Read Insider (Exodus End #1) Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #Exodus End World Tour, #Book 1

Insider (Exodus End #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Insider (Exodus End #1)
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She chuckled at his willingness to teach her. She was starting to believe she’d had an excellent idea. After he taught her how to please him with her mouth, she could request additional tutorials. Then maybe when they parted, she could find a boyfriend. Though she’d really like to be Logan’s girl, she knew he’d lose interest in her pretty quickly. And that was understandable. They were from completely different worlds. And she wasn’t exactly the kind of woman who rock stars dated. Or judging from past experience, the kind of girl who

“Are you laughing at me?” he asked.

She tried to stop grinning like a fool, but couldn’t help it. “Nope. I’m just glad you agreed to this.”

Now he was the one laughing. “Yeah, teaching you to suck my dick is such a hardship.” He stroked her hair from her face with one hand and kissed her temple. She smiled in bliss until she noticed everyone was now staring at them. Dare in particular looked pissed.

Reluctantly she tugged away from Logan and sat with her hands in her lap. Her behavior obviously disturbed them all. She wouldn’t want to do something to get herself booted from their entourage. She was here to work, after all, not get involved with their bass player.

“How do you guys do all this day after day?” Toni asked. “You must be exhausted.”

“We run on pure adrenaline,” Dare said. “That’s why we crash so hard at night.”

“The guys get every fourth day off,” Butch said, as if that was pampering them.

“And I will not be moving from my hotel bed for a full twenty-four hours,” Logan said. He leaned closer to Toni and whispered, “I hope you’ll join me.”

She flushed. She couldn’t help it. She would very much like to spend twenty-four hours in bed with him but couldn’t fathom what they could possibly do to entertain themselves for that long. Watch TV? Maybe he had some ideas.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“That I wouldn’t know what to do with you for twenty-four hours.”

He grinned devilishly. “I need far more than twenty-four hours to do all the things I want to do with you.”

His lips brushed the side of her neck, and she sucked in a shaky breath.

“Mmm,” he murmured. “There are so many things I want to show you, Toni. Teach you.”

“Yes,” was the only word she could manage.

“Logan,” Reagan said, “will you give the woman some breathing room? She looks a little overwhelmed.”

Toni wanted to hide under the seat. She hadn’t realized all the limo occupants were staring at them. And here she’d been contemplating ripping off her shirt and clinging to Logan’s thick hair as he sucked her throbbing breasts. She forced her body to move so that there were several inches between them.

Logan scowled at Reagan. “Seriously? If Trey was here, you’d be all over him.”

“Well, he isn’t, so it’s a nonissue.”

“You’d better get that stiffy under control before we get to the radio station,” Steve advised, shaking his head at Logan’s disgrace.

“I was working on that before Reagan interrupted.”

Toni’s gaze dropped to Logan’s crotch. Oh my, he
hard. She had no idea what possessed her to grab it right there in front of everyone. Logan produced a sound, half groan, half whimper. He covered her bold hand with his and squeezed.

The limo pulled to a halt. The rest of the band scrambled out as if the car was on fire. Had she embarrassed them? She’d certainly embarrassed herself.

Logan was still holding her hand against the hard, thick ridge in his pants when he headed for the door. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” he called, yanked the door shut, and locked it.

Turning to Toni, the sole occupant in the limo, he said, “You’re in trouble, lamb.”

Toni swallowed. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just . . . wanted it.”

She ran her hand up and down the length of his penis beneath the denim. She still wanted it.

“You can’t grab it like that and not expect me to fuck you immediately.”

Her mouth went dry and she forced her gaze to his, seeking the daring she hadn’t realized dwelled within her. “Maybe that’s why I grabbed it. So you’d f-fuck me.” She couldn’t believe those words had escaped her mouth. Saying them caused moisture to surge from her suddenly throbbing pussy. The tender soreness there had been distracting her most of the morning, but now something entirely more distracting was building between her thighs.

“Take your panties off.”

She glanced around. The limo was empty and the windows were tinted black. Still . . . “Here?”

“Give them to me.”

She hesitated and then reached under her skirt and slid her panties down her thighs. She handed them to Logan and stared at him with wide eyes.

“Are you wet?”

“I don’t know.”

His hand slid up the inside of her thigh. She tensed.

“Let me,” he said, his voice low and completely in control. She got lost in his gaze and opened her thighs as far as she could in her knee-length skirt.

His hand moved higher. Higher. His fingers brushed her slick folds, and she gasped.

“Yes,” he said. “You are. Tell me that you’re wet.”

“I’m wet, Logan. For you.”

“Damn, what that does to me,” he groaned under his breath. He teased her opening with one fingertip until she was rocking her hips against his hand.

“Oh.” Her pussy clenched, begging to be filled. “Deeper, Logan. Inside.”

His finger slipped inside her a mere inch. He caught her gasp in his mouth as he kissed her deeply. That was the only thing he was doing deeply. She rocked her hips against his hand, urging him to plunge his finger into her.

He tore his mouth from hers and buried his face in her throat. “You deserve better than this,” he murmured. “You deserve better.”

She squeezed her eyes shut.
Please don’t reject me, Logan. Not now. I couldn’t bear it.

“Forgive me, lamb,” he whispered.

Her heart panged unpleasantly. Breath strangled in her throat.
Then don’t hurt my feelings. I’ll have nothing to forgive.

He rubbed his lips over her cheek. “Forgive me for not being strong enough to wait. All I can think about is how much I want to bury myself inside this sweet, wet pussy.”

He slipped his finger deep, and she shuddered with bliss. He wanted her. Maybe as much as she wanted him.

“You deserve to be treated with gentleness. And patience.”

“No,” she sputtered. “That’s not what I want.”

He lifted his head to look at her. “It’s not?”

She shook her head. “I like that I turn you on. That you’ve talked me out of my panties and have your finger inside me in the back of a limo. I even like that everyone knows what we’re probably doing in here.”

He stared at her wide-eyed. “You do?”

“Yeah. There’s only one thing I’d prefer over this.”

“What’s that?”

“That you had more than your finger inside me. Please tell me you have a condom with you.”

He grinned crookedly. He reached into his back pocket and produced a condom. He held it between two fingers to display it for her.

“I was hoping I’d need this today.”

“Show me how to put it on you,” she said, shifting on the seat so she could see what she was doing.

He knelt on the floorboard between her feet and reached for his fly.

“Let me,” she said. She really did want to learn how to turn him on. “Is it better if I unbutton these slowly and tease you, or just yank it open and plunge my hand in there as if I can’t wait to hold your hard penis in my hand?”

“Don’t call it that,” he said.


“Penis. It sounds too . . . fifth-grade sex-ed.”

“What should I call it?”


She shook her head. She didn’t like that word much.

“How about cock?”

“Okay,” she said. “Can I grab your hard
now?” It felt strange to say the word. Strange and liberating. “I want your cock in my hand. In my . . . vagina.”

“Pussy. You want my hard cock deep in your pussy.”

She stepped it up a notch. “In my
.” Her face was flaming. Every inch of her on fire with excitement. Who knew being bad could feel so damned good?

He groaned. It was the only encouragement she needed.

Toni unfastened the button at his waist and then jerked the rest of his buttons open and reached in his open fly to free his cock. She held it loosely in both hands and stroked its length reverently.

“Oh. You’re so hard.” She tightened her grip and stroked him again.

He sucked a breath through his teeth.

She looked up at his face. He had one eye closed and his mouth open. She couldn’t tell if she was hurting him or annoying him or if he liked it.

“Am I doing it wrong?” she asked. “Show me.”

“You’re doing it perfectly,” he said. “I need you to stop, though, because I’m about to come. I’m not sure what it is about you that gets me so worked up so quickly. But just hearing you say the word
has me ready to nut all over your pretty face.”

She smiled. Her ability to excite him so thoroughly gave her an odd sense of empowerment. “Will you show me how to put the condom on you? I want you inside me now.” She paused and looked up at him uncertainly. “If that’s okay.”

“It’s definitely okay.”

He showed her how to tear open the package, slip the condom over his cockhead, pinch a reservoir at the tip, and unroll it down his shaft. When she had it in place, she looked up at him for approval.

“How was that?”

“You got the job done,” he said.

“Next time,” she said, “I’ll do it sexier.”

He practically tackled her to the bench seat. She tensed when she felt his cock probe her opening. Would it hurt again? Mentally, she knew it wasn’t supposed to hurt after that first time, but physically, her body remembered what if felt like for her tender tissues to give way to his hard flesh. He slid into her slowly, backing off several times and claiming her deeper with each forward thrust.

“Why are you doing that?” she asked.

“Doing what?”

“In and out like that.”

“I’m using your lubrication to make this easier, honey. If I just ram it in, it’ll hurt you.” He stroked her hair gently. “I want it to feel good for you this time.”

“It felt pretty good the first time,” she said.

He kissed her gently. “I know you’re lying. I hurt you. I won’t ever hurt you again. Unless you want to get a little rough. Do you like it rough?”

Rough? She wasn’t sure if she’d like rough, but how would she know unless she tried it? “Maybe. I don’t know. We’ll have to try it and see.”

Logan pulled back again and then buried himself to the hilt with one hard thrust.

“Oh!” she gasped. No pain at all, just a delightful sense of fullness.

“Did you like that?”

“Oh yes!”

“Then you like it rough.” He dropped his head to her shoulder and began to thrust his hips. Within seconds she was lost in a sea of pleasure. She strained against him, her fingers clinging to his hard chest, her legs tangling around his hips. Her back arched in complete surrender and she couldn’t stop herself from chanting his name.

“You feel so good,” he murmured into her neck. “So good, Toni. I need more time with you. More time. I want to fuck you slowly for hours.”

He grabbed one breast with his hand, pinching at her nipple with the same cadence as his thrusts. She only wished she was naked, so she could experience the full sensation.

“Later,” she promised. “We’ll take our time later.” Right now she liked the urgency and the passion that ignited quickly between them and threatened to explode.

Logan shifted and slid his free hand between her legs to stroke her clit while he thrust into her. Her fingers gripped the edge of the seat as her pleasure intensified.

“Come for me, baby,” he whispered. “Don’t hold back. Come for me.”

She didn’t know how to hold back. Or how to come for him. Everything her body was experiencing seemed completely involuntary to her. The throb between her thighs built into an intolerable ache. She writhed against his hand, until the building pleasure burst. Her body went taut and she cried out, shaking with bliss. Logan thrust deep and held himself buried within her, stroking her clit so fast as he came inside her that she couldn’t stop shaking. She forced her eyes open so she could watch his face as he found release. His eyes squeezed shut and his mouth dropped open as his entire body shuddered in ecstasy. She would love to see that pleasure-contorted face on a regular basis.

Logan’s hand went still and he collapsed. She held his weight against her, enjoying the solid feel of his body on hers. After he caught his breath, he pulled away to look down at her.

“I needed that,” he said. “Next time it will be all for your pleasure. I won’t let myself get so carried away.”

As if she was going to argue with that.

“And then the next time, you’ll teach me to suck your cock, right?” she said.

He groaned and wrapped both arms around her to give her an enthusiastic hug. “Woman, you’re going to get me hard again if you aren’t careful.”

Was that supposed to be some kind of warning? She took it as more of a challenge.



BOOK: Insider (Exodus End #1)
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