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Authors: Ella Price

Illusions of Love (8 page)

BOOK: Illusions of Love
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taxi pulled up to my house and I paid the guy and climbed out. The house was
huge and lonely looking. I wasn’t really looking forward to being alone
tonight. I pushed the feeling away and walked into the house.

cell phone started to ring. I routed through my purse and found the phone, it
was Mandy. I tossed my purse on the table in the foyer and answered.

I answered trying to sound cheerful.

was making sure you got home,” she said.

I could answer a scuffling noise caught my attention. As I turned I was
tackled. I screamed in surprise, and the phone went flying out of my hand. I
hit the floor with a thud and the guy landed on top of me. Fear and adrenaline
surged through me when I saw he had a black ski mask on. He tried to pin me,
but I wiggled free and ran for the stairs. He caught before I made it and we
fell to the floor again. I clawed at his face and he punched me repeatedly in
the face and stomach. I could barely feel his strikes I was too panicked. I
managed to break free of him again. I ran up the stairs. I could feel the blood
running from my nose and mouth. He was on my heels and I knew it.

made it to my room where my gun was. I only had to make it too the bedside
table. I made it too the table, but he caught me around the waist and ripped me
away from the night stand before I could open it. He tossed me on the bed and
pinned me. I screamed and struggled and he ripped my dress. His hands went
under my dress and he tore my panties off like they were made of paper. He
pressed his mouth to mine and I bit his lip. He cussed and smacked me. He
shifted giving me and opening. I rammed my knee into his crotch as hard as I
could. He howled in pain and rolled off the bed. I lunged for the table and
ripped the drawer open. I grabbed the gun and rolled away from him as he
advanced on me again. I didn’t hesitate. I knew if he got to me again he would
probably kill me. I shot three times hitting him square in the chest. He
stumbled backwards and looked at me. He reached for something in his waistband
and I emptied the clip into him. He collapsed on the floor. Blood was
everywhere, and he wasn’t moving. I was sure he was dead.

was trying to catch my breath. I dropped the gun on the bed. My hands were
shaking so bad I couldn’t hold it.

Mandy’s panicked voice was downstairs.

upstairs,” I called to her barely able to speak.

could hear her running up the stairs. She had her gun drawn as she came in the
room. Her eyes went from me to the man on the floor. “Katie,” she said worried
and came to me. She hugged me and I felt a little better. “Did you check him?”
she asked as she pulled away and examined him.

shook my head. I couldn’t move. I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks. She
checked for a pulse and shook her head. She grabbed her cell phone and called
it in. Soon my house would be swarming with cops.

Jack said softly from the doorway as he surveyed the room. He looked at me and
I didn’t know what to say.

happened so fast,” was all I could think to say. I didn’t really even
understand how Mandy got here so fast.

slipped his jacket off and hurried over to me and put it around me. My dress
was torn and my bra was exposed, so I was glad for the jacket to cover myself
before people I knew arrived.

her downstairs Jack. She doesn’t need to stay in this room,” Mandy said
watching me.

nodded and lifted me off the bed. I was considering protesting, but I knew
Mandy wouldn’t let me. He carried me down the stairs and sat me on the couch. I
was still shaking, I couldn’t stop. The first set of officers arrived. It was
Officer Parker and his partner. They cleared the house and set up the crime
scene tape.

came in followed by my Captain. “What the hell happened Winters?”

shook my head as I stared at him wide eyed. “I don’t know it happened so fast,”
I said softly.

you know the guy?” he asked in a softer tone.

shook my head. “He has a ski mask on. I couldn’t see his face,” I said softly.

nodded then walked up the stairs to my room.

came in and relief washed over me. He rushed over to me, and I threw my arms
around his neck and sobbed. Jack backed off giving us space. My face and body
was starting to ache from the assault.

need to examine you detective. You look pretty rough,” Bruce one of the
paramedics said. I had spoken to him before on the job.

ok,” I said quietly. I didn’t sound ok and I knew it.

they are going to look at you,” Cole said firmly as he led me to the stretcher.

sat on it and Bruce and his partner started checking me over. Mandy came
downstairs and waved Cole over. I felt a little out of it. The whole thing
didn’t really feel real. Bruce had given me something for the pain, and I was
starting to feel the effects.

watched Mandy talk to Cole. She said something to him and Cole looked horrified
as he stepped back, and ran his hands through his hair as she spoke.

hurried over to me. “Give us a minute,” he growled at the paramedics then he
looked at me, and took my hand in his. “Katie, you have to tell me what he did
to you. They found a pair of torn panties covered in blood.”

looked at him trying to process what he was saying. “It happened so fast, I
don’t really remember,” I said absently. The drugs were starting to get to me.
I could barely think straight.

closed his eyes and kissed my hand. “It’s ok, you need to go to the hospital.”

don’t want to,” I said quickly as I straightened.

pushed me back onto the stretcher. “I will be with you, please don’t argue.”

was talking to the captain and they were watching me. I didn’t understand what
was going on. I laid back and closed my eyes trying to process what happened.


opened my eyes and there were florescent lights above me. I knew I was in the
hospital. I looked around trying to remember what happened. There was a large
window and Cole was standing outside the room talking to my doctors. I had
bandages on my head, and my entire body screamed in protest when I tried to

saw I was awake, and rushed back into the room. “Hey,” he said softly as he
leaned over me.

how long have I been here?” I asked looking around.

day. Your uncle just left to get coffee. He is worried about you,” Cole said

fine. Do they know who it was?” I asked as I sat up.

nodded. “He is a hired thug. They don’t know who hired him or why.”

I said a little confused. “He tried to rape me. He acted like it was a personal
attack not a paid one.”

expression changed. His expression was a mixture of anger and fear. “I am aware
of that. He had a record that included sexual assault and rape. I think that
part was for his own fun.”

didn’t think I was going to be able to get him off me,” I said softly.

touched my cheek and kissed me gently. “I should have taken you home. I am
sorry,” he whispered.

shook my head. “He had a gun. He would have shot you then done the same to me
when he was done with me.” The thought scared me.

have a security detail on you. You aren’t to go anywhere without them until we
figure out who paid him,” Cole said firmly.

rolled my eyes. “I am a police officer. I think I can handle myself.”

are on leave until you are healed and evaluated. Until you are cleared you will
not go anywhere without them,” he ordered.

don’t want to be on leave,” I countered.

scowled. “There are about a thousand reporters outside because you are my
secret wife. You are on leave until it all blows over.”

groaned and laid back in the bed. “This sucks.”

you are a big strong girl,” my uncle Mike said as he walked into the room.

Mike,” I said excitedly as I hugged him.

had me worried,” he said softly as he kissed my head.

ok, I promise.” I was so glad to see him. I hadn’t seen him in a while. I never
found the time to go visit him and he was always busy as well.

know you are,” he said as he smiled down at me.

uncle and I talked for a while. I enjoyed just listening to him recount what
was going on in his life. It was soothing and it made me forget about
everything that was going on in my life.


next morning my uncle left to go home. I was waiting to be cleared to leave.
Cole was standing across from me watching me with an annoyed expression as I
attempted to eat my breakfast.

would you want to go back there? The guy tried to rape and murder you. I would
think you would want a change of scenery,” he said testily.

love my house and no one is going to scare me away from it. I’m sorry you don’t
understand,” I said quietly.

stay at the hotel with me. I need to know you are safe, and I won’t be happy
until you are with me.” He was begging. He knew I couldn’t say no when he
begged me like this.

rolled my eyes. “Only for a couple days. Then I am going home, whether you like
it or not.”

looked relieved. “Thank you.”

nurse came in before I could say anything else. She had my discharge papers. I
was excited because I was ready to go. I had already dressed earlier in the
morning and all my things were packed. I signed the papers and she went over
everything. I only had cuts and bruises. I had a small concussion, but nothing
serious. I just looked worse than I was. I was used to getting a little beat
up. The only part that rattled me was that he came so close to winning. I
always had backup in the field.

I mentioned earlier there are tons of reporters. We will be led out by my
security. Don’t say anything no matter what they shout at you,” Cole ordered as
he put a baseball cap on my head.

smiled at him. “I am surprised they didn’t find out earlier. Isn’t it their job
to find out all your dirty little secrets?”

smiled. “You never were a secret. No one asked about my marital status. Ready
for this?”

nodded. I was ready. I hated hospitals and I wanted to be in a real bed. He led
me out of the room and we were immediately surrounded by a security detail. I
recognized Eric the guard who knew me at the club. I was a little nervous. It
seemed like a little much for two people. Once the elevator doors opened into
the main lobby I could see what the big deal was. There was a wall of flashing
lights just beyond the entrance doors. “Those are all reporters?” I squeaked.

and their mission is to get answers so don’t give them any,” Eric said firmly.

took my hand and squeezed it gently as we made our way toward the exit. We
walked outside and the cameras were almost blinding. I gripped Cole’s hand as
he led me toward a waiting SUV. Reporters shouted questions at us. I could
barely understand one over another.

was relieved to be in the backseat “This is why I am moving to France,” Cole

felt a small ache in my chest at the fact that he was moving. I tried not to
think about it as much as I could. I didn’t know why it bothered me so much. “I
wouldn’t mind if things went back to normal,” I said absently.

smiled tightly. “It will be soon enough. This will all blow over and you will
have your life back.”

nodded. “I need my life back.” I hated that I had doubt when I said it. Lately
I had been thinking about my life since Cole showed back up. I was starting to
realize I didn’t have much of one. I wanted to go back to work. It was the only
thing that was normal for me. Work was my life.

drove the short distance to an expensive hotel. There were reporters camped out
front there as well. The cameras flashed as the truck entered the garage. I
shied away even though I knew they couldn’t see through the darkly tinted
windows. Cole was playing with his phone not even paying attention to the flashing

Eric parked, Cole climbed out of the truck and offered me his hand. I took his
hand and he led me toward the elevator. The clicking sound of a camera made
Cole hesitate.

this your wife Cole?” the camera guy asked as he clicked away. Eric was
attempting to block the guy, but he was being difficult. “Are you pregnant is
that why he married you?” the guy shouted as another guy in the security detail
finally got ahold of him.

go,” Cole growled as he led me away from the guy and toward the elevator.


was of course staying in the penthouse. I really expected no less. I was just
relieved that I was somewhere with a bed. “I am going to shower then I am going
to bed,” I said as I walked toward the bedroom.

you need help?” he asked.

turned and looked at him. I could see the playful look in his eyes. It was
definitely a better look then the serious scowls I had been getting lately.
“You know what I might,” I said amused.

looked a little startled that I agreed. He quickly set his phone aside and
walked toward me. I squealed when he picked me up and threw me over his
shoulder. He carried me to the bathroom and set me on the counter.

didn’t say I needed help walking,” I said pretending to be annoyed.

pressed his body to mine and kissed me aggressively. “You will when I am done,”
he whispered.

smiled biting my lips as I thought about all the possibilities. “Promise,” I
whispered then gently sucked on his earlobe. He smelled incredible. I felt my
body heat up when I breathed in his scent.

he whispered breathlessly.

smiled and pressed my lips to his. I slowly undid the buttons on his shirt as I
kissed him. I was surprised that he was letting me lead this time. He was mine,
all mine. I slid his shirt off his shoulders and ran my hands over his
perfectly sculpted chest. I slid off the counter so I was standing in front of
him. I switched positions him so he was against the counter. I laid gentle
kisses down his chest as I sunk to my knees I front of him. His eyes were
hooded with pleasure as he watched me undo his pants. I freed his hard cock and
slowly ran my hand down his hard shaft. He groaned in pleasure as I firmly
grasped his cock at the base. I ran my tongue down the length of him. I heard
him gasp in pleasure when I covered him. I went slow enjoying how he felt in my
mouth. I was crazy about him. All the pain in my body was gone. All I felt was
sensations ringing through me that only came from being with him. I held him
firmly as I sucked on him. He was moaning and groaning as I aggressively
pleasured him. His fingers tangled in my hair and he started to thrust. I held
him firmly as I tasted the beginnings of his released. I moaned enjoying how he
tasted. He lost control at the sound of my moans. He cried out as he released,
filling my mouth with warm salty fluid. I loved how he tasted.

pulled me up to him and pressed his lips to mine. His tongue filled my mouth as
he deepened the kiss. He broke the kiss and quickly started the shower. He came
back over to me. His eyes were wild with pleasure. He kissed me aggressively
again. After a minute he broke the kiss and pulled my shirt over my head, then
undid my bra. He yanked my tennis shoes off then my jeans and panties. He
pushed me back so I was lying on the counter looking up at the ceiling. I
closed my eyes as his lips and tongue covered the heated skin between my
thighs. My cheeks burned as he aggressively teased me with his mouth. His
tongue explored every part of me.

I cried as pleasure flooded me. My nipples hardened to the point that they
ached from the intensity. He stood and lifted me. He carried me into the shower
and I gasped as the hot water poured over my already sensitized skin. I pressed
my lips to his and kissed him aggressively. I wanted more of him. I wanted his
hard cock inside me.

love you,” he whispered against my lips.

love you too, now fuck me,” I begged as I pressed my body too his.

didn’t make a move to do anything more. His expression was serious and I knew a
serious conversation was coming.  “I want to renew our vows. I want you to come

pressed my hand to his mouth to get him to stop talking before he ruined
everything. “I don’t want to plan the future right now,” I said firmly; then I
pressed my mouth to his. I knew he didn’t want to let it go, but he did. He
deepened the kiss the suddenly broke it. He turned me around so I was facing
the wall. He pinned me to the wall and eased his hard cock inside me. I groaned
in pleasure. The feeling I had anticipated was here. His cock filling me was
one of the best feelings in the world. I pushed against him offering no
resistance. I wanted him as deep as he would go. I pushed my hips into him
pushing him deeper. He didn’t even have to work very hard. I was willing and
ready to feel him. He held my hips digging his fingers into my soft flesh. I
knew he liked what I was doing by how he was breathing and how he was grasping
my hips. I was close to release I could feel it as I pushed him against the
spot inside me that drove me insane.

I’m about to lose it slow down,” he whispered; his voice was tight with

didn’t want to slow down I wanted release. I wanted to feel him lose himself
inside me. I could feel it so close. A cry of pleasure and relief escaped my lips
as I lost it. I heard him groan in ecstasy. The warmth of his release mixed
with my own, and it was an amazing feeling. He slumped against me as I
attempted to catch my breath.

slowly moved off me and I straightened and turned to face him. Before I could
speak or do anything he pressed his body too mine and kissed me aggressively.
“You are so fucking hot,” he whispered.

giggled as I held onto him. “You aren’t so bad yourself.”

was a knock on the door and he sighed. “What is it?” he growled.

Davis the police captain is here with an update,” Eric said from the other

be out in a second,” Cole said as he quickly started to wash.

washed as well and we both stepped out. “Do you think they found anything
else?” I asked hoping they did.

shrugged. “We will find out,” he said as he walked into the bedroom.

followed him and we both quickly dressed. I was both nervous and curious about
what Captain Hilliard had to say. I hadn’t talked to him since the night in my
house. I also wanted to know when I would be allowed back at work.

BOOK: Illusions of Love
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