Read Kiss Me Deadly Online

Authors: Mahalia Levey

Kiss Me Deadly (10 page)

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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“I’m glad. I will finally get to sleep.” Sam moaned in pleasure, following the guys out.

Jimmy held the door for her to the service car. She quirked a brow at his sudden explosion of manners. “I’m surprised you know how to open a door for a girl.” Her teasing lilt was met with a humorless stare.

“For the right girl.” Jimmy fiddled with the drink compartment. “Want anything?”

“No. All I want to do is sleep.” Sam curled into the crook of the door to find her own space. The door opened leaving her off balance, nearly pitching her out onto the pavement. Jimmy pulled her onto his lap.

“Hey, be more careful,” he growled at Midian, Vin and Major as they climbed in and sat on the other side.

“Sorry, Sam.”

“Love you too, babe. I’ll be home soon. Yeah, I’ll come right home.” Garrick closed his phone.

“I didn’t know the others left already.” Sameera yawned.

“Yeah, Jackson, Carrie, Carlie, Shea and Neveah went home yesterday. So did my parents and brother Jordan. Nev hates flying early in the morning.”

“So how does touring work? We’ll be on the bus. One bus for weeks?”

Major, Vin and Midian chuckled. “You worried of being cooped up with nothing but guys?”

“Nah. All I have to do is call the girlfriends for support. Just give me my own little corner and I will leave you heathens alone.” Yawning, into Jimmy’s lap, she groaned when he got a little happy and sat up to lean her head into his shoulder.

“She gets the room with the bed in it. Right, Garrick?” Jimmy’s asked.

“Yeah. She’s the only girl. No way I’d make her bunk it out with the rest of us. And no that doesn’t mean you get to sleep in the same room with her if she objects.”

Sameera grinned. “Thanks, Garrick. A girl likes her space.” She peered out the window and saw JFK Airport in the near distance.

She’d make him bunk with the guys. He didn’t get to have dibs on any bed with her. What she needed was a padlock to keep them all out. The car pulled into a private entrance where the band’s jet waited for them to board. Sameera enjoyed not having to bother with the hassle of going commercial. When the car came to a stop they all climbed out. A second sports utility vehicle pulled up beside them and parked. In hushed tones, Garrick instructed where he wanted the luggage stowed. To Sameera, the whole scenario looked like a mime act—a ton of finger pointing and arm gestures.

“Come on, sleeping beauty, let’s get you settled on the plane.” Yeah, she let Jimmy lead her up the ramp stairs.

“Garrick is bossy. Bet his sisters both hated that growing up.”

“Still do. We all do, meerkat. Didn’t you sleep after I left you? I don’t think I like you looking worn out.”

“I couldn’t sleep. So I sat up and wrote the song.” He led her to her seat. Her ass met comfortably plush leather. “This is nicer than the plane the symphony used.” The softness caused her to sigh. “My butt cheeks are in heaven.”

All around her the guys broke out in guffaws. A pillow hit her in the face, in retribution for the middle finger being aimed their way. She took that pillow and shoved it under her head.

“Hmm.” Jimmy cinched her buckle for her and dropped down in the seat next to her.

Sleepy eyed, she turned to face him. “I hate planes.”

“Yeah? I remember you saying that before. Get some sleep. We’ll be in the Midwest before you know it.”



Chapter Five



Rain pelted against the windowpanes and overflowed the gutters of his house. The lightning streaking the sky in flashes, zigzagging white cracks over the darkened sky. Jimmy woke to the sound of thunder reverberating. Tired, he threw his head back against his pillow and closed his eyes, willing the storm to abate so he could catch the sleep he desperately needed. Sam tossed and turned on the two hour flight, giving him not one ounce of relaxation. The ground shaking rumbles didn’t abate, much to his displeasure. Garrick expected everyone to meet up mid-afternoon. His mind flew to the woman taking up residence in his guest room.


In all of the years since he’d moved away from his toxic parents, he’d never brought guests to his home. The one place he could escape when he needed. His mother hadn’t even stepped foot on his land. What had possessed him to tell Garrick he’d take care of Sameera for the evening, and make sure she got to his place on time with him? He’d expected Garrick to say no, he expected her band mates to demand a room too.

The truth was he didn’t deserve a chance with her, not after how he treated her at Miles’ funeral. One day they would have to talk about what happened, instead of dancing around it or pretending nothing happened. Starved for love and acceptance, he’d demanded she give herself to him, knowing he wouldn’t do the same, knowing he’d break her heart, shatter all she thought was good.

Garrick’s last words, “Don’t fuck up before we even get on the road,” stayed with him all morning. He glanced at his alarm clock and groaned. Three hours until the arranged meet. He tossed an arm over his eyes and ignored the shrill ringing of his cell phone. The incessant noise stopped and he nodded back off. The phone vibrated making a pinging sound on his nightstand.

Jimmy tossed a pillow over his head to ignore the irritation. Blessed silence met his ears a few minutes later.

“J.J., wake up. Your phone keeps going off. I can hear it all the way in the guest room.”

“Fuck.” He slammed his palm on the bedcover. “Go away, Sam. I need to fucking sleep.”

“No. You need to answer your phone.” His phone hit him in the stomach. Tearing the pillow from his head, he lost his train of thought when he got his first look at a sleep mused Sam wearing a sports bra and tiny shorts barely covering her flawless skin. “I’ll call them back when we’re on the bus. Go back to your room and let me sleep.”

Sam gave him the evil eye as she snatched back his cell, answering the incessant ringing. “Hello? Good morning, Mrs. O’Reily. Yeah, he was out of the room. I’ll give him the phone now.”

“I’m going to kill you later,” he mouthed, taking the phone from her outstretched hand.

“What do you need, Ma. I’m trying to sleep. We got in early this morning and leave for the road in a few hours.”

“I wanted to tell you to have a safe trip. I take it Sameera’s going with you. Please remember to have some respect for the dead. No reason to reopen what happened at the funeral.”

Jimmy clenched his jaw. “Is that all you called to say. You’ve been spouting the same spiel for the last two years whenever Sam’s name is brought up in conversation.”

“I know, but Jimmy you can’t compete with the ghost of perfection. Aside from that I need money.”

Yeah, he ignored her response. “How much this time?”

“Ten grand. I’d like to go on a trip with the ladies at my church. They’ve decided to go on a religious mission to Africa, an outreach project. We’ll be administering goods among other things, I won’t bore you.”

“Let me get this straight. You call me to ream me and remind me I’m nothing, but dog shit and in the same breath you want me to give you a large sum of money so you can go do good in some community? Priceless.”

“If you won’t, then I’ll have to ask your father.”

“He is not
my father
, Mother. After all the red tape and bullshit I went through to remove him from your life, you will not ask him for a goddamn dime.” Sameera wrapped her arms around him and he shook her off.

“Language, boy. I didn’t raise you to—”

Jimmy growled full of bitterness. “Yeah, no, you saved all your time in raising my brother. I’ll wire the money to your account. While I’m gone do me a favor and don’t call me. Your short calls enlightening though they may be do nothing, but piss me off.”

“Thank you, son. I love you.”

“Yeah? I don’t think you’ve ever loved me. I was created in sin and regretted your entire life, Ma. You figure I owe you for keeping me, for raising me and allowing me to pursue my God-given talent. Don’t make this into anything other than that with words that mean jack shit to me now.”

Sameera mouthed sorry to him, but he shut her down with a look.

“I refuse to talk to you when you’re like this, all full of hate. You did not have a bad life. Look at what you’ve become.”

“Did you ever think—I’m here doing what I love in spite of you and your sadist husband. I got you away from him because Miles asked me to. Everything I did and continue to, was for the brother who gave me what you and the colonel didn’t. So, I don’t give a fuck if your feelings are hurt or if you don’t want to talk to me when I’m being an asshole. You both made me this way. Deal with the consequences. The money will be in your account soon. And so you know, I’m hanging up now, Ma.” Jimmy ended the call and stormed off the bed to the bathroom to wash his face and calm down. He didn’t need radar to know Sameera followed him.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have answered your phone.”

“Unless you want a repeat of what went down after Miles’ funeral, I suggest you leave. The mood I’m in, the only way to excise my demons is to fuck them out of my system. I won’t do that to you a second time so go. I need space before I do what Garrick ordered me not to.”


“Get the fuck out, Sam,” he yelled.

She jumped and backed away from his bathroom door.

Jimmy slammed the door in her face and turned on the shower. Talking to his ma put him in a murderous mood, every fucking time, which was the main reason he screened her calls. She’d normally leave a message with what she wanted or needed. The alimony she got from the colonel was enough to see her comfortably until the day she died, but didn’t give her enough to live in a secure building with armed patrol to keep abusive husbands out. Why the fuck did he care? Dealing with her always set him on a warpath. Punching a hole in the bathroom wall made him feel slightly better.

Steam cascaded from the shower, blanketing him in a fine mist. Jimmy stepped under the spray and allowed the warm water to run over him and cleanse the anger from his mind. Hurting Sam’s feelings always cut him to the deep. He owed her an apology. A big one. He always owed her one for something or other it seemed. Chilly air froze his balls. Jimmy peered over the shower enclosure to see Sam undressing. Interesting. Stepping back under the water, he waited for her to join, wondering if she had the balls to do so in the nude. When she stepped in, her beauty stole his breath and the remnants of his anger. Remorse flashed across her face. He reached for her and pulled her into a tight hug, letting the water rain down over them. “I’m sorry for screaming at you.” He whispered against her head. Sameera wrapped her hands around his waist. “I’m sorry for overstepping my bounds with your phone. I just don’t get her.” The crack in her voice as she spoke, set dread roiling in his stomach.

“Shh, meerkat.” Jimmy took the sponge in his hand, lathered it with his spiced soap and brushed the sponge across her shoulders.

“I c-can’t help it. How can anyone not love you? How can she treat you like she does? What kind of mother verbally abuses her child and yet takes in someone else’s. Me. She treats me like a treasure and I don’t understand. Fuck, it hurt listening to what I knew she was saying on the other end. I didn’t even have to imagine. I remember. I remember her long cruel streak with you. I know you tried to shield me from knowing the worst of it growing up. I didn’t understand then as a child, but now. She doesn’t deserve you or what you do for her. You don’t owe her a thing, even though Miles asked you to.”

“Calm down, gorgeous.” Jimmy nuzzled her neck and fought to keep things as platonic as possible while naked in the shower. He cleansed her body in circular strokes—her bare skin pressed against his—ignoring the raging woody he sported at such close contact with her again. This was not the way he planned on seducing her.

“I hate her. I hate her for you.” Sameera dug her fingers into his side and trailed them down his ass. Jimmy groaned.

“Don’t you give her even that, do you hear me, meerkat? Do not give her your hate. She doesn’t deserve one ounce of emotion, and you don’t need to become bitter.” Jimmy turned her tear-streaked face up into his.

“Who’s gonna fight for you?” She turned her face into his neck and sighed. “God, my heart breaks for you. Always has. It’s just been awhile since I’ve seen her vicious disregard for common decency.”

“I’ve had a lifetime to get used to it. Don’t sweat it.” He kissed her head and handed her the sponge. “Wash up your other parts. I don’t trust myself.” Her small hands collided with his. Sameera took his sponge and washed her body. Jimmy held his breath as she bent forward. Was it his imagination or did her hand caress his cock when she made a move to wash her delectable ass.

“It’s okay, J.J., I want this.” She lathered her hands and turned to face him. Eye to eye, she caressed his hard steel between her hands. “I want to make you feel good.”

“Sam, you don’t have to do this. You didn’t do anything wrong. What about not getting on the Jimmy buffet?”

“Maybe hopping back on won’t be so detrimental this time.” Sam shrugged and continued to manipulate his glans as she slid her hand down to his balls.

Jimmy clenched at the shower tiles while she played with him. He forced himself not to stare at her pebbled nipples or run his fingers over her delicious ass. When she dropped to her knees and encased him in her hot mouth, he damn near came in an instant. “Sam. If you don’t stop there is no going back.”

“We’re an inevitable storm. Why delay what will happen anyway.” She licked her lips and sucked him to the back of her throat. Jimmy diverted the water to prevent drowning. “Meerkat, your mouth feels so damn good wrapped around my dick. So fucking good.” He clenched his teeth and tugged her hair to get her to release him. Confused, she stood up.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. You’re perfect, but this isn’t the right time, meerkat. You have no idea how much I want to have you finish, fuck, have your sexy cunt wrapped around my dick while I bring you off, or bury my mouth in your pussy and lap up every drop of your cream.” Jimmy lathered in soap and rinsed off quickly before he gave in and let her finish the task she set.

“I don’t understand. You were so into it.”

“You deserve better than a shower quickie before we have to leave.”

“You’re turning me down?”

Jimmy watched her face flush and fill with attitude. “Not turning you down forever. Just right this instant.”

“We’re gonna be on a bus with everyone in a few hours.”

“Are we really going to stand in the shower wet, arguing because I won’t let you finish giving me a blow job?” Jimmy chuckled at her irritation.

“No. We’re gonna argue that you’d never stop anyone else.”

“Not true. I am a bit selective, meerkat, plus you’re not just any one off.”

“One off?”

Jimmy stepped out of the shower and grabbed them each a towel. He watched her wash off in hurried swipes. When she stepped out, he wrapped her towel around her. “One off?”

“Yeah. A girl you get your nut from and kick out.”

“How disgusting. I’m going to get dressed and we will forget any of this happened. Perhaps I should wash my mouth out with Listerine or bleach.”

“I’m clean, Sam. No need for drastic measure.” Jimmy chuckled. “Get dressed, it’s time to go.”

Twenty minutes later, Jimmy paced in front of his door. “Sameera. Let’s go, our ride is here.”

“In a second, I’m finishing my makeup.”

Jimmy grumbled as he took the stairs two at a time, just in time to see Sameera plump her lips with gloss and drop the stick in her purse. He hoisted her in a fireman carry and grabbed her bag. “Damn woman, still always an hour behind everyone else.”

“Put me down, Joquan James.”

“No, now keep your head covered with your hoodie and against my back.” He slapped her ass as he jogged down the stairs, and out his front door. They burst out into the sunshine, ignoring the flashing cameras and paparazzi wanting an exclusive. Jimmy jogged to the black sedan parked in front of his place, opened the door and jumped in with Sam, making sure to slam the door before anyone could see her face.

“You know I’m a big girl. I can handle the press. I did in the past.” Sameera shrugged out of her hood. “Hey, Shea. Thanks for the pick up.”

“You ready to have some surefire fun?” Shea winked out the windshield and Jimmy wanted to break his neck. He scowled at his brother.

“Fuck, J.J.” Shea batted his eyes and emulated Sameera’s voice.

“That was scary, don’t do that shit again, dick douche.” Jimmy slapped Shea in the back of the head.

BOOK: Kiss Me Deadly
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