Read I Spy a Naughty Game Online

Authors: Jo Davis

Tags: #Erotica, #General, #Sexual Dominance and Submission, #Erotic Fiction, #Fiction

I Spy a Naughty Game (37 page)

BOOK: I Spy a Naughty Game
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The older man squeezed his shoulder, and Blaze wished he could place this moment in a time capsule to take out and examine and savor, over and over. He never wanted to forget this day.
“Thank you, sir.” He hesitated. “Before you go, can I ask you one question?”
“Sure. I may have to have you rubbed out if I answer, but go ahead.”
Everyone chuckled at the president’s joke, though Blaze wasn’t entirely sure he was kidding. “Why did we make this type of weapon? Why the risk?”
The older man’s humor died and the room held its breath. Blaze wondered if he’d trespassed too far, but the man answered with great dignity.
“Because one of our enemies, a terrorist nation I won’t name, was already making one, son,” he said quietly. “Many operatives gave their lives getting us the information we needed to assemble the weapon and beat them to the punch.”
“Checks and balances,” Blaze concluded. Now it made sense.
“Yes. Isn’t that what the universe is made of? Rest assured that weapon will never go astray again, and the men who’ve been captured won’t see the light of day, ever. Same goes for Robert Dietz when you locate him, and I have every faith you will.” The president smiled, ready to make his exit. “And now I have a few more rounds to make. Good-bye, agents.”
Blaze stared after him, feeling like he’d fallen down the rabbit hole. “Holy crap, did that just happen? The president came to visit us!”
“He did indeed,” Bastian said. “And he’s clearly happy with the job we’ve done. Now to find Dietz, and it will be finished.”
“Wonder what he did with the traitors who were captured?” Emma speculated.
Bastian’s brows rose. “Trust me—you don’t want to know.”
Blaze settled in, not nearly as restless as before. A man could bask in the glow of a personal visit from the president for a very long time.
He’d gotten the girl and saved the world after all, and the thought made him grin.
Yeah, he’d get Ash started on that song. Right away.
“I hope you like it.” Emma’s hands tightened on the steering wheel, and she stole a glance at her sexy master. He was lounging in the passenger’s seat like a lazy cat with no cares in the world. Except loving her, it seemed, which suited her fine.
“I told you, if you love it so will I.” He grinned. “As long as it has a basement for our toys, I’m good. Oh, and a hot tub out back.”
“It has both. You’ll see.”
She peeked at him as they turned in the drive, noting how well he’d healed in the past couple of weeks. He still got tired easily and walked with a slight limp, thanks to the leg wound and his healing feet. But he was out of the woods and looking fantastic, his skin a healthy color and his black hair falling like lustrous silk to his shoulders, the blond gone.
He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
As she turned onto their road, nervous excitement skittered through her. When she pulled into the driveway of the remodeled, two-story white frame house, she held her breath.
“Emma, sweetheart. It’s gorgeous!”
She smiled and shut off the engine. “The house was built in the early nineteen hundreds, but the previous owners did a major renovation, so it’s in mint condition. Master bedroom and an office downstairs, guest rooms up. Two fireplaces. A new redwood deck complete with a spa for soaking those tired muscles. Well? What do you think?”
His lips quirked. “I think my brain short-circuited when you said the word

She rolled her eyes. “Spoken like a real man.”
“Just teasing. I don’t care how much it costs as long as you’re happy.”
He leaned over, and his lips claimed hers, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth. The heady taste of him spiked her need to be held by him after a couple of long weeks—just the two of them. She needed to be as close to him as possible. To crawl under his skin and stay there, safe from the world.
“Want to go inside?”
They got out, and she took his arm, steadying him as they climbed the steps. Fishing out the keys from the Realtor, she unlocked the door and let them in.
“It’s every bit as beautiful inside,” he commented, grinning at her. “But not as much as you are. Come here.”
Leaning against a wall in the foyer, he pulled her between his legs and cupped her bottom. Pressed her against his arousal, letting her feel his need. He kissed her again with slow thoroughness, and by the time they broke apart, they were both on fire.
“Why don’t you show me the master bedroom?”
“Yes, sir.”
His eyes glowed. “God, you know what that does to me!”
“Oh, I do, sir. Believe me.”
“I think you’re learning to top from the bottom, manipulative little minx.”
“Who, me?” She batted her lashes.
With a playful growl, he swept her into his arms, chuckling as she squealed. She resisted scolding him for aggravating his injuries. It wouldn’t do any good when the hardheaded man did exactly what he pleased.
“Which way?”
She pointed, and he took off. Reaching their destination, he placed her gently on the king-sized bed.
“This bed isn’t ours.”
“The owners are selling it with the house,” she said.
“It isn’t our house yet because we haven’t put in an offer.”
She held her breath.
“Hmm, I like my bed better, but it will be fine for one of the spare bedrooms.”
Happiness burst inside her. For Blaze, that was his way of saying yes. He loved the house and already thought of it as theirs.
His eyes never leaving hers, he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. Following suit with his jeans, he unzipped and pushed them past his hips. His cock sprang free, ready to play, and she drank in the sight of him, all six feet plus of battle-scarred man.
Big, naked, and hers. She gave him a seductive smile.
“Considering what you’ve been through, you don’t look all that tired, tough guy.”
“Two weeks of forced abstinence is excruciating torture to a man like me. I need you, baby.”
“You’ve got me, however you want.”
“Strip for me,” he said hoarsely.
Oh, she’d make this worth the wait. She wanted to see him squirm. Holding his gaze, she peeled off her blouse and tossed it away. Her fingers toyed with the front clasp of her bra for a few moments, then flicked it. Freed from their confines, the tips of her nipples puckered in the cool air of the bedroom, hardening to eager points. Ready for his touch. But not yet.
The bra followed her blouse, and she reclined on the pillows. Giving him a sultry look from under her lashes, she took the small nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Rolling them, playing with them until they had tightened into even more impressive peaks than before. Not nearly as impressive as her lover’s erection, however, which cranked up several notches.
His chest rose and fell unevenly, and he knelt on the spread at her feet. “Emma ...”
“Not yet.”
Next, she unzipped her jeans and slid them down, along with her panties. She let Blaze pull them off, but when he started toward her, she shook her head, loving the control he was giving her. His groan of pent-up sexual frustration heated her blood, giving her wicked new inspiration.
Knees bent, she slowly opened her legs, spreading them wide. With her middle finger, she touched herself. Rubbed all around sensually, collecting the first pearls of moisture, parting herself for his viewing pleasure.
“Jesus,” he gasped, practically salivating.
His golden eyes darkened when she pushed the finger inside, stroking. Completely exposed before him, she felt powerful. Wanton.
Relaxed, she savored the feeling of wielding that power over a man who embodied the word. Of reducing him to a feral beast, quivering, barely restrained. But any beast will pounce when pushed too far, and he was ready. She wasn’t about to put him off any longer.
Taking her ankle, he lifted her foot and tickled her instep with light kisses. The pleasant tingling became tiny erotic flashes when he began to use his tongue, and she sucked in a surprised breath. She hadn’t known feet could be sexy—but that was before Blaze.
He kissed and licked a path up her calf, then the inside of her thigh. Lingering, he raised his dark head. “Sweet little witch. I’ll show you what happens when you torment your master. You’re going to beg to have me inside you by the time I’m finished.”
“Prove it.”
The man had nothing to prove, damn him! The instant his tongue found the center of her, lapping at her sensitive clit, she melted. With each expert swipe the pressure built, unraveling her.
“Ooh, yes!” She fisted her hands in his hair, arched her back, seeking. Needing more.
He fastened his mouth to her, setting her body afire. Shattering her control. Drinking in her surrender. Mastering his woman and making her beg, as promised.
“Sir, please!”
He lifted his head, a dark predator, eyes glittering with lust. “Please, what?”
“Make love to me!”
He rose over her, covering her body with his, the muscles of his chest and arms standing in relief under his bronzed skin. Nestling between her thighs, he probed her entrance, then pushed himself into her slick heat.
Gathering her against his chest, he held her tight, resting his cheek on top of her head. The gesture was fiercely protective and oddly sweet. He cradled her like a treasure and began to move, each thrust deeper, deeper, until they became one body, one soul.
Her arms went around him, hands clinging to his broad back. He filled her in every sense, his lovemaking transcending mere sex as always. Bringing them together to complete the mystical bond between man and woman.
He drove into her again and again, the intensity increasing, sweeping them away on a molten tide. He lunged once, twice, then went rigid. They exploded together, his body shuddering as he spent himself.
She wasn’t sure how long they remained locked together, but she relished the security of his strong limbs wrapped around her. Of being safe. With Blaze, she didn’t have to be a tough SHADO agent in a man’s world. She could be a woman, too. Safe and desired. Loved.
At last, she’d found heaven on earth. She’d happily spend the rest of her life loving him. Smiling, she combed her fingers through his inky hair. “Wow. I knew there was a reason I hooked up with a master lover, so to speak.”
“And you have me for as long as you want me, baby.”
“How about forever?”
“I think I can cope with that just fine. I love you, Emma.”
“And I love you. We got our happy ending, handsome.”
“No, our happy
She thought of Michael, still struggling back from the brink, and sent out a silent wish that he’d find his beginning, too. She refused to think of Dietz still out there somewhere, posing a threat to them all. He had no place here, today, amid their joy.
“Yes, you’re exactly right,” she told him. “No endings allowed here.”
“That’s right. This is our home, and our lives, starting now. I’m the luckiest man who ever lived.” He paused, grinning. “Especially since you lost our bet.”
“What? When?”
“I bet you that by the end of our assignment, if you didn’t love every part of being my sub, I’d be your sub for as long as you wanted,” he said smugly.
She remembered and let out a playful groan. “Oh, damn! I wanted you at my mercy indefinitely.”
“Believe me, baby, you
me at your mercy. Forever.”
His mouth captured hers, sealing the vow in a sizzling kiss, filling every corner of her soul.
Seemed she’d come out on top after all. Now, that was a position she could get behind.
Again and again.
About the Author
Jo Davis
spent sixteen years in the public school trenches before she left teaching to pursue her dream of becoming a full-time writer. An active member of Romance Writers of America, she’s been a multiple finalist for the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, has captured the HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, and has a book optioned for a major motion picture. She lives in Texas with her husband and two children. Visit her Web site at
BOOK: I Spy a Naughty Game
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