Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3)
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“May I have the next dance?” she asked as the song ended and Darien released the redhead in the tight, black dress. A pang of jealousy hit her as she watched the woman’s hands linger on him a little longer than necessary.

“But of course,” Darien said with a hint of a Scottish accent to his voice. He bowed away from the woman in his arms and turned to take Vicky up as the music started again.

“I know who you are,” Vicky said as they took a turn out on the floor.

“Oh, you do now?” Darien grinned at her. “And who, pray tell, might I be?”

Vicky gave him the coy smile that she had been using every time she identified one of her dance partners. “You, my good lord, are our honored host, Master Darien Ritter,” Vicky said confidently.

Darien’s grin widened, confirming Vicky’s guess. “And you, my dear lady, are good at this game.” He looked down at the charm bracelet on Vicky’s wrist. There were already thirteen flowers and only one leaf. “How did you know who I was?” Only Sue had correctly guessed who he was tonight so far. He had seen this woman in white around but hadn’t had the chance to talk with her outside the mixer.

“Lucky guess.” Vicky fluttered her eyelashes at him innocently.

Darien wrapped the hand at her waist farther around her back and pulled her closer to him, gauging her reaction. Vicky’s wings fluttered, betraying her enjoyment at the more intimate contact with him. “The fay have really done a beautiful job with you tonight.” Darien ran his finger over the soft, spider silk of her dress. “Those wings are most impressive.” He moved his hands up to stroke one of the thin membranes.

Vicky shivered under the soft caress. “It took me a while to get used to them.” She hadn’t realized that fingers on those wings could feel so good.

Darien smiled as he ruled out the woman as fay. No fay would let someone touch such a sensitive portion of their anatomy like that. It was considered rude and should have gotten him hit. “How are you enjoying my party?” Darien’s voice dropped to a more intimate tone. He was rewarded when her heart rate jumped. Smiling, he ruled out vampire.

“It’s been amazing.” Vicky tried to get her body to calm down before she gave herself away. It just felt right being in his arms. “It’s nice to see everyone getting along so well.”

Darien cast his eyes around the room. He’d been surprised that there hadn’t been at least one disagreement during the evening. Even with the renewed truce, wolves and vampires were not natural friends. Over the years, he had done his best to see that the two groups cooperated as best they could. It was better for business if tensions in town weren’t heightened by conflict between the local pack and vampires.

“It is.” Darien smiled. He turned his attention back to the woman in his arms. She had to be either werewolf or human, but he just couldn’t decide. “Have you had the chance to visit the buffet? I hear the chocolate cake is divine.”

Vicky shook her head. “Only for something to drink.”

Darien ruled out wolf. They were known for having large appetites and tended to nibble constantly when food was readily available. That meant that this woman was human. Darien smiled and squeezed her to him. “You really should try the cake, Victoria,” he said softly into her ear.

Vicky was shocked that he had guessed her. She couldn’t think of anything she’d said that would give her away. “How did you guess?”

“Well,” Darien grinned at her smugly, “you are the only human I know that would stand this close—” he squeezed her lightly as he spoke “—knowing who I am, and not be somewhat afraid.”

Vicky giggled at him. “Should I be afraid of you?” She fluttered her eyelashes at him again.

“I would prefer not.” Darien folded her in against him so he could nuzzle her hair. “I like the way you are around me.”

Vicky wiggled in happiness. They danced quietly together for a while, enjoying the feel of each other.

Darien was pulled back to reality when someone cleared their throat close to him. He turned to see Elliot and the white wolf form of Zak standing next to them.

The wolf panted and came over to rub against their legs.

“I see you found what you were looking for.” Elliot shot them both a knowing smile.

Vicky blushed at the innuendo and hid her face in Darien’s chest.

Darien made a content noise that widened the grin on Elliot’s face.

“I hate to interrupt your moment, but it’s almost midnight, and Lord Dakine would like to start soon.”

Darien sighed and released Vicky. “Of course.” He took Vicky’s arm and followed Elliot over to the buffet table where the elven lord was standing.

“Everything is prepared,” Dakine informed them. “We’re just waiting for midnight.”

“What happens at midnight?” Vicky asked.

“The end of the masquerade.” Darien patted her hand.

Vicky looked at him, confused. “But isn’t it early to be ending the party?”

“We aren’t ending the party.” Darien smiled. “We’re just switching gears.” He looked over the room filled with creatures of the night. “I doubt if this bunch will leave before tomorrow night.”

Vicky gave him a long ah-ha as she nodded her head slowly. The ballroom music ended, and a deep bell began to toll the hour.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Dakine’s voice rang out over the crowd. “The time has come to end this masquerade.” The couples backed up from the floor as several of Dakine’s people brought out two short columns topped with brass bowls. He had them placed a few feet apart, right in the middle of the room. Dakine fussed with the bowls for a moment until he was happy. Laying his hand on one of them, a fire bloomed to life in both. “Bring that which you have found to be revealed.”

Vicky watched as excited couples came up and walked between the bowls. As they passed the fires, the fay’s enchantment dropped away to reveal who they were. Many of the couples smiled and kissed. A few were totally surprised at who they chose as their partners. Vicky smiled when she watched Darien’s double walked through with her doppelgänger. She laughed when their disguises melted away into Karl and Sue. The couple that surprised everyone the most was Clara and Rupert stepping between the columns together.

“That will give everyone something to think about.” Elliot chuckled from behind him.

“Go get yours and get changed.” Darien grinned back at his friend.

Elliot laughed and went to the woman waiting for him.

Vicky watched it all with wide eyes. The fires stripped away the enchantments, so the couples were left in what they had been wearing before they were changed. “Darien.” Vicky ran her free hand down the front of her dress. “Those fires will clean away the fay’s magic.”

“Yes.” He nodded as he watched another couple change. “It’s an old custom to use bonfires to cleanse things on Samhain.” Darien turned his eyes to the woman next to him. “This will end the ball part, and then we can get started on the party.”

Vicky nodded her understanding.

“Come on, it will be our turn soon.” Darien wrapped Vicky’s hand back around his arm and escorted her to the end of the line.



Vicky stopped just short of the fires and looked up at Darien, apprehensive of stepping between the columns. Watching everyone in the room returned to their normal state had given her a moment to think. She had changed out of her clothing before the fay enchanted her. If she was returned to her original state, would that leave her naked? If it had been just her and Darien, it wouldn’t have bothered her so much, but every eye was on them at the moment.

Darien looked down at the reluctant woman. “It’ll be okay,” he promised as he patted her hand reassuringly.

Vicky gave him a resigned sigh and let him pull her between the flames. A soft tingle washed over her skin as the magic swept across her. She pulled in a soft gasp as the pang of a muscle cramp hit her low in the gut. The uncomfortable feeling was quickly washed away by a stabbing pain that bloomed in her chest. Vicky cried out as she clutched at her chest and crumpled to the floor.

!” Darien gasped and grabbed the falling woman to stop her from hitting hard. The crowd stilled as his control shattered and his full power rolled out over the group.

Dakine quickly dropped to a knee on the floor next to them.

“What happened?” Darien’s eye scanned over Vicky, looking for any signs of hurt.

Dakine touched her, searching for the problem. “The bonfires tried to burn the strand out.” He quickly removed the magic, trying to cleanse out the impurity.

Vicky’s breathing evened out as he worked.

“Will she be okay?” Darien asked.

“I think she will be, but only time will tell.” Dakine pulled his hand back from Vicky as he finished. “Take her to rest for a while.”

Darien nodded and picked the unconscious woman up from the floor, careful not to crush the wings still attached to her back. Worried mutters could be heard coming from the watching crowd as Darien carried Vicky off to a pile of pillows. The occupants quickly moved so that Darien could lay Vicky down. He sat next to her and ran his fingers through her golden locks.

Dakine clapped his hands bringing the groups attention away from the distressed vampire and back to him. “The time has come for other things,” Dakine said loudly, and the fires in the bowls died out. The fay that had brought out the tools quickly stepped up to remove them.

“Eat, drink, and be merry!” Dakine called. Heavier dance music started up as half the candles in the room went out, casting the whole place into deeper shadows. A soft fog rolled across the floor, and the ball shifted into more of a club-like atmosphere. No one moved as they watched Dakine head over to check on Vicky, but it wasn’t long until the heavy beat inspired a few to start dancing. Soon, the whole floor was in full swing, but even with the music pushing them, it was hard to ignore the anxious energy coming off Darien.

“Control, Master.” Elliot tapped Darien on the shoulder to get his attention.

Darien looked up from Vicky, shocked at the way his friend used his title. He hadn’t heard Elliot refer to him in that submissive tone in nearly two hundred years. “What?” Darien asked, confused.

“Remember your control, Sire.” Clara knelt next to the cushions. “Or you will have every vampire here under your power.”

Darien turned his shocked eyes to her. Even though he was responsible for her change, she had stopped calling him Sire a long time ago. He cast his gaze over the collection of vampires kneeling around the pillows and realized that he held them enthralled. Swallowing hard, he turned his attention to himself to understand how this had happened without him realizing it. He clamped down the cap that he usually kept on his power and cut off lines pulling at the other vampires.

“My apologies.” Darien sighed as he worked to get his power back under control. He had become very good at keeping his strength under wraps. It was hard to run a successful business with his otherworldly energies making his clients uncomfortable. He had gotten to the point where he could pass for human. Darien opened his eyes to find that the vampires he had called were slowly standing up again. They were all a little shaky, but unharmed.

“It’s all right,” Clara reassured him and looked around to make sure no one was still caught. “It has been a long time since you have called us. We are here if you need us.”

Darien nodded his head at her. “I don’t know what happened.” Sighing, he looked down at Vicky, asleep in the pillows. “I didn’t intend to call anyone.” He thought about his actions as he scrunched his fingers up, feeling Vicky’s curls. A more powerful vampire could bend a lesser vampire to his will if the difference in their levels was great enough. Darien knew he was strong, but the fact that he had caught so many accidentally worried him. He drew in a deep, calming breath before turning his attention to the white dress and wings that had not disappeared when they had walked between the fires. Worrying about his lack of control could come after he made sure Vicky was okay. “Lord Dakine.” Darien turned his face up towards the elf lord standing behind Clara. “Why didn’t she change back?”

Dakine looked down at the sleeping woman. Darien had laid Vicky on her side so she wouldn’t crush the delicate wings attached to her back. They quivered in her sleep. Dakine got closer so he could inspect the parts of Vicky’s costume that hadn’t returned to normal. “I told you that the little one’s had something special planned for her.” He touched the white silk of the dress. “This is not enchanted.”

Darien looked over the elaborate dress. “Not enchanted?” He touched the soft gown. “As in, real.”

“Of course it’s real, Kian Dubhlainn.”

Darien looked up at the voice of the silver-haired woman, recognizing her by the spiders crawling on her skirt.

“The lesser fay were rather insistent that her dress be real,” Arachne explained as she approached them. “My little ones worked hard to make your lady a gown appropriate for your handfasting.”

“Handfasting!” Darien gasped as he looked back down at his sleeping assistant. “But, we’re not getting married.” Soft laughter came ringing from the ceiling above him.

“The winged ones believe that you will, and they wanted to be here for the celebration.” Arachne played with a spider on her fingers as she spoke. “They can feel you in her already.”

Anger rose in Darien as he realized the lesser fay were trying to manipulate him. “Did you know about this?” He turned angry eyes to Dakine.

“I knew the little ones had intentions, but not what their ends would be,” Dakine answered honestly. He gently touched the wings attached to Vicky’s back.

Moaning softly, she shivered.

“This could be difficult.”

“What?” Darien asked as he watched the fay touching Vicky.

“These are as real as the dress.” Dakine pulled his hand back and considered the woman. “It seems the little ones have found a way to turn her more than half fay.”

Shock washed the anger out of Darien. “But, the wards were supposed to keep the fay from doing anything permanent to guests,” he protested. His mind spun on how this could happen. “Did you let the wards slip?” he asked Dakine with just a hint of accusation in his voice. The giggles sounded from above them again.

“I assure you, I had nothing to do with this.” Dakine waved his hand, palm up, over Vicky. “They must have found a hole in her protection.” He looked over Vicky again, trying to puzzle out how the fay had managed the change.

“Did you invite her to the party?” Elliot asked from where he stood next to Darien.

“Of course,” Darien snapped. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Not bring her, did you
her?” Elliot clarified, pinning Darien with his hazel eyes. “Did you formally invite Victoria to the party tonight?”

Darien stopped his automatic answer and thought about the question. “No,” he answered. “I assumed she was coming with me.”

Dakine let out a ragged breath. “The protection didn’t cover her.” He smiled at the little ones’ cunning. “It only covered you and anyone you invited.”

Darien stared at him, dumbfounded.

“Since invitations were sent out to the werewolves, the fay, and all the masters and their minions, I didn’t think any more clarification was needed. It never occurred to me that cailín wouldn’t have been invited.” The giggles and cheers from the winged fay grew louder.

Darien growled at their joy, and the sound quieted a little. He looked over at the large, white wolf standing on one side of the pillows. “Did you know about this?”

Zak lowered his head and snorted into Vicky’s hair.

Darien glared at the hellhound’s non-committal answer. “I’m going to get some tomatoes on the way home. I’ll get more pleasure out of making the marinara sauce myself.” Once done threatening the hellhound, Darien turned his attention back to the people watching him. “So, what do I need to do?”

“The little ones want to dance at your handfasting,” Arachne said as if the answer were obvious.

Darien sighed, giving in. He could see no way out of this one. “I can’t force her into something she doesn’t want.”

“Have you asked her?” Clara inquired.

Darien gave her an incredulous look. “No.” He shook his head. “Marriage is not something that we’ve talked about.”

“Ask her,” Elliot said from behind him. “What’s a handfasting compared to a vampire mark?”

“You marked her?” Clara’s eyebrows crawled up to her hairline in surprise.

“It’s a long story.” Darien blushed slightly, ashamed of his drunken behavior and the failed attempt at marking Vicky. “But, you’re right. What is a year and a day compared to a lifetime?”

“Then wake her up and ask her already,” Rupert growled from where he had come up to listen to the conversation. “I haven’t been to a handfasting in years.”

Letting out a resigned breath, he nodded his head and turned his full attention to Vicky. “Victoria,” Darien said softly, taking a hold of her hand. He squeezed it lightly.

Vicky’s breathing deepened for a second, but she didn’t wake up.

“Victoria, wake up,” he tried again. Raising his free hand, he rubbed her cheek lightly.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out in a light moan, but she still did not wake up.

Dakine snickered from where he had backed up to give the vampire room. “It’s going to take more than that to wake her from this magic-induced sleep.” His grin widened as he went on. “And I don’t think threatening to fire her will work this time.”

Darien chuckled at the elf. “You have a point.” He carefully gathered Vicky up in his arms and pulled her in against him. The lesser fay flitted around above him, egging him on. He could feel their excitement growing as he leaned forwards and placed a light kiss on Vicky’s lips. If anyone wasn’t paying attention to the scene, the squeals and chorales of joy from the lesser fay told them something good had happened. The sounds of ‘Kian Dubhlainn loves cailín’ bounced around the room, informing everyone that didn’t already know. Darien pulled back from the kiss, smiling. He hadn’t tried to hide his relationship with Vicky, but it felt odd to have it announced to everyone like that.

Vicky made a slightly pained noise as she pulled from her sleep. “What happened?” she mumbled, raising a hand to rub at her temple.

“You had a bad reaction to the magic,” Darien informed her.

Vicky opened her eyes and looked up into his.

“It’s all right now,” he reassured her and helped her sit up in the cushions.

Vicky shook her head slightly, trying to clear the last of the magic from her mind. She drew in a deep breath and looked around at the faces surrounding her. They were oddly devoid of emotion.

Darien could see the questions ready to bubble up inside her, and he took her hand to draw her attention back to him. Opening his mouth, he started to explain what had happened, but closed it again. He knew how these games were played, and if he told Vicky about the conditions, it could void her response.

Vicky cocked her head in question.

“Victoria Westernly, will you marry me?” Darien asked, skipping over the reason. She would need to hear it eventually, but he knew that the magic would only work on an honestly given reply.

Vicky’s mind clicked out of gear, and she stared at him with an open mouth. A strange silence filled their corner of the room as the winged fay stilled to hear what she would say.

BOOK: Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3)
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