Read Hot As Blazes Online

Authors: Dani Jace

Hot As Blazes (33 page)

BOOK: Hot As Blazes
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“Think Craig’s wondering where his Jeep is?”

He laughed. Whatever crew she got assigned to better be ready for a witty probie.



Chapter 49


After a couple of hours of sleep, Ray’s alarm buzzed. He blinked and took a few seconds to recount the last few hours.

Jo stirred in his arms as he nibbled a trail from her collarbone to her shoulder. She snuggled against him, but remained asleep. No hurry. They’d head to Hatteras in a couple of hours or so and put the last couple of weeks behind them. He hoped they’d soon be living on the beach again. He’d told Bobby he was willing to buy his share of the property.

She twitched her curvaceous rear. He still couldn’t believe she’d surrendered her sweet cheeks to him. The naughtiness had been a major turn on, but it signified more. She’d validated her belief in him in a way he knew meant more than a physical surrender. This morning, he’d satisfy her in whatever manner she wished. Even if that meant just sleeping.

As if on cue, her phone vibrated on the nightstand.

She snatched the device and turned in time to catch his eye roll. “Sorry. But if you want me to get stationed here, I need to impress the captains. Go wash the Hummer. I’ll probably be back before you’re done.”

“Be careful, Dahlin’, cause when you get back…” He glanced down to his tenting underwear..

“Surfing buddy’s honor.” She bounced off the bed and shrugged on a T-shirt then found some shorts.

He swung his feet to the floor.

She knelt before him. “I promise not to disappoint.” She teased her lips along his, reached below the band of his boxer briefs, and stroked.

He was damned tempted to pin her to the bed and take what he wanted but they’d have plenty of time over the next few days.

As she left, the sound of her truck faded and he pulled open the nightstand drawer. He reached in the back for the velvet box and popped the lid. Sarah had designed the ring especially for him to give Jo. The stones glittered in a fiery display. He’d never considered marriage until Jo returned to his life. He’d had it ready when she finished the academy and had planned to ask her at Myrtle Beach. After nearly losing her, he didn’t want to wait any longer. He placed it under his pillow hoping she wouldn’t be long on the call.

* * * *

Jo barreled the Broncosaurus for Oregon Inlet and arrived in record time. An engine and ladder truck as well as an Ocean Rescue vehicle sat atop the Herbert Bonner Bridge.

She rushed to the crew. EMTs and firefighters gazed intently over the railing. She tiptoed for a view. Off the deck of the bridge hung a hang glider. With occupant. At least temporarily.

He must have been trying to loft from bridge. Whatever the case, if he lived, he’d go to jail for his illegal flight.

“Hey, Mercer. Got your board?” Captain Grady called over his shoulder.

“Sorry, sir. Lost it in the fire.”

“There’s one on the Ocean Rescue truck,” another firefighter yelled.

“Do you think you can manage to stay in the channel in case he goes in? By the time the coast guard gets here, he’ll be fish food. Jesus. Where in the hell are all the damned fishing boats when you need them?”

He pointed to two of firefighters. “Get harnessed. Maybe we can secure the glider before a wind gust sends him into the water. And Mercer, be careful. No heroics if he goes in. He should float a minute with the glider wing. Don’t get caught in his rigging, but if you can, help him get loose.”

At her truck, she stripped off her bunker gear to her shorts and T-shirt. She grabbed her pocketknife and secured it to a belt loop on her jean shorts.

Oregon Inlet held the Outer Bank’s navigational hazard award. Hell, fishing boats had to use depth finders to navigate through the shifting channel. After a quick check of the current, she charged down the bridge to a firefighter waiting with the rescue surfboard. She hopped the railing and he passed her a quick wink before handing her the board.

She dashed across the sand then kicked off her sneakers before hitting the water.

Sucked into the channel, she paddled furiously for fifty or so yards to reach a position in front of the glider. Thank God, he wasn’t at the peak of the bridge, but the swift moving water made it difficult to maintain a position.

Two firefighters in harnesses were tying off the glider when a gust of wind split the nylon wing. The glider whipped upward and broke free of the railing. Like a pelican in dive-bombing mode he split the water. So much for floating.

She inhaled three deep breaths and dove off the board. Rising bubbles lent a beam to her target. He might have been in twenty feet of water at the most, but it’d be a long way on a single breath to get there, free him, and bring him up.

The glider settled onto the sandy bottom. With a death grip on her knife, she approached cautiously and slashed the rigging holding him prisoner. Then she clipped the chinstrap on his helmet as bubbles streamed from his mouth.

Out of air.

She tugged him free and launched off the bottom, kicking for the surface. The pressure resembled being under a big wave in California, only this time she dragged a passenger who was dead weight.

With one arm, she climbed toward the dancing rays of sunlight. Halfway to the surface, every kick and stroke felt further away. The man locked in her elbow grew heavier by the second. The urge to inhale burned like a fire in her lungs.

Every muscle cried for oxygen. Her mind fought as she willed her limbs to move. In a last effort, she forced air from her nose. Blackness closed in around her. Only adrenaline fed her body.

Her own heartbeat echoed in her ears, reminding her of lying on Ray’s chest. His sexy blue gaze. For years, she’d longed to know his love. Now she had it.

With fury she’d never known, she clawed from the abyss.

Stroke by stroke.

She broke the surface sputtering and sucked in a lung full of much needed oxygen.

Feeling returned to her legs and arms like pins and needles as she backstroked for the elusive shore with her burden. Caught in the current, she missed the beach by a few yards. She stopped fighting and let the water take them.

No sign of the Coast Guard or any other watercraft. She glanced back in search of the board. It was to no avail, but at least she had air now.

Relax and swim. She’d done it before, thousands of times.

Minutes later, the current slackened. She glanced behind her. The board floated lazily waiting for her. Her many years of swimming and surfing, and recent academy training had all prepared her for this inherited calling. She was a firefighter like her father. With Ray as her true North, she’d found home. He’d been here all along, waiting for her.

She backstroked until her fingertips tapped the board. Her victim came to and coughed. He latched on to the board. She helped him get on top then swam them toward shore.

As she neared the beach, two firefighters waded out and relieved her. The fire captain’s SUV waited and whisked them to the road where an ambulance waited.

I’m returning the favor, Mercer.” Captain Grady handed her a bottle of water. “You got guts kid.

She leaned against the tailgate of his truck and smiled. “So you knew my Dad?”

“I was one of his probies. Damned good captain. I miss him.”

“Me too, sir.” The adrenaline rush fled her body, leaving her emotions frayed. She blinked hard pretending the salt water had her eyes tearing.

“He’d be proud of you.”

“Thanks.” She’d done her best to honor his memory.

“So, I hear you like fire as much as the ocean.” He tipped his helmet.

“Yes, sir. They’re kinda similar.”

He shot up a questioning brow.

“You don’t dare turn your back on either of them.”

He laughed. “You’re just the type of probie I’m looking for at Station Five.”

“I didn’t know you had an opening.” Her heart revved up again.

“My lieutenant made captain and is transferring up the beach to take Stan Parks’ place, so I’ll be interviewing candidates. You interested?”

She wanted to jump in the air and give him a high five, but reframed. “Absolutely, sir.”

* * * *

When she rolled in the driveway, the Hummer looked recently washed.

Ray stood at the top of the stairs shirtless in low-slung trunks. “You’re on the fucking news.” He rushed down with worry lining his forehead.

“Damn, really?” She didn’t care about the news. She just wanted him.

“Christ, Jo!” He hugged her so hard she thought her ribs cracked.

“I’m fine. Had to pull some lifeguard duty.”

Grazing her chin with his morning stubble, he claimed her mouth. As he squeezed her still wet ass, he crushed her against his raging hard on.

“Oh my―” She giggled.

He tossed her over his shoulder and pounded up the steps two at a time. Inside, he flung her on the bed. Low and threatening, his tone mirrored his hard expression. “Damn, woman, you scared the hell out of me. He ripped off her soggy shorts and panties.

His wild, blue eyes raked her. He peeled open the Velcro fly of his swim shorts and shoved them to the floor. His cock sprang free, thick and proud.

“Are you going to punish me?” She squeaked, secretly thrilled.

He knelt on the bed. “You have no idea, baby.” He trailed down her neck nipping with his teeth. “Do you love me, Jo?”

She brought his face to hers. “More than my life.”

He snapped loose her bra and drew it along with her wet T-shirt over her head. “I love you, baby.”

Warming under his gaze and touch, she opened her thighs and drew him closer. “Show me.”

He filled her in one an easy glide. “Do you accept me? Even the bad?”

He had saved her life, yet he still had guilt about taking a life. Staring into his eyes, she whispered her heart. “You’re a good man. My man.”

He reached under the pillow and drew out something shiny.

“Be mine?” He slipped an emerald-cut diamond ring on her finger.

Her heart nearly stopped. Two flanking stones matched the color of his eyes. Her eyes teared. “Yes, forever.”

Boyish dimples flanked his smile. “You only play tough.”

She stroked his cheek. “For you, I’m just marshmallow inside.”

He grinned. “I do so love eating your cream.”

“How about some more of your hotter than blazes lovin’, Hemanus?”

“You got it, Dahlin’.”




Meet the Author


Dani writes romantic stories set on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and coastal Virginia where she lives. She enjoys creating headstrong, flip-flop casual heroines and everyday heroes who work with their hands―and other body parts.

The beach is her favorite escape, followed by reading, amateur photography, and checking out the newest action flick. Family, friends and her imaginary characters make life complete.

[email protected]


BOOK: Hot As Blazes
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