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Authors: L.A. Fiore

Tags: #Romance

Just Me (41 page)

BOOK: Just Me
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Hs leaned over, stretching across the counter, so his lips could meet mine. His tongue licked my lips and tangled with my own
“You were spectacular tonight.”

It was amazing.”

The greatest moment in your life, I imagine.”

I smiled as I linked our fingers.

No, not the greatest, it was great, fantastic even, but not the greatest.”


Yeah, I have a few really great moments that rank higher than tonight.”


Finding my dad, that was a really great moment. And seeing you for the first time is definitely one.”

His fingers tightened on mine. “What else?”

Our first near kiss in the art room and definitely our first kiss by the river.”

Both of those are way up on my list. And?”

There are several others but the top two are when you asked me to marry you and the day you took me to the future site of our home. You were so excited and seeing how sure you were, how ready you were for us to start our lives together, that was the greatest moment of my life.”

He walked around the counter to pull me into his arms for a kiss which left me tingling from head to toe. There was such intensity and love looking back at me that it had my heart doing a long, slow roll.

My greatest moment was the day you kissed my palm in English class.”

Really? Why?” I asked.

Because I knew then that you were totally into me
” H

” I muttered.

He chuckled as he pulled me closer. “Seriously, it was the day of the state art show and seeing your sketch of me. I already knew how you felt about me and there it was in black and white for everyone else to see.” He leaned over and brushed his lips over my ear. “I think you like me.”

There's no think about it.”

His tongue ran along the curve of my ear
“I know.

He saw me back to my stool before he continued on with making our milk. I knew that in fifty years
the sight of him doing something as simple as heating milk was still going to warm my heart and put a smile on my face.

I sighed, happily, as I listened to the silence because everyone that I loved was under this roof, including my dad.

Bastian handed me my milk and as we made our way
back to our room he wrapped his hand firmly around mine. I pressed myself against his side and smiled because it wasn't just me anymore.


The ink had only just dried on our Columbia diplomas, two weeks since Bastian and I graduated, and it was our wedding day. We'd been staying with my dad and Saffron at the lighthouse. The wedding was going to take place on the plot of land that would become our home and later, after the festivities, Broderick was going to pull in his nice double-wide that we were setting up near the river bank to live in while the house was being built.

Broderick and Bastian officially drew up the contracts for their partnership and as a nice added surprise, a partnership too for Caden, after studying architectural engineering at NYU.

Bastian was at Broderick's as I got dressed at the lighthouse. My dad was giving me away, Poppy was my maid of honor, Sophia my bridesmaid, Hunter the ring bearer, Dylan the flower girl and Caden and Dom were both Bastian's best men.

My dress, the simple lace sheath, was beautiful. My up-swept hair finished with a simple fingertip veil, the earrings from the Wrights and bare feet completed my wedding ensemble.

Bastian and the men were wearing black suits with white shirts unbuttoned at the collar for the casual and simple wedding we both wanted.

A knock at my door had me calling for my dad to enter. He stopped just in the threshold and looked at me from head to toe and back again.

You look beautiful. To think there could have been a chance of this day happening with you looking so happy and me missing it.”

Well, let's not think of it, since not only are you here for this day, but from here on out we'll only ever be just down the road from each other.”

He pulled me to him. “You have no idea how much I love it that you and Bastian are making your home here.”

Home is where the heart is, right?”

Absolutely.” He took a step back and reached for my hand. “Are you ready?”

Yes, very.”

We arrived and Logan helped both Saffron and me from the car before taking charge of Hunter and Dylan. Dante had arrived earlier to collect my younger siblings, the two-year-old twins: Brie and Caleb.

I'll get Dylan and Hunter into position,” he said as he leaned over and brushed a kiss on my cheek before he joined our friends and family who awaited by the river's edge.

I thought maybe you would like something borrowed and blue
” Saffron said as she tipped over a little silk pouch causing silver and topaz hair coils to spill out into her hand.

I wore these on a magical date with your dad. I thought maybe you'd like to wear them today.”

Please, I would love that. Could you help me?”

I'd be delighted
” She
said tearfully. When she was done, she took my hands into hers. “I know I'm not your mother but I'm always here for you.”

I love you, Saffron.”

She pulled me in for a hug and I heard the hitch in her breathing. “I love you too.” She pressed my bouquet of pink hydrangeas into my hand. “Savor the day, because it's over before you know it.

Once everyone was seated, and the music started, the procession began as Hunter, Dylan, Sophia and Poppy moved down the aisle. My dad tucked my hand through his arm, then we were moving too. I smiled at the Wrights, at my uncle and cousins, at Broderick and Dante and my grandparents, at Ms. Whitney and Bastian’s
old employer Cal and his wife before my eyes found Bastian's. We were surrounded by friends and family, but once our eyes met everyone else just faded from view.

My dad handed me to Bastian, who took my hand and linked our fingers. “You look exquisite, my beautiful bride.” Then he leaned over and whispered in my ear
“This is the ultimate payback—in just a few minutes you're going to be stuck with me forever.”

Well, as it happens, Bastian Ross, I want to be stuck with you forever.”

A grin cracked over his face and he pressed a kiss in my palm
“Let's do this.”

Oh, yeah.”

And together we turned as one and walked into our very real, but wildly happy
ever after.


Lark and Bastian's story is a favorite of mine. They are true soul mates, both coming from places where love is not given freely and yet they each have the capacity to love deeply. Having met and married my own soul mate, I can totally relate to these two.

To my kids, when I zone out or hold entire conversations with myself out loud, I am working. I love you both and thanks for understanding when I disappear into my office for weeks at a time.

Audrey, you're the best. Thanks for always listening, for reading and re-reading and for just being as supportive as you are. It means more than I can say.

Krista, my editor, I really enjoy working with you and I love how this book turned out.

Trish Bacher, Editor in Heels, my copyeditor, I am so happy to be working with you. Your attention to detail is amazing. Thank you for adding your expertise to Lark’s and Bastian’s story.

Michelle and Sali for beta reading, thank you.

Murphy Rae of Indie Solutions, thank you for the fantastic cover design.

Karen Smutz, of Karen Smutz Photography, thank you for the cover photo that so perfectly fits the story.

To Jazmyne Rodriguez, the beautiful model, thanks for working with Karen and the countless poses until we got the one.

About the Author

L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including,
Beautifully Damaged,
Waiting for the One
A Glimpse of the Dream
. She loves writing and creating characters that are flawed but beautiful. She enjoys hearing from readers and can be reached through Facebook or her website.

BOOK: Just Me
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