Read Incognito: Sinful Online

Authors: Madison Layle

Tags: #BDSM

Incognito: Sinful (2 page)

BOOK: Incognito: Sinful
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Her lungs still labored with heady pants when Jon removed the blindfold from her eyes. They’d unfastened her arms from the rail and taken her below decks to what she now discovered was a lavishly furnished master suite.

Her husbands stripped while she took in her surroundings. The king-sized bed on which she lay held center stage in a roomy space that also featured beautiful curtains, custom-built cabinetry in rich-colored teak, a sofa and flat-screen TV, and en suite Jacuzzi. In front of the sofa was an antique travel chest that added a nice eclectic touch to the otherwise modern room.

She made herself comfortable on the bed’s plush bank of pillows and eyed her husbands with a smile. Yet tears welled in her eyes, and agitated, she swiped them away.

Letting her worries crowd her thoughts again, she searched for her purse and found it on the sofa, but before she could move to retrieve it, Jon climbed onto the bed and made her lie back.

“What’s wrong, pet?”

She shook her head, unable to voice the uncertainties that had plagued her mind in recent weeks.

“Must we spank the truth from your lips?” Jackson asked, joining them on the bed.

Again she shook her head.

“Then tell us.”

“I…I can’t.”
Not yet
, she didn’t add. Not until she knew the truth for herself, and she’d been too afraid to read the damn letter. There was no point in voicing her fears if the evidence was to the contrary, but she didn’t yet know. She struggled with the urge to look at her purse.

With a frown, Jackson rolled from the bed and went to open the antique trunk. From it he obtained several items she recognized. They were various tools and sex toys from their private BDSM collection.

Her husbands had put a lot of thought and preparation into this nautical venture.

Returning to the bed, Jackson handed over some items to Jon who put them to use. A short time later, Rachel was bound and suspended over the bed to eyebolts she hadn’t noticed in the ceiling before. She hovered in midair face up, although her head hung back to a world turned upside down. She wasn’t spread eagle, but rather her forearms were bound together in a leather device, which was fastened to the ceiling with a chain and hook. Her legs were encased in leather sleeves and bent, ankles latched to thighs; two more chains from O-rings at her knees to bolts in the ceiling kept her bent legs spread. The bondage wasn’t entirely comfortable, but neither was it painful. She grunted with minor efforts to move about.

Jon positioned himself at the head of the bed, his semi-erect cock mere inches from her moist mouth. He took her breasts in hand and asked, “Want to share your thoughts now, pet?”

She kept silent until Jackson popped her lightly on the inner thigh, making her wince. “Sire asked you a question, Rachel. Don’t be rude.”

“My thoughts are clear, Sire.”

She flinched. That one stung.

“Even I know that’s not true,” Jackson said.

“I want to lick Sire’s dick,” she admitted, unwilling to share more.

“I want that, too,” Jon said, though he didn’t move closer. “But you must first tell me what’s been bothering you.”

She shook her head. Tears began to burn her eyes. She didn’t want to spoil this time with them by bringing up unfounded fears.

“Ouch!” Something bit into her labia at the same instant Jon pinched her nipples. She raised her head to look down her body and saw Jackson gently tug on the pussy clamps he’d affixed to her labia. They were then attached to tiny D-rings sewed to the leather leggings she wore. Now, if she squirmed, her movements would yank on her labia and spread her open wider.

Vulnerable, she stilled and dropped her head back again, only to wince when additional clips bit into her nipples.

Then something buzzed against her clit, and she bounced against her bondage, swinging about. The weighted clips drew on her nipples. The clamps between her legs pulled at her pussy. She began to pant with pent-up agitation and arousal.

Jackson focused the vibe on her clit, which caused increased moisture to prepare her pussy for desired penetration, but he didn’t enter her. “Tell us, Rachel,” he commanded. “What has had you so bent out of shape recently? We know it’s not the trial or your caseload.”

“Have we done something to upset you?” Jon asked, his tone sincere.

She was so close to a climax speech was near impossible, and she fought to reach that invisible summit, but Jackson removed the vibe a heartbeat too soon.

“No,” she wailed.

“You’ll have to tell us sooner or later,” he said. “No more excuses. No more dodging our questions. We have all the time in the world, pet.”

Her tears escaped her lashes. Jon lifted her head so she could gaze into his eyes. “We love you. Don’t you get that? For whatever reason, you’ve shut yourself off from us again.” She tried to shake her head, but he continued unabated. “Don’t try to deny it. We can sense it. We’ll do whatever it takes to convince you to open up to us again. This isn’t a fucking game, Rachel. We’re married. Whatever your burden is, we can handle it.” He kissed her lips, but when he pulled away, he frowned down at her. “Why, Rachel? Why have you lost faith in us?”

Her tears flowed freely now as her body was wracked with sobs. She believed in them, knew they loved her, but feared her own ability to handle the potential changes she believed were coming. Her life with the Sinclair men had been a dream come true. As unorthodox as their triadic relationship might seem to society, if they ever were to make it public, one thing was true—Jonathon and Jackson Sinclair had changed her world for the better, and she couldn’t regret that.

The vibe returned, and she fought its influence, but soon found herself on edge again, only to have its intoxicating touch vanish too early. “Please!” she begged.

“Not until you tell us.”

The vibration circled her nipples instead, the sensation pleasant but not enough.

Jon caressed her lips with the tip of his cock, and she tasted his salty pre-cum. His fingertips tickled her neck. “Tell us, Rachel.”

“I think I’m pregnant,” she blurted out, half crazed by this point and weeping from the strain of unending, self-imposed stress.

The vibe vanished. Jon sat back on his heels, and both brothers were silent.

Then… “Oh, Rachel…” Jon thumbed her damp cheek.

?” Jackson asked. “You don’t know for certain?”

She blinked at the vision of an upside-down Jon and took a deep breath. “I haven’t opened the test results yet. I’ve been too—” She hadn’t been too busy, just too scared, and although she was excited at the prospect of having a baby, if the tests were positive, she’d been terrified of how the brothers would react to the news, how it might impact their relationship.

“Where?” The whisper came from Jon.

“My purse.”

Jackson moved off the bed to get the purse and ripped into the envelope.

She stared at Jon’s face as he looked at his brother. When Jon’s lips curled into a bright grin, she knew.

“That explains her emotional volatility,” Jon said, wiping another tear from her face. He reached for one breast. “And these sensitive nipples.”

“But it doesn’t explain the fear I’ve seen in her eyes,” Jackson added as he knelt next to them and lifted her head up to look at her. “Are you afraid of childbirth?”

She avoided his gaze and denied it, but he’d have none of that. “Look at me.”

She did.

He stared at her then smiled. “This child will be loved as much as you are, pet. I’m not going anywhere. Understand?”

Speechless, she studied the sincerity in his face. How did he know? He could read her so well.

“Regardless of who provided the seed,” Jon said, drawing her attention, “he’ll be loved and cherished…by all of us. We’re a family.”

Her fears vanquished, she smiled back and dared to ask, “And if he is a she?”

Their eyes widened, and Jackson said, “Lord, help the boys of her generation!”

Rachel laughed until her husbands each bent down to kiss away the last of her happy tears.

Her body bound, her worries soothed, Rachel surrendered to her husbands’ control, and the Sinclair brothers unleashed their passions on their wife and set her spirit free.

The End






Author Bio


Madison is an erotic romance author with more than twenty-five books published.

As one half of the author duo, Layle and Keaton, Madi (to her friends) is best known for the award-winning, bestselling erotic series, Incognito, among others, such as The Pleasure Club series, Once Upon a Time series, and the Puma Nights series.

To learn more about her other solo works or series, titles, and books co-written with Anna Leigh Keaton, visit:



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