Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel (6 page)

BOOK: Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel
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Chapter 13



"Wow, Rob's playing well tonight," I comment to
Danielle from our front row seats. Vanover is playing Colorado in a home night
game, and we're up ten to seven near the end of the second half.

"Which one is that again?" she murmurs, peering
out onto the field.

"The tight end who ran the slant." She looks at me
blankly. "Number twenty-three," I clarify, pointing him out.

"You really know your stuff," she says, looking

"It's hard not to pick up on it," I tell her.
"And intellectually, it can be fascinating."

"Plus Hunter looks so hot in those tight pants,"
Danielle replies.

"That, too," I agree, collapsing into giggles. The
team had an away game last week, so it's been two whole weeks since Hunter and
I have actually been able to see each other, though we've talked on the phone
and texted. I can't wait for the game to be over, because even though I like
watching Hunter play, we're going out on our first date tonight. I asked if he
wanted to wait until tomorrow so he could rest, but he insisted on tonight.

"So where's he taking you?" she asks.

"He wouldn't say. He only promised that we wouldn't be
recognized," I tell her. The game ends with another win for Vanover,
extending our undefeated season. My father and Hunter are both quickly swarmed
by reporters. His performance is attracting more and more heat from NFL teams,
and everyone wants an interview with the star. Danielle and I stand, getting
ready to head out. I try to make eye contact with Hunter, but I can't even see
him now.

"Britt." My head snaps down and I see my father
standing on the field just below us, his headset around his neck.

"Great game, Dad," I tell him. "This is my
roommate Danielle."

She reaches down to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you,

"You too," my dad says, serious as ever. "Are
you headed back to the dorm now?" he asks us both.

"I might head out to a party for a little,"
Danielle replies, and I can hear a hint of nervousness in her voice. Even
though my dad has no power over her, he still manages to intimidate.

"Hm," he grunts disapprovingly, and turns to me

"Yep, just heading back to our dorm," I reply,
trying to seem normal. I'm not used to lying to him.

"Good. Talk to you later, then," he says, and
heads off to the locker room.

"Jeez, he's even scarier in person, huh?" Danielle
says, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah. I think he likes you, though," I offer.


"I know it's hard to tell," I commiserate, and we
head up the steps and out of the stadium. "I feel so guilty about lying to
him. It's always just been the two of us, and we've always been really open
with each other."

"Well, as long as you stay safe, that's all he wants,
you know? Maybe the details aren't so important," she reasons. I nod,
hoping she's right.

It takes forever for us to get out
of the stadium. The mood of the surrounding fans is jubilant, but I'm
distracted by looking at my phone. Finally, I get a text from Hunter. It's an
address, and Danielle catches me frowning at it.

"What's wrong?"

"I think he just wants me to
meet him at his apartment," I tell her. She pulls me over to a quieter
spot on the sidewalk, letting the hordes of people pass by us. "What
if...what if he's just trying to sleep with me?" I whisper, giving voice
to my deepest fear.

"Look, if you get there, and
you feel like that's the case, then you leave," she reasons.

"That's what you think I
should do?"

"I can't tell you what to do," Danielle says,
putting her hand on my shoulder. "What does it feel like to you? Do you
think he just wants sex?"

"It's just, it's hard to believe sometimes that he
actually likes me. He could have any girl on campus," I tell her, and am
shocked to feel a tear slip down my cheek. I hurriedly wipe it away, aware that
we're still surrounded by people, even though it's dark.

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised that he wants you. You're
beautiful, smart, know a ton about football."

I smile. "Thanks."

"So? What do you think?"

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second, trying
to sense what I want. "I'm going."


Chapter 14



I hurriedly pull off my jersey, tossing it into the laundry
bin, then sit on the bench to unlace my cleats.

"Fuck, man! That was amazing!" Rob exclaims,
coming up and pounding my shoulder.

"You did great, brother," I tell him.

"Naw, man. It was all you," he says. He looks
pumped as hell, and no wonder. He just had the best football game of his

"In a hurry?" Adam asks, pitching himself down on
the bench next to me and lazily undoing his laces.

"Uh, yeah," I mumble. "I put off this paper
for a while and I gotta get to it."

"It's Friday night. Do it tomorrow," Adam says

"Naw, I gotta get it done tonight. Promised my
professor. I already missed a deadline."

Adam leans in and frowns at me. "Bull. You never came
back to the party a couple weeks ago, and now you're gonna sneak off and not
come tonight? You've got a piece on the side."

"I've got a paper," I insist.

"What's the problem? She ugly or something? Don’t want
to bring her around?" Devon asks. He's come up behind us and has been
listening. My neck muscles tense and I practically growl at him. He throws up
his hands apologetically. "Damn, alright. Everybody's so sensitive around
here. Made of porcelain or something."

Adam is still staring at me, and I look back at him as I
grab a towel and head for the showers. "Just let it go, man," I
advise him, and he shrugs.

In the showers, I try to go as fast as possible while also
making sure I don't fucking stink for my date tonight. It's my first date with
Britt, and I don't want it to be my last. On my way out, I grab my phone and
shoot her a text with my address.

I'd like to be able to beat her there, but I doubt that will
be possible. My fears are confirmed as I'm swarmed again as I come out of the
stadium. I sign a few autographs, and then put my head down and just begin to
barrel ahead. At my size, it's impossible to try to go around anyone.

I hop in my car, and in ten minutes, with the post-game
traffic, I'm pulling into the underground parking lot in my building. I hurry
up to the lobby, and sure enough, Britt is standing right outside. I give her a
wave and open the door. She smiles at me, but I detect a nervousness, fear
even. I slip my hand as comfortingly as I can around her waist, and place a
soft kiss on her cheek. She's wearing a t-shirt that stretches over her
breasts, and jeans that hug her in all the right places. If she's got any
makeup on at all, I can't tell.

"You look beautiful," I

"Thanks," she replies. "You sure you don't
just want to rest tonight? I bet you need to ice your arm."

I look at her in surprise. "No, I'm good. Maybe I'll
ice during dinner," I tell her as we head up in the elevator.


"Yeah, of course, what'd you think?" She looks
down at her feet, and I can guess. "Oh, you thought this might have been a
booty call."

"I don't mean to be rude, do have a certain

"No, that's okay, I get it," I tell her, unlocking
my apartment door and ushering her inside.

"Woah," she says, spotting the dining room table
that I set before I headed out to the game this afternoon.

"I thought about taking you somewhere outside the city
for dinner, where I wouldn't get recognized, but honestly…"

"You're super famous?" she finishes for me with a

"Hey, you said it," I reply with a smile.
"I'll have to reheat everything, but I got us a feast from this barbecue
place on Belmont. It's supposed to be the best."

"Oh yeah, I know that place. I went there all the time
growing up," she says. "It's my favorite."

In short order we're sitting down at the table, and I even
light the candles in the center that my mom insisted on getting to decorate the
place. Britt insists on getting an ice pack from the freezer and helping me
wrap it around my right shoulder. I eat like a ravenous animal, and Britt
watches me in amazement.

"Sorry," I finally realize, and lean back, the
food almost gone.

"No, that's okay. I can't imagine how many calories you
burn. How's the ice? Do you need a new pack?" she reaches over and places
her delicate fingers on the blue plastic cover.

I take her hand. It practically disappears in mine. Her eyes
widen a little, but she stands as I pull her toward me while I push my chair
out from the table. She lands in my lap, and I wrap my arms around her. I can
almost reach my fingers all the way around her tiny waist.

"Hunter?" she whispers, as I lean my head toward
hers. Her lips look so fresh berries I want to dig my teeth

"Mm?" I murmur, brushing my lips softly against

"Never mind," she breathes, and wraps her arms
around my neck. She opens her mouth wide to mine, and it's like a bolt of
electricity goes through me. I don't remember the last time I was this turned

I don't want to wait any longer. I stand up, and guide her
thighs to wrap around my waist. I carry her into the bedroom and lean over to
place her on her back on the bed. I stand up to whip my shirt off, feeling my
weary muscles protest, but I have no intention of stopping. I pull off her
shoes, and then lean forward again. I want to devour every inch of her,
starting with this soft spot on the side of her neck just under her ear. She
squirms in ecstasy as I flick my tongue back and forth across her skin. I grin.
I'm going to be the best she's ever had.

I reach down and pull her shirt off over her head, then
quickly unbutton her pants and strip them off her. I lie back down on top of
her, and feel her trembling beneath me. I slow down, working her mouth open
with mine, before I reach behind her and unhook her bra. I lean back to pull it
off her arms, and begin to salivate as I look down at her round, firm breasts.
I dip my head down hungrily and take her right nipple into my mouth. I suck
hard, and she cries out. I move to the other one, flicking it back and forth
with my tongue, while I move my hand down her flat stomach.

I slide my fingers over her panties and feel my dick twitch.
She's so wet, her panties are soaking right through. I move down, sliding onto
my knees on the floor and tugging her legs so that her ass is on the end of the
bed. I bend my head down and can feel the heat from her opening. I reach up and
slip my fingers under the sides of her underwear.

"Wait!" she cries, sitting up on her elbows. I
look up at her questioningly. What could possibly need to be discussed at this
moment? "I...I'm a virgin," she whispers.



Chapter 15



He jerks back away from me, and my embarrassment deepens.
"I'm sorry. I should have told you before."

"No, I just...Shit." He sits next to me on the
bed, and I sit up next to him, shyly covering my exposed breasts with my arms.

"I want to, you know, but I just wanted to tell you, in
case I'm not any good at it."

He smiles. "I doubt that will be a problem, but I do
appreciate the warning. So are you
a virgin? You haven't done

"I'm a virgin in all senses of the word," I reply.
He looks down at me, and must notice my discomfort, because he puts a hand at
the small of my back.

"It's not that I don't want to be your first. I just
want you to be sure," he tells me.

"I think I am. Mostly," I tell him.

"Uh-huh," he replies, then falls silent for a
moment. "You're sitting here naked on my bed, so I can't believe I'm
saying this, but maybe we should wait. Until you're completely sure."

"Thank you," I sigh.

"With that said, how about a preview?" he asks,
his eyes dancing.

"A preview?" I ask, my entire body rising to
attention again.

"There are plenty of other things to do besides
sex," he says, his hand sliding around toward my stomach. "No one's
ever touched you here?" he asks, cupping his hand over my vagina.

"No," I gasp, suddenly barely able to sit up. My
head is swimming, but my eyes travel down his body, from his shoulders, to the
bruise forming on his right pec, over his rippling abs, and down to the massive
bulge in his pants. His middle finger flicks over my clit, and suddenly all my
attention is drawn there, like a spotlight.

I close my eyes as he leans down and sucks my earlobe into
his mouth as his finger circles me. "I love how wet you are," he whispers,
and my eyes fly open. I'm shocked by his language, but even more shocked to
feel how it turns me on even more. I feel an ache begin to build between my
legs. He moves his fingers up, then slides them under my panties. I find myself
raising my hips up to meet him, and as his fingers touch my bare clit, I curl
into his body, unable to support myself any longer. The pleasure radiating from
his fingers feels like it's going to carry me away. "Lie back," he
tells me, and I obey, feeling his soft duvet cover under my back as he once
more kneels on the floor.

Now that we're on the same page, I don't protest as he takes
off my underwear. I can feel myself shaking, and force myself to take a deep
breath. Nothing could prepare me for the sensation of his mouth closing on me,
though. My body arches off the bed in ecstasy as his tongue caresses me. Why
there's such a difference between his finger and his tongue, I don't know, but
there is.

I gasp as I feel something at my opening. It's his finger,
and he's sliding it inside me. He goes slowly until I can feel his knuckle
pressed against me, and then begins to circle it around inside me while I get
used to the sensation. Then his tongue begins to move faster, flicking back and
forth across my aching nub as his finger inside me matches pace.

My body fills with desire until I feel like I'm about to
burst. And in a way, I do. I feel the pleasure explode out of me in waves that
send my body writhing on the bed. I've had orgasms by myself before, but this
one is on a different level.

When I'm aware of my surroundings again, I feel Hunter lying
on the bed next to me, his hand stroking my hair. I turn toward him, marveling
at how at ease I feel with him seeing my naked body now. I reach down, pressing
my palm onto his stomach, and then sliding it just under the top of his jeans.
His eyes widen and he grunts.

"Will you teach me?" I ask him.

"You don't have to," he tells me, though I can see
the tension in his jaw from holding back.

"I want to make you feel the way you just made me
feel," I tell him. "Teach me."

He grins. "My pleasure." I sit up and unbuckle his
belt, then unzip his pants. He helps me by standing up and pushing his pants
and underwear to the ground. I gape at his cock as he turns back to me. It's
curved upward all the way to his stomach, and actually moves slightly as I look
at it, like it has a mind of its own. I realize I'm unconsciously licking my
lips, and he smiles, then sits on the bed and moves so he's leaning back
against the headboard with his legs splayed out in front of him. I crawl toward
him, and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest.

His cock presses against my stomach as we kiss. He tastes a
little different, and I realize that it's because I'm tasting myself on his
tongue. I move down, replicating what he did to my body on him. I kiss down his
chest, feeling his coarse chest hair against the tip of my nose, and then move
to his nipples. He groans as I suck one into my mouth. Good. Maybe I won't be
terrible at this stuff.

After I give his other nipple the same treatment, I move
down his stomach, circling my tongue slowly around his belly button. His cock
is now against my neck, and I lean back to look at it for a moment. I'm
surprised to feel like I know what to do. I lean down and lick him from just
above his balls on the way up to his tip. I'm rewarded with a loud groan. I
look up at his face, and see his eyes are heavy-lidded with pleasure, and his
lips are slightly open.

"I'm not so sure you need any lessons," he says,
his voice deep and caught in his throat. "But all you really need to know
is to put your lips over your teeth."

I nod, and wrap my hands around his cock. It's hot against
my palms, and I pull it gently down as I lick my lips and then wrap them over
my teeth like he said. I remind myself to breathe through my nose, and then
slide my lips over his tip and take him into my mouth.

"Fuck," he sighs as my mouth moves down his shaft.
I take him into the back of my throat, and then move back up. Down again, then
back up. I keep going, and then begin to follow my mouth with my hand along his
shaft, figuring that will feel good to him. "Damn, Britt," he groans,
and I look up to see that his neck muscles are straining, and his eyes have a
look of intense concentration as he watches me.

A feeling of power washes over me. The star quarterback,
eagerly awaiting the next flick of my tongue.

I begin to move faster and faster, taking him as deeply as I
can, until my eyes begin to water. He grunts, and his hips buck. Suddenly my
mouth is full of warm liquid, and I instinctively swallow as I move back up and
down a couple more times before I pull my head up and rest back on my heels.

"I'm sorry," he gasps, looking alarmed and
reaching for a tissue from on top of his nightstand. "I should have warned
you. I just got carried away. Did you swallow?" he asks as he hands me the
tissue and I dab my mouth.

"Was I not supposed to?"

"No, you can. Some girls just don't like to," he
explains. "And I'm clean. I make sure to get checked."

"So, I did alright then?" I ask, as he pulls me
toward him. He turns on his side, and tugs the sheets from under us, and then
pulls them over.

He laughs. "You did amazing," he says, brushing my
lips with a kiss.

"I liked doing it," I whisper as his dark brown eyes
dance. I reach up and run a finger down his cheek, feeling a slight bit of
stubble. "And I want to do more."

"Are you—"

"But there's one thing first." I just realized it,
when he said that he has to get checked. "I want to lose my virginity to
my boyfriend, whom I'm seeing exclusively." He opens his mouth to say
something, but I put my finger across his lips, silencing him. "I'm not
trying to pressure you. I'm just telling you the facts." He nods, and I
force myself not to try to read into the expression in his eyes. "Now we
both have something to think about."

BOOK: Hunter (Campus Kings): A Football Secret Baby Novel
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