Read Hot Whisper Online

Authors: Luann McLane

Hot Whisper (6 page)

BOOK: Hot Whisper
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Her cheeks were flushed a rosy pink, and with her hair fanned out all around her, wearing nothing but the tiny thong, Jesse swore he had never witnessed a more erotic sight. While she was breathing hard, her eyes remained closed, and unable not to, Jesse leaned in and kissed her moist lips softly. “I’ll be right back,” he said in her ear. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“Like I could walk,” she murmured with a slight smile, but kept her eyes shut.
After tugging on his jeans, Jesse grabbed the throw off the sofa and draped it over Claire before heading to his bathroom for protection. He needed to cool down before he did something foolish . . . like make love to her without a condom. Besides, they had all night, and he wanted to make this last. But before heading back to the great room, he made two sub sandwiches and tossed some chips on two plates. He piled them on top of each other, stuck a corkscrew in his pocket, tucked a bottle of Merlot beneath one arm, and snagged two wineglasses. It was a balancing act, but he had big hands, so he managed.
“Hey, I could have helped,” Claire offered. She had sat up and wrapped her curvy body in the blanket.
“I’ve got it,” Jesse said, but just as he made it to the rug, everything started to slide.With a low giggle Claire caught the wine and reached for the glasses, causing the blanket to slip from her shoulders just as Jesse sat down. When she blushed and grabbed the edges of the blanket, Jesse wanted to remind her he had seen just about every inch of her delicious body but refrained.Women were silly creatures.
“I wanted to make something more elaborate, but hunger made me go for cold cuts. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” she replied, and tried to reach for the plate but couldn’t with the blanket clutched around her. Jesse smiled and then reached for the shirt lying on the rug.
“Here,” he offered, and turned to uncork the wine while she shrugged into it.
“Except for the strawberries, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, so I’m famished. I think that’s why the eggnog hit me so hard.”
“Probably.” Jesse glanced her way while he poured the Merlot and knew that Claire was trying to blame what just happened on the bourbon. But if she thought she looked less sexy in nothing but his shirt, she was oh so wrong. Wanting to put her at ease once more, he handed her the glass and then stood up.
“I probably shouldn’t drink this,” she said while looking up at him.
“Just relax, Claire,” he requested, and had to smile when this time she hesitated, but when he extended his hand, she took it. “Hey, follow me.” He guided her over to the floor-to-ceiling windows.“Look.”When he flicked on an outside light, the blowing snow seemed to sparkle like glitter. Fat flakes were floating down fast, adding to the white inches already piled up on the big deck.Tall shadowy pine trees seemed to glow in the background.
“Oh, wow,” Claire said as she stood there and looked through the glass. “It’s beautiful.” She took a sip of wine and stared out at the winter wonderland.
“I agree, and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. We are officially snowed in.”
She took another sip of her wine but remained quiet.
“Claire, we’re going to be spending several days together. I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow with regret.”
She nodded slowly and cradled the glass in her hand.
“This was so unexpected for us both. It’s like something out of place and time.” He shrugged and then said,“I guess that sounded weird.”
“No, I was thinking the same thing earlier. It’s like we’re in a Hallmark holiday movie,” she said, but then shook her head and chuckled. “Well, the unrated version.”
Jesse laughed. God, he liked being with her. But then his smile faded.“But odds are that after the storm . . . ,” he began, but for some reason the rest of the sentence stuck in his throat.
“We’ll never see each other again,” she finished softly.
This time Jesse remained quiet.
Her eyes widened slightly.“That’s why you let me take the lead . . . why you stopped.”
“Claire, it would have been wrong to take advantage of the situation, but I’m only human. If I have you naked in my arms again, I won’t be able to stop.” He shoved his fingers through his hair and blew out a sigh.
“I get it. Before was spontaneous.This time we are making a conscious choice.”
He turned and looked at Claire. “So, what are your thoughts?” He held his breath and waited.
Claire nibbled on the inside of her cheek for a minute and then said, “Jesse, maybe we’re overthinking this.”
Jesse wanted to raise his fist in triumph while doing a little jig—even though he had never done a jig in his life—but he cleared his throat and, as calmly as he could, said, “You think so?”
“Yes.” Claire angled her head, causing her hair to slide over her shoulder. “Here’s what I propose. . . .”
Chapter Six

et’s turn on some music, sit in front of the fire, and eat our sandwiches.”
“Okay,” Jesse responded with a slight smile.
“We can talk.”
“Sure.Yeah, talking is good.”
“Get to know each other.”
“Absolutely.” He nodded firmly, but his disappointment was so evident that Claire felt both sexy and desired. Jesse Marshall was big enough and man enough to make her feel feminine and fragile. This newfound sex appeal gave her a heady boost of confidence, and she loved the feeling.
Claire placed one hand on his bare chest and said, “After we eat dinner, I want you . . .” She really wanted to say
for dessert
but knew she wouldn’t manage that without blushing or giggling, so she said, “To kiss me.”
“Okay,” he calmly agreed, but Claire could feel the rapid beat of his heart beneath her palm. “Then let’s eat.” He picked up another remote, and after he pushed a button, soft bluesy music played from discreetly placed speakers.
Claire looked at the four remotes on his coffee table and shook her head.“I would never be able to keep those straight.”
“Pretty high-tech for a backwoodsman,” he responded with a grin.
“Little bit,” Claire replied, but she already knew there was much more to Jesse Marshall than she had first thought. They settled back onto the rug and between bites carried on a conversation about favorite movies, books, sports, and their work. Claire chattered on about her family, but Jesse avoided the subject and she didn’t feel as if she should pry, even though she was amazed at how comfortable she felt with a man she barely knew.
“Do your parents know you are stranded here in Whisper?” Jesse asked.
Claire shook her head. “I’m not due home yet, and they knew that cell phone reception on the train was going to be sketchy, so they’re not expecting many calls. I decided not to give the bad news until I have to. My mother is a bit of a Southern diva, and I want to spare my father for as long as I can. Besides, there’s still an outside chance that I will make it home.”
“Makes sense, I suppose,” Jesse agreed.“But I still think you should call soon.”
“I know, but I can’t stand the thought of ruining their Christmas,” she admitted, and then took a sip of wine. “This will be the first Christmas I’ve ever missed with my family,” she added softly, and ran the tip of her finger over the rim of her glass. “I’m sorry for getting so emotional. Don’t mind me.”
“No, I understand perfectly.” Something of a shadow passed over his features once again, but then he seemed to shake it off. “I’m sorry, you’re right—don’t think about it right now. I shouldn’t have brought it up, but I didn’t want them to worry.”
Claire reached over and put her hand over his. “You’re a good man, Jesse Marshall.”
“I was raised well.” He smiled but then frowned down at his own glass, but not before Claire caught a flash of hurt in his eyes, making her want to wrap her arms around him and ease whatever was the cause of his pain.
Needing to see his smile return, Claire sat up and asked brightly, “Okay, when are you going to take me on your snowmobile?”
Jesse arched one eyebrow. “Have you ever been on one, little city slicker?”
“Do you scare easily?”
She waved a hand through the air.“I live in the heart of the city. Do you seriously think I scare easily?”
“We’ll find out.”
“I’m tough as nails,” she boasted, then gave her hair a flip for good measure. “You can’t scare me,” she insisted, and as if on cue, a loud howl could be heard from outside. Her eyes rounded, and she asked, “What was that?”
When Jesse laughed, Claire leaned forward and gave his chest a shove. He fell back onto one elbow, causing her to tumble forward with him. She slowly pushed up from his chest, letting her fingers trail over his warm skin.
The promise of the kiss had simmered between them the entire time. Also, it didn’t help that her black bra was lying on the rug or that he was shirtless with the top snap of his jeans undone. If there had been a pop quiz at the end of the conversation, she wouldn’t have passed because all that filled her brain was the need to have her body pressed against his.
Claire busied herself taking the last bite of her sandwich. “That was delicious.” She dusted her hands together, but when she licked a bit of spicy mustard from her bottom lip, Jesse watched her intently, and so she lingered longer than necessary. “Thank you.”
“I promise you’ll wake up to a hot meal for breakfast.”
“Do you get up . . .
wake up
early?” she asked, and then felt heat from her cheeks to her toes.
His lips twitched, but he left her comment alone.“I’m normally an early riser,” he responded, but his eyes remained on her mouth. “But I’m on vacation, so I’ll get up whenever the spirit moves me.” He moved the plates out of the way and stretched out his long legs. “Are you a morning person?”
When he leaned back on his elbows, his muscles rippled in the firelight, making Claire totally lose her train of thought once again. She leaned forward and said,“I . . .
, what did you just ask me?”
“Does it really matter?”
“Then get over here and give me my after-dinner kiss,” he requested in a deep low tone.
“Okay.” Claire leaned in and bestowed him with a chaste kiss on the cheek.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“Yeah . . . I was.” With her heart pounding, Claire swung her leg over him to straddle his hips. She leaned in and, bracing herself with her hands on his shoulders, slowly licked his bottom lip.Taking the lead wasn’t like her, but hot passion quickly melted her inhibitions. When he groaned, she nibbled lightly, sucked, and toyed until she finally slanted her mouth over his and kissed him slowly, sweetly, licking . . . savoring, and then going deeper, hotter. He tasted like red wine and hot man, and she could not get enough.
Claire rocked against his erection, driving them both nuts when his denim-covered shaft slid against the silky thong.After a breathy little moan she started a trail of kisses down his chest, pausing at his nipple to lick and bite before going lower . . . and lower still while letting her hair trail over his chest.
When Claire unzipped his jeans, she heard his sharp intake of breath and smiled. His penis sprang forward, big, bold, and ready. She curled her hand around it, amazed that the skin was so soft and yet he was so very hard.
“God, Claire,” Jesse said, and his abs tightened. She ran the tip of her tongue up his shaft and then swirled it over his head before tugging his jeans over his hips and pulling them off.
Claire came up to her knees and looked him over, getting her fill. He was thickly muscled, gloriously hard, and his skin appeared golden in the firelight. The crackling heat caused a fine sheen of sweat across his chest, making Claire want to reach out and touch him, lick him everywhere . . . but for the moment she simply stared. “You are a sight to behold.”
“Then behold me,” he tried to joke, but his voice was thick with passion.
Claire’s laughter came out a low rumble. “I think I’m rubbing off on you.”
“Please . . . do.”
“My pleasure . . .” While on her knees Claire placed her hands on his chest and rubbed back and forth, but her laughter trailed off at the feel of his warm moist skin beneath her palms. “You feel . . . nice.” She curled her fingers and raked her nails lightly through his chest hair and down to his groin, just grazing the tip of his penis. “I take that back.You feel amazing.”
Jesse stirred, groaned, but just when she was about to take him into her mouth, he sucked in a breath and pushed up to a sitting position. “Not yet. I need to see you.” Claire watched while his long fingers slowly unbuttoned her shirt and slid it over her shoulders. “Wow.”
It was Claire’s turn to suck in a breath when Jesse cupped her breasts in his big hands. “I can’t say it enough.You are simply gorgeous.” He circled his thumbs over her nipples, and when he leaned in and sucked her into his mouth, a hot shiver slid down Claire’s spine. She shoved her fingers into his hair, arching her back, holding him close while he tasted, sucked, and played. His hands caressed and kneaded her bare ass cheeks, and without warning he suddenly slid his fingers beneath the sides of the thong and yanked the scrap of silk over her hips. Then, cupping her cheeks, he buried his head between her thighs, kissing her, devouring her, until her knees trembled.
“Here, baby . . .” He lowered her to the rug, eased her legs apart, and licked her oh so lightly, making Claire shiver and arch her back, wanting . . . needing more. He continued tiny quick-as-lightning licks until her fingers fisted into the rug. Her breathing became shallow gasps as her pleasure began to build, climb.... It was too much.
It wasn’t enough.
But just when Claire was about to climax, he slowed down. “No . . .” Her throaty plea got her nowhere, and he nibbled on her inner thighs, teasing, toying, keeping relief just out of her reach until she was crazy with need.“Jesse!”When she arched her hips, he slid his hands beneath her ass and licked her faster, harder, until pure exquisite pleasure burst forward and exploded. Claire arched up against his hot mouth and pushed her shoulders into the rug. Her body turned to liquid heat while wave after wave washed over her. “That was amazing . . . ,” she managed to say, even though her heart thudded wildly and she felt as if she were melting into the rug.
BOOK: Hot Whisper
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