Read Insider (Exodus End #1) Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #Exodus End World Tour, #Book 1

Insider (Exodus End #1) (66 page)

BOOK: Insider (Exodus End #1)
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“I don’t understand.”

“How can I crawl into bed with you and kiss you awake if I don’t know which room is yours? I don’t want to accidentally scare the living daylights out of the wrong person.”

“You’re here?” Toni scrambled off the floor and flew across the room to her floor-to-ceiling windows. She peered down the driveway at an unfamiliar muscle car and the unmistakable, shadowy shape of the man she loved standing beneath a sky dotted with billions of stars.

“When I couldn’t reach you, I panicked. So I did what any nonsensical man in love would do. I hopped on a private jet, borrowed a friend’s car, and hunted you down.”

“You’re crazy,” she said with a laugh. And thank God for that.

“When it comes to you, I don’t know how to be sane.”

She unlocked the glass door that led from her room to the enormous deck that encircled the second story of the cabin. Barefoot, she crossed the cool wood planks and leaned over the railing.

“Look up,” she said and when he did, she waved down at him.

“Ah, my Juliet,” he murmured in her ear.

“Oh. Is
her name?” she teased. “Juliet.”

“Antonia. Her name is Antonia,” he said before he disconnected the call.

She gasped as he began to scale the lower deck. Standing on the railing, he sprang upward, missing the beam below her by inches.

“What are you doing?” she whispered harshly into the darkness below.

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

She couldn’t see his face in the shadows, but she heard his grunt of exertion when he jumped again, this time getting one hand on the deck near her toes. He dangled there for a moment before losing his grip and dropping back out of sight.

“Logan!” Why did he have to be such a daredevil?

“I’m all right,” he said. “I caught my fall with my face. Can you throw me a rope or something?”

“You’re going to kill yourself. I’ll come down.”

She didn’t wait for his agreement, but scurried back into her room and bounded down the stairs two at a time. Still in her short, silky nightgown, she dashed through the kitchen and mudroom before unlocking the back door. She gasped in surprise as the door flew inward and she was tugged against him. One of Logan’s hands pressed into her back to hold their bodies together, the other tangled in her hair, pulling her mouth to his as he kissed her.

“Don’t ever leave me again,” he said against her lips.

She shook her head slightly, not wanting to interrupt his deep, demanding kiss. He was the one to eventually pull away. His breathing was harsh and ragged as he cradled her head to his chest, his heart thudding against her ear in a rapid staccato.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“I’m better than I’ve been all day, but I won’t be truly okay until I have you naked and I’m buried balls deep inside you.”

Toni shifted out of his grasp and slipped the slender straps of her nightie down her shoulders and arms. One tug pulled the garment from her breasts, and the scrap of satin fluttered down to pool at her feet. She lowered her panties next, kicking them aside impatiently, and stood before him naked. Naked and unashamed. On her mother’s back porch.

“You’re halfway there,” she murmured.

“Here?” Even as he was questioning her, his hand moved to cup her breast, his thumb brushing over her taut nipple.

“If you want. Or maybe you’d be willing to teach me how to have sex in a car.” She nodded toward the vehicle he’d left parked in the driveway.

“Maybe,” he said calmly.

Toni squeaked in surprise when he scooped her into his arms and carried her across the porch and down the steps to the car. He set her bare ass on the cool hood of the vehicle, and she jumped when the temperature registered. Logan spread her legs and stepped forward, rubbing the rough fabric of his bulging jeans against the heated, sensitive flesh between her thighs. He kissed her again, stealing her breath, stealing every logical thought. She reached for his fly, wanting him—needing him—closer. Inside her. He caught her hands and held them against hard steel as he kissed his way down her chest, her belly. The tip of his tongue flicked against her throbbing clit so gently that she scarcely felt it. He continued with the same maddening, barely touching flicks of his tongue—teasing her there, faster, oh yes, faster—until she was moaning and squirming and tugging against the hold he had on her wrists. She somehow managed to keep her legs wide open for him, trusting that he’d eventually give her the mind-shattering orgasm she craved.

Her pussy quivered with need—aching and swollen, drenched, tingling. Hot. Christ, she was on fire. Logan completely ignored her need to be possessed, still barely flicking his tongue against her sensitive clit until she couldn’t take it anymore.

“You’re driving me crazy,” she said. “You have to fuck me.”

“I have to?”

She didn’t find his amused tone the least bit funny. “God, yes. You have to.”

“Not yet.”

He continued to tease her with those feather-light tongue flicks. She hadn’t thought it was possible to be more aroused than she already was, but she was oh so wrong. He took her higher, higher, until she was far beyond her normal breaking point.

“If you want to come, think naughty thoughts,” he said.

Toni moaned, enslaved by the slight change in stimulation brought by his breath against her heated flesh.

“You told me not to think during sex,” she reminded him. It had been hard to turn off her thoughts at first, but now she did it automatically. She didn’t want to think. She wanted to feel. Feel him.

“Think of how your pussy feels when it’s stuffed with my cock.”

Yes, that was exactly what she wanted to feel. His words inspired vivid memories of his cock inside her. She cried out as her pussy clenched hard on nothing. She filled her aching emptiness with thoughts. The way he looked when he came. The sound of his voice when he whispered her name, when he told her he loved her. The feel of his skin beneath her palms and lips, against her belly and her breasts. Between her thighs. The way his scent lingered on her body even when he was absent. How he consumed her inside and out when he made love to her. She visualized his cock sliding in and out of her, his tongue against her nipple, his finger slipping into her ass.

She wasn’t sure if it was her thoughts or the persistent flick of Logan’s tongue that finally sent her over the edge, but over she went. He shifted upward, captured her screams of bliss in his mouth, pressed her quaking body against his warm chest, and slowly filled her clenching pussy with his thick, rigid cock. He thrust into her slowly, claiming her deeply. Gently. When what she wanted him to do was fuck her hard and fast.

She should have known he knew what she really needed. His tender possession chased her intense orgasm with a sweet, languid pleasure that brought tears to her eyes. When her body settled into his peaceful rhythm, he pressed his face into her neck and whispered, “That’s how you have sex
a car. Are you ready to try it in a car?”

“I will try it in a car. I will try beneath the stars.”

“Will you try it here or there?”

“I will try it anywhere.”

He chuckled and kissed her collarbone. “I do love you, woman. We’re always on the same wavelength.”

“I will try it on a plane,” she continued her X-rated version of a Dr. Seuss rhyme. “I will do it in the rain.”

“Will you try it on a boat? Will you try it with a goat?”

Toni stiffened and pulled away to stare at him in horror.

“Not on a boat. Not with a goat,” he said, shaking his head.

, on a boat,” she said. “And maybe on a Thanksgiving Day float. But definitely
with a goat.”

“Let’s try in the car first. Your skin is chilled.”

She wouldn’t have noticed the chill at all if he hadn’t been caressing her bare flesh with warm hands.

He opened the car door, shucked his clothes, and left them in the driveway.

“Whose car is this?” Toni asked as she stood in the sharp gravel waiting for him to shove the driver’s seat all the way back and climb inside.

“Ever heard of the band Secondary Launch?” Logan sat in the leather driver’s seat and patted his thighs to encourage her to climb on.

“Of course.”

“It’s Justin Paige’s car.”

Toni knew him to be the band’s vocalist.

“He owed Butch a favor.”

“Everyone owes Butch a favor.”

“I owe him a million.” Logan somehow managed to close the door, and Toni tried to find a comfortable way to ride his cock in the confined space.

He shifted her into a more comfortable position. No, less comfortable, actually.

“Ouch! There’s a gearshift in my ass.”

“Oh, sure, you barely know this car, and yet you’re already giving it privileges you won’t give me.”

She slapped him halfheartedly. “Not inside my ass. It poked me in the hip.”

“You got me all excited for nothing. Back seat?” Logan suggested.

She nodded, and he reclined the seat completely so she could climb over him into the roomier back of the car. He caught her by the hips as she attempted to crawl over his head. She gasped when his tongue lapped at the hole he was so fixated on. She was more than ready to try anal, but it was so much fun to keep him begging for it.

“I can’t believe you’ll let me lick it but you won’t let me fuck it.”

“I’m saving my anal virginity for marriage,” she said as she tugged free of his grasp and flopped into the back seat.

“You’re going to make me marry you before you give up the goods?”

She was totally bluffing, but she said, “Yep.”

He climbed over the reclined front seat and joined her in back. “I think you underestimate how much I want to stick my dick in your ass.”

“I underestimate?”

“Yeah, I’d totally marry you for the privilege of claiming your anal virginity.” He sat behind the passenger seat and reached for her.

She shook her head at him and, facing the rear of the car, straddled his hips. “Don’t say it unless you mean it.”

She reached between them and took his cock in her hand, rubbing the head against her clit, dragging it through her wet seam and pressing it into her opening. She lifted her hips and dropped them slightly, taking just his cockhead inside her and allowing it to pop free each time she rose.

“Deeper,” he pleaded after several moments of the same treatment.

“This is payback for licking my clit so softly I could barely feel it.”

“You didn’t enjoy my sweet torture?”

“Loved every minute of it. You aren’t enjoying mine?”

“You know I love your evil side.”

Her evil side soon caved to the need to feel him deep inside. He showed her several positions, and she even discovered one of her own with her feet planted against the back seat and her back crammed against the passenger seat. The position provided phenomenal leverage for riding him hard, and he found her clit fully exposed so he could massage it with his thumb. The car was definitely rocking when she cried out with release. His body stiffened as he followed her over the edge, and she pulled off of him at the last instant, grabbing his cock with both hands and pumping his load out to spatter over her lower belly. She wished there was more light in the car; she loved watching him spurt. Loved the desperate, gasping sound he made when he came. Loved how he shuddered when she shifted his cock back inside her after he’d spent himself.

She relaxed against his chest and snuggled her face into his neck. “I have a bunch of stuff I need to talk to you about,” she said, “but it just doesn’t seem all that important anymore.”

“I have a few things to tell you as well,” he said, “but I think I’d rather sit quietly, just like this, and fall asleep with you in my arms.”

“We really are always on the same wavelength,” she whispered just before she fell into a blissful slumber.

She was woken hours later by a persistent knock on the windshield.




Logan squeezed his eyelids closed and then pried them open, squinting against the light of the rising sun. He couldn’t feel his legs, and he was pretty sure his bare ass was permanently melded to the leather seat beneath him, but waking up with Toni in his arms was worth any discomfort.

“Are these yours?” said a muffled voice from just outside the car door.

The elderly woman—who had to be at least seventy—was waving Toni’s panties at the window. The woman knocked on the glass, and Toni jerked awake. She groaned and smacked Logan in the chest with a graceless arm as if he were the reason for her rude and likely uncomfortable awakening.

“Don’t look now,” he said, “but I think we’ve been spotted.”

Toni rubbed her face, and smacked her lips, scowling groggily as she squinted at him. She smiled when she recognized his face and snuggled against him, her breasts pressing delightfully into his chest.

The woman knocked on the window again. “Toni! I found your panties on the porch.”

Toni’s body jerked, and she slowly turned her head to peer at the woman outside the car. “Good morning, Grandma,” she said in a squeaky voice.

Great. What a wonderful first impression he was making on another of Toni’s relatives.

BOOK: Insider (Exodus End #1)
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