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Authors: Everly Drummond


BOOK: Inked
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By Everly Drummond



For the nurses and support staff at

Stronach Regional Cancer Centre,

this one’s for you!

Inked: The Novel
An Everly Drummond Novel


Published by Everly Drummond


Copyright© 2013 Everly Drummond. All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the Author’s imagination or are use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


First ebook edition



Dear reader,

If you are reading this then you have purchased my book, and for that I’m eternally grateful. It is the constant support and encouragement from my fans that keeps me motivated. Thank you.

As many of you know from my numerous tweets and post, the past year has been difficult for me. My uncle, who was every bit a father to me, was diagnosed with cancer. He spent the better part of a year battling this horrendous disease, and sadly, in April, cancer claimed another victim. This book is just as much for him as it is for the amazing staff at Southlake Hospital and the Stronach Regional Cancer Centre. But a special thank you goes out to Connie, Pam, Pat, and Michelle. You girls are angels in disguise and will always hold a very special place in my heart.

Thank you to Kristen, who pushed me harder and further than anyone else and kept me focused. Your help editing and critiquing this book was invaluable. Dinner and drinks are on me!

And of course, thank you to my family and friends. The amazing outpour of support that I receive from you on a daily basis is staggering. I love you all so very much. And for my mother, who puts up with me and my harebrained ideas. I love you with all my heart.



The hum of the tattoo gun was drowned out by the heavy bass of the rock music that drifted from the overhead speakers, but it did nothing to lessen the pain. Avery Carmichael cringed as the needle swiftly moved over the surface of her pale skin. Despite the urge to close her eyes and look away, there was a certain grace to the artist’s movements that kept her entranced as the image of a flower began to take shape on the top of her foot. His hard, sculptured muscles rippled beneath the too tight t-shirt that clung tightly to his body, showing off biceps that had no doubt cost hundreds of hours at the gym to achieve. Something about the beat of the music, the pain of the needles, and the tousled brown hair that flowed freely over his broad shoulders, caused warmth to coil in the bottom of her belly. It was an unexpected, but not unwelcomed, mixture of pleasure and pain. Leaning back in the chair, Avery let out a soft moan as the unfamiliar sensation coursed through her body.

“Are you okay, H
un?” Brody looked up and smiled. “I’m almost done. Just sit back and relax.”

“I’m fine,
” Avery mumbled, and did as he asked. Leaning further back into the chair, she shut her eyes and let the vibrations from the gun flow up her leg and through her body, but flinched when the needle of the tattoo gun trailed across the soft, velvety skin near the top of her toes. Avery startled and sat upright in the chair when she felt his hand gently rub the exposed part of her leg.

“Just relax,
” Brody whispered in a soothing tone. “The worst of it is over.”

Something ab
out the husky tone of his voice and the gentle touch of his large, calloused hands made Avery quiver. It had been months since she’d felt the touch of a man, and it wasn’t taking much to put her imagination into high gear. She could envision the beautifully crafted tattoos that hugged the contours of his well toned body, accentuating his muscular physique. She could almost feel the softness of his unkempt hair as it brushed lightly against the silky skin of her thighs, and she could picture the way his brown eyes would smolder in the dim light of her bedroom when he looked up at her from beneath the covers.
What the hell am I thinking? I don’t even know this guy,
Avery mentally scolded herself. She wasn’t the type of girl who went around fantasizing about complete strangers, and one night stands had never been her thing.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Avery’s eyes snapped open at the sound of his voice and she could feel a blush redden her cheeks. “Pardon?” 

“I asked if you’re okay. You look a little out of it.” Brody turned off the
tattoo gun and set it down on the stainless steel table beside him. “Do you want me to get you a drink of water or something?”

“No, I’m fine, really. I guess I just zoned out there for a second.”

“Well, what do you think?”

Avery looked down and gasped. “Oh my God, it’s beautiful.”  A smile crept across her face as she admired the piece of art that now ador
ned the top of her foot. Leaves—the color of fine jade—accentuated the pale yellow petals of the intricate bloom. It looked as if the flower had just been freshly picked from the garden, vibrant and full of life, making it well worth the two hours of pain she’d just endured.

“Are you sure you don’t want a drink of water? You look a little woozy.”  Brody reached
out and offered Avery his hand, steadying her as she swayed slightly in the chair. “Maybe you should lie back down for a minute.”

“I’ll be okay,” Avery assured him
. Beneath his rough and tattooed exterior lay the heart of a gentleman. It was a refreshing change from the type of guys she was accustomed to meeting. Sitting up in the chair, she watched as Brody covered the top of her foot with cream and covered it in a piece of plastic cling wrap. “How long do I have to leave that on for?”

“Not long. You can take it off
in a few hours. I’ll give you a list of instructions to follow.” Brody picked up the sock that was lying on the floor and gently slid it over Avery’s foot, letting the tips of his fingers brush against her silken skin, and causing her to flinch as his cold hands came into contact with her warm flesh. He could feel himself becoming aroused and shifted uncomfortably in the chair. Thankfully, today he’d chose to wear a pair of loose track pants instead of the tight jeans he usually sported.

Avery slipped her shoes on and followed Brody to the front of the shop. Hand drawn pictures of skulls and butterflies hung in
wooden frames and covered all four walls of the small tattoo parlor. Fake gems glistened in the light of a large glass display case that sat off to one side of the room, showcasing thousands of pieces of body piercing jewelry. The bell chimed as the door opened and a young couple stumbled in, making it obvious that they’d had a few too many drinks.

It looks like you have your hands full.”

“It’s a good thing the city ordinance
says we can’t tattoo anyone under the influence,” Brody laughed, very aware that his erection was growing harder by the minute. He reached into the drawer, pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to Avery. “This is a list of instructions. You shouldn’t have any problems if you follow it, just make sure you don’t get your foot wet for at least ten days.”

“Ten days?” Avery repeated.

“Yeah, the chlorine in the water will cause it to fade and you’ll have to have it touched up. Oh, and whatever you do,” he added as an afterthought “don’t scratch it when it gets itchy. If you pull the scab off, you’ll leave bare spots in the ink.”

“Thanks.” Avery folded the paper
in half and hastily stuffed it into her purse.

“You can always call if you have any questions. The number’s on the bottom of the paper.” Trying to hide his growing erection, Brody leaned over and placed his elbows on the counter. He’d always had a thing for curvy girls, and this girl’s curves were driving him mad. The way her curly blond hair cascaded down her back, the way her
ample breasts strained against her shirt, begging to be set free, and the tight jeans that hugged her shapely ass, made him hard as a rock. He took a deep, calming breath and tried to focus on something else, anything that would get his mind off the stunning beauty that stood before him.

“Good luck with the love birds,” Avery joked “and thanks so much for everything. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.”

“You’re welcome.” Brody watched as his vixen walked out the door and slide behind the steering wheel of her car. His mind was yelling at him to run after her, to stop her before she got away, but it was too late. The headlights of the car flickered on as the car roared to life, and Avery backed out of the parking spot.  The bell chimed again as the drunken couple left the shop. Brody reached down and sighed as he rubbed his erection through the thin cotton fabric of his track pants. If he didn’t get some relief soon, he was going to burst, but getting himself off wasn’t an option, not tonight. Tonight he needed the touch of a woman. He needed to feel her warmth wrapped around him. He needed to feel her muscles clench him tightly as he found his release. Hastily, Brody grabbed the top piece of paper from the clipboard that sat on the counter and dug his keys out of his pocket. He walked to the front of the shop and turned off the neon sign that hung in the window, locking the door behind him as he left. It was still two hours before closing time, but there was no way he would be able to get anymore work done tonight.




Steam infused with the scent of jasmine filled the air and fogged up the large, ornate mirror that hung above the sink. Avery lowered herself into the hot water, letting her newly tattooed foot hang over the side of the tub. Bubbles danced against her skin and the heat gently caressed her body as she sank further beneath the surface of the water. Thoughts of pleasure and pain filled her mind. In all the years Avery had spent with her ex boyfriend, not once did she feel a sensation like that, the perfect balance of pleasure and pain. Having sex with her ex had been nice, but it was nothing extraordinary, unlike what she felt earlier tonight. Her body quivered and Avery could feel herself the moisture gathering between her legs. She plucked lightly at her nipples, rolling them tenderly between the tips of her fingers, and sighed as they stiffened at her touch. Letting her hands roam freely across body, she stopped when she reached the curly thatch of blonde hair between her thighs. She’d never been one to get turned on by pain, but something about the guy at the tattoo shop made her blood boil, and for a brief moment, she wondered what it would feel like to get taken as the tattoo needles danced across the surface of her skin. Parting her legs a little further, she stroked herself as a soft moan escaped her lips, her body begging for release. Slick with the moisture she’d drawn, one and then two fingers worked their way inside. It felt good. It felt better than good, but it still wasn’t enough. She needed to be touched. She needed to have him stretch her as he filled every inch of her.

“What the hell
?” Avery cursed under her breath. The loud thud of someone knocking on the door echoed throughout the small apartment, startling her. She lifted herself out of the tub, taking extra care not to get her foot wet, and slipped on the black satin housecoat that hung from the back of the bathroom door. Tiny, wet footprints marred the hardwood floor as she hurried towards the door. “I’m coming.”
Or at least I

Standing on her tiptoes, Avery looked through the peephole and gasped. On the other side of the door was the gorgeous brown haired artist from the tattoo parlor.
She struggled to remember his name but it eluded her. Avery couldn’t form a coherent thought right now if her life depended on it. Just the sight of him was enough to cause a knot to form in her stomach. She couldn’t fathom why this gorgeous man was standing outside her door, but it piqued her curiosity, so she unlocked the door and opened it a fraction of an inch.

“Hi, umm… Ms. Bowman?” Brody murmured
. “I think you left this at the shop.” Reaching into the pocket of his black hoodie, Brody pulled out a credit card and waved it in the air for her to see. He knew it was the lamest excuse he could’ve possibly used, but he was desperate. A part of him
to see her again.

“I think you’re mistaken. That credit card must belong to someone else because I paid you in cash.” Suddenly feeling
very exposed, Avery cinched the satin housecoat tighter around her waist. “How did you know where I lived?” she asked cautiously.

“You wrote your contact information on the waiver form you signed.” Reaching into his other pocket, Brody pulled out the white piece of paper that he’d snagged from the clipboard before locking up the shop. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you.”

She watched as he turned and walked down the hall towards the exit.
What the hell am I doing?
Avery mentally scolded herself, but was unable to stem the stream of words that now flowed freely from her mouth. “Wait a minute! Brady, isn’t it?”

A crooked smile played at the corner of his mouth as he turned around to face her. “Brody, my name is Brody.”

“Right, Brody,” Avery sighed, and leaned back on her heels. This was something she was definitely going to regret in the morning, but all sense of reason seemed to have eluded her. “You came all this way because you thought that was my credit card. The least I can do is to invite you in for a drink.”

“Thanks, but that’s not necessary.” Brody had been tormenting himself with thoughts of her for the past hour.
Now this beautiful vixen was inviting him into her apartment, and like an idiot, he said no.

“Are you sure? I have cold beer in the fridge.” Avery opened the door wider and stepped aside. She didn’t make a habit out of inviting strange men into her apartment, but after what she’d felt at the tattoo parlor, and then again in the tub, she couldn’t just let him walk away. She ignored the little voice
in her head that was screaming at her to stop, and instead focused on the burning ache that was now consuming her. As she moved aside as, Brody stepped into the apartment, his muscular frame barely fitting through the doorway. Closing the door behind them, she led him towards the kitchen. Avery felt even more exposed now, standing in the middle of the kitchen wearing nothing more than a flimsy housecoat. “There’s beer in the fridge. You can help yourself. I’m going to change.”

“Okay, thanks,
” he mumbled, and watched in silence as Avery retreated down the hall. Fighting every urge not to follow her to the bedroom, Brody opened the fridge door and grabbed two cold beers from the top shelf.  The dim light of the bedroom reflected off the walls of the narrow hallway. With the door slightly ajar, he could see the soft, silky fabric of Avery’s housecoat fall to the floor in a heap. His erection grew impossibly hard as her slim naked form moved gracefully across the room.  He leaned further back in the chair and watched as she reached into the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans. Noticing that she was almost dressed—and not wanting to get caught watching her—Brody averted his gaze and sat upright in the chair. The sound of Avery’s footfalls behind him told him that she’d returned.

Avery approached the kitchen table and sat down opposite him
at the table. She still felt a little anxious about having a stranger in her apartment, but the feeling was slowly began to ebb as need took its place. Something about this man was driving her insane with desire. Every inch of her body longed to be touched by him. Trying to banish the thought from her mind, Avery cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably in the chair. “So, umm, thanks for stopping by tonight.”

BOOK: Inked
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