Knollig: A Terraneu Novel ( Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Knollig: A Terraneu Novel ( Book 2)
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Mairi gazed out at the night sky, not seeing anything beyond the building
clouds. She knew it was going to rain, but she didn’t mind the fresh drops as
they fell against her face.

Mairi and Fortem were standing against the half wall of her balcony
talking. He got a glazed look on his face and suddenly said, “I am going to
leave now Mairi.” Fortem gave her a quick hug.

“Thank-you for everything, you have been such a great friend.” Mairi
returned the hug. “I don’t know what I would have done this past week without
your help.”

“I will always be here for you Mairi, sweet-dreams.” Fortem hurried
through the balcony door, and she lost sight of him as he headed to the living

She turned back to the night, thinking back on the last week made her
cringe. There was only one good thing that had come out of what she had named
“the week from hell”. That is her friendship with Fortem. He had the ability to
make her laugh when she was so embarrassed she wanted to cry.

The first day she had a great time in class with Amber, and had sat on
the bench chatting with Fortem. She knew Knollig was at New Haven, the other
males told her he was when she had casually asked. He hadn’t made an attempt to
come talk to her as he had requested, so she waited in the dome thinking he
might show up. She had finally gone to bed figuring she would see him the next

On the second day, she had tried to find Knollig, but he had gone to New
Haven and didn’t return in time for her to talk with him. She had classes with
Amber to keep her busy, then walked around the square with a new friend. She
had waited most of the day thinking she would see Knollig, or catch him in one
of the industrial domes. She had gone back to her living quarters after a long
chat with Fortem.

On the third day, she had decided to take a trip to New Haven and had
walked around the compound for a bit until she had found her way. By the time
she got there and asked if Knollig was around, she was told that he was not.
She could have a tour of the homes if she wanted the males working there had
offered. She had turned them down…she would have a look around some other time.
On her way back to the square she had run across Fortem again, she had asked
him to help her acquire new pillows for her chaise. He had shown her where to
find them in the industrial domes. It hadn’t taken long to manufacture the
items…once they were finished he helped her carry them back to her living

On the fourth day she had come up with a new plan. She was going to make
Knollig come to her! She had tried to make the communications panel call
Knollig. When she thought she had him, she had called out, “I have an
emergency.” She was going to ambush him by posing herself in the shower. Once
he saw her naked surely he wouldn’t be able to walk away? She could even say
she had a pulled muscle and needed his help getting up. That would bring them
in close contact, and then he would be hers! It was sure to work, what could
possibly go wrong?!

After calling out she had hurried
into the shower, turned it on low setting so it was just misting her. She had
positioned herself just so. Her legs tucked, and her arm over her head. When
she heard someone come through the door, she had started moaning about her poor
muscle. Imagine her surprise when instead of just Knollig, all of the Council
members had stormed into her bathroom.

She had let out a shriek and jumped up, trying to cover as much of
herself as she could. The men were staring at her flabbergasted. You would
think they had never seen a naked woman. Oh, wait. They hadn’t, well except for
the time Amber had been singing in the shower. She had kindly warned Mairi that
if she couldn’t carry a tune, don’t sing. The men think it is a Sacath being

Well her attempt to trick Knollig into her living quarters had failed
miserably. She had covered herself and yelled at the men to get out of her
bathroom. Explaining it was a misunderstanding. She had seen him standing with
the other men, and then he had fled the room with the others.

On the fifth day, she had taken a Sorrem out for a ride, hoping she could
find this oasis everyone was always talking about. She had stayed out a little
later than she planned, and it seems a search party was sent for her. When she
heard another Sorrem, she had seen it was Knollig, and releasing the clasp of
her dress jumped from the bushes into his path. Only it wasn’t Knollig. The
brothers really did look a lot alike in the growing darkness. Poor Kniam she had
almost killed him when he saw her in the path. She had been desperate to get
Knollig’s attention, and figured that was one way to go about it. After that
entirely humiliating experience, she had to apologize to Amber for flashing her
husband. Amber had laughed it off, and so had Kniam but Mairi was getting
desolate. She didn’t think Knollig was ever going to come around. Amber and
Kniam had shared a look, and she had hurried away. She didn’t want anyone
feeling sorry for her.

On the sixth day, Fortem had talked her into going out and enjoying
herself. She had gone to the wresting matches, and was having a good time. It
was fun to cheer the men on. She didn’t have a favorite since she had them in
her etiquette classes and felt it would be rude to cheer for one over another.
She was just getting into it when they had to be cancelled. Something about a
previous training that Knaleg had scheduled, all the men needed to go to extra
duty. So she had returned to her quarters for more chatting with Fortem. That
male was going to be an expert on Earth women! Not for the first time she
cursed her stupid heart for wanting the wrong man. Why did she yearn for
Knollig so badly?

Mairi sighed to herself. Since she had arrived on Terraneu she had made a
mess of things. In her defense she was getting out making friends, and meeting
new men. She just wasn’t
! She had done this on Earth, and she
hadn’t wanted the same for herself here on Terraneu. She had expected to do so
much more with her second chance. How was she going to connect with Knollig
when he wouldn’t soften on his belief that he was bound by his vow? She knew
that a week wasn’t really that long to wait. One month, two months, or
was all relative. Time was precious, even for people who live a thousand years!
She wanted to spend every second living her life to the fullest.

There was a sound behind her and she laughed, “Did you forget something
Fortem? Like telling me how wonderful I am, and that I deserve the best mate in
the world?” That was what Fortem usually said before leaving, Mairi turned
around her laughter dying on her lips. It wasn’t Fortem.

“You are wonderful and you do deserve the best mate.” Knollig stood there
uncertainly with the faint mist from the rain coating his chest, and clinging
to his arms and thighs. “Fortem let me in, he is a good male…”

Mairi was stunned. She wanted to yell at him and ask, “Why didn’t you
come talk to me that first day after the classes? Why have you avoided me like
some kind of plague? How could you treat me that way?” Then she realized she
had yelled those questions at him, and snapped her mouth shut. She swept her
quickly soaking hair back out of her face. She was hurt and wanted an
explanation. She knew he had a heightened sense of honor she got that, but didn’t
it translate to treating her better than he had?

“I deserve all the things you might want to say to me. I know that you
were trying to see me this past week, and I knew if that were to happen I
wouldn’t be able to resist you.” Knollig stepped forward, trying to get closer.
“I was trying to be noble, and I was just hurting everyone more than I was
helping.” He dropped to his knees on her wet balcony, grabbing Mairi by the
waist and buried his face against her chest. The thin material of the dress was
soaked through, and his heat burned into her skin. She struggled in vain for a
few seconds in his hold.

“I hurt you by staying away that
is something I would never have wanted to do in a thousand years.” He looked up
imploringly, “Please forgive me Mairi.” His grip on her waist tightened,
“Please say you will give me a chance to prove I would make a good mate.” His
purple eyes glowed in his face, the mist catching on his long black eyelashes
hanging there like diamond drops. She could see the desperation in their
depths, and the pull she always felt around him flared stronger than ever. She
took in a deep breath taking in his fresh earthy scent mixed with the rain.

“I am making friends and getting active in the community, which is
something that I really enjoy doing. But out of all the men I have met, none of
them have made me feel what I feel for you. All week I was trying to show you
that you were the one I want.” Mairi buried her hands in the glistening black
locks of Knollig’s hair. “I made a fool of myself trying to get your

“None of the other members of the community think you a fool. They have
reserved that title for me, as I am entirely to blame for the whole situation.”
He pressed hot kisses into the wet material of her chest. “I will make it up to
you, I will prove myself worthy of you. If you will have me.”

“You were always worthy Knollig, you don’t have to prove anything to me.”
Knollig moved his hands from around her waist, to around her backside. Cupping
both cheeks he pulled her even tighter against his face. The material of her
dress was no barrier against the heat of his hands as he bunched them against
the back of her thighs. The dress was inching up her legs, then around her
hips. The cool mist was in sharp contrast to the heat building between them.
She was so soft, he couldn’t stop his fingers from playing with the skin he was
exposing. He buried his face between her breasts. The temptation they offered
was too much, he didn’t try to get the dress out of the way, just latched onto
one nipple through the wet material. The pure heat of her skin was like a brand
against his tongue. He felt her nipples respond instantly, pebbling under the
onslaught. Mairi held onto his head for dear life, while he lavished first one
nipple then the other.

Knollig suddenly stood pressing himself against her as he did. Taking her
weight with him she ended up braced against the half wall, with Knollig
pressing into her. His lips found hers and went wild. They were in a frenzy,
lips slanting against each other. Water was misting their faces, making their
lips slip and slide. Knollig used one knee to press Mairi’s legs apart, then
pressed himself into the open vee of her thighs. She didn’t have underwear on,
so when he ground himself hard against her, she moaned into his mouth.

“Knollig…” she breathed…”we need to get to the bedroom.” He felt her
mouth move against his neck and suckled, “We need to move to the bed.” She was
giving him love bites on the neck between words. Knollig took matters into his
hands by grabbing her ass cheeks in a firm grip, pulled her hard against him
and walked into the bedroom. It took some jugging but he managed to get the
door opened, then closed and locked. Mairi was still moving her mouth against
his neck, he was in heaven the way her legs fit around his hips. He knew that
Mairi was attracted to him, and hoped she was ready for more because he knew
that he was.

Chapter Eleven


couldn’t believe how quickly her desire for Knollig had burst into such a
raging need. She had never felt awareness for someone like she did for him. Her
body was one giant Knollig tuner. She could feel him in every particle of her
being. As crazy as it may sound, she felt that no other male would do for her.
She had to have him, and she meant to take him.

“Knollig, we need to get your clothes off.” Mairi
whispered, her voice soft on the night air. Before he could answer she was
reaching for his vest, pushing it off his shoulders, and running her hands down
the defined muscles. She had to lean into him, to get the vest past his wrists,
and brushed her chest against his in the process. Her breasts with the peaked
nipples grew heavier as she rubbed against his bare skin. His masculine earthy
scent invaded her senses. She raised her eyes locking onto his and froze at the
burning desire she saw.

“That applies to you as well I think.” He unfastened
the clasp at her neck, the material was so wet it clung to her back and chest.

Knollig placed his hands at the top of her breasts,
hooked his thumbs under the material and slowly pushed down. Her body was
revealed to him little by little. His thumbs brushed her nipples as he moved
down her body. He stopped to again lavish her with attention, blowing hot
kisses on the skin he was uncovering. The dress finally gave up and hit the
floor. Mairi urged him to stand by tugging at his arms, then moved her fingers
to the clasp on his pants.

Once undone, she gave him the slow torturous
treatment of slowly pushing his pants off his hips. His steely shaft sprang
forward, free of all restriction it stood proudly away from his body.

Mairi wrapped her hand around his girth and wasn’t
surprised when her fingers didn’t meet. She had felt him against her so had an
idea what to expect. “You are impressive.”

Knollig groaned, “Is that a good thing?”

“Yes Knollig, you are perfect. I want you to know
that anything we do is okay. There are no rules, as long as both of us like
doing it.”

“That is good to know.” Before Mairi could protest,
Knollig had picked her up under her arms, and tossed her on the bed. She
bounced once, before his weight settled her into the mattress. “I have a desire
to know the taste of you Mairi.”

Mairi made to protest, but then Knollig moved his
mouth along the valley between her breasts. “Does this feel good to you?” He
asked as he licked across her skin. His hot breath paused at the underside of
one breast.

“Yes.” Mairi whispered.

“Where can I put my tongue?” Knollig asked. His
mouth moving between her nipples.

“Anywhere you want on my body…there is a very
sensitive spot lower.” She hinted then moaned as Knollig moved his mouth lower
along her stomach.

“Lower you say. Here?” He asked teasingly when his
lips found her belly button.

“Lower.” Mairi managed, her words coming out

“I have been drawn to see what lies in this fiery
hair of yours since I saw you in the shower.” Knollig’s voice was thick with

Mairi was almost panting with need for Knollig to
move lower. Then he shifted his body and his hot breath was blowing against the
moist curls. Before she could catch her breath, Knollig was moving his mouth
against her. He didn’t tease, or hesitate. He licked at her.

“My Mairi…” he inhaled deeply, his tongue flicking
out, “so sweet!”

Mairi let the pleasure wash over her for a few
minutes as Knollig worked his mouth and tongue on her, she was not to be denied
her fun as well. She gasped out “Knollig, lay on the bed…on your back.”

Knollig looked up from between her legs, “I am just
getting started here.”

“Please…for me.” Mairi implored.

Knollig leaned into her further, his chest against
her spread legs. Then flipped over onto his back.

Mairi took the opportunity to lean in and kiss him
lightly, his lips tasted of her musk. She licked the seam of his mouth and
said, “You’ll like this. It gives both of us a chance to play.”

Spinning on her knees, she placed one on either side
of his chest. Looking back at his shocked face, she said…”Explore all you want,
I’ll tell you if you do something I don’t like.” Then she lay flat against his
body, her breasts pressing into his lower belly. Her mouth was right where she
wanted it. She was usually too self-conscious to give a guy this kind of view.
Knollig was different. She wanted to do every position conceivable with him,
then do them again and again.

Bracing herself with one hand, she used the other to
position him just so. She started with his ball sac. Sucking first one testicle
into her mouth, then the other. She even tried to get both into her mouth at
once, but they were too large. She licked him from the base to tip, to make him
slick. He groaned behind her, then she felt herself being pulled back. His hot
breath was the only warning she got before he was once again feasting on her.
Then she took a mouthful. He was wet with excitement, and she used her tongue to
spread his essence around his thick tip. She went deeper on his shaft, he
plunged his tongue. She suctioned harder as he returned the favor. Pulling and
lapping at her.

Mairi couldn’t stop herself, she moved against his
mouth straining for release.

Knollig panted, “Can I use fingers sweet Mairi?”

“I don’t think I’ll last if you do…” Mairi ended on
a grunt, Knollig had taken that as a yes, and was busy moving his thumb back
and forth, then satisfied that she wasn’t going to protest, he moved his
fingers to take the place of his mouth. Mairi grabbed his balls and gently
squeezed, rolling them against each other.

“You are so wet, and hot on my fingers.” Knollig was
bucking his hips against her mouth, “I feel something Mairi…” His stomach
muscles were bunching, telling her that he was close to release.

“It is just a climax Knollig. It is supposed to
happen. Let it…” Mairi moved her mouth to the tip, then squeezed his shaft
hard. Stroking him from the base to where her mouth clung, she shifted her hand
up and down. Using her tongue to tease the sensitive tip.

Knollig’s fingers had gone lax against her sex, his
stomach clenched and Mairi knew he was going to cum. She had never been one for
oral sex, and wasn’t sure if she would like the taste. With an agonized groan,
Knollig went stiff and she felt warmth spurt across her tongue. She swallowed
hard, and then groaned and sucked harder. He didn’t taste like anything she had
ever known! It must be the body using solar energy, she didn’t mind the taste
at all. After Knollig was done jerking under her, he lay there shaking from his

“That…was an orgasm.” Mairi told him, swinging
herself around to lay alongside him.

“Did you feel that too?” Knollig asked

“No, I didn’t but that’s okay. Both partners don’t
always find sexual release at the same time. In fact a lot of people on Earth
have to go at it by themselves, with no partner, it’s called masturbating.”
Mairi told him, lazily drawing her fingertip across his nipple.

“Why would anyone want to do sexual things alone?”
Knollig asked, his voice incredulous.

“Well, sometimes there isn’t someone to participate
with you, sometimes you just need a quick release,” Mairi laughed, “I don’t
know, there are a lot of reasons.” She got a wicked idea, “For example,” Mairi
leaned away from him, and lifted her leg to drape against his thigh. “Maybe a
female needs to feel something soft against her skin.” She drew her hand up her
thigh, to trail along her hip and further up to her breast.
Knollig’s eyes locked on the movement. Laughing
inside at the look on his face, Mairi continued to tease, “Sometimes, there is
a heaviness just here…” she cupped one breast, squeezing it like she had his
balls earlier. “Maybe a tightness, here.” She used her fingers to lightly pinch
her nipples. His mouth went slack, and his lids drew down. Passion flashed in
his purple gaze.

Mairi drew her fingers back down the valley of her
breasts to her stomach, “Sometimes there is an ache, deep inside…” she found
herself turned on by the self-exploration. She rolled to her back, Knollig
taking to his side to watch her fingers.

She rubbed circles and then dipped one finger into
the wetness between her legs. Knollig licked his lips, his breath quickening.

“Ah…” he swallowed hard, “I can see now why it might
be necessary.” He leaned over to peer into her eyes. “You have me to see to
those needs, sweet Mairi. Let me be a mate to you.” His mouth touched hers, and
Mairi forgot all about teasing herself. With a clash of tongues, she was fully
engulfed in desire again.

Knollig suddenly rolled over her, sitting on bended
knees between her spread legs. He pulled her until her butt was across his
thighs. His now restored erection pressing against her. He rubbed the tip back
and forth across her seam, which soaked them both.

“Is this right…?” Knollig gritted his teeth, his
fingers diving in to tease her. “You are so small.”

“Yes.” Mairi gasped out, “That is where you fit.
Just go slowly, you are larger…” Mairi groaned when Knollig replaced his
fingers with his engorged arousal, pushing carefully forward.

“Like this?” He had only gone to the tip then pulled

“Yes.” Mairi was writhing on the bed. “Deeper.”

Knollig pushed forward again, this time another
inch…then pulled back again. “Are you sure this will work?” His muscles were
bunching and flexing with the strain of holding himself back, “You are so

Mairi moved her hips to encourage him, “It’s ok to
push harder.”

Knollig used his hands on her hips to pull her
toward him, just as he thrust forward. He sank another few inches. Mairi bucked
her hips as he pulled back.

“I can watch us connecting…” Knollig sounded awed,
“it is amazing to see…!” Knollig flexed his hips and drove even deeper still.
“You are taking all of me.”

Mairi looked down and saw his thick shaft as he
pulled out, then sank deeper. He was stretching her to take all of him. Pushing
and pulling back until with a groan he was buried deep. She drove her hips up
to grind herself against him. He pulled back, and then held her hips to drive
harder. Mairi was grabbing his thighs, trying to gain leverage. Knollig snapped
and was suddenly pounding into her without restraint. He released his hold on
one hip to trail his hands to her breasts and rolled one nipple in his fingers.
Then he pinched and tugged at it, making her nerves light up.

“I can’t wait…’ Mairi panted, “You feel so good.”
She arched her back, Knollig came up onto his knees, holding her hips steady in
his hands. Thrust hard one last time, grinding himself against her, Mairi let
out a startled shriek as red-hot pleasure coursed through her. She
instinctively locked her legs around his lower back to hold him against her.
She was shuddering, her muscles squeezing Knollig’s shaft and with a groan, he
joined her. They both collapsed back against the mattress. Knollig against her
side, with her head tucked up under his chin.

“Wow…” Mairi struggled to even her breathing. “That
was incredible.” Mairi moved her mouth to place tiny kisses against Knollig’s

“Now I understand the desire for sexual contact.”
Knollig laughed, “It feels amazing. You make me feel strong and weak at the
same time.”

“I will take that as a compliment.” Mairi snuggled

“You should.” Knollig was rubbing his fingers in the
thick length of hair against his hand. “I want to know all about you Mairi so
that I can be a good mate.”

Mairi thought only women wanted to talk after sex!
She wasn’t sure where the desire to chat was coming from, but she didn’t mind,
if he wanted to know about her she would tell him. “I was raised by both of my
grandparents for a few years after my mother disappeared. She left me with them
and just ran away. When my grandmother died, it was just me and my
grandfather.” Knollig was rubbing her back and it felt great. “When it came
time to leave for school I went to a place called America. Stayed there doing
the job I had trained for which was as a Radiology Technician. That is where
you use medical imaging systems we had. X-rays, mammograms, ultra sounds…that
kind of thing. It would be like your holographic medical system, only not as
advanced. We were able to do similar types of imagery, just a bit differently.”

Mairi leaned up on one elbow as she talked, “I had
friends, but since I had moved back to Scotland to be closer to my grandfather,
I hadn’t been in touch for awhile. Life seems to get in the way sometimes. You
think that you will get in touch tomorrow, or the next day…before you know it
months have passed.” She moved her hand on his chest.

“When I was diagnosed with cancer I had given up
hope of ever having a life like I had planned. Settling down with a husband,
having kids…everything had been slipping away from my grasp.” Mairi was getting
a sore neck, so moved to sit leaning against his hip. Her fingers played
absently with his abs, “When I woke up here, and you told me I had hundreds of
years to live…I guess I just wanted to get started with living them.” Mairi
moved her fingers to tease his chest, flicking a nail against his nipples and
watching them pebble. “I want to experience all that life has to offer. I know
that when you say that you want to be my mate, you are talking forever. That
doesn’t scare me…we do need to get to know each other better before claiming
mate status. We also need to talk about things like when you want children.”

Knollig tensed, “Would you want to have offspring
with me right away?”

Mairi thought about it for a minute, “I would like
to get adjusted to life with you first, then we can talk about babies. Let’s
say we talk about it again in six months when the other females are here and
settled, does that sound fair?”

BOOK: Knollig: A Terraneu Novel ( Book 2)
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