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Authors: Codi Gary

I Need a Hero (13 page)

BOOK: I Need a Hero
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Oliver gently pushed her back on the bed and pulled her pants the rest of the way off before settling between her thighs, dropping a soft, gentle kiss above her panty line.

“Hazme el amor,”
Eve said.

Oliver looked down at her, his eyes shining in the cabin light, and she trailed her hand over the side of his face, repeating herself again, only this time, in English.

“Make love to me.”

Chapter Fourteen

off Eve’s panties, Oliver stared down at her, wanting to touch her everywhere at once.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said.

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” she teased.

Oliver reached out and squeezed her side, delighted when she laughed and squirmed away from his hand. “Must you cheapen the moment?”

“I’m sorry, please!”

“At least I know from now on how to best you.” He wiggled his fingers for emphasis, but instead of tickling her again, he flattened his palms against her stomach. He slid them up until they rested beneath her breasts, cupping them tenderly.

“I feel a little like you’re studying me,” she said.

Oliver shook his head and lowered his mouth to the tip of her breast. “I’m worshiping you. There’s a difference.”

His closed his lips over her hardened nipple, sucking and running his tongue over it until she was arching against him, holding the back of his head in her hands.

Oliver continued to caress, stroke, and kiss her everywhere he could reach, the soft moans and cries making it hard not to rush, to bury himself inside her and seek satisfaction.

But he wanted more for this, for them.

Because he’d never been in love before, and the woman he loved deserved more.

“Oliver . . . ”

She whispered his name as his mouth found the skin of her inner thigh and he kissed his way up to the center of her. “Yes?”

“You’re making me crazy.”

“That’s the point,

He didn’t give her a chance to answer; instead, he put his mouth on her and thrust his tongue forward, seeking the tiny nub of her clit. Using his hands, he worked her over thoroughly, pushing and pulling, licking and nibbling until he felt her begin to tremble under his mouth. When her sweet cry of release broke over him, he kissed his way up her torso, grinning when he reached her rapidly rising and falling chest.

“Oh . . . my . . . God.”

“Now, now, no need to flatter me.”

Breathless laughter escaped her. “You are so cocky.”

“Speaking of that, I’ll be right back.”

had fun during sex. She’d never teased, joked, or flirted. Sex was . . . awkward unless you really knew the person. She tended to clear her mind, close her eyes, and never speak.

But with Oliver, it was fun on top of amazing. Even now, she had the urge to giggle as she squinted as she watched him search through his duffle for a condom, her eyes glued to his ass.

His perfect, round behind.

“Damn it!”

“No luck?” Disappointment crashed through her. She wasn’t on the pill or she’d say go for it. She trusted Oliver.

More than that, she loved him.

Rolling over, she checked the drawer of the nightstand and riffled through the contents.


“Bathroom?” she suggested.

Oliver took off for it, and this time, Eve did start laughing.

“You know, no man likes having his dick laughed at.”

Eve scooted to check the other nightstand and called, “I wasn’t laughing at your dick, I was laughing at the way it—”

“Ah-ha!” Oliver slid back into the room with a foil package in his hand and wiggled his eyebrows. “Come to papi!”

“I’m not calling you”—Eve squealed as Oliver flipped off the light and, seconds later, pounced on her—“papi.”

“So, we should stick with ‘God,’ then?” he teased. She heard the sound of the foil package opening and reached out blindly, her hand finding the muscles of his shoulder.

“Anyone ever told you that you talk too much?” she asked.

Oliver’s big body shifted until he was lying on top of her, his muscular frame pressing her back. Before she had a chance to adjust, he kissed her so hard and deep that lights exploded behind her eyelids.

He broke the kiss and shifted, pressing the head of his cock against her entrance. With one more light brush of his lips across hers, he whispered, “Never.”

Eve couldn’t laugh, not when she could feel him push forward. She lifted her hips, moaning as he sank into her. Her eyes closed involuntarily, but instead of the nothing she usually saw during sex, her mind was filled with Oliver. Oliver’s smile. His eyes. The first time he’d kissed her. Every little moment, every phone conversation, and every glance raced through her mind as he slid in and out of her in a perfect dance that cause a heavy ache inside.

And then she broke, her hips meeting his until she was light-headed and soaring. The high-pitched cries escaping her were smothered by his kiss, his tongue. She didn’t want him to stop, so she slid her hands down to his ass, his perfect quarter-bouncing ass, and squeezed, pressing him into her.

Oliver took the hint and pulled back up, thrusting into her at a heightened speed, pumping her sensitive flesh until he stiffened above her, yelling his release. Still she held on until he collapsed on top of her, his chest pressing into her breasts hard as he tried to catch his breath.

Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she caressed his skin, the wet sheen against her fingertips a turn-on. And all she could think was that this moment, right here, was worth anything that came in the future.

Because she loved Oliver Martinez.

Oliver rolled off her and kissed the side of her neck. “I’ll be right back.”

Eve lay there in the dark while he went to the bathroom and searched blindly for the quilt on the bed to cover herself. Without Oliver’s warmth, the cabin was chilly.

Oliver came out of the bathroom and fumbled into bed with her.

“Come here, I’m cold,” he said.

Smiling, she cuddled into his body, her legs entwining with his, and kissed his chest, drawing little finger hearts on the wall of muscle.

“Eve . . . about your dad—”

“We don’t have to talk about it now. It will be okay,” she said.

“Listen to me, okay?” he said. “If he does manage to get me reassigned, I want you to come with me.”

“What?” she said.

“If he gets me moved to another base, I don’t want to go without you.”

Eve’s heart thundered in her chest, happiness and uncertainty colliding. She was sure of Oliver and how she felt about him, but moving from her family, possibly thousands of miles away?

Her hand found his cheek in the darkness, and she pressed a kiss to his lips. “It would make for one hell of a second date.”

on his back with Eve sprawled out over him, and although the cabin was still relatively dark, sunlight was creeping through the curtains.

Kissing the top of her head, he eased out of bed to use the bathroom. After he’d asked her to follow him if he wound up being transferred, they’d lain together quietly until Oliver had heard the steady sound of her breathing. He’d had trouble falling asleep, though, wondering if she really meant what she’d said. Would she go with him? Despite how he felt about her, they hadn’t been together long, and it was a lot to ask.

He went back to bed and crawled in with her, bringing her against his chilled body.

“Why are you cold?” she asked sleepily.

“Had to go to the bathroom.”

“Mmm . . . me, too, but it’s warm in here.”

Oliver chuckled. “Just don’t have an accident.”

“Shut up,” she said, slapping his chest and squinting at him. “What time is it?”

“No idea.”

Suddenly she bolted upright. “Oh my God. Your mother.”


“I snuck out of her guest bedroom window like a horny teenager, and I don’t think I can sneak back in.”

“So, don’t. In a little while, we’ll head in together. She won’t say a word about it. I promise.”

“Maybe not to you,” Eve said.

She grabbed her glasses off the nightstand and scrambled out of bed, looking around the room, and Oliver shook his head as she started gathering her clothes. “But she’ll probably say something to your dad and her friends, and she’ll definitely hate my guts. You have to help me sneak back in.”

“What? Stop it and come here,” he said. She had her underwear in place and her shirt in her hand, but he got up and grabbed her, pulling her back into his arms. “You want me to help you climb back into the guest-room window so that my mother doesn’t know you snuck out here to have your way with me? All because you’re afraid if she found out you find me irresistible, she might not like you? That’s sweet, but certifiable.”

“Please, I’ll do anything you want!”

“Anything, huh?” He squeezed her against him and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Yes, pervert, anything.”

“Deal,” he said, lifting his hand for her to take. When she shook it, he added, “But I’m collecting now.”

the window onto the bed, laughing.

“Are you okay?” Oliver asked from outside.

Eve stuck her head out and nodded. “I’m good.”

“This is stupid, you know that, right?”

“Come on, this is kind of romantic,” she said.

Oliver replaced the screen and shook his head. “I’ll see you inside.”

Eve shut the window and changed her clothes. She’d showered at the cabin and now tried to towel-dry her hair so no one would notice it was wet.

Stepping out into the hallway, she bumped into Oliver’s mom and Beast, who was dogging her heels.

“Good morning, Maria.”

“Good morning, Eve. I trust you slept well?”

There was a sparkle in the short woman’s dark eyes that made Eve swallow hard. “Yes, very well, thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Eve followed her into the kitchen, where Oliver was sitting at the table with his dad, reading the paper.

“Good morning, Oliver. And how did you sleep?”

“Oh, I slept excellently, Mom.” Oliver’s grin was teasing, and Eve almost groaned aloud.

“Eve didn’t disturb you?” Maria asked, smirking.

This time, Eve did groan and laid her head on the counter.

“Not in the least, Mom.”

Kill me now.

Chapter Fifteen


went off Tuesday morning at five, and as he opened his eyes, it took him a moment to remember where he was. He sat up and glanced around the room. The hall light shining through the open door revealed a floral comforter across his lap and Matilda sleeping by his feet.

Last night, after they’d arrived back at Eve’s and she’d invited him up, he’d tried shutting the light off when they went to bed, but Eve had insisted it stay on. Finally, she’d admitted she was still scared of the dark, and when he’d teased her about it, he’d gotten a pillow to the face. That had led to wrestling around on her bed and dissolved into white-hot passion. At one point he’d thought they might break the bed it was squeaking so loud. When it was over, she had snuggled up against his side and whispered the sweetest words he’d ever heard.

“I love you, Oliver.”

Oliver reached for his phone on the nightstand and turned off the alarm. He was tempted to skip his workout this morning, just roll back over and kiss Eve awake, but when he glanced over at her, she looked exhausted. It was no surprise with how busy their weekend had been. He still couldn’t believe how fast the time had flown by.

Eve had eventually forgiven his parents for teasing her about sneaking out to see him and had even started to razz them back. His mom finally relented on letting Eve sleep in the cabin, if only to save her flower beds from being trampled. And even as Eve had blushed, Oliver grinned. He wasn’t going to object.

Not when it meant he got to hold Eve all night.

When they’d said good-bye to his parents yesterday afternoon, his mother had insisted that he be good to Eve and never let her go. He’d promised he was going to do his best to keep her happy.

“Good. Because I want grandchildren before I’m too old to pick them up.”

Oliver shook his head remembering, but it was funny; the thought of a future with Eve, a future that included a couple kids, didn’t sound too bad.

“What the hell was that god-awful noise?” Eve grumbled next to him.

Oliver chuckled at her grouchiness. “Just my alarm. Go back to sleep.”

She cracked one eye open. “What time is it?”

“Five,” he said.

“Why? I thought your shift didn’t start until later.”

“I usually go to the gym now,” he said.

“Ugh, you are disgusting. Come back to bed. Your perfect abs will hold for a few more hours,” she said, reaching out to him.

Screw it.
Lying back down, he pulled her against him and closed his eyes.

However, the sensation of dancing fingers working their way down his stomach dissuaded any thoughts of going back to sleep.

“I thought you were tired?”

“Not so much anymore,” she said. “Besides, I thought maybe we could work out together.”

As her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and squeezed, he arched up into her touch with a hoarse laugh. “I’m down with that.”

noon when Eve walked into her father’s office on base later that day, determined to make him see reason. She was an adult, and no matter what her father thought, she was the only one who knew what was best for her. She’d already called her mom and explained what her dad had done, denying Oliver the transfer, and her mom was on her side.

Besides, above all, her dad wanted her happy. He’d get over any misgivings he had and accept Oliver.

At least, she hoped so.

Knocking softly on his office door, Eve waited for him to say, “Come in,” before she opened it. Inside, her dad was behind his desk, riffling through some papers while her mom sat in front of him, giving Eve a conspirator’s grin.

Her dad’s eyes widened when he glanced up and saw her. “Evie, what a nice surprise. First your mom, then you. Do you want to join us for lunch?”

“Sure, Dad,” she said, “but I need to talk to you first.”

Closing the door behind her, she took a breath to start, but he waved her off. “If this is about you having to leave the fund-raiser early, it’s fine. The whole event was a complete success.” He stood up and came around the desk to hug her. “You did good, kiddo.”

“Thanks, but that’s part of what I need to talk to you about.” Her dad stepped back, and she took a deep breath, steeling her spine as she prepared for battle. “I want you to approve Oliver Martinez’s transfer to Alpha Dog.”


“Please, let me explain,” she said. “I am not a kid anymore, Dad. You taught me to use my head and think things through, and I do every day, but Mom . . . Mom taught me to go after what I want. And I want Oliver.”

“He started a fight with your brother—”

“Dad, come on, you know Hank threw the first punch,” she said. “Oliver was trying to help. That’s the kind of guy he is. He will protect and defend others. I think part of the reason why you are so hard on him is because he’s like you in so many ways. You both step up to defend people, even strangers, no matter the danger or the sacrifice. And I love that about you. It’s that same quality that I love about him.

“I love him, Dad. I know it feels fast to you, but to me, it was like I just knew he was mine. That he was supposed to be with me, even though I fought it at first. He makes me laugh and accepts who I am—the honest hot mess that I am. I get that he might seem cocky sometimes, but it’s okay with me.” Reaching out to pat her dad’s cheek, she added, “And I need you to be okay with him, too.”

Her dad cleared his throat. “Eve, you can’t possibly love him. It’s been less than a month.”

“That’s the thing about being an adult, Dad. You don’t get to tell me how I feel or who I should be with. I want you to give him a chance and get to know him. Maybe we could come by for Sunday dinner next weekend? You can torture him as much as you want then, and he can’t escape.”

Despite his scowl, Eve could tell he was relenting when he asked her mom, “Did you know about this?”

“She called me a few hours ago to tell me about her weekend. Apparently, Oliver took her to meet his parents,” she said.

“His dad was army, too,” Eve offered. “He was honorably discharged and has been a cop for twenty-five years. You would like him.”

“Harrumph,” her dad said. “I’d like to have a little talk with Sergeant Martinez. Alone.”

Eve swallowed. “Why? What are you going to say to him?”

“That’s between me and him,” her dad said. “Now, who’s hungry?”

, O
was getting ready for work when someone knocked on his front door. Figuring it was Eve to pick up Beast, he called, “Come in.”

Oliver came down the hallway, ready to give her a hello kiss, and stopped in his tracks when he found the general standing in his living room. He was stroking Beast’s head slowly, but his steely gaze was locked on Oliver.

“Sir, I wasn’t expecting you. How did you know where I lived?”

“I looked in your file,” the general said. “I imagine you were expecting my daughter, though, am I right?”

Oliver was surprised Eve had told her dad about them without giving him a heads-up. “Actually, yes. She’s going to watch Beast for me while I’m on shift.”

“There’s no need for that. I’ve already contacted Sergeant Tate and informed him you wouldn’t be back,” the general said.

Oliver’s heart squeezed as he waited for the blow the general was about to deliver. Where would he be transferred to?

“I’ve reconsidered your request and decided to approve your transfer to Alpha Dog Training Program,” the general said.

“You have?” Oliver felt like an idiot even saying it, but he was dumfounded. “But I thought you didn’t want me anywhere near Eve.”

“As it turns out, I might have been wrong about my daughter’s feelings.” General Reynolds didn’t sound too happy about it, either. “I do want you to understand that although I am doing this for her, I don’t appreciate you using her to get your way.”

Before he could keep his temper in check, he exploded. “I didn’t tell her about our conversation. She overheard me talking about it with someone else. You don’t know me, so I can excuse your assumption, but I don’t need your daughter to fight my battles for me. Sir.”

The general stroked a hand over his chin and seemed to be considering him.

“Do you like to fish?” General Reynolds asked.

The question threw Oliver off, it was so out of the blue. “Yes, sir.”

“Next Saturday I’d like for us to take a road trip up to Loon Lake. Just the two of us,” General Reynolds said. “I never trust a man who doesn’t fish.”

“I’ll be ready, sir.” It wasn’t a gold stamp of approval, but it would please Eve.

“I have one more question for you. It’s about Eve,” the general said.

“Okay . . . ”

“You’ve seen her apartment?” General Reynolds asked.

Oliver laughed. “Yes, sir.”

“Huh. I guess I was wrong,” the general said.

Before he could ask the general what he was wrong about, his front door opened without even a knock and Eve stepped inside. Beast bounded over to greet her, nuzzling her hands and stomach. When she caught sight of her dad, she froze mid-pet, her expression darkening.

“Dad, what are you doing here?”

“Didn’t you say I should get to know Sergeant Martinez?” the general said.

“Yes, but I thought we were doing that on Sunday,” she said.

“Wait, Sunday?” Oliver asked.

Eve’s cheeks turned bright red, and the general answered his question. “Oh, yes, Evie volunteered you for dinner Sunday night at our home in Carmichael. I hope that works out for you? We eat at six thirty.”

“I was coming over to talk to him about it,” Eve said testily.

“Sunday works for me, sir,” Oliver said, shooting Eve a wink.

“Well, fine. I guess I should be going and give you two a chance to talk about all the new developments.” Holding out his hand to Oliver, General Reynolds said, “I’ll swing by here at five thirty on Saturday morning. Does that work for you?”

“I’ll be ready,” Oliver said.

“And be at the training program at oh seven hundred tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir,” Oliver said.

General Reynolds put a hand on Eve’s shoulder as he passed and leaned over to say something in her ear, too quiet for Oliver to hear. When Eve laughed, Oliver was dying to know what was so funny.

The general gave one last wave and closed the door behind him.

“What’s happening at five thirty on Saturday?” she asked.

“He’s taking me fishing. I’m pretty sure fishing is code for ‘killing me and dumping my body in the lake,’ but I’m trying to be open to alternative theories,” he said.

“Wow, he asked you to go fishing?” She sounded impressed. “I think it’s safe to say that went well.”

“I’m glad you thought so, because my balls were in my throat the whole time,” he said.

“Believe me, my dad doesn’t invite anyone to go fishing with him unless he likes them. Fishing is his sanctuary.” Slowly, she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I am sorry my dad ambushed you.”

“Yeah, about that. How come you couldn’t give me a heads-up you were going to talk to your dad about us today?” he asked. He wasn’t really mad, but he wasn’t a fan of surprises either.

“Because I wanted to make sure I could bring him around to my way of thinking before I involved you.”

“It seems like you handled it just fine. He approved my transfer to Alpha Dog.”

Eve squealed and grabbed the back of his head, pulling his laughing mouth down to hers. The celebratory kiss soon turned hotter, and Oliver pulled back reluctantly, his cock painfully hard between them.

“As happy as I am about the transfer, you don’t need to protect me, all right? I am a big boy, and if I want something bad enough, I’ll make it happen.”

“You could just say thank you,” she teased.

“I mean it, Eve. If I’m going to earn your father’s respect, you don’t need to defend me or talk me up. The general and I will work our shit out without you getting involved.”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re bossy?” she asked.

“It’s part of my charm,” he said. “Do I have your word? No more fighting my battles for me?”

“Fine.” Still hugging him, she looked up with a saucy sparkle in her green eyes. “I’m too happy to argue, anyway.”

“Me, too.” Oliver wrapped his arms around her back, nuzzling the side of her neck and inhaling. It was true; he didn’t think he could be happier than he was in just this moment. His life was almost perfect, and it had all started the minute he met this amazing woman.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Oliver squeezed her tighter before pulling away to gaze down at her. “I love you, too.”

Her breath whooshed out like she was holding it.

“Were you afraid I wasn’t going to say it back?” he asked.

“I just never imagined you saying it, so every time you do, it takes my breath away.”

He cupped the side of her face, shaking his head.
“Te amo, dulzura.”

I love you, honey.

Oliver kissed her again slowly before leaning back with a smirk. “Now that we’ve conquered all of our obstacles and slayed the dragon, what do you say we go back to my bedroom so I can have my way with you?”

“Megan and Allison are waiting at my place,” she said apologetically.

“Will they be able to find their way out of it?” he teased.

She slapped his shoulder. “It was cleaned today, thank you very much. And besides, I thought you had to work tonight.”

“Your dad took me off rotation, so I’m free.”

“I’m not, so you’re just going to have to wait,” she said.

Oliver grabbed her when she tried to get away and without further ado, swung her up into his arms. “Text them and let them know you’re going to be a few hours late.”

“A few hours! No, Oliver, put me down. I have to go,” she said.

He ignored her and Beast’s raucous barking as he strode back toward the bedroom.

“Fine, one hour.”

“No, no hour,” she giggled.

“Forty-five minutes?” He stopped at the edge of his bed with his eyebrow raised as he waited for her counter.

Eve pursed her lips at him and finally said, “A half an hour and not a moment longer.”

BOOK: I Need a Hero
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