How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women) (5 page)

BOOK: How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women)
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An alpha male thinks in this way, by utilizing his awareness of himself and others, carefully accumulating bits and pieces of small information this will enable him to lay out the exact vision and dreams of what his lovers and friends think of but only as a fantasy. He must distribute those fantasies and make them realities or at least close to it.  This will result in genuine dependence on his attention. His following will compete for it.





In the alpha male’s lover’s or friends eyes it is only he who knows them. He has seen a side of her or them that was secret and forbidden and he has done this without her or them ever specifically revealing anything to him. She or they wonder in amazement how, and why. In conclusion, to them this alpha male can do no wrong he have satisfied their hidden fantasies and help them live them in reality, how did he know what’s in their mind how did he know I’d like or want this. This amazes them and they will start to believe that he is perfect. This again builds power and thus the saying knowledge is power once again holds true.











LESSON 5. Provocative and quick-witted wordplay.

Conversation is a tug of war. No one wants to lose and be pulled down. This game is played very aggressively but an alpha male plays this game of conversational tug of war with finesse using words of seduction. This is how it should be played, once perfected it will secure the win not by extreme effort but by forfeit.














Keep in mind what you have learned in the previous lesson. This chapter ties in hand in hand. We will concentrate more on wordplay and provocative language in this lesson but just as the last lesson, it is imperative to perfect the art of pre-planning and forethought, and incorporate that with provocative and quick-witted wordplay.

This game of provocative and quick-witted wordplay is an indirect war with words, and the winner is the one whose choice of words and phrases resonates with his listener so much so it provokes their response according to his command.  This shows he demands all attention.


I’m sure at some time or another you have heard of someone having the gift of gab. If you have please don’t get it confused. This style is not a gift at all. Meaning this is not something these types of people were born with so if you don’t have it you can if you choose.  No baby born was able to speak intelligently and fluently before he/she can be taught. Usually as they grow older they watch, mentally record and mimic whatever it is their parents are doing around them.



If they witness a particular person having the gift of gab and using it well then they will repeat it in the exact same manner. This means this gift was taught and an alpha male should have it. An alpha male is never loss for words. Good sources to watch for training in this area are politicians they speak on any topic and always add something with significance in their response. They display confidence when they speak only because they are knowledgeable of everything that could come into play so there is a great deal of preparation work involved and it will be for you as well.


An alpha male should keep in mind that an intuitive conversationalist has a mind that’s ever racing. He’s in tune one hundred percent with the person he is communicating with. This is needed to provide a quick- witted response and providing the right response requires diligent practice.

The objective is to have every word that you choose to backfire with in your response be delivered with one key purpose and that is to entice the respondent to play by on your terms. 



This is the provocative language you are looking to master. What you say must give them their response by forcing it and if it’s played right they will only have one or two ways out both are yours this method will set you up for the winning move.


Never think you can just wing it when it comes to this game. To become a master at this you must be diligent in reading, studying, analyzing, testing and practicing the craft with persistence and determination.


This is how an alpha male should display his talents. Envision yourself as the master conductor behind the curtain; your job is to entertain. You must serenade a woman with words of beauty and splendor. Your image is magnificent and your choice of words is words of integrity, honesty and brilliance.






You have to strive to impress every audience. Scope out their needs and wants using the same tactics we discussed in previous chapters, refer to them as needed. Appeal always to a person’s interest and you will have their undivided attention. Once you do then consistently strike another nerve until they are lost in this sea of entertainment now it reverses they will do as you say in order to please you, why? Well it’s simple because you hold the ticket to their dreams.


Your job is to make a fantasy sound close to you but far from them and only obtainable through you.  Doing this will gain their interest then you must control the conversation. That control is not achieved through talking constantly but by setting up topics in particular arrangements so as to provoke a situation. Remember to be a seducer, keep your words full of compassion and excitement.


A quick-witted conversation is a pendulum of comments swinging back and forth, from one to the other almost like sex.  This setting is to be considered your bedroom and your job is to make love to her intellect at this point. This must be pleasing to her and in order to do so it must be an exchange of INTERESTING phrases.

It’s a game like a sport if you will. The winner has his opponent tongue tied or lost for words. An alpha male must not allow himself to be cornered in that position if he becomes lost for words everything else he says is worthless. This takes away from his credibility. If this happens to you which it is very likely to happen you must develop five to maybe ten diversions that you have memorized perfectly; that you can utilize that will give you enough time to think, thus enabling you to correctly respond to your counterpart.


There is an answer to everything just not enough time to find it. You will have to create that time if you find yourself stuck in that position so be as creative and as cunning as possible when developing that spare set of diversions. This is your backup plan. An alpha male always have one but rarely have to use it.

To have a good quick-witted response you must hang onto her last word and almost simultaneously deliver a perfect response. Your comments must be in a timely manner so as to not come off as rude and also eliminate any quiet spots. Seems difficult? It is, especially when you are nervous. The only reason why most men are nervous during this time is because of lack of preparation and practice.


An alpha male thinks in this way. He looks at this interaction like a challenge and knows he is the best at it. He prepares and looks forward to difficult situations. This is only practice to him.

Now your choice of words varies depending upon your style and whomever you’re conversing with so when you think about your delivery, the way you reroute topics, or simply your quick-witted response fashion it in a seductive and intellectual way. This will eventually put you in control of the conversation and when it does you must take that golden opportunity to provoke your counterpart to subconsciously comply with your demands. This is the winning touch.

Provocative wordplay is a language. It has a flow of energy that women yearn for. They love to hear a man speak with a steady tone while indirectly dancing around certain topics, hinting an encounter especially one that is sexual in nature. It’s pleasure, its taboo. It’s forbidden to think about this man this way at this moment, but is he insinuating he wants me? This is where you want her mind.



Keep in mind not to go to far as to reveal your hand. If you reveal too much then she can play your hand and she will. You want her in a confused state about your feelings which throws off her balance. By revealing too much too fast she have now received clarification, defining your angle then ultimately gaining back control. The entertainment stops. The show is over. This changes the flow.


To keep her mesmerized, it is a must to incorporate some humor. Provocative wordplay blended with a little humor makes a woman feel very comfortable. It keeps the conversation exciting and stimulating. If you have an interest in her sexually and you are trying to explore that field then you have to keep her mind fixated on a sexual desire by delivering passionate gestures. Keep the conversation simple but not too explicit or vulgar. This will give her the impression that you are sexy but innocent and safe to be with.

This also poses a challenge for her to reciprocate. As the conversation climaxes you will find that you have provoked her response almost forcibly by your words.




















Lesson 6.
The Alpha Male’s Playing field.( Where to score high and how.)

Every game is different and every field it’s played on is not the same but the strategy and pure determination to win is shared by every alpha male. The playing field is packed full of competition but don’t worry the smartest will survive. When you reach the playing field to work your magic with hopes to become the M.V.P. of the night, you must strategically pick your encounters. Learn how to choose, and what to look out for before the game clock stops.




























Now the main objective in this game is to win and win big. The first place chosen to meet women is the nightclub or some sort of bar scene; on the contrary it should be your last place to meet women.  Let’s look at it from a mathematical standpoint. Number one, we have a lot of women to choose from that’s a plus. We also have a lot of competition as well that’s a minus. Now, it’s all about conversation, who’s most attractive and who’s looking to buy the most drinks.  That should be all but wait there’s more to add to this equation.


This is a true fact. Women are approached daily by hundreds of men, sometimes back to back, and often times almost at the same time. The only difference between them and an alpha male is the introduction.


After a while the same call or come on lines from the average men becomes so recognizable that it’s ignored by women purposely. You must come across some other way. An alpha male meets a woman unexpectedly, it’s always seemingly unplanned like it was meant to happen, and that’s the start of leaving a good impression.




Now your biggest problem with the nightclub lies with the fact that by attending just to meet potential mates you have now reduced your status. Since you are there to meet women it gives the power away. You have gone from an alpha male to that of an average man. In the nightclub the best of the best approach is expected.  This destroys your element of surprise.



The only thing that can save you and put you back in the position of power is if you can set up your position as being there for something other than to meet people such as a friend’s birthday party and also you can depend on the fact that most of your competition will not be as intelligent and prepared as you.  Your competition will usually get intoxicated build up enough courage then blabber on about anything. Women build up a tolerance for this at these types of settings and therefore become immune to it all.



She shuts down her receptive mindset and no longer allows that to gain her attention. You will find in the nightclub or bar scene she is now searching for the best dancer or the most generous.

BOOK: How to Become an Alpha Male For Today's Man (Learn How to Attract and Talk to Women)
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