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Authors: Anna Cruise

It Was Me (6 page)

BOOK: It Was Me
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I begged off for a quick shower, needing to rinse the sweat and grime from me before heading to the pool. Standing under the shower head, the water pelting my skin, I replayed every minute of the day. It still felt surreal, more like a dream than real life. Not just being back on the field but the conversations. And then the text.

Abby was being supportive, encouraging me, pushing me along. But I still wasn't sure what the hell I wanted. I'd been coasting for so long—trying to get my shit together, trying to figure out just what the hell was next in my life—that suddenly having a real direction was unnerving.

I leaned my head back, letting the water sluice over my scalp. Who was I kidding? It wasn't unnerving. It scared the shit out of me.

I turned off the water and grabbed a towel, rubbing it hard over my hair, sliding it down over my shoulders and back. I couldn't dwell on it. Not when I knew there was one very real thing that would keep me from moving forward on any of it.


I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door. The casita was quiet and I felt a surge of anticipation, hoping Abby might be waiting in the bedroom. But the room was empty, a note tossed on the made bed.

I was melting. Come find me.

I smiled at the sight of her slanted script. Her handwriting was damn near illegible but every time I saw something addressed to me, I felt a twinge, a spark.

I pulled on a pair of trunks and ran the towel over my hair one last time. I picked up my phone and sunglasses, slipped my feet into my flips and headed out the door.

The heat had ratcheted up another ten degrees and I was covered in a fine sheet of sweat by the time I made it to the pool gate. There were a couple people in the water—an older couple hanging on  pool noodles in the deep end, visors covering their faces. And two girls sitting on the pool steps, their backs to me.

Two identical girls.

I slammed the gate shut and both of them turned to look at me.

Abby smiled, a little hesitantly. Annika smirked.

“What the hell is she doing here?”

Abby stood up. “Shh,” she said, nodding her head toward where her parents sat.

“Hey, West.” Annika's voice was cool.

I glanced at her. She wore a black string bikini, the tiny top barely covering her tits. I didn't respond, just nodded.

I looked back at Abby. “You said she wasn't coming.”

Abby frowned. “Not here.”

“Bullshit not here,” I said, trying to keep my voice low. Abby's eyes shot to her parents but her dad had earbuds in, his eyes closed, and her mom was talking to a woman sitting next to her. “What the fuck is she doing here?”

Annika put her hand to her chest. “Ouch. Last time I checked, I actually belong to this family.”

I ignored her.

“Daddy and Mom wanted me here,” Annika said. “I was able to rework my schedule a little. Looks like you guys have me for the rest of the week.”

“Huh,” I said. “Then it looks like I'm outta here.”

Abby lifted her sunglasses and gave me a pleading look. I just stood there, my arms folded across my chest. There was no way in hell I was staying at the same resort as her evil twin. None. They might have buried the hatchet, but me? I wanted to grab that hatchet and bury it in her skull.

I turned to leave but Abby reached out her hand to stop me. “West...”

I shrugged her arm off and crossed back over the pool deck. The heat rose off the cement patio and I swore under my breath. I'd really wanted to go swimming. Spend the afternoon lounging and lazing with Abby. And now it looked like I was going to need to hitch a ride back to San Diego.

I was halfway back to the casita when I heard footsteps behind me. I slowed, waiting for Abby to catch up.

“You move fast.”

The voice was familiar but it wasn't Abby's. I spun around. “What the hell do you want?”

Annika stood there, dressed only in her bikini and a pair of black flips. She held up her hands. “Don't attack me. Just listen.”

“I'm not sure I wanna hear anything you have to say.”

She was chewing a piece of gum and she snapped it in her mouth. “I'm not here to screw things up. I promise.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right.”

“No, really,” she insisted. “I was really important to my parents that I come. I don't know why. But my dad called me twice yesterday. Asked me again to come.” She kicked at the path with her flip flop. “And, I don't know if you know this, but things haven't been the greatest with my family since

Her voice trailed off and I knew what she was going to say. Since Abby had outed her to their parents. She'd been a total bitch to Abby her entire life but her parents had always just thought it was sibling rivalry, something they would grow out of. When the shit hit the fan with Annika pretending to be Abby and going after me, Abby had had no choice but to share with her dad exactly what depths her sister was capable of sinking to.

“You made your bed, sweetheart,” I told her. “Better get used to sleeping in it.”

“Are you ever going to forgive me?” she asked. She lifted her long hair off her shoulder and piled it on top of her head before releasing it. It was uncanny to watch, because Abby often did the same thing.


“Look, I fucked up,” she said. “And I've apologized—dozens of times—to Abs. And she's forgiven me. Why can't you?”

“Because I don't have to.”

She sighed, a little defeated. “Fine. I'm going to go back to the casita. Hang out there. You go be with Abby. She was waiting for you at the pool. I don't want to keep you guys apart.”

“Since when?” That was all she'd wanted to do last fall when she'd come to my apartment, pretending to be her sister.

“Since the night I left your apartment.” She spoke in barely a whisper and I wasn't sure but I thought I heard her voice hitch a little.

I said nothing and walked past her, back toward the pool, back toward Abby.

She could go back to the casita. I was fine with that.

And I knew I'd be even better if she got the hell out of Tuscon and headed back to San Diego.







“Where's the body?” Abby asked me when I surfaced.

I'd dived into the pool as soon as I'd returned, trying to wash away the sheen of sweat that coated my skin and the blanket of tension that had engulfed me when I'd seen Annika.

I threw my head back, slicking my hair off my forehead and swam toward her. She was in an awkward position, halfway between treading water and floating on her back.

“In the casita.”

“Did you stick her in the freezer? Or in the trash?”

“Freezer. No one wants to smell rotting flesh in the garbage.”

She pushed a handful of water at me. “You were an ass.”

I positioned myself next to her. “I know.”

“She's part of my family, too,” she said. “Like it or not, but she is.”

“Doesn't mean I have to like her. Or interact with her.” I grabbed Abby's waist, my fingers slipping a little on her sunscreen-coated skin.

“You do if she's here with us for the rest of the week.” She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled herself into my arms.

I nuzzled her neck. “I don't wanna talk about it.”

I didn't. Between everything that went down on the baseball field to finding out that Annika had invaded our vacation, the last thing I wanted to do was dwell on any of it. What I really wanted to do was bury myself in Abby and completely forget all of it.

I licked the soft skin behind her ear. She tasted like sunscreen and chlorine. I nipped her gently with my teeth, then sucked a little.

“West,” she breathed.

“Mmm?” I sucked a little harder and her arms instinctively wrapped around my neck.

“My parents,” she murmured.

I kept my mouth attached to her skin and glanced up. Her mother was still talking to the friend and her dad had passed out cold in his chair, his chest turning an alarming shade of pink. I let one hand slip from her waist to the top of her bikini bottom. I dipped my hand lower, letting my fingers rub across the smooth fabric. She inhaled sharply. I trailed my fingers to the inside of her thigh, then reached inside of her bikini.

“West,” she said, her voice sharp.

I pushed my fingers inside of her and she lifted her hips to accommodate. She was warm and wet and I wanted to yank her bottoms off and drive into her, pound her until we were both exhausted and spent.

“I'm headed to the bar,” Abby's mother called and I quickly withdrew my fingers. “You guys need anything?”

“Yes,” I whispered, my eyes locked with Abby's. “I need to fuck your daughter.”

Abby smiled. “Tonight. I promise.” In a louder voice she called, “A diet Coke for me.” She looked at me expectantly.

I sighed and raised a finger.

“Make that two, please.”

Her mom headed toward the small bar at the opposite end of the pool and I repositioned Abby on my lap. I thrust into her, letting her feel my arousal.

“I don't know if I can wait until tonight,” I told her, rubbing against her.

She reached down and grabbed me. “No?”

I sucked in my breath as she tightened her grip through my shorts and began sliding her hand up and down.

“I can take care of you now,” she whispered. She looked around. “No one's watching.”

I glanced at the people on the pool deck. Her dad was still asleep. Her mother's friend was packing up to go. Another couple was further away, near the shallow end, their two kids splashing in the water. Everyone else had bailed and I didn't blame them. It was the middle of the afternoon and the desert sun beat down on us, the pool providing only a brief respite from the heat.

I didn't answer, just grabbed her hand and slipped it into my trunks. Her fingers grazed my cock, then tightened and I groaned. “Jesus.”

“Feel good?” she asked, sliding her hand up and down the length of me.

I didn't say anything, just nodded and closed my eyes. She cupped me tighter, increasing her speed and I pretended it wasn't her hand but her mouth, soft and wet, sliding over me again and again. I dug my fingers into her waist and she kissed me and I felt the pressure building, intensifying.

“Come,” she whispered.

I didn't need an invitation. I buried my face in her shoulder and shuddered in her hand, convulsing over and over again.

“Two diet Cokes.” Her mother's voice. I managed to lift my head off her daughter's shoulder and offer a weak smile.

Abby pushed away from me, grinning. “Thanks, Mom. I think we both just worked up a thirst. Swimming. Right, West?”

I couldn't answer, just narrowed my eyes and nodded.

I'd definitely worked up a thirst.

For more of her.





Annika was lounging on the couch when we got back to the casita. Dressed in a white tube top sundress, her hair piled on top of her head, she thumbed through a fashion magazine while sucking down a glass of iced tea. Her face was perfectly made-up, her nails manicured, her toes freshly polished. She was the very image of wealth and indulgence and the complete antithesis of her sister. It made me ill just to look at her.

She glanced up. “How was the pool?” She directed her question at her sister.

“Refreshing,” Abby said. “Right, West?”

I just nodded.

“We thought we'd go out for dinner tonight,” Abby's dad said. “That steakhouse in town.”

Annika wrinkled her nose. “I don't want steak.”

“No?” Abby's mom frowned. “You love steak.”

“It sounds disgusting.” She rifled through more pages.

“Okay.” Abby's mom thought for a minute. “What about Papa Italian's?”

“I don't know,” Annika answered. “Nothing really sounds good.”

“Well, maybe you should just stay here,” I said, a little harsher than I'd intended.

Abby reached for my hand and squeezed.

“What do you want to eat?” her dad asked. He'd found a bottle of aloe and was gingerly dabbing it on his fried skin.

“I don't know.” Annika looked at the ceiling as if the answer might be written up there.

They all waited and I bit my tongue so I wouldn't mouth off. She was acting like a spoiled child, dissing their suggestions and I wanted nothing more than to call her out on it. But before I could open my mouth, Abby threaded her fingers through mine and pulled me down the hall.

“What?” I asked. “Where are we going?”

“Away from my sister,” she told me.

“For good?”

“No. For now.” She pulled me into the bedroom I was sleeping in but didn't close the door.


She sank down on the bed. Her cover-up rode up a little on her legs, exposing an eyeful of tanned skin and I was instantly turned back on. “We need to talk.”

“About how much I want to have sex with you? Excellent.”

She grinned and rolled her eyes. “Uh. No. About my sister.”

I didn't respond and she said, “Look, she's here for the week. It's a done deal. And I will definitely try but I'm not sure how successful I'm gonna be with keeping you guys away from each other.”

“I have faith in you.”

“That's not the point.” She found a loose thread on the comforter and pulled at it. “It's just...I've forgiven her. As much as I can, I mean.”

“I know. And I'm glad.” I wasn't just saying that. I really was glad that she'd been able to forgive and try to move on. But I didn't operate like that. I didn't do it with my dad and I sure as shit wasn't going to do it with Annika.”

“But...” her voice trailed off and I waited. She looked back at me and I was surprised to see that her eyes were wet. “But it's kinda hard when you won't.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

A tear trickled down her cheek and she brushed it away. “Because,” she said. “Because I see how much it still upsets you and it takes me right back to that night. To both of those nights. The night you told me about what had happened...and the night she was with you. And I know I wasn't there, I get that. But I start imagining it in my head and it messes with my head, you know?”

I sank down beside her on the bed and gathered her in my arms. I felt like a complete asshole.

“Okay,” I whispered, my lips on her hair.

“Okay what?”

“Okay,” I repeated. “I'll...forgive.” I choked on the word, like someone had just shoved a handful of dog shit in my mouth. It was the last thing I wanted to do but I couldn't stand to see Abby hurting. Upset. I would do anything to make her feel better. Including forgiving her bitch of a sister.

She pulled back a little so she could look at me. “Just like that?”

I nodded. “Yep. Done.”

A smile tugged at her lips. “Well, that was...easy. I'm not sure I believe you. Bet you're just saying it. To pacify me.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Nope.”

“Why all of a sudden? Why now?”

Because you cried over it, I thought. Because it's wrecking you. Because there isn't anything I wouldn't do to make you happy.

“Probably the heat,” I told her instead. “I'm delusional.”

She snuggled next to me, fitting her body into my arms. I held her tight, breathed in the scent of her. The sunscreen, the chlorine, the lingering smell of her shampoo. All of it. There was nothing I wanted to do except hold her in my arms.

“We're getting sushi.”

I stiffened.

Annika stood in the doorway, her arms folded across her chest. She smiled. “That little place downtown. We went there last year. Remember, Abs?”

Abby nodded.

“We're leaving in twenty minutes.” Her eyes raked over us. “You should probably get cleaned up. Your hair is a mess.”

Abby's hand instinctively flew to her hair and I had to clench my fist to keep from standing up and popping her bitch of a sister in the mouth.

“Her hair looks fine,” I practically growled.

Annika raised her eyebrows, an expression of innocence plastered on her face. “I wasn't trying to criticize.”

“Bullshit,” I muttered under my breath. I knew exactly what she was trying to do. It was what she always did. Hurt people. Especially her twin.

Abby straightened and stood up. “I probably should shower,” she said, ignoring her sister, looking at me instead. “Wash the chlorine off of me.”

Annika smiled with satisfaction and trounced away. I reached for Abby and pulled her to me so that her stomach was level with my face. She still wore her bikini and I gazed with longing at the smooth expanse of skin in front of me. I leaned close and kissed her stomach, letting my tongue dip gently into her belly button.

She sucked in her breath. “West.”

“Hmm?” I let my tongue dance circles on her skin as my hands slipped from her waist to cup her ass.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, leaning into me. “You have to stop.”


“Because I need to shower,” she murmured, her hands threaded through my hair.

I moved my mouth lower, skimming the top of her bikini bottom. She inhaled again.

“And because my sister might waltz back in here.”

She could have poured a bucket of ice cold water on me. I immediately dropped my hands and lifted my mouth.

She sighed. “I'm sorry. I want...” Her voice trailed off.

“You want what?”

Her eyes, dark with passion, met mine. “You.”

“Me, too.”

She sighed again. “Tonight. We said tonight.”

“I'm counting on it.”

She headed toward the bedroom door. She paused, then looked back at me, her hands up behind her neck, untying the top of her bikini. She let the strings dangle over her breasts and it was all I could do to keep from standing up and throwing her on to the bed.

“Me, too.”


BOOK: It Was Me
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