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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

I Saw You (6 page)

BOOK: I Saw You
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That was the boy’s reaction as we stepped through the club’s doors. Who said what, I had no clue as I was too busy taking it all in. I’d become mute.

The entire club had been transformed for the party. Sex meets gothic—dark and provocative. The already attractive monochromatic scheme had been enhanced with blood-red accents everywhere. Lighting dimmed. They used a mixture of tall candles and Edison bulbs to create a sensual mood.

As if she was inviting me in. A message left for only me to understand.

Small seating areas had been placed throughout the room. Groups of couches and chairs were strategically placed with a small table in the center of each arrangement. Roses—blood-red—roses, sat atop each table, adding a small hint of romance.

Intimate enough where we could all let loose, yet close enough to mingle.

“Is that a…” Cris swallowed hard, his eyes set firmly on the three Saint Andrew’s crosses across the room. Chains and cuffs in leather. Pure fucking temptation divine, and I was susceptible to her every whim.

Is Slim offering or just playing with my dick?

What red-blooded male doesn’t get hard at the thought of dominating his woman? Of fucking her into submission.

She isn’t yours.
Yet. And goddamn I meant just that. It was only a matter of time.

Adjusting my cock, I walked farther into the room and stopped in front of a floor-to-ceiling wall of chains. Nothing spectacular about them, but for some reason, it just made the room seem dark and all the more erotic.

“Is it me, or did Arianna go all out?” At the sound of Tex’s voice, I paused and turned back around to face them. I’d been so lost inside my own head, focused on the visions playing through my mind.


On her knees.

Spread out for me.

Coming on my cock.

“Slim did more than just go all out.” Rick hummed in agreement. “The woman took it upon herself to torture Cheetos over here.”

“Agreed.” Rough, the timbre of my voice was low and deep. A hunger had taken over me—an unquenched need that wouldn’t be satiated by anything other than her. Not even the mouthwatering food set along three six-foot tables called my attention. All I wanted in that moment was to bend her over the nearest surface and after, once I had marked every fucking inch of her tan skin, would I attend to any other needs.

Rick walked across the room and plucked a small guava and cheese turnover from a tray. “Wonder what made her choose the cross, though?” Waggling his brows, he bit the pastry in half and moaned. “Fuck, that’s good.”

“You’re dumb and a pig. Wipe your chin,” I barked.

“This entire room screams sex...” Tex grabbed a treat for himself next, his groan of approval obnoxious and overdramatic. “…and fuck with Chester. I’m loving this chick more and more. Beauty and brains.” They laughed, and I scowled. Assholes.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” At my nonchalance they each raised a brow in unison, causing me to snort. The move looked practiced. “Who gives a shit,” I continued, gloating. “As long as at the end of the night, I’m the one she wants.”

“Oh, she wants you,” Cris stated. “Of that I have no doubt.” Pursing his lips, he perused the trays of
hors d’oeuvres
and sweets, not picking anything. A few steps to the left, he nodded to himself and picked up a few of what looked to be mini Cuban sandwiches. “After what I witnessed a few days ago…there’s no doubt about it. Question is how long it will take you to make her fall.” A grin, and then he stuffed them in his mouth.

“First, gross.” Instead of acknowledging my admonishment, he ate another. “And two, Slim doesn’t come off as the type of chick that will fall at my feet. Woman will be a fucking challenge.”

Tex opened his mouth, and then closed it. His eyes locked on something over my shoulder; his face contorted into what could only be described as a look of annoyance. Didn’t take long for me to understand the cause.

Two small arms wrapped around my waist from behind, her perfume making my nose twitch. “Aren’t they all.” Ashley’s tone held an edge of disdain that didn’t sit well with me. Last thing I needed was her to cause an issue. “Women love an unattainable man. It’s a challenge.”

“Hey, Ash,” Cris interjected, trying to steer the conversation away from Arianna. “Didn’t know you were coming out tonight? Thought you bailed after the awards show.” His eyes narrowed, his sights set on the spot where her hand lay against my lower abdomen.

Taking her hands in mine, I pulled them from around me and brought her to stand beside me. “You should’ve informed me.”

“Since when are you my father?” She sneered, fingernails slightly digging into the arm she clung to.

What the fuck?

“We would’ve sent the driver for you, Ash.” Even if the woman was a pain, she was still my friend and in a city she didn’t know. And I took care of mine.

Her hold lessened, as did the harsh expression on her face. “I changed my mind.” With a shrug, Ashley stood up on the tips of her toes and laid a tiny kiss on my cheek. “Wanted to give you my moral support and all that jazz…see you in a bit.” Another kiss, and she was gone.

Swiftly through the crowd she vanished, leaving me perplexed as all fuck.

“That, right there…” Cris spoke, his finger pointed in the general direction of where she’d gone “…is trouble.”

“I’m starting to see that.”

“You’re playing a dangerous game with that one, bro.” His exasperated tone caught me off guard. “Get rid of her. Arianna will never look at you otherwise…no woman will put up with your agreement with Ashley.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Fisting my hair in my hand, I pulled on the ends. “Again, a rock and a hard place, fucked either way. At the moment, I’m doomed. Do you not remember the press conference after we won? They’d eat her alive.”

“Not your choice to make.” Tex stopped a waitress as she passed beside us with a tray of what looked to be champagne. Taking a gulp, he scrunched up his face. “Not my favorite, but it’d have to do until I make it to the bar.”

“What the fuck do you mean, ‘not my choice’?” Following his lead, I reached out and took a glass for myself. “Whose is it, then? Slim doesn’t deserve it.” They reluctantly agreed with a nod. “Plus…” taking a sip, I savored the crisp taste of the champagne on my tongue before swallowing “…how fair would it be to Ashley? She’ll be labeled as the one who couldn’t keep her man from straying—the victim—and I, the cheating bastard.”

“Stop right there,” Cris spat, anger radiating off his stiff posture. Threw me off, to be honest. “She knew just what she was signing up to do when she weaseled her way into the position she now holds. For fuck’s sake…it was her idea to begin with.”

“Watch it.” A warning. No matter what, Ash was like family to me, and no one would bad mouth her.

“No, Chester.” Rick stepped forward, taking a stand between Cris and me. I might not like the way he was referring to her, but I’d never hit the guy. “I’m sorry, bro, but Cris is right. That you might not want to realize the girl’s in love with you is one thing, but you can’t expect to block out the sun with a finger. She found a weakness and capitalized.” Putting his hand on my shoulder, he squeezed twice and moved to stand next to the other two. “Girl took advantage of the situation. Has cock-blocked you at every turn. Think about it for one second. When was the last time you wet your dick?”

Too long.
But the girl was my best friend. She wouldn’t do that on purpose, or would she?

“It’s not like that,” I tried to defend, much to their annoyance.

“Yes, it is,” Tex cut in before tossing a few olives in his mouth from a tray nearby. “Until you cut that cord, you’ll always be stuck alone. I’m not trying to be a dick, Cheetos. We all love Ashley like family,” he said the word with mild disgust, “but the girl is stuck to you like glue. You’re hurting each other.”

“Am I just supposed to drop her on her ass? That’s messed up.”

“We’d never ask you to and you know that.” Cris let out a loud huff before turning to look over at the dance floor. “Just talk to Arianna and see what she says—how understanding she can be, but mark my words, this situation will come back and bite you in the ass. No woman’s ever going to be okay with being number two.”

“What if Slim doesn’t agree?” And that right there was something that worried me. Looking up toward the ceiling, I counted to ten before facing the band once more. “How do I split with Ash and protect her at the same time? I have to be fair to both. But I have a feeling that no matter what I do, someone will get hurt.”

“It’s her choice to make, not yours.” Tex grunted before turning around and following after a tall and leggy blonde who’d walked by. A waitress from what I could tell.

Dressed in all black with a short ruffled skirt, a matching lacy bra, and elbow length gloves, she had all the men inside the room salivating at the chosen outfits. If Slim didn’t already own my attention, I’d be all over one of these taunting females.

“Fuck.” Simultaneous groans came from both Rick and Cris. Electricity flowed through my veins. Burned—singed my every nerve ending and caused my cock to harden.

I didn’t need to turn around to know that Arianna was here.

My body was attuned to hers. Fucking petrified me.

Both assholes in front of me stood, mouths agape and eyes bulging. Pissed me the fuck off how they looked at her. Hadn’t I just expressed how I felt? That she was off fucking limits. That they needed to watch how they behaved around her.

“Cheesy,” Slim purred, her lips placed against the center of my back. A shiver, uncontrollable and delicious, ran up my spine, shaking her behind me. “Aren’t you going to turn around and say hello?” Arianna giggled. “It’s not very gentlemanly of you to ignore a damsel, especially one coming to offer her services if needed.”

Again, she was playing with my dick and I liked it. Loved the feel of her breath against my back, the way her smaller, curvaceous body molded to my own.

“I would, but where’s the fun in that? You feel too good.” Reaching back, I grasped her right thigh and brought it around my own. Fingers skimming the soft skin, and I savored the heat coming off her body. How deep I felt this connection.

“But I’m here as a fan, Mr. Greene. You wouldn’t want to disappoint a fan, now would you?”


A soft press of her lips against the center of my back. “Plus…” this time I was bitten, small yet the hint of pain felt exquisite “…I was sure that after tonight’s win your ego wouldn’t need to be inflated. No stroking,” she cooed, and my cock twitched behind the metal of my zipper. Fucking throbbed at the mental picture. “You aren’t going to make me beg, Cheesy, are you?”

“The idea of you begging has its allure.” Rough, a deep and guttural moan escaped me.

“Does it now?” Her reply was nothing more than a taunt. Small fingers traced the edge of my shirt and then wandered beneath. Blunt nails raked down my chest and down each indentation of my abs.

Muscles contracted. Coiled in fucking pleasure.

Placing my hand over hers, I pulled it lower and dipped a single finger below the edge of my jeans. “You stroking me will always be encouraged.” The head of my dick, purple and swollen, leaked while her finger caressed the wet tip. “Let me touch you.”

Not a plea.

More of a warning of the inevitable.



“And that’s our
clue to leave.” Rick, who stood across from me, pretended to gag; both he and Cris were wearing similar expressions of mild disgust. They were so full of shit. Jealousy at the sexy predicament I found myself in I would believe, but not disgust. The way she touched me was fucking hot.

“Arianna,” Cris called out her name, causing her finger to pause mid stroke. My eyes narrowed, and he smirked. Asshole. “Always a pleasure to see you, beautiful, but...” he laid a hand overdramatically on his brow and shuddered “I don’t want to witness our dear, sweet Cheetos here being groped in public.”

“So scandalous.” Rick nodded, and my girl lost it laughing at their ridiculous actions. “Tis not appropriate.”

Behind me, her body shook in silent laughter, the movement causing her supple breasts to brush against my back. My hand tightened on her thigh, fingers digging in with slight pressure. Just enough to hold her there, one of her legs wrapped around my hip. Her front molded against my back.

Her body heat seeped into my bones, and I shivered. Felt so fucking good.

“Fuck.” It left her in a low whisper, and the laughter waned. Instead, motherfucking lust exploded between us. That delicate finger, the one still pressed against the head of my cock, spread the bead of pear-like liquid around.

“It’s like we aren’t even here.” Who said that? Not a clue. Moreover, I gave no fucks.

Eyes closed, I fucking savored her touch. “Let’s go to your office.” Just two thin layers of clothing separated her skin from mine, but I felt her every curve. The softness of her skin beneath my fingertips. Had we been alone and not standing in the middle of her club, she would’ve been impaled by my cock.

“Don’t think they care.” Again, another male voice spoke, but it sounded muffled. Distant. Think it was Rick, but I was too gone to care.

“Damn, Slim,” left me as a deep groan—pleasure and pain colliding. Who gave a fuck where we were, when my very essence demanded that I take her?

“Is something wrong?” Husky, her voice had that sweet tinge of need that made my knees feel weak. No woman had ever, in all my thirty plus something years, affected me so.

Fucked; I was irreversibly fucked.

“This shit is both disturbing and arousing…” Think that was Cris, her hand on my dick making it too hard to concentrate on anything else.

This time my eyes snapped open and focused on the two dipshits watching us. “Leave.”

Not a plea. That was a goddamned warning.

Arianna’s body shook with laughter behind me. “Are you two enjoying the show?”

“No,” they answered at once.

Cris cleared his throat, eyes looking anywhere but at me. “Can you please point me in the direction of the nearest bar? I’m going to need something to knock me on my ass and pronto.”

With a laugh, she pulled her leg down from my grasp and her hand from my cock. I wasn’t happy. Ignoring my grunt of displeasure, Slim walked around me and took her place by my side. “Across the dance floor and to the left.” Stretching her arm out, she pointed in the general direction of the bar. “And you want something strong?”

“Ple—” Rick cleared his throat and tried again. “Please.”

This woman has reduced us to bumbling idiots.

“Ari’s juice is the strongest drink we serve. Two will get you buzzed, but four will knock you on your ass.” With a flick of her wrist, Slim dismissed them, her attention back on me. Leaning over, she nuzzled her face against my shoulder before sinking her teeth in.

Hard enough to hurt; the sting settled on the tip of my engorged dick.

“Why are you serving what isn’t yours to give?” At my question, her eyebrows scrunched up in the most adorable way. This chick was killing me.

“What do you mean, Cheesy?”

“It means…” It was my turn to taunt her, fucking make her feel an eighth of what I did in her presence. Pulling her in closer, I skimmed my lips up the column of her neck. “That your sweet little pussy is mine. And I don’t share.”

“It’s open to all patrons,” she moaned, the sound low and throaty.

Pulling back, I stared her down. “Don’t fuck with me.”

“Who told you I was?” That defiance was one day going to land her over my knee.

“Not joking here, Slim.”

“If you don’t believe me, head on over to the bar and ask for one,” she whispered; a sexy grin on her beautiful face. “Bet you a hundred bucks nothing taste sweeter or could kick your ass faster.”

“Unless it comes from the source, I’m not interested, Arianna.” Then, right at that fucking moment, my eyes took her in. From head to toe. Motherfuck. “What are you wearing?”

“This old thing?” She did a little twirl, the tiny-as-all-fuck tutu giving me a small glimpse of what she wore underneath. Miniscule and almost nonexistent. Arianna wore a costume much like her waitresses. The skirt, if I could even call the small scrap of fabric that, was made of alternating layers of nylon and lace. Gave the illusion of being see-through without showing her completely off.

“You’re so goddamned beautiful.” It escaped past my lips before I could even contemplate stopping the words.

“Thank you.” The coy smile I received in return made my own lips curve upwards.

My eyes traversed her body. Past her skirt, my eyes encountered a naked sliver of skin. Tanned and toned, her lower stomach was adorned by what looked to be a cluster of stars varying in colors and size. So sexy. However, what had me motherfucking panting, fist clenched, and cock throbbing was the innocent-looking gem at the center of her belly button.

Reaching out, I ran a single finger over the sapphire jewel. “I like this.”

Further up, my fingers touched the soft red edging of her bustier. The entire outfit was black and red. Sinful.

Cinched at the waist and tight, the small top pushed her breasts up—held her in by the sheer will of God. My mouth watered.

Her slim fingers ran the edge of her skirt. Back and forth. Hypnotic. “You still haven’t told me if you like or not?”

“Arianna Garcia,” I spat through clenched teeth. Temptation met sinner. And I was more than ready to hand over my soul for a taste.

“I’m getting full named now.” She giggled and did another tiny twirl, enough for me to appreciate the small and lacey red boy shorts she wore. Her ass spilled out, the cheeks too much for the underwear to contain.

Tempted me to bite.

Just one was all I wanted.

“Still waiting?” She tapped her foot on the floor, and my eyes snapped to her long and shapely legs.  At the knee, I was met with the sight of leather, and my cock twitched violently inside my pants. Felt the bead of pre-come slide down my rigid length.

“Fuck.” What more could I say?

Fuck-me boots.
Five inches at the very least—tall enough to boost the tiny nymph’s height. Something she took advantage of while I perused her body.

“I’ll take that as approval.” Reaching up, she bit my chin. Dangerously close to my lips.

“You’re tempting the devil, Ms. Garcia,” I growled, and with both hands on her hips pulled her in closer. “That’s a dangerous game, sweetheart. I don’t ask. I take.”

Another nip, this time she focused on my lower lip. “I don’t think you can handle me.”

“Is that so?” I cocked a brow and she nodded, a saucy smirk playing on her lips.

My arms wrapped around her and tightened their hold. Chest to chest we stood and once again, the heat from her body seared me. Taking in a deep inhale, I let my lungs memorize her sweet scent.

“You want me.” I breathed against the shell of her ear.

“Maybe I do.” She trembled and fisted her tiny hands in my shirt. “Then again, maybe I don’t.”

Smiling against her neck, I teased the flesh there with a series of quick bites. “There’s no maybe about it, Slim. It’s all in the way you shiver at my touch—the goosebumps. The way your eyes become heavy lidded and your breathing picks up.  You want this.”

Trembling with need, she leaned forward and turned her face toward mine. Our lips touched. Just a brush, but it was enough to set my body on fire for her. One second it was soft and innocent, and the next I had her hair fisted in my hands, and my cock—hard and throbbing— pressed against her lower abdomen.

Arianna’s taste was sweet and addictive, her mouth complaint against my own. I wanted to consume her.

“Let me fuck you.” Not romantic in the least, but I’d make up for that later. Right now, I fucking needed her wrapped around me.

“There you are.” Like a bucket of ice cold water being poured over me, I jumped back. I’d forgotten about her. “Been looking all over for you.” God forgive me, but that voice made my cock go immediately soft.

Ashley came up behind us and mirrored the same position Arianna had a little while ago— behind me with both her arms wrapped around my waist. Sandwiched between them, and by the look on Arianna’s face, this wouldn’t be a hot encounter between a man and two females.

No. Slim looked pissed.

“Explain.” Arianna untangled herself from my arms, her eyes blazing with anger, ire and hurt mixed together. What stood before me now was intimidating; arms crossed over her chest and eyes boring into mine.

Those three minutes between Ashley’s arrival and her backing away hurt. Physically hurt. My chest ached, and it scared the ever-loving shit out of me.

“What…she…not what you think.” I wasn’t prepared for this to happen. How we met or how in those two short encounters I became obsessed. Brow arched and hand on hip, she watched us with contempt, already believing the worst.

“Baby, aren’t you going to introduce me?” Ashley purred, releasing me for a second before coming to take her place beside me, hand on my chest running lazy circles in the process. In the past this had been the norm when I was mobbed, but couldn’t she see that this time I didn’t need her?

I’d been the one holding on to Arianna.

That I’d wanted her there.

, baby
,” Arianna sneered; her tone might’ve been bitchy, but it didn’t mask the hurt behind her eyes. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

Fucked and with no escape.

“Ari, Slim, it isn’t what you think.” Even I cringed at that, because while I wasn’t in a real relationship with Ashley, to the world we were a unit. Like the boys had warned earlier, it’d come back to bite me in the ass. Didn’t matter one bit that we’d never slept together.

“Then who the fuck is she?” Arianna demanded, eyes narrowed and focused on Ashley’s hand still on my chest.

“Can we talk somewhere privately?” Pushing my friend’s hands off me, I took a step forward and reached out to touch her. Instead of letting me, she glared and began to pace.

“She looks way too comfortable with you.” Ignoring my request, she continued to watch us through narrowed slits. “This chick isn’t the nobody you’d like me to believe,” Slim hissed out from between clenched teeth, her hands balled into tight fists at her sides.

“Chester, I’m hungry, babe, and the food sucks. Can we head back to the hotel and…” Ashley trailed off on purpose, making it seem as if we’d go back and fuck. What was she doing?

“Ash, back off.”

“But, baby—”

“Enough!” In hindsight, I should’ve told my best friend to knock off the “term of endearment” crap. Should’ve made that point clear, but I didn’t, and the hurt that flashed across Arianna’s features caused my chest to ache.

I rubbed the spot, again, and hoped something wasn’t actually wrong with me.

“I won’t ask again. Who are you?” Her voice was loud enough to call attention, a group of four a few steps away turning to watch the scene unfold.

“Real question is who the hell are you, sweetheart?” Ashley took a stance in front of me, as if to block me from Slim’s view.

Arianna took one menacing step forward. “Watch the tone before you find yourself thrown out and on your ass sooner than either of you can blink.”

BOOK: I Saw You
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