In The Shadows of the Cavern of Death (Shadows of Death Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: In The Shadows of the Cavern of Death (Shadows of Death Book 1)
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What showed in my face was something I couldn’t control. It was something that I couldn’t hide, fear. “Please don’t leave, let’s talk about this. I understand your anger, I feel it, too, but there is more that you need to know,” I said desperately, hoping to stop him. It took a few moments of pleading before I could see a change in his face that told me he wasn’t going to leave. “Rose told me more, not much, but I think you should know.” Keeping him in my sight, I went back to the bed, waiting until he joined me. Locking my eyes with his, I said, “These caverns, they aren’t empty,” waiting to judge his reaction.

When he still hadn’t said anything, I started to get worried, until he rolled his eyes. “So what, are the filled with Loyalists, military?” he asked, annoyed.

Shaking my head, I whispered, “No, they’re filled with Contributors,” afraid that in the silence of the room my voice would carry.

Ripping his eyes from mine, he glued his gaze to the map. I knew that he was doing the math. If each cavern held even a portion of our own population, then for the first time in centuries we outnumbered the takers. “Rose couldn’t tell me much, but she said that some of the answers were on the vid disc that she smuggled out,” I said, pointing to the small vid display on the bed. “I haven’t looked at it yet,” I told him, before he could ask.

Moving the map to the side, he sat on my bed and reached for the vid display. After a moment it came on. I took a seat next to him, turning my attention to the screen, wishing I had never looked.

A dark-haired man dressed in a white coat came on the screen. “This is Professor Clark Head of the relocation and mapping division of Trek Corp. As the Board is aware, the war is not going as we anticipated and at the request of the government we have been looking at alternative locations for population survival. In this search we have discovered a large cavern system project name Mammoth. As you can see by this digital display of the system, it is so large we have yet to map it completely; the density of the rocks will not allowing for sonic scans so we have had to manually view each location. So far we have discovered four hundred and sixty-two caves large enough to house one hundred thousand survivors each, not including smaller caves that can take anywhere from five thousand to twenty thousand each. There are four ways to enter this system large enough for mass entrance. The distance under the ground will allow protection from the atomic weapons fallout that is predicted to occur should we not be able to subdue the insurrection led by the rebel Contributors. It is our belief that this is the best chance we have of saving a portion of the population from extinction. Preparations have already began for animals, plants, and supplies to be moved into these caverns here and here, to test long-range growth suitability. Theses caverns being so large, we have turned them into multi-floor units that will allow for continued growth of our supplies. A full report is being sent along with recommendations on when to start the evacuation of the surface prior to the government’s last stand contingent known as Revelation.”

The screen went blue before it started again, the date appearing at the bottom was two years later. A man with a large scar down his cheek and a marbled eye in a military uniform appeared. “The Rebel Terrorists have taken control of most of the states. They currently have the capitol surrounded, unaware that the president and government officials have already been moved to the Mammoth Project. It is our belief that we cannot hold them back from success and Revelation should be deployed. Loyalists and their families have already been moved to the safety of the caves. It is my recommendation that Revelation is launched in these Sections first,” he said, pointing to a map behind him. “The other Sections here and here hold the Rebels’ woman and children in large numbers and should be saved until we can extract enough for the required workforce and breeding programs. The distance from the blasts should assure that the stock is not contaminated by radiation or damaged in any other significant way before they can be moved underground. Also the strongest of the men are currently surrounding the capitol––these are the stock we will wish to take. As discussed, once they are informed of the coming death of the surface of this planet, they will negotiate to save their women and children and will agree to the government demands. If my instructions have changed, contact me immediately or we shall proceed with operation Revelation.”

Again the screen went blue before coming back on. When it started this time, twenty years had passed. A dark-haired woman in a lab coat now stood in front of us. “The disease that has swept the livestock was not controlled in time and has spread to the other livestock areas and all animals are now infected, they are either dying or dead. The meat is unusable; the test subjects that we had ingest it were dead within forty-eight hours. The disease seems to only affect humans through digestion and is not a worry for widespread epidemic. Cloning of the animal DNA has not been successful. They do not reach majority before the virus, which we can only assume is airborne, infects them. We have tried without success to inoculate against the virus. We can only assume that the caves’ core temperature and environment are a perfect host for this disease. This avenue as a food source has been lost to us. Stocks of inventory have been checked and it has been determined that there is a one-year supply of protein remaining before it is exhausted. Alternatives must be reviewed, please advise.”

Two years later, the same doctor appeared on the screen. “We have been informed by our liaison that the rioting in the rebel caves have reached dangerous proportions. The lack of food from overpopulation and limited supplies is causing a mass rebellion that we are afraid will cause them to discover the other rebel caves and unite them against us. We believe we have found a solution. Though we keep the Rebels for their ability to do the work and to maintain the maintenance of our infrastructure and daily life, we have found that it is the Elders of their group that are causing the outbreaks of rebellion. The Elders also do not have the strength or stamina to work the fourteen-hour days without damages occurring within their bodies. While we can mend the damages, we believe that this is a waste of our resources and after a certain age they are no longer even good for work and become a nonproducing drain on our resources. After careful discussion we believe that we have come up with a solution to ensure a manageable population, a young, strong workforce and a limitless food supply. Detailed in my report are our recommendations, we await your reply.”

Two months later, the same doctor appeared. “We are glad to hear that the rebellion has been put down and that our recommendations were followed and placed in the new treaty. In preparation of your agreement with our plan, a new prototype processing plant is already under construction and will be operational before the first harvest. Details on what will be needed at each cavern so that they have their own processing plant are being drawn up. We believe that the first harvest will yield enough meat to give us a five-year surplus. All information on minimum rebel population maintenance is being sent to you including Loyalist growth figures for the next ten years. We shall continue to monitor the food supply and give recommendations for any vaccines or nutrients we believe are needed.”

I stared at the blue screen with vacant eyes as the words of that long-dead monster faded in the silent room. I don’t know how long we sat there before the knock on the door startled me from my thoughts. Moving like in a dream, I took the vid display from Tristian’s limp fingers and placed it on the bed with the map, pulling the covers over it. Standing up, I walked to the door and opened it to a worried Josie. Blinking at me like an owl, she opened her mouth a few times before the words finally escaped. “I’m sorry to bother you, but it’s been hours and I just wanted to make sure you were alright,” she said, worry clear in her tone. Unable to answer her, I just stared until she nervously started to fidget. “I can see that you guys are busy, I just wanted to let you know that there’s meat still on the stove if ...”

Not letting her finish, I pushed her out of the way and dashed for the bathroom, barely making it. There I stayed until I had nothing left to give, until my groans turned to heaves, until my heaves turned to sobs.  











Chapter 3

I could hear my sisters’ sobs echo through the silent house. Siting in the living room, they drown me. Through the bedroom door, they flow down the stairs, creating rivers of sorrow. I know my sisters are afraid that I’ve gone insane. I want to assure them that I haven’t, but how can I assure them of something I’m not sure of myself? Yesterday, when I finally dragged myself from the bathroom, I went into the kitchen for a glass of water and found them eating the meat and I snapped. Grabbing their plates, I threw them at the wall. The pan that held the rest followed. Terrified, they tried to restrain me and I snapped, smacking at them. Seeing Tristian in the doorway, they ran to him for help, but he just looked on with a vacant stare before he turned and quietly and left. Their fear fed my anger as I destroyed the kitchen. The sounds of my rage echoed as they cowered by the door in fear, watching my madness before turning to flee to their room. 

Now, a day later, I still sat in the same spot I collapsed in yesterday like a statue, trying to come to terms with what I learned. Did Rose know what they were going to do to her when she went to that cavern? Oh, if there is any mercy left in our world, please don’t let her have known. Don’t let her have known that we are cattle raised and butchered. Don’t let her have thought of her brothers, her parents, and her friends being served to us as a special treat for being good little cows who walked into the slaughter house. Once a year we were given meat as a remembrance of the treaties, of the sacrifices that we were forced to make. How they must laugh at us as they fed us our loved ones.  

These thoughts lead to madness, and as much as I wished that it would take me so that I could forget what I now knew, I couldn’t let it. My sisters needed me. Rising from the chair, I made my way up the stairs to their door, carefully knocking. “Josie, Tina, I’m going out. I don’t want you to worry. I’m OK now. I’m going to see Tristian. I’ll be home soon, I love you,” I told the closed door, unwilling to open it and face what I did. Gathering my coat, I walked out the door, careful to lock it behind me. It must be later than I thought, workers were wearily making their way through the streets back to their homes. That was another problem I would have to deal with soon, none of us had been to work since the lottery. While I made sure we had spare rations, they wouldn’t last us long and the only way to receive new rations was to work. Another way they controlled us. You couldn’t buy rations, you had to work in the factories for the gray slop they called food.

Nodding my head at the familiar faces I passed, I quickly made my way to Tristian’s.  I was surprised when I turned the corner to his house and saw several Elders entering. While the Elders met, they were always careful about it not wanting to raise the government’s suspicions. Stepping back before I was seen, I retraced my steps until I found the alley that would take me to the back of Tristian’s home. Quietly making my way to his window, I gazed in and saw that the room was empty. Opening it, I climbed in like we use to do as children, then made my way quietly to his door, cracking it open to hear what was going on.

“Crowley, you know our laws, those one hundred that survived the lottery are to be brought into the fold. It is the way it has always been. This is how we maintain a living memory for our people,” Elder Gillon said, his exasperation clear.

“And I tell you, Gillon, that there is something very wrong. The lottery this year was different. I think we need to watch those who were chosen and make sure that they are who they are supposed to be,” Elder Crowley said.

“Who they are supposed to be?” Gillon scoffed. “Listen to yourself, you sound insane. What I think is that you are seeing shadows where there are none.”

“Gillon, I agree with Crowley, this lottery was different. That woman they brought in, there was something very strange going on,” Elder Parks interjected.

“You, too, Parks? Are you going to support Crowley in this lunacy? What of you, Terris? Where do you stand?”

              “I agree that there is no harm in waiting until we are sure that everything and everyone is who they say, Gillon,” Terris said to the silent room.

“Fine, we will call a meeting of the Elders to have a ruling,” Gillon announced, before walking out.

“What’s on your mind, Crowley?” Elder Terris asked as soon as Gillon was gone.

“There is something wrong. I do not think having a council meeting would be a good idea. I think that’s what they’re waiting for, a reason to say we were plotting and to wipe us out,” he declared. 

“We’ll begin investigating the new lottery winners and try to hold off Gillon from calling a council meeting, my friend,” he said. The mummer of good-byes warned me to close the door.

“You can come out now, Misty,” sounded a voice in the house, starling me. Looking toward the window, I discarded the idea of sneaking out and went out the door to face a weary Crowley.

“How is it that you always know?” I asked, smiling at the thought of all the times he caught us sneaking in.

Shaking his head, he motioned for me to take a seat. “It’s a parent thing, I have a sixth sense for you children when you’re doing something you’re not supposed to,” he replied, with a small twist of his lips. “Now, do you want to tell me what has happened with Tristian? I mean, he is the reason for your visit.” He sighed, pointing to the seat across from him.

Not bothering to deny it, I asked, “Is he here?” I sat down, feeling just a weary as he looked.

“No, he went out early in the day and hasn’t been home since. He was quite occupied with something on his mind and needed time to think,” he replied, looking at me expectantly.

Not ready to share my secrets and give him the answers he sought, I said, “I’ve asked you this before and you’ve never answered.” Seeing that I caught his interest, but his smile telling me he knew I was changing the subject, I quickly asked, “How long have our people been here in the caves?” The hoped-for answer had taken on new meaning for me.

For a long time he stared at me, so long I didn’t think he was going to answer. So when he spoke I jumped a little. “No one is truly sure. The best answer that I can give you is around three thousand years, but I believe that it has been longer, but by how much I don’t know.”

Starting slowly, I said, “I know that the world above us was destroyed, but after so long could it have...” I grasped for the right word. “Could it have repaired itself? Could there be life there again?” I finished, unable to think how else to word it.

“I’m not a scientist, Misty, I don’t know if it could repair itself.”

Suddenly I was not so tired. “That’s not what I asked, Crowley, do you
that it could have repaired itself?”

“Yes, I think that it could have repaired itself,” he answered, smiling softly. “I think that nature may have had to bend to our will but it did not break.”

I nodded my head in relief. “Has anyone ever gone to check to see if the surface was livable again?” I asked, trying to hide my excitement.

“That I know of, no. No one has been to the surface since the tunnels were sealed after we entered all those centuries ago.” Leaning forward, he asked, “Misty, why all these questions?”

Staring at him, I made my decision. “Hypothetically, if you could take Tristian to the surface and escape the lottery, would you?”

“Yes,” he said, no hesitation in his words.

“Even not knowing if there is anything up there to escape to?”

“I’d take him anyway. Better he died up there free than a slave to the system here,” he answered with venom, hating as much as I the hopelessness of it all.

“I feel the same way for my sisters,” I whispered, choked with emotion. “What if I told you that there is a map of the caverns?”

“I would say that is a very dangerous thing to have,” he said slowly, sitting up a little straighter at my words.

“And hypothetically, what if this map showed hundreds of caves? Caves filled with Contributors who knew nothing about each other?” I finished, looking in his eyes so he could see the truth of my words.

His sharp indrawn breath was loud in the silent room. As I watched his eyes, I saw the possibilities this knowledge brought flash through them. A key turning in the lock broke our connection, causing us both to turn and watch the door in apprehension. Relief flooded the room when Tristian walked in. “Sorry I’m late, Dad. I had some things to do, how about we”––he stopped mid-sentence, surprise flashing in his eyes when he saw me. Nodding his head to me he turned cautious eyes to his father.

“Son, come in and sit. Misty and I were having a hypothetical discussion. Why don’t you join us?” he said, breaking the awkward silence, but increasing the Tristian’s tension.

I made room on the small couch next to me, and Tristian stiffly sat down. “How much have you told him?” he asked.

“Some, not all,” I replied, not bothering with pretense.

“I thought we agreed to tell no one,” he growled, his anger clear. Not because he didn’t trust his father, but because he knew the danger of the knowledge we had.

“Your father has information we need,” I said, reaching out and taking his hand. I waited until he looked at me. “And you never would have left without telling your father good-bye,” I whispered, pleading with my eyes to help him understand why we had to share this burden with his father. When I felt his thumb glide across my hand, I knew I was forgiven because he knew I was right.

“Where did you get this information?” Crowley asked, breaking in.

“Rose gave it to me before the lottery. She became a Secretary to gather information so I could escape with my sisters,” I told him, pride and sorrow clear in my voice.

“Why wouldn’t she bring it to me?” Crowley muttered.

“What do you mean? Why would she bring it to the Elders? She was a Secretary, an outcast,” I said, confused as to why he would think she would bring it to the people who scorned her.

Indecision played in his eyes before he answered me. “Your cousin was part of an infiltration group trying to gather information on the government and the caverns. She was the best we had. No one knew that she was an operative other than myself and one other Elder. It was safer for her this way. We believe that there have been government plants among the Elders since the conception of the lottery, feeding them information that have gotten many of our best agents killed. Your cousin was working with us to stop the lottery and force the government to see us as equals,” he finished, staring at me in complete earnest belief of his cause.

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Not a little giggle, but a full-blown laugh of hysterics. My Rose had a secret life. A life that risked every member of our family and she never told me. My best friend. The hand that struck me wasn’t light. Shocked, I brought my hand to my cheek and turned large eyes to Tristian, who stood in front of me holding me by my upper arms, concern clear on his face. Releasing one arm, he brought a gentle finger to my face, wiping away tears I didn’t realize I was shedding. Turning my head to a concerned Crowley, I couldn’t help the scorn that entered my voice. “Do you want to know why Rose didn’t bring you what she found?” When all he did was shake his head, it released the flood gate of emotion that I had been holding back. Wanting to lash out and hurt someone as I hurt, I said, “She didn’t bring it to you because you think you can force the government to see us as equals. To them we are about as equal as a bug under your shoe. You see, they will never see us as equals because they don’t want their main course sitting at their table talking, but well-seasoned and on their plates.” I laughed cruelly, pulling my arm from Tristian before sitting back on the couch and hugging myself.  I felt no better at the pain he was about to know made worse at the harshness of my delivery.

“I don’t understand. What are you saying? You’re not making sense!” he shouted. Confused and not getting an answer from me, he turned to Tristian. “What is she talking about?” Crowley demanded.

Sighing, Tristian sat down next to me and motioned for his father to retake his seat. When he reached over to take my hand, I shoved it under my armpit and scooted over as far as I could away from him. “Did you know?” I asked, having to know the truth. His silence was answer enough that my two only friends had lied to me. If they lied to me about this, what else were they keeping secret from me? Did I really ever know either of them? “How long?” I asked again.

“How long what, Misty?” he wearily asked.

Turning my head to face him, I gritted out through my teeth, “How long was Rose part of whatever this is?”

With a closed expression, he stared into my eyes. “Since before her brothers went to the Cavern of Death. They were the members who brought her in.”

Nodding my head once that I understood, I dismissed him and turned to look at Crowley. Pushing down my emotions, I focused my dead gaze onto him. “To answer your question, Rose gave me two things: a map and a vid disc, telling me that no one must ever know because it would put the whole cavern under a death sentence. She gave these things to me to help me escape to the surface with my sisters. Obviously I told Tristian and now I am going to tell you, but I need your word––for what it’s worth––that for now everything will remain between the three of us.” Receiving a nod, I continued. “There are over four hundred occupied caverns with populations ranging from five thousand to one hundred thousand each. These figures come from the vid disc that we watched. I’m not sure how many are occupied by Contributors, but Rose led me to believe most of them were. We also saw that it was the government, not the Contributors that set into motion the cleansing called the Revelation. They had lost and instead of accepting defeat, they destroyed the surface, forcing us to admit defeat or die above. Unfortunately that isn’t the worst that the vid disc has shown us.” Stopping to take a breath, I closed my eyes and hardened my heart to what I was about to say. “Twenty years after the destruction of the surface, the animals brought below sickened and died, greatly reducing the caverns’ food sources. There were riots running rampant through the caverns. To hold control, the government brutally put the Contributors down and forced them to sign a new treaty that solved all the government’s problems. The new treaty took care of population control. It took care of the sick and old, allowing for a young workforce at all times”––stopping, I looked into Crowley’s eyes, holding them to mine to make sure he understood what I was about to say––“and it took care of the food shortages because every year a new herd of cattle is butchered.”

BOOK: In The Shadows of the Cavern of Death (Shadows of Death Book 1)
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