Hooked (A New Adult Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Hooked (A New Adult Romance)
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“Thanks, Julie. I needed a long
hike,” I said, shaking out my rain jacket before hopping into the car. We met
for coffee in the morning,
took a drive to climb
our favorite peak.

“Yeah, that was great. Too bad it
was such a wet, miserable day; I would’ve liked to see the view from the top.”

“Yeah. Perhaps next time.”

I checked my phone to see if I
received any messages from Jake. None.

“Still no word,” I frowned as we
pulled out of the trailhead parking lot.

“Don’t worry. He’ll call. You’ll
see. Unless he’s dead or something.”

“Julie!” I reproached with
shocked expression.

“What? Just saying. Shit happens,
you know. Hey you want to grab dinner.”

“Nah. I’m beat. I think I’ll drop
you off and run to the grocery store, then eat at home and relax for the rest
of the night. I’ve got to work at eight tomorrow.”

The entire car ride home I
thought about Jake. I could hardly hold a conversation with Julie.

After dropping her off and going
to the store, I glumly made my way home.

As I rounded the corner of my
street, I saw a dark figure sitting in the rain at my doorstep.
I slowed down as I approached my house.


I pulled into the driveway. He
waved and stood up slowly. He was soaked to the bone.

I got out and gave him a cold
stare. “What are you doing?”

“Waiting for you.”

“How long have you been out here?
God you look terrible.”

“I don’t know. Since this morning

This morning
” It was now just after
five in the evening. “Let’s get you inside and warmed up. Help me with the

He proceeded to enlighten me on
the previous day’s events. Astounded doesn’t even remotely come close to
describing how I felt about Dan’s warning; I didn’t know what he had up his
sleeve, but he must have had something more than that on Jake.

But what really broke my heart
was hearing about Jake’s brother. Thank God he was ok; I could only imagine
what poor Jake must have went through last night waiting for an update on him.

“Oh baby,” I cooed, giving him a
hug. “I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you call me?”

“I don’t know,” he shook his
head. “It wasn’t long after I got home that I received the bad news on Chance,
and with the blow Dr. Hartley gave me, I have to be completely honest, I didn’t
give you a thought until it was too late at night. I guess I needed to be alone
to think things through.”

I wish he had called me; I would
have liked to be there for him. But getting men to share their feelings is like
pulling teeth, so in that sense I wasn’t much surprised why he didn’t call me.
He probably cried like a baby and didn’t want me to see him in so much pain.

“Let’s get you out of your wet
clothes and into the shower; they can sit in the dryer while we clean up. I
just finished a hike with Julie, so I need to rinse off as well.”

We proceeded to undress. Just
seeing Jake’s naked body again was enough to drown me in a torrent of sexual
desire. I knew it was inappropriate to touch him sexually after all he had been
through, so I kept my hands to myself.

But oh how I wanted to feel him
inside me.

My fingers shook with pent up
frustration as I turned the shower on. We both stepped in to the small stall,
and I couldn’t help but bump into him a little.

“Oh baby, you’re freezing,” I
complained, touching his chest. I turned the water up a little hotter and
wrapped my arms around him.

The water blasted down and around
us as I held him close, feeling him, taking him in, his body so dangerously
close to mine I felt as if I was going to burst.

He pressed me tightly into him
and kissed me on top of the head. Then he drew my face up to his and kissed me
so slowly and sensually that I thought my legs were going to buckle.

We remained in the hot, steamy
water, kissing like long lost lovers who had found each other after an
extensive absence. Neither spoke, we merely basked in the caress of each other’s

After several minutes I asked,
“Would you like to stay for dinner? I can quick whip up some cream of potato soup
and a cheese sandwich if you’d like. I’m sorry, but I’m a vegetarian. I hope
that’s okay?”

“That sounds great,” he said,
with that same unmistakable expression in his eyes that conveyed to me without
a shadow of a doubt that he needed me.

Dan never looked at me that way.
I could tell he thought I was attractive, but his gaze never told me that he
needed me.
All of me.

“Good. Because I want you to
stay.” I stood on my tiptoes to plant one more kiss firmly on his mouth before
fetching his clothes from the dryer.


“Yesterday was quite the ride.
Started high, ended spectacularly low,” Jake revealed as he watched me make
dinner. “I don’t know what I’m going to do about school, though.”

I felt wretched as I thought
about his predicament. I could tell by the look in his eye that he had already chosen
me over school, and I felt like a criminal because I would essentially be
stealing over four years of his life; years of investment he could never
recover, and I could never repay.

“Oh well. I’m going to stretch it
out for as long as I can, until they bring in the police to pull me out, if
that’s what it comes to. Maybe in the meantime something will come up and get
me off the hook.”

Come up…

“Come up! That’s it,” I said
excitedly, almost knocking over the kettle of soup. “Shit, Jake, take a look at

I retrieved the picture of Dan
fucking the girl and held it up for Jake to look at.

“Damn,” he smirked. “Ruby, you
shouldn’t be showing me this. This is private.”

“Yeah, huh? How damning is that?”
I beamed.

“I’ll say. Boy does he have a
little boner. That’s pathetic. Seriously, though, I, uh, I appreciate you sharing
and all, but you can keep that sort of thing to yourself. I have zero in
interest in seeing Dr. Hartley’s tiny penis. That’s one good reason why one shouldn’t
wait to have sex after one is married.”

I laughed so hard it brought
tears to my eyes. After I recovered and caught my breath I continued, “Jake,
don’t you understand? This is the picture I took of Dan fucking the other

“Huh,” he squinted and leaned
closer to better examine the photo. “Oh my. He’s fucked, I’m fairly certain.
I’m pretty sure that’s Rachel, a classmate of mine, and one of Dr. Hartley’s
students. ”

“You know her??”

“Yup. They could both be fucked,

We both silently considered the
implications of our new findings.

“Oh shit, I think something’s
burning,” Jake sniffed.

I cried, “The sandwiches!”

We both rushed over to the stove.
“Rrrgh,” I fretted.

“That’s okay, they aren’t too
bad. I love burnt grilled cheese sandwiches. Really.”

“Yeah. Oh well.”

As the soup was already finished,
we sat down to eat.

“I wonder how we should go about
presenting this to the medical directors,” I wondered.

“I’m not sure. Vinny’s got a
lawyer buddy we can ask, though. He might be able to help.”

Like a true gentleman, Jake
helped me clean up after dinner.

Then, like a true stallion, he took
my body to unimaginable places.

When we finished tidying the
kitchen, he picked me up and brought me to my bed.

Apparently he didn’t get enough
to eat, because without a second to lose he made the sweet spot between my
thighs his second dinner.

I moaned and writhed as he once
again induced sensations I never knew I had.

He lapped and sucked and bit my
wanting sex, causing my head to toss back and forth, giving me the impression
that I was floating.

I moaned like a wild animal in heat. “Oh God.”

I wanted to be loved. I wanted to
be taken care of. But right now all I wanted was to be destroyed.

My back arched as he continued
his relentless exploration of my pussy with his fingers, lips and tongue. It was
everything I could do to restrain my body from convulsing violently. I needed
I needed to orgasm with his giant penis
lodged firmly inside. And just as I was about to peak, he stopped.

“Oh God don’t, please don’t stop.
No, oh God Jake,” I begged, slowly recovering my senses.

My delirious eyes found his face
looking up at mine. “What?” I asked, alarmed by his determined expression.

“Tell me you’re mine,” he
demanded, taking my hands in his. “Promise me you’ll never leave me, never want
anyone else.”

“Oh baby I’m yours, heart and soul,
every inch and every part of my being is yours. I’ll love you forever.”



And with that he plunged his huge
shaft into me with a desperate groan that said he needed this as badly as I

Furiously he drove in and out, in
and out, splitting my velvety sheath in two. Draping one of my legs over his
shoulder and holding it there, he kept me securely in place as his manhood
brought me to climax. With face contorted in ecstasy, I finally felt him
expand, and a second later he exploded inside, filling my belly with his
delicious seed. When my pussy had clamped, clenched and milked every last drop
out of him, he collapsed beside me.

I rolled over onto him as we both
caught our breath.

baby,” I purred with spent satisfaction.


Chapter 20




It was bound to
happen—there was no doubt in mind about it.

But I was prepared.

Three weeks after Dr. Hartley
first confronted me, he called a meeting with the dean of the school and board
of directors. Turns out he continued to spy on
me and Ruby,
and, true to his promise, was determined to get me expelled.

Upon entering we were greeted by
an agreeable, grey-haired gentleman. “Good day, Mr. Bishop. I’m Dr. Peter
Smith, the dean of this institution. Thank you for meeting with us. And you are…”
he turned and bowed slightly to my companions.

“I’m Ruby Cain, Jake’s

“And I’m Attorney Nathan
Hatfield. I’ll be representing Mr. Bishop in case your legal team has any
questions for my client.”

“Very well,” Dr. Smith nodded.
“Considering the gravity of the charges and what’s at stake, I can understand
why Mr. Bishop would want to consult an attorney. Please, sit down.”

Dr. Hartley was seated at the far
end of the table with a smug grin on his face. The little boy in me wanted to
wipe that smirk off with my fists; and even though the man in me wanted to do
the same, I was resolved to wreak far greater legal damage than my fists ever

After introducing us to the four
other board members present, Dr. Smith proceeded to get down to business.

“Mr. Bishop, Dr. Hartley has
informed me that you are involved in some sort of nefarious, underground
fighting world, is this true?”

“No sir, it is not. I am a
professional mixed martial arts fighter. There’s nothing ‘underground’ about
it. Fights are aired on TV, and I have to pay taxes on what I earn just like
everybody else.”

“Say, are you Jake ‘The Surgeon’
Bishop?” one of the board members asks, his face brightening.

“I am.”

“My son is a huge fan of yours!
Could I please get your autograph? It would mean the world to him.”

“Uh, of course.” It’s always
humbling when someone asks for my autograph, although I wasn’t expecting such a
request, considering the circumstances.

“Dr. Wilson, please sit down! Now
is not the time or the place,” Dr. Smith admonished. “We have a very serious
matter to attend to.”

The excited man quickly took his

“Mr. Bishop, what I and the board
find to be the problem with your ‘profession’ is that it directly contradicts
the very essence of being a doctor and our sworn oath ‘to do no harm,’

At that moment my lawyer stood
up. “Pardon me, Dr. Smith, if I may interrupt for a moment. I think I can save
everyone here a good deal of time by saying that my client is in no way in
violation of any legal precedents that would bar him from attending medical
school. He is not involved in any illegal or criminal activity, and in fact is
paid quite handsomely for his combative efforts, like many professional athletes.
My client’s ability to ethically or legally practice medicine is not diminished
any more than a football player or boxer would be under similar circumstances.
Are football players not allowed to attend medical school because they break
Certainly not.
I would advise you to consult
the school’s legal department before expelling my client. I can assure you, you
will lose in a court of law.”

The room was silent; one could
have heard a pin drop.

“Bullshit!” Dr. Hartley almost
yelled. “Of course he’s in violation! He, he knocks people unconscious. How can
we possibly condone that kind of behavior?”

“The more relevant question is,”
my lawyer disputed, “is how can this fine medical establishment condone your
behavior, Dr. Hartley?”

“What do you mean?” he asked with
an uneasy smirk, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“We have evidence suggesting
sexual relations between you and a student.”

A slight gasp suddenly pervaded
the room.


Dr. Smith asked incredulously.

“I hope you have some pretty
serious evidence of that,” Dr. Hartley grinned arrogantly.

“In fact we do.” My lawyer stood
and held up a photo. “If I may present Exhibit A: here is a photograph,
retrieved from Ms. Cain’s cell phone, of Dr. Hartley engaged in sexual
relations with a student, name withheld at this time.”

A substantial uproar ensued; Dr.
Hartley turned white as a ghost.

“And if I may add,” my lawyer
continued, raising his voice, “The female student in the photo has quite
incriminating evidence on her Facebook page suggesting acts of nepotism between
her and Dr. Hartley has also occurred.”

“We have to run this by legal
immediately,” one of the board members declared. “I’m requesting assistance
right now.”

“Dr. Hartley, you will be
suspended with pay, effective immediately, until this matter is resolved. I
hope you have a strong defense,” Dr. Smith uttered gravely and rose to his

BOOK: Hooked (A New Adult Romance)
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