Read Jaguar's Judgment Online

Authors: Lia Davis

Tags: #paranormal, #werewolf, #ashwood falls, #shapeshifters, #multicultural

Jaguar's Judgment

BOOK: Jaguar's Judgment
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Jaguar’s Judgment

Ashwood Falls, book six





Lia Davis


Jaguar’s Judgment

By: Lia Davis

Published by After Glows.


© 2015 Lia Davis

ISBN: 978-1-62322-221-5



Cover Art by Scott Carpenter


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All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.





To those who have waited Jared’s story, with love.


Jaguar’s Judgment


Sable Darwin has run from her destiny for too long. Stepping away from her role as Beta of the Onyx Pack, she chooses to take her chances and face judgment for her crimes. Her only hope for survival is to trust the male who ripped her heart out and turned his back on her so many years before.

Jared Nickels’ only loyalty is to the Alphas of Ashwood Falls. When he sees Sable again after fifteen years, he can’t stop himself from touching her. Through his Justice gift to see others’ pasts, he learns she’s not as guilty as he’d assumed. She’s actually one of the biggest victims in the war that her parents started.

When the war shifts in favor of the enemy, Sable and Jared must band together to put an end to the threat. Or die trying.


Chapter One



“Create all the shields you want, dear daughter. I know where you are.” Savannah swirled her finger in the bowl of water, ending the visual of Sable in her so-called prison.

Sable was mistaken if she thought she could hide. That little stunt of getting captured by the Council of Elders wasn’t going to protect her. Savannah would rip Ashwood Falls, and any other den who dared to stand in the way of collecting her daughter, apart.

Turning to her mate, Savannah drank in the sight of him. His pale skin contrasted with his dark hair, eyes, and even darker soul. Felix Darwin had changed since she’d been imprisoned by the Council over two hundred years ago. He was stronger and more ruthless. Her perfect match.

“The one thing about Sable is that she
our daughter. Her fierceness doesn’t fall far from her family tree,” Felix stated matter-of-factly as he read an email from his chemist.

. Savannah shook her head. The world had also changed. So much. “We must go get her and make her see that the Council and all who support it must die.”

He lifted his gaze to hers and laid his tablet on the coffee table. “What do you have in mind?”

“I’ve already begun. I gave your lab tech a vial of my blood to add to the new batch of mutant serum. He ensured me the test subject should be ready for us in a day or two.” She waited, watching how his lips lifted at the corners.

If the experiment worked, she’d have an army at her beck and call. With her blood, she could control them like the obedient beasts they were supposed to be centuries ago.

When Felix stood and crossed the room, her pulse increased in anticipation. Through their mating bond, she felt his desire and the primal hunger of his jaguar. He stopped inches from her then ran his knuckles down her cheek. “Let’s go get our daughter.”

Cupping his hand, she turned her face into his palm and kissed. “Have patience. I have a better idea.”

Not explaining herself, she teleported them to the main gatehouse of Ashwood Falls. Two males—a wolf and a leopard—exited the small building and fell into defensive stances. Savannah held up a hand, freezing them in place by her will. “Tell your Elder he has twenty-four hours to release my daughter or I will retrieve her myself.”

She dematerialized just as the two sentries charged at her. They weren’t very bright if they thought they could keep Sable from her. She was too clever for them, and the most powerful witch alive. The Council didn’t stand a chance.




Jared’s skin felt too tight, too itchy. His jaguar paced close to the surface, growling and whipping its tail with each step. The beast wanted out to hunt down their mate.

To add salt to the open wound, Sable sat in a holding cell about fifty yards north of the Pack circle, where he and every member of Ashwood Falls currently waited for the ritual to begin.

Zorana Andrews, Ana as she liked to be called, would become the new Beta, replacing her brother, Alec. The role was rightfully hers as the third child of the former Alpha turned Elder, Keegan. A position she’d earned by helping the Pack take a stand against Felix Darwin, the rogue Alpha of what was left of the Onyx Pack.

The thought of the rogue Pack drew his attention to the path that led to the one-room building where Sable had stayed since turning herself in a few weeks prior. He fisted his hands and planted his feet. The urge to go to her weighed on him, making him grow antsier by the second.

The sweet scent of jasmine wrapped around him a moment before Cameron, his sister, stepped up next to him and leaned her shoulder into his. The touch soothed his jaguar, but only a little. After releasing a sigh, she said, “You aren’t needed for the ritual. Go to her.”

He released a growl then spoke through his teeth. “I can’t.”

Cam stepped into his line of sight and folded her arms. Her golden eyes flashed with annoyance. He studied her for a moment, noting how her face had filled out slightly with the pregnancy, and her maternal nature had put her jaguar on edge, wanting to protect. “You need to either leave the Pack or pursue your mate.” He opened his mouth, but she held up a hand. “I’m not hearing the garbage you feed yourself. You know Sable is trying to crawl out from under her father’s shit. You are the only one who can help her turn it all around.”

He shook his head. The one thing he could never run from was the fact that Sable was his mate.
Damn the Fates
. Yet there he stood, his gaze pinned on the trail. He could almost smell her scent. Then again, he could have finally lost his mind.

Jared set his jaw, and Cam hardened her stare, reminding him of their mother. A new pain rose, bringing the reminder of why he’d come to Ashwood. For Cam. But sometimes he wondered if the Fates had brought him there for another reason.

The reason that sat in a one-room stone building.

Damn it all to hell
. “Why do you have to be right all the time?”

Cam smiled sadly. “I have a big brother who taught me well.”

Leaning in, he kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get my hormones going. I’ll start crying.”

He shook his head and made his escape. The last thing he wanted was to face Sable, but Cam was right. As her judge, he would have to either stand with Sable or against her when she faced the Council.

The light dusting of snow crunched under his shoes as he made his way to the building that had been used for storage until a few weeks ago when Sable had turned herself in. She had fought with the Pack and helped Ana direct her power. Jared understood why. Sable had protected Ana since Felix stole her from her mother’s womb. They were sisters in every way but blood.

The selfless act, knowing she would be taken into custody, added another crack to the wall around his heart.

Jerking the door open, he entered the one-room building and froze mid-step as the floral scent of his mate slammed into him. Closing his eyes briefly, he slowed his breathing and pushed away the storm of desire brewing inside of him.

When he opened his eyes, he scanned the small space. The room didn’t look like a cell. It was a damned apartment. An area rug covered the floor at the center of the room. A mini refrigerator sat in the corner with a microwave on a shelf over it. The only personal item, however, was the female’s duffle bag in the far corner. His gaze found Sable sitting in the middle of a futon with a tablet in hand. “They let you have Internet?”

She didn’t look at him. “It’s bugged. They watch everything I do.”

Her voice carried a hint of tiredness, along with annoyance. He bet the latter was due to his presence. Good. “Find anything interesting?”

She didn’t answer. His cat growled and clawed at him. The man stood his ground in the doorway. The cold breeze helped to keep his mind clear.

“Close the door or leave. Better yet, do both.” She picked up a cell phone and typed something before setting it back down on the cushion next to her.

He tracked her movements, curious who she was texting and why. Without conscious thought, he drifted closer to her. Each step made it hard to maintain control over his need to touch her, yet he couldn’t stay away. Yes, he was an idiot.

The door slammed shut, jarring him out of his thoughts. He snapped his gaze up and met her teal eyes, glaring back at him.

“What do you want?”

You, naked and panting
. He shook his head. The lack of sexual release had made him insane. However, Sable
his mate. Enemy or not, he’d want her like no other and wouldn’t rest until he had her. Yep, he was fucked.

“Have you talked to Nigel?” It was the only thing Jared could think of to say. Because “I want to fuck you senseless” just didn’t seem appropriate.

Sable’s lip thinned. “Yes, I speak to him all the time. Like you, he has access to this shack.”

He ignored the growl of irritation in her tone and crossed his arms. “Rhea says he’s very advanced and could start taking some college courses online.”

“I know. I met with the den mother this morning.” Sable returned her attention to the tablet. “Why are you really here, Jared? You’ve never been big on small talk.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about him? Why did I have to find out from Kieran?” Anger filtered into his words. Nigel was his son, and he deserved to know who his father was. “Better yet, why did you tell him I was dead?”

Sable jumped to her feet and came nose-to-nose with him. “You hurt me, Jared. I didn’t want to see you again or have you in our lives. Besides, you
dead to me.”

He peered into her eyes, searching for any sign of untruth, but what he found made his chest constrict around his hammering heart. There was true pain in the depths of that teal-colored gaze. Hardening his stare and masking his own emotions from her, he bit out, “Your betrayal wounded the bond, not me.”

She didn’t flinch at his harsh tone. She’d always been good at hiding behind that sheet of ice around her heart. “What was I supposed to say? Oh, by the way, my father is the boogieman of the shifter world? The king of all bastards. I’m sure that would have gone over well.”

He turned away from her, not trusting himself. One part of him wanted to lash out at her, wound her like he’d been wounded. The other part wanted to claim her, bury himself deep inside her until they were one again, like the bond mates they once were.

But that couldn’t happen, wouldn’t happen. He must never allow it.

She was the enemy. Wasn’t she?

Fuck, he didn’t know anymore. The brief look he’d had into her memories when she came to Ashwood told him she was trying to make amends for her crimes. She had formed the rebel group with the goal of taking down her father.

“I don’t trust your intentions.”

She let out a bitter laugh. “That makes two of us.”

He whirled around and gripped her arm. Jerking her into his body, he growled low. “I can’t leave you alone either.”

“Always asking for trouble.” Her jaguar flashed in her glare, but there was a hint of teasing in her tone.

Heat flared between them, seeping into his flesh and shooting straight to his cock. Hesitantly, he raised his fingers to her cheek. When she swayed closer, he captured her lips in a demanding kiss. Sable wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, a soft moan escaping her.

Breaking the kiss, Jared pressed his forehead to hers. He didn’t want to move from the spot. His body hummed, and his jaguar wanted more.

Sable broke the brief silence. “They will look for me. You know I can’t stay here. The last thing your Pack needs is my mother knocking on your door.”

She was right on so many levels. What could he do? The law stated she was to be held until her trial. However, the Council was reforming, and with Jared’s help, rewriting some of the laws.

He stepped away from her and moved toward the door. Before leaving, he said, “I’ll talk to the Elders about moving you farther off Ashwood territory.”

“It won’t do much good. Savannah and Felix need to be stopped.”

Meeting her gaze, he raised a brow. “Do you know how to do that?”

“Felix, yes. I need time to search for Savannah’s weaknesses.”

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