Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set (10 page)

BOOK: Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set
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The afternoon drive in the cab goes quickly and there aren’t too many red lights before getting to the park entrance. Since I started using the cab company, I always request to have Charles. He has a nice, non-aggressive driving habit that I appreciate, and we get along well. Instead of heading back down the mountain, Charles sits and waits for me. Knowing my routine at the mountain, Charles always turns off the meter. He gets a quiet break and nap while I’m out as well as an additional forty dollar tip for waiting. We have a mutually beneficial relationship that we’ve established over the past two years that has turned into a nice friendship. We chat on the drive as he updates me on how his children and wife are doing as well as thanking me again for my generous Christmas gifts I gave him and the family. A while ago, he had mentioned that he and his wife wanted to take a week’s vacation with the kids to Disneyland, so I arranged for them to spend a week at Disney World. They are scheduled to go during his children’s spring break from school this year. I covered their flights, hotel stay and park passes. Every kid needs to visit Disney World at least once in their life — that is one of my fondest memories of my parents when I was little.

It takes a moment for me to adjust to the higher altitude. The air is thinner and takes a moment to get used to even for a physically fit person. Getting out of the taxi, I add my keys and phone into a zipper compartment on the inside of my jacket. My phone won’t be of any real use here because we are in the middle of several small mountains, but I bring it none the less — maybe I’ll listen to some music. I keep my jacket half zipped and toss the bag on my back.

“Ready, Sadie?”

She wags her tail ferociously, anticipating where we are going.

The hike is great for both of us, getting some fresh, cool air, warm sun and time out in nature to decompress everything that has been going on since the New Year. There aren’t too many people on the trails today which makes it easier to just enjoy the scenery. About thirty minutes later, Sadie and I arrive at the first waterfall. We sit quietly drinking and having our snacks. We watch a few people come and go as we relax and I try some mild meditation.

Unfortunately, my thoughts wander back to the lunch I had today and Joe’s lips on my hand. Damn it. Pull yourself together, Emma. Why is my mind going to him? Thinking for a moment, I realize that it has been a while since I’ve been with a guy and masturbation can only do so much. Maybe it’s time to find another guy to play with for a while. I’ll see if either Maggie or Jared is free tonight or tomorrow to help take off the edge. I grab my phone, and as I’m about to call, I realize I don’t have cell reception. Great! I think it’s time to head back.

Sadie and I return to the Charles and the cab in twenty minutes. I took ten minutes off our walk back?! Wow! I definitely need some action — preferably tonight. Once we hit the road at the bottom of the mountain, I group text Maggie and Jared, about going out tonight or tomorrow while sitting at a red light.

“Got the itch?” Jared texts back with a winking emoticon.

“Ha ha,” I write, trying to brush it off.

“Can we invite Henry and maybe Joe, too?” Maggie texts back.

“No!” I shout back at her in writing.

The last thing I need is to have two strange men tagging along.

“You can handle one day without Henry,” Jared comments to Maggie.

“She saw him for lunch today after our meeting!” I return, hinting to Jared about the morning’s events.

“Really? Was
Blue Eyes
there too?” Jared heckles.

“I thought it would be a great time for Emma to get to know Henry better,” Maggie interjects, trying to defend herself.

“Man, you must really like this guy, Mags,” Jared pokes.

“More than me. I didn’t know they were joining us,” I retort, still a little peeved.

“You owe her then, Mags. I’m good for either,” Jared texts back.

“I can do either,” Maggie notes. “It wasn’t definite if Henry and Joe could join us, so I didn’t think to really mention it.”

Before I can even write back, Jared confirms, “Tonight, then. How about dinner and dancing on Sunset?”

“Terrific!” I text.

“Awesome!” Maggie affirms.

Charles notices that I’ve perked up a bit as he pulls up to my apartment complex. “Got good news?”

“Yes. Thank you,” I cheerfully respond, handing him the money I owe him plus a little extra for his tip.

“This is too much, Emma,” Charles scolds a little unease.

“Not for you,” I reassure him. “Send my love to the family!”

“Will do. Thanks again. See you soon!” Charles announces.

Waving farewell, I beam with anticipation. Hurrying, I empty my pockets on the kitchen counter and start getting Sadie’s dinner together. Once she’s finished eating, we head out to the park. Sadie only relieves herself and then comes back over to me. She must be tired from the hike which gives me a few extra minutes to get ready.

Back inside the apartment, I’m peeling off my clothes before I hit the bedroom. I have about thirty minutes to shower and get dressed before Maggie arrives to get me. Sadie lays across the bed, watching me as I dart back and forth from the bedroom to the bathroom a few times. My hair is air drying as I’ve now got my makeup on. Time to choose an outfit. Standing in front of my walk-in closet, I peruse my vast selection. I easily rule out a number of items due to the cooler night air as I select fitted, black dress pants that tighten down to my ankles, a shimmering, light silver, plunging neckline tank top adorned by a simple contoured black blazer that rests at the small of my back and the sleeves stop in the middle of my forearms. After throwing on a pair of four-inch heels that cutout on the arch side of my foot, I accessorize with diamond crusted hoop earrings and a simple diamond necklace that rests right a the crux of my cleavage.

Maggie texts that she has arrived right as I finish transferring my purse necessities into a simple, shiny silver clutch. I kiss Sadie goodnight and tell her to behave and not stay up too late.

“Sexy!” Maggie shouts as I climb into the passenger side of her car. “Maybe I should be the one who takes you home tonight and have my way with you.”

“If there aren’t any options tonight, you just might have to,” I confess.

“Fine by me,” Maggie confirms, giggling at the thought.

Maggie and I aren’t joking and I’m almost half tempted to text Jared that we aren’t meeting him and to party on without us. I lost my virginity to Maggie and her’s to me. When we were eighteen, we decided that we wanted to get the whole anxiety about having our cherries popped out of the way to make it easier for if and when we did sleep with a guy.

I’m not your typical bisexual kind of girl. The only girl I’ve slept with is Maggie. She’s beautiful and I am attracted to her. I love her, but I’m not in love with her. I never have and never will be. We kind of fill a need for each other during the interims of finding a male partner while making each other feel safe, secure and free. Maggie and I have fun, a lot of fun, but my body really craves the sensation of a man.

After parking, we head to Katana’s to meet Jared for sushi. I am pleased when I see that Jared invited Nathan along to join us. Nathan became friends with him not long after Jared and I met. They have never dated, but have an unspoken partnership that fulfills needs for each other, even if just sexually. I think they love each other and will eventually be in an official relationship, but right now neither of them is ready.

“Nathan!” Maggie yells as we approach the table. “I’m so glad you joined us.”

“Hello, darlings,” Nathan greets hugging and kissing her on each cheek. “Don’t you look delicious! Where is your new man? I was hoping to meet him.”

Maggie blushes at his compliment and at the mention of Henry. “Just us girls tonight,” she answers. “Besides, you’ll meet him Saturday.”

“And, here is the reason we are all out tonight!” Nathan beams as he looks to me.

“Hi, Nathan,” I reply, hugging and kissing him too.

“I sure do love when the
Sex Kitten
get’s the itch,” Nathan expresses rather buoyantly. “I get to see my two favorite ladies and my favorite man.”

“I keep telling Jared to bring you along more,” I say earnestly. “But, I think he just wants to keep you all to himself. He just doesn’t want to admit it.” I take the seat next to Maggie which is across from Jared.

“And, he would if he would just ask,” Nathan retorts, regaining his seat and glancing at Jared who is blushing.

Jared, Maggie and I hang out together with Nathan at least once a month. Sometimes Jared and Nathan get together just the two of them. We’re all friends and Nathan is just as much of a friend as Jared and Maggie are for me. I think that Jared tempers how often he invites Nathan out because of their on again off again semi-committed relationship.

“So, do tell, Mags. I want all the yummy details!” Nathan is eager to hear all the particulars of her new catch. “Is he amazing in bed?”

“We haven’t had sex yet,” Maggie bashfully admits.

“Seriously? Then what the hell are you doing here? You and
should be having your ways with each other to temper the lionesses within,” he asserts in astonishment.

“If Emma doesn’t find a suitor, we will,” Maggie affirms.

“Shit, then let’s just have some dinner and head back to either Jared’s or my place. I’ve always been curious as to what it looks like to see the two of you go at it since Jared told me about your little deflowering adventure,” Nathan remarks, insinuating that he wants to get Jared naked too.

I roll my eyes and shake my head during my response to Nathan’s statement because moisture surges between my legs. “Please, you just want to get Jared naked,” I say, calling his intentions out.

“Can you blame me?” he inquires, looking to Jared.

Surprisingly, Jared is more playful than usual in public with Nathan and places his hand on Nathan’s shoulder.

The waiter comes over and we place our order immediately. We are hungry, but we’ve dined at Katana’s enough times to know the menu. Besides, we usually order a variety of items and split them.

“So spill it,” Nathan commands. “I want to hear about Henry.”

I cringe a little at the thought of hearing the recounting of all things Henry, especially with what happened earlier today. Tonight was supposed to be about sufficing my raging need for sexual relief. I quickly correct my thoughts. There is no way I’d be able to fulfill my aching need while eating dinner with two gay men. Though, Maggie could take the edge off if we just take a long trip to the restroom. Then again, if we get started, we might not ever leave the bathroom.

“Is his friend gay?” Nathan questions at some point during Maggie’s diatribe.

“No, unfortunately,” Jared verifies. “He’s gorgeous . . . but, completely straight. I saw him staring incessantly at Emma on New Year’s. He’s completely into her.”

“What?” I refute in shock.

He totally wants you.
Blue Eyes
wants to make mad passionate love to you!” Jared jabs with a sense of knowing that gives me chills.

“No, he doesn’t,” I argue, trying to not allow the idea of Joe to arouse me, but my lady parts tingle.

“Yes, he does!” Jared insists in a commanding tone. “Deny it all you want, but
Blue Eyes
has the hots for you.”

“I can’t wait to meet these men Saturday,” Nathan declares with delight as our food arrives.

“It will be interesting, to say the least,” Jared comments.

“Why don’t you just use
Blue Eyes
to indulge your need, Emma?” Nathan urges with a hint of torment.

“You know my rules,” I hold stedfast in my conviction.

“Rules are made to be broken,” Jared rebuts with a smirk on his face as he takes his next bite of sashimi.

I glare at the two of them with mounds of discomfort, mostly stemming from my loins. They do have a point to some extent, though I would never admit it to them. They’ve been able to show a working
friends with benefits
relationship. Yet at the same time, I can see that each of them wants more. It’s in their eyes when they look at each other when they think no one else is paying attention. Jared has mentioned to me that he has yet to find anyone who can please him more sexually than Nathan. He even hinted one time at the idea that it’s probably because they know each other’s bodies so well.

Maggie knows my body and I hers, but that will be coming to a screeching halt here soon. I always back off when she starts dating a man. Her friendship and happiness means more to me than the fun sex we have. Maybe that’s why my itch is so apparent, my body knows what’s coming and I’m starting to get back in the habit of withdrawing? Well, at least I have until they start having sex.

Since I choose not to respond to Jared’s stipulation about my rules, the conversation goes back to Maggie describing what has happened and what she thinks about Henry. I interject on occasion, revealing my antics at lunch today which still gets an embarrassed look on Maggie’s face. Nathan and Jared crack up and give me high fives for my interrogation.

Once I’ve added my jabs, I sit quietly pretending to listen as I continue to eat. My thoughts keep going back to what Jared said about
Blue Eyes
, I mean Joe, and my yearning increases.

One would think that masturbation on a regular basis would suffice — apparently not. I’m not a sex addict, but I’m definitely a horny girl. If, and I mean
, I would ever entertain the idea of a friend with benefits with someone other than Maggie, it would have to be a man who can not only arouse me, but bring me to full climax. None of the men I’ve slept with have been able to make me cum without me having to touch myself.

Settling our tab, the four of us head out to Ayana's that just opened about six months ago. It is a beautifully sculptured building that was constructed after several of the buildings on Sunset Boulevard were torn down. The interior is extravagantly designed for a nightclub, but it was tailored only for those with money in mind. The VIP rooms are usually rented out by celebrities and there is a one bottle minimum per table that starts at four hundred dollars. If you aren’t a celebrity or going in with one, then you’re pretty much stuck out in the line that trails out the door and wraps around the block all night. Most people never get to see the inside of this exquisite palace.

BOOK: Just Breathe Trilogy Box Set
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