Jessica (Tucked In 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Jessica (Tucked In 2)
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Chapter 11


Watching Tuck come back into the kitchen
, I can read the seriousness on his face. As he sits down next to me at the island counter, he whips a piece of paper at me. Guess he is angry, or he talked to his trashy little girlfriend and she’s angry. Poor Tuck, I can make him feel better, if I can just get him alone for a few minutes. I know he felt it too, the electricity between us when we kissed, it’s still there. We are meant to be together. It’s going to happen, I will get my Tuck back, my life back. I’m no longer afraid of The Master.



“What’s this?” I ask him, picking up the sheet. Gasping, I drop it, looking up at me is a photo of The Master, but, before he was Master. It’s a mug shot. I take in all the info, the name, his crimes. Tears well in my eyes and there’s nothing I can do to stop them from pouring over the rim.
I’ve been the victim of a lot of these things, so he’s done them before? To others. Sobbing uncontrollably now, my tough exterior is slowing crumbling with Tuck around. I know I’m safe with him, and can actually drop my guard finally. He folds me in his arms, and I let it all out. Finally calming down, I look to the other men, Tuck’s friends. They seem to be looking at everything else in the kitchen but me. Embarrassment heats my cheeks and I pull back from Tuck’s arms.


“Sorry guys. It’s been a pretty rough few years.” I try to laugh it off.
“I’m sure it has honey,” the older man says, reaching out to pat my hand, trying not to draw attention to my missing finger, “But, think of what you went through, your fear, and imagine what Sebastian is going to experience.” Nodding my head, I do know, I do understand.

“Time to put my big girl panties on huh?
I called Tuck because I agree with you. I can’t let that child go through what I have.” Looking around to laughing with the guys, the mention of panties, and Tuck’s eyes ignite with a bright look of lust, even as he laughs. Those amazing eyes of his, the icy pools, pin me down, and he looks ready to rip my clothes off right here. A chill of excitement crawls up my spine.


“Ok, so this is The Master. They must not have updated this lately, because you can add kidnapping, drug smuggling, and murder to the list of charges.” Tuck’s face hardens, knowing that I was the kidnapping charge. Patting his arm with my hand, I continue.

“If someone gets me a piece of paper and pen, I can give you the
layout, security info you need and anything else necessary. We should be able to grab Christian and Sebastian at the hotel tomorrow night, but there’s an FBI agent locked below the base, and I’m afraid if that kid gets left there, he’s going to die in Sebastian’s place. The Master is crazy, and I can’t guarantee what he will or won’t do. That kid can’t be more than twenty. These members he’s brainwashed into following him, they all think that he has magical powers. He puts on a sort of fake show for them. Lots of theatrics, flash bangs and more. He doesn’t, I don’t believe in that shit, but I’ve had to go along with everything, to stay alive.” Of course Tuck would already know about this. The man is a walking pool of knowledge.
“He’s twenty one actually, with a fiancé and baby at home waiting to hear from him.”


Hearing that stabs at my heart. I can’t believe I’ve allowed myself to get so wrapped up in all of the evil this man is causing.
“Jess, how the hell did he get you to stay there?” Looking at Tuck, trying to hold onto my composure, I quickly have to avert my gaze. I feel my cheeks redden.
“He beat and raped me the first few days. Kept me locked in a dark cell, probably the same one this FBI kid is in,” I whisper quietly. Buzz and Razor look at each other and excuse themselves from the room. This makes it a little easier to be honest, completely truthful with Tuck. I should have known he would want more details given.



“Jessica, I know what you went through was horrible. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to save you. It’s partially my fault. I swore to you that nothing would ever happen, that no one would ever hurt you, and I failed. But right now, there are innocent people at risk, and I need to know everything I can, about The Master, this Brother Elijah guy,” he says, putting another piece of paper in front of me, “And the base. We have to save these people. Buzz is going to call in the Feds. Their man in in there, at risk, and we plan to get everyone out safe. The government wants these two alive if possible. But to make sure that everyone gets out safely, I have to know that I can count on you to be completely honest and upfront about it all.”



“Tuck, this wasn’t your fault. They snuck up on us, please don’t blame yourself. There was nothing any of us could have done.”

“Jess, I could have looked harder for you, been more alert, and stopped it. There’s a lot I could have done.”
“I’ll be honest Tuck, I promise. I just want to save these people. They think they are living in some magical world that man created. He’s nothing but a manipulator. Tuck, he told me if I didn’t do what he wanted, that he would come find you, and kill you, just like he made me do to Peter. I sat there and allowed him into manipulating me, into murdering Peter, and all I could think was that I would do whatever it took, at the risk of my own life, to prevent it from happening to you.”

“Well, we have a lot of work to do then, let’s go fill the guys in with all that you can give us.” The slight iciness to his tone set my nerves on edge. I can’t quite place it, whether he doesn’t trust me, which I can’t blame him for, or whether it’s pain, guilt. He shouldn’t blame himself for what has happened to me. It’s really not his fault.



Hours later, after having given them all the information I could think to be useful, I lean back in the living room chair with a groan. My back is sore from hunching over, the sun has gone down, and the view from the front window is pitch black, and sort of serene feeling. Taking my hand in his, Tuck pulls me up.
“Jess, why don’t you go to my room to get some sleep? I’ll be in shortly. I have to get Buzz settled into the den.” Nodding, I say goodnight to Buzz and Razor, excusing myself. As I slowly walk down the hall, I can hear Tuck speaking low, so I pause.

“Buzz, I just don’t know. I don’t know if we can trust her. The last few years have been nothing but a lie. She allowed me to think she was dead. How am I to know if her sob story is real or if she’s just trying to play us for this Master
guy? You know, like an inside person at the enemy camp?”



Not waiting to listen to Buzz’s response, I stumble the rest of the way to Tuck’s room and throw myself on the bed sobbing. The one person I want and need more than anything right now doesn’t even trust me. But can I blame him? He’s right. I did lie, I did allow him and the world to think I was dead. I kept my mouth shut when The Master went back to my home,
forcing me to shoot Peter in the head, right in front of him. I sat there on my knees, with no feelings of regret or sadness as the blood drained from his body. But what scared me, was the threat the Master had given me that night.

“Leave me, and this will happen to your Lance. Understand?” I had only nodded my head, sitting there, unable to move.



Now I’ve gone and put Tuck’s life in danger, and for what? He has his own life, it was selfish of me to want him back, to finally come here and shake things up like this. He doesn’t deserve it. He has a wonderful job, helping people, and a beautiful girlfriend, one that any man would be jealous of. Lianna really is gorgeous, there’s no way I can compete with her. Shit, she has all of her fingers, and hasn’t been defiled by an evil man. I’m not worth his attentions anymore.


Whether another fool, taken in by The Master, or just curious about how it works, El Burro has been the number one supplier of our weapons. Guns that The Master has been hoarding, like he’s expecting a war. He’s supposed to be at the ceremony. I did tell them about the weapons room, but I just can’t bring myself to let them know about El Burro. If Tuck were to go after that man, he would die, and I can’t be the cause of that. The thought of losing him completely, all over again causing the sobbing to wash over me anew. My whole body shakes with each one, the tears soaking the pillow under my head.

Chapter 12



I must have cried myself to sleep, because next thing I know, there’s a heavy arm dragging me towards them, and for a moment it scares me. Worrying that The Master has come to my room again, I start to shout “No,” pushing away at the hands grabbing me. It’s been months since The Master has come to my room at night, but I never know when to expect him. Not remembering where I am, I begin struggling, trying to get away. I don’t want this anymore. Seeing Tuck, something snapped and it renewed my vigorous urges to be free of the mess I’m in. My heart thumps so hard in my ears, and I begin to whimper, tears streak my cheeks.


“Jess, it’s just me, calm down babe, shh,” I hear Tuck whisper in my ear. The sound of his voice is all I need. I instantly stop fighting, a sigh of relieve comes from my lips, between sobs. Shaking and crying again, as if I haven’t done enough of that lately, my body instantly goes limp and I relax, allowing him to pull me back towards him. He tilts my chin up, so I’m looking into his eyes. Wiping the tears away, I can’t read his face. It’s just blank, no feeling there.



Turning to look away, he grabs me, and crushes his lips to mine. Parting my lips with a sigh, I allow him access to my mouth, my tongue.
As his and roam my body, I familiarize myself with his again. Starting at his waist, I run my hands up his bumpy stomach, over the ridges that feel deeper than they had before. Splaying my fingers wide, lifting the shirt as I go higher, I reach his shoulders, and the injury I know all too well. Sighing into his mouth, I close my eyes, as a feeling of normalcy rushes over me. This is where I belong.


Forgetting that it was his words sending me into a crying fit, I tug at his shirt, trying to get it over his head. Removing his mouth from mine to achieve that, left me feeling cold and alone. I don’t want his to stop touching me. Coming back to me, now shirtless, his hands pull at mine, lifting my arms over my head, I rush to pull them from the material, to free myself to continue touching. The warmth of his strongly muscled arms envelopes me, holding me tight against him. I can feel the hardness of his erection pressed against my stomach and I moan. That’s what I want, him, inside of me. That’s for me, and only me. Pausing, that thought depresses me. I know he’s not mine anymore. But I refuse to give up my chance at Tuck. His hands grab at my breasts, kneading them, rubbing his thumb over my nipples, causing them to harden and bud. His lips, I want his lips there, and lower.


His kisses leave my mouth, making their way down my neck, as he lifts my shirt up higher. The tight material I have on doesn’t give him much room to work with. I lace my fingers in his shaggy black hair, and he dips down, claiming my nipple in between his teeth. Slighting biting, while rubbing the other, I softly moan and shift my body harder against his erection. Tugging at his hair, I bring his lips back up to my mouth, kissing, tasting, and trying to devour all of him. Like a starving woman with a plate of food in front of her, I can stop. Shoving my tongue in his mouth like a missile, I search his out, wanting to touch it, taste it.


Pushing hard on his shoulders, causing him to lay on his back, I climb atop of his body. Slowly rocking my hips, causing ripples of pleasure to course through my body, I lean down, pressing my lips to his scarred shoulder. Tuck wraps his hand through my hair, holding me down to him as he bucks his hips, pressing his cock harder into me. Trailing my kisses and lightly licking, nipping my way down, I leave a trail of wetness from his shoulder, down his chest. Moving myself further down his body, I reach the waist line of his shorts, and tug them down, freeing his rock hard member. As it springs up in my face, I smile, looking up at Tuck. His grin tells me he’s as ready as I am. Not breaking eye contact, I lick my lips slowly, and his lips part, taking a shaky breath. Plunging my mouth around his head, and lowering down the shaft, I flick my tongue out, finally getting a taste of his masculinity. The drop of moisture already gleaming on his head, I lap it up.


Enclosing his hardness with one hand, holding myself up with the other, I slowly move my mouth up and down his hardness, my hand matching the rhythm. His head rolls back, moaning escapes his mouth. The sound is like angels singing directly to me. Closing my eyes as well, I relish the taste as he leaks a little into my mouth. The intoxicating elixir breaks through all of my senses and I can’t tease him anymore. Stopping, his head pops up, staring at me, questioning me with his eyes. Standing on the mattress above him, I hastily remove my tight pants, not even strip teasing, just wanting to be completely free and naked of the offending items.


Collapsing on top of Tuck, I frantically search out his hardness and pause, as I hold it to the entrance of my folds. Dripping with wetness already, I glide it up and down my slit, covering him with the hot liquid seeping from me. Grabbing my hips with his strong hands, he thrusts his hips, filling me with his cock. A heavy sigh from my mouth is shut off by him crushing his mouth to mine once more. Holding me down to him, he rocks his hips slowly back and forth, drawing in and out of me at a torturously slow pace. Not wanting soft and gentle, but aching for the feel of him, I place my hands on his shoulders, pushing up to a sitting position again and begin my own pace of thrusting and gyrating. Moving at a much faster and harder pace, I slam my body against his, and the ripples of pleasure quickly become a tidal wave.


As my orgasm takes me, releasing my cum all over his throbbing cock, a scream of gratification at my release sounds much like his name. Shooting his body up straight, he has me rolling over to my back before my quivering pussy walls are through with my absolution. Holding me to down to the mattress beneath him, Tuck reclaims my mouth, and pushes himself in as far as he can go, and stops. I allow my orgasm to continue, pulsating around him, my muscles constricting, trying to keep him inside of me. I cry out as he begins his thrusting, pulling almost all the way out, and then throwing himself back inside of me. The walls of my sex hold him tight, while quivering wildly at the new climax building.


Every movement, every time is harder than the last one. Each time our bodies connect, he pauses, making sure to fill me as much as he can possibly fit, rocking his hips against me. The pressure in my stomach climbs all over again and as I feel his mouth lower to my breast, biting the bud of my nipple, I’m once again thrown over the threshold of another orgasm. His torture and slow but hard pace keep me on the brink but don’t allow me to spill over, falling into another oblivion. Licking my nipples as his thrusts become more urgent, filled with his own need, it’s what sends me over.


This time, finishing with me, Tuck’s undoing has him lying limp on top of me. Both of us panting, trying to catch our breath, but not wanting to move, I let out a cry when he withdraws himself from inside of me. I feel whole again, with him there. We belong together. I know I’ve caused this man so much pain, but this has to show him how much we need to be together. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulls my naked body up flush against him, his warmth encompassing me, and lulling me back to an easy sleepiness. I’ll worry about us later, for now, I relish the fact that he’s laying here with me, and no one else. I’ve only dreamed of this moment for years. Smiling at myself in the dark room, I drift back to sleep. 

BOOK: Jessica (Tucked In 2)
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