: 978-1-60928-828-0

Edited by Linda Ingmanson

Cover by Valerie Tibbs


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: March 2012

BOOK: Last Call
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