HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (3 page)

BOOK: HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance
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“I think it might blow your mind.”

“I doubt it,” Jason says.
He has his hands on my waist now, his thumbs
pressing into my back in a way that feels deliciously controlling.
I get a flash of a scene from a favorite book,
where one of the characters makes the heroine ride his brother hard, and I feel

“Do you ever get the feeling that something might just
be too good to be true?” I ask because things like this just don’t happen to
I’m Katelin who isn’t scared to go
for what she wants, but also Katelin who never seems to find it.

“Never,” Austin says.

“How come?”

“Because if it feels that good, I make it true.”

“Good things come in three’s,” Jason says from behind
with a smile in his voice.
I turn around
to see his face, a carbon-copy of his brother’s.
The only way I can tell them apart is that
their shirts are different.

“What’ve you got on your mind?” I ask because hell, I
might be living out my dream but I’m not prepared to make a fool of myself.

“Oh baby, if I told you, I’d definitely blow your mind.”
He slips his hand lower on my hips so it’s resting on my bottom.
All I can think of is ‘squeeze’, just a
little bit.
Then he does and it feels
God, I’ve missed sex so damn

“That a promise?”

“Oh yeah.”

And then I do what any girl would do in my shoes.

I tell them it’s time to go.

Wouldn’t you
be even a little bit tempted to ask them to make good on their promises?




You're probably thinking that I'm crazy...or maybe
that I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
Is it possible that a person can conjure their dreams into reality?

Maybe you’re thinking that what I'm doing, as I leave
the club flanked by two of the sexiest men I have ever seen, is reckless.
Maybe you're right.
But maybe that’s what fantasy is all
Taking a step over the edge and
falling into the dark unknown.
All I
know is that I want to fall into the dark unknown with Austin and Jason.
God, do I ever.

"You okay?" Jason asks as he opens the rear
door of what looks like a rental Ford.

"Sure," I say.
He doesn't get in next to me but rounds the
car to get into the passenger seat next to his brother.

Austin turns his head and gives me a panty-melting
"Katelin, Katelin.
Do you really know what you are letting
yourself in for?"

I shake my head but smile.
It's the unknown that has me feeling alive for
the first time in ages.

"Well, maybe we should clear a few things up
before we hit the road."

"Our last name is Holden. We're students at
Columbia but we're up here visiting family.
We have nothing bad on our mind that isn't sex related..." Jason
pauses as his brother punches him on the shoulder.
"Well, she might be wondering if it's a
good idea to be getting into a rental car with two total strangers."

"The thought did cross my mind," I say.

Jason looks vindicated and Austin frowns.

"You thought we might be serial killers?"

I shake my head.
"Too cute for that. And you like comics."

"Well, what then?"

"I don't know.
We have it drummed into us when we’re kids that we shouldn't talk to
Especially ones that are
offering us candy."

"We didn't offer you candy."

I smirk.
"You're offering me something sweet."

Austin laughs.
"You know, Katelin.
I was
wondering what kind of time we were going to have on this trip of ours.
You gotta admit that this town isn't exactly
a hotbed of interesting activity."

"You're telling me."

"But I think that's all about to change."

"You think?"

Austin nods his head and turns to start the engine.

"We're staying with family but we've got the pool
house to ourselves," Jason says, turning to face me.
"It's private."

"That's good to know."

I spend some time texting Abi to let her know that
I've left the club.
I text her the
details the boys told me just in case, and the license number of the car.
My actions may seem reckless, but it's not
really in my nature to be careless.

"So, Katelin.
You do this often?"

I snort with shock.
I guess it isn't that much of a stupid question given the current
circumstances, but if they knew how dry my sex life had been they would
probably die of shock.

"You mean have sex?"

Austin and Jason laugh.
"I meant
three is the magic number

"Err, no."

"Have you ever done it?" Austin asks,
suddenly sounding a bit more cautious.

"Not outside my own head, no."

"Ah." I catch them looking at each other.

"What?" I ask, suddenly feeling like a nun
at a strip show.
Are they turned off now
that they know I'm a threesome virgin?

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Jason's tone sounds a little patronizing, or a little
too careful and I don’t like it.
If I'm
going to live out my fantasies then it's going to be on my terms, not as
someone’s little pet project.

"Can I tell you something about me?" I
If I was standing, I'd have my
hands on my hips again in a full blown tantrum.
"I don't do anything I don’t want to do.
I know my own mind.
I know what's best for me.
I make my own decisions and I live with the
You don’t need to baby
This might be a first for me, but I
don’t want you to give me the training wheels’ version, okay."

"Yes ma'am," Austin says.
I catch his eyes in the rear-view mirror and
they are crinkled with his smile.

Jason grins at me.
"No training wheels?" he says.
"You sure about that?"

"Hell to the yeah."

"Fine by me."

"Good," I say firmly.

"Great," Austin says, now full on laughing.

"You know what that means?" Jason says,
cocking his head to one side and watching me carefully.

"What does it mean?"

"It means we get to take it all, however we want
It means we get every bit of

"Every bit," I repeat, as the reality of
what that means suddenly washes over me.

"Every bit," he confirms.

And in that moment I know I'm in the right place,
because I think I'm about as turned on as any girl has ever been in the history
of time.

Austin turns into a driveway and pulls the car around
the back of a large white house. It's a nice neighborhood.
He steps out and opens the door, reaching to
take my hand.
When I'm out of the car,
he brings my hand to his lips just like he did at the club.
I can hear Jason shutting his door and
walking around behind us but I can’t take my eyes of Austin.

"Come on, princess," he says.
"Your castle of pleasure awaits."

"Smooth, Austin," Jason laughs.
I love how they are together.
In synch, but teasing too.

My heart is pounding as we follow the gravel path down
to the pool house entrance.
The water is
lit up with tiny lights and twinkles invitingly.
If I wasn’t on such a covert mission, I'd
suggest taking a swim.
“That pool is
amazing,” I say.

“You want to swim?” Austin asks.

“And have your family see us cavorting?
I don’t think so.”
The twins chuckle and I flush.
Oh goodness, I used the word
Things must be bad.

Inside the pool house it is cool and quiet; the
absolute opposite of how I’m feeling.
Jason slips off his black jacket and hangs it on a hook by the
Austin heads to the kitchenette
and pulls some glasses from a high cupboard.
A bottle of champagne is retrieved from the fridge and I stand and watch
as he concentrates on preparing drinks.
Jason messes with his phone for a bit and then mellow music fills the
These guys have seduction down to
a tee.
I wonder how often they do this
I know that Carrie’s twins
always stuck together.
I kind of get it,
I think; that a relationship can be so close that forming other bonds outside
of that relationship might feel like a betrayal of sorts.

I take off my jacket and lay it on the back of a
I slip off my shoes because they
are killing my feet and because I feel kind of ridiculous standing in heels
I know in my bare feet the
twins are going to be even taller and I like that idea.
I've always had a thing about tall, strong
I guess, even though I can be a
sass-mouth bossy pain in the ass, I like my men to be men.

I take a seat on a high stool at the counter.
Austin passes me a flute and I drink the
sparkling champagne quickly.
want another?" he asks, green eyes watching my every move and smirk firmly
in place. I seem to amuse him a lot.

for a penny, in for a pound."

"You've got a funny way of speaking," he
laughs as he tips the bottle, almost spilling the liquid over the edge of the

"What do you mean?"

"Like you're British.

"I study English lit."

"Ahhh...that'll be it. I nearly choked when you
said ‘maketh’ and ‘cavorting’."

They’re good words."

"Yes, if you live in sixteenth century England,
in a castle, with a maiden aunt and a saucy butler."

" could have a point.
Anyway, there's nothing wrong with liking

"Nothing at all," Jason says, coming and
sitting behind me.
"There are a few
old English words that I love to use."
His tone is laced with innuendo and Austin laughs, pushing his glass
towards him.

"You trying to get me to encourage you to talk
dirty?" I ask, frowning with mock indignation.

"Believe me, I won’t need any

"I think I believe you," I say, studying
In the low light, Jason's strong
features seem more pronounced. The curve of his jaw, the slight bump on his
Those eyes that are like jewels on
the face of a prince.

We’re all quiet for a while and the air is thick with
I don't know how things
will move on from here.
All I know is
that I want them to.
So much.

"What are you thinking about," Austin asks,
rounding the counter with his drink in hand.

"I'm thinking about what happens next."

"Good," he says.
"Come with me."

He takes my free hand and helps me off the stool, then
we walk toward a door in the right-hand corner of the room.
Jason follows close behind.
I can almost feel the heat of his body there
is so much static in the air.
although my heart is pounding out a beat that would rival a drum and base
track, I feel surprisingly calm.
As odd
as it sounds, all the books I have read featuring sexy twins and their oh-so-lucky
heroines have, in a way, prepared me for this very moment.
This moment that I thought would only ever
remain a smutty dream.
I thank the
goddess of leg waxing that I had mine done a few days ago.

The bedroom is dark but the moon casts enough light
for me to make out two queen beds and another door in the corner.
The bathroom I assume.
Everything is neat; the beds are made, the
clothes packed away.
I wonder if they
are tidy or if their family has a maid to clean up after them.
Austin’s hand is so big wrapped around
In this room that smells of sexy man,
I feel tiny and insubstantial.
I feel
deliciously weak and at their mercy.

Isn’t that what fantasy is all about?
Letting go of some of the things that real
life holds you to, and being someone else. I’m not sure what this Katelin is
going to be like, but I’m itching to find out.

BOOK: HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance
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