Read Just One Bite Volume 2 Online

Authors: Brenda Williamson Rosalie Stanton Dahlia Rose Linda Palmer Virginia Nelson Bethany Michaels Amanda McIntyre Karalynn Lee Tracey H. Kitts Jambrea Jo Jones Yvette Hines Marie Harte Kathleen Dienne Victoria Blisse

Just One Bite Volume 2 (7 page)

BOOK: Just One Bite Volume 2
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My clothes clung to me, both from the heaviness of the air and the sweat I had worked up. I checked my watch. I was making good time. I paused to stretch my legs and it was then I became aware of another presence besides mine.

Someone was watching me.

“Hello. Is anyone there?”

No reply.

“Just my imagination,” I said, hoping the sound of my voice would steady my nerves. I continued to talk to myself as I started walking again. “I shouldn’t watch so many horror movies. Zombies are 
 going to jump out of the bushes.”

The sound of a limb cracking made me jump. I held the flashlight like a club as I continued forward.

The crickets had stopped. Everything was quiet.

A fine tremor had begun in my hands by the time I reached the end of the road. I took out my map and confirmed which way to go.

Something leapt past me and I stumbled back, hitting my foot on a rock. As my butt smacked the pavement I cursed myself for acting like those stupid women in the movies. Were rocks just magically around when you tried to run?

What looked like a wolf leapt into the bushes just down from where I had fallen. Trees and darkness obstructed my view, so I couldn’t be sure. But that wasn’t possible. There were no wolves around here. Not in 

Amber eyes glowed in the darkness, much too high up to be even a large dog. They moved toward me, moving ever higher, as if they were floating. Then I knew I must have fallen and hit my head. Because out of the woods stepped a gorgeous and completely naked man.

My first thought was, 
”Crap. My red shirt even has a little hood.”
 Later that would be funny. But right now I was terrified.

His amber eyes took me in with a glance. Hunger was evident in the look he gave me. But what he was hungry for I wasn’t sure.

“I won’t eat you,” he said, his voice deep and rough.

“Well, that’s a damn shame.”

What had come over me? I decided to enjoy my obvious delusion. Hot, naked men don’t just walk out of the woods. And there is no such thing as werewolves.

His lips curled in a slow, side-of-the-mouth grin and I noticed his short fangs. He moved toward me with grace a dancer would have envied. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Before I could even register the thought of a storm approaching, it began to rain.

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight of him standing there in the rain. He looked wild and dangerous and all I could do was wish he would come closer. Water poured down his body, washing over each curve as if the rain couldn’t resist touching him. Whatever color his hair was, it was so wet that it appeared black. Dark strands clung to his throat and shoulders, making the contrast of his skin seem pale. 

I watched as water ran down his hair, beading in his long eyelashes. I watched a drop of rain as it slid down his forehead, down his face, his collarbone, around one nipple, and down the ridged curves of his abs. I wanted to follow that drop lower, but was interrupted by a growl.

I shook my head. I was coming undone from watching a man standing in the rain. And he wasn’t even real. This 
 be real.

He came toward me and I watched the muscles of his long legs flex with every subtle movement. He truly was a work of art. 

He knelt beside me, his amber gaze penetrating. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. My car broke down about a mile up the road.”

Why was I telling 
? He wasn’t here and this wasn’t happening. I’d hit my head and was lying on the side of the road in the rain, having a wonderful delusion.

“Do I frighten you?” he asked, a trace of growl still in his voice.

“A little bit.”

He leaned closer, his face just above my abdomen. He moved slowly upward until we were face to face again. What was he doing, memorizing my scent?

“You want me,” he said. “I can smell your desire, hear your heart fluttering. I 
 frighten you.”

“Not enough to keep me from doing this.”

I had intended to kiss him, but I didn’t get that far. When I pressed my palm against his chest one thing was certain. “You’re real.”

He laughed, a deep rumble that thrilled me. “Of course, I’m real. What did you think?”

“I thought that when I tripped I hit my head instead of my ass.” I looked at my hand, resting against his chest. Why should the fact that he was real change my intentions? “You’re hot, burning.”

“The moon is almost full.”

“What does that mean?”

He smiled again and I could feel myself growing wetter. Even if we weren’t in the middle of a storm, I thought my jeans would already be soaked through by now.

“You know what I am. You saw me.” He laughed again. “And you didn’t hit your head.”

When I just looked at him he asked, “Are you hurt? Do you want me to take a look?”

You’re damn right I did. I pulled up enough to put my hand behind his head and pulled his lips to mine. His kiss burned. Whatever fever ran through his body made his lips warmer than anything I’d ever felt. I was already growing cold from the rain and as he pulled me into his arms I sighed, melting against his warmth.

He was right when he said I wanted him. There was something about him I couldn’t resist. I didn’t want to. I was tired of resisting my natural instincts. I needed to let go, to do something completely out of character … something wild.

He leaned forward slowly, then faster than I could imagine he lifted me up, moving off the road to the cover of nearby trees. My back was pressed against a large oak, my legs around his waist. 

This was crazy, but he made me feel something I never had, and I didn’t want to lose it. I didn’t want to walk away from him and never feel again what I felt right now. His hands slid beneath my shirt and I arched against him, hungry for the feel of his skin against mine. My need for him was so sharp that my pussy ached.

“I won’t hurt you,” he said softly.

He lowered me to the ground so that I stood, pressed against him. I knew he was going to kiss me again and felt my lips parting in anticipation as I rose on tiptoe to meet him. His gentle kisses were a relief from so many lonely nights. 

He pulled back to look down at me and my breath caught. His hair fell forward framing his face, his amber eyes burning in the darkness. Their fire might consume me, but I no longer cared.

A slow smile curved his lips as he held me against him, lowering me to the wet grass. He kissed me with something beyond hunger or need. It surprised me to realize there was loneliness in his touch.

I opened to him, letting his tongue plunge inside my mouth. I wanted to lose myself in his kiss, and in the hard flesh pressing against my body.

He pulled the t-shirt over my head and, my bra quickly followed. His lips burned wherever they touched me and when he reached my nipple I almost came. He drew the flesh into his mouth, sucking it, flicking the peak with his tongue.

He ran his tongue between the valley of my breasts, licking the rain from my flesh. He flicked his tongue over my ear and I shivered. But when he pulled my earlobe into his mouth I screamed. My pussy throbbed and I arched against him. I hadn’t even realized he’d been unfastening my pants during this time until he opened them and pulled back from me.

He laughed softly as he moved to pull down my jeans. As soon as they hit the ground he was back on top of me, pressing his hard cock against my thigh. I writhed beneath him, grinding my pussy against his thigh and wishing he’d taken off my panties too. His fangs grazed my earlobe and I screamed so loud it startled me.

“Shh,” he said, pulling back with a smile.

His long, dark hair slid over my body as his kisses trailed lower. I was arching off the ground as he hooked his fingers beneath the top of my panties and slowly pulled them from my body.

My heart was pounding with anticipation. 

“Tell me what you want me to do,” he said.

“I want you to eat my pussy.”

The image of his dark head between my thighs was intoxicating. He pulled the soft flesh into his mouth, sucking at my clit, moaning as he shook his head back and forth, tugging the skin and bringing me closer and closer to orgasm.

His broad shoulders were the only thing that kept my legs from clamping shut as I trembled. He slid one long finger inside of me, moaning once more as he tugged my clit into his mouth. That was enough. My back arched off the ground as I came. The vibration of his growl echoed through my body as he held me tight. My muscles contracted hard as I ground my pussy into his face, aching with anticipation for his next touch.

His long hair fell in wet, silken waves around his face and shoulders. His eyes shown like a fire in the night.

“Bend over.”

I knew I could refuse his sensual command if I chose. But I wanted everything he had to offer, however he chose to give it to me. I flipped over.

When he pressed his body against the back of mine, wrapping himself around me, I moaned. He turned my head to the side, and kissed me. I arced back, pushing my ass into his rock hard erection. He took my ass in his hands, squeezing and spreading me open. I started to move my legs and he commanded softly, “No. Keep them closed.”

He ran his tongue over my pussy from behind, slipping it between my legs and making me scream again. I arched back as much as I could so that he could reach me better. It felt good, but I couldn’t hold still. I writhed against him, hungering for more.

He ran his cock between my still closed legs, rubbing back and forth over my soaking wet pussy. I could feel his teeth against the back of my neck, biting just hard enough to pinch, but not penetrate my skin. I shivered as he bit harder, entering my body at the same time. My pussy stretched so far I thought he might split me in two.

I growled, arching as much as I could against him, driving his throbbing cock deeper inside of me.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said.

When he hesitated I begged, “Please, I need it to hurt a little.”

My words seemed to unleash something within him. His voice was soft against my ear, whispering things he wanted to do to me. He moved faster and I came. Every thrust of his hips seemed to intensify my orgasm. My pussy clenched so tight around him I was surprised that he could move at all, let alone pick up the pace.

When he put his knee between my thighs and finally spread them wide, I came again. He bent over me, one arm cradled my breasts while his other hand slid between my legs. The moment he touched my clit I jumped.

He growled against my ear as he pulled me back against him, my body supported on his thighs. He moved at a slow, maddening pace as he continued to stroke my clit. Rain splashed between our bodies, making it difficult to keep from sliding too much. 

I placed my hands behind me on either side of his waist, using his hips for leverage. At first I moved slowly. But his hungry growl sent me over the edge. He took my cue and rubbed my clit faster. I rode him till my thighs shook with the effort. 

He lifted me again, laying me down in the grass. I opened for him, taking him in my arms as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He cradled my face in his hands as he kissed me. How could sex with a stranger be this intimate? He didn’t just kiss my lips. He kissed my face, my eyelids, my throat. As he pressed his lips to my forehead the raw emotion was overwhelming.

“Have I hurt you?”

“No.” I took his face in my hands, pulling him back down. “Please, don’t stop.”

He kissed me again and with one final trust he came.

We lay there for a moment looking up into the rain. Both of us unsure of what to say.

After a few minutes he asked, “Where did you say your car was?”

He followed me back while I told him what had happened. At first I was nervous about walking down the road with a naked man, but no one was around to see. By the time we reached the car the rain had stopped.

I gave him a towel out of my trunk just in case someone did drive by.

“Get in and turn on the heater,” he said.

“In this weather?”

He smiled. “Your car is overheated. Running the heater pulls heat from the engine.”

“Oh.” Well, I was glad somebody knew that.

While we ran the heat he introduced himself as Nick. “I know the circumstances are odd.” He paused, dazzling me once more with that smile. “I’d really like to see you again.”

“Only if you wear that towel.”

“So, what brings you out here?” he asked.

“I’m visiting a friend. Is your house nearby? I’ll give you a ride.” I could feel myself blushing at the choice of words.

He laughed. “Actually, I’m visiting someone too. I went out for a run under the moon and, that’s when I found you.”

In that moment it really hit me that he was a 
. “Are you contagious?”

“Only when I’m transformed.” He reached over and took my hand. “Are you really all right with dating a werewolf?”

Strangely enough, I was. My fear had long since passed. It didn’t bother me in the slightest. “Yes.” It amazed me how easily I accepted what he was.

On the way to Matt’s house I tried to find the words to tell my friend that I no longer needed his help finding a date. While I was going through the possible conversation in my head Nick said, “It’s at the end of this road.”

 I thought. 
”His friend must be neighbors with Matt.”

I didn’t realize until we pulled up the drive that Matt’s was the 
 house at the end of the road. My friend greeted us with a cheerful smile and as he hugged me, looked at Nick and said, “I see you’ve already met.”

The End

Lilith by

Karalynn Lee

Lilith often found herself drawn to gardens. No need for perfume amidst fragrant bark and flowers; no need for sheets against the soft earth. The dappled shade of a leafy canopy. Wind against bare skin.

She seduced the gardener and then sent him away a broken man, forever looking over his shoulder in the distant hope that she might be looking back at him. In peace she explored the rest of the grounds: its maze of paths, the dreamward arch of trees overhead. Under the roots of a silver birch she buried the man’s soul, a gold coin etched with his visage and his name. She didn’t bother remembering either.

BOOK: Just One Bite Volume 2
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