Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)
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I walked into the stone wainscot room.

It was neutral in color boasting a white lacquer desk and
glass chandelier in the center.
curtains were much like the ones in the family room a tonal grey and diamond
pattern. I noticed the white poinsettias that Sam clearly added.
She genuinely liked decorating a house for

Sitting in the grey tufted desk chair, I spun around like a
little kid. Just like, I had done in my father’s.

Stopping myself, I fired up the computer and sorted through
the mail on my desk. It seemed that my Nana had everything forwarded to her
Brady had brought it over when I
woke from the coma. Fortunately, most all of my bills were set up on auto bill
pay through the bank, so she didn’t need to worry about handling my finances.
The bigger things, well, Brady was decidedly
in control.

Opening up my outlook…shit, that was a lot of emails to
sort through. This would take all day!

Looking at them, I skimmed through, sorting them in folders
for follow up.
I wasn’t actually reading
them as I needed to compile them from the sender and importance first.
I figured a lot would be more or less “get
well” …or “we miss you” type of emails. Pausing…I came across one from

Tapping my fingers on the desk, I wasn’t sure if I wanted
to open it.

I was done playing games, and I didn’t want to play his. My
eyes fixed on the screen…I was tempted. What in the world, would he want?
Looking more at it, the email was dated Dec

Curiosity got the better of me and I opened it.

Vaihn, Sebastian

Sent: Sat 12/19/2011 3:11am

To: Holt, Lillian



This is probably more for my own benefit as you
won’t receive this email. I couldn’t sleep this evening thus doing what I
always seem to do…stare into the miles of emails, contracts, and such all
night. My thoughts are still and always with you. I’m a very practical man and
don’t buy into romanced ideas or notions nor am I am one who gives up.

There are many things I’ve done wrong in my lifetime
and none of which carried any guilt on my mind. That is until you. I could sit
here and confess all my sins but that would not have any point. It’s has been
three months that I find myself hopeless at a miss for you. I knew from the
moment you landed on me in the basement, that you would capture more than just
my attention. Even in the elevator, your feisty tongue and expressions had me
undone. I’m only regretful that I let you leave my suite that evening. My
inclination was to keep you there as long as possible.

Your accident rocked me soul deep. Life is precious
and fleeting. I see that now. My own father lies in a hospital bed as we know
his cancer will claim him soon enough. You would have liked him as I’m sure he
would have loved your spirited tongue and savvy attitude. Perhaps, even more than

He’s here in Maryland, in the same hospital as you.
I’ve tried to see you but was rejected at your door. Puzzling why there would
be security-standing firm?

Well this is just me missing you and ranting on of
things that I should not.

I miss you Lillian and hope you manage to wake up.


Sebastian Vaihn

Vaihn Enterprises, Inc.



Wow…that’s a strange email?

I stood up from the desk and walked from the office. Brady
already at the table in the kitchen; dressed as he was going to work. It is Tuesday
and he did have to get to his office.

“Good morning Lil. How are you feeling today?” he offered a
smile in my direction.

“Rested and well”

I sat down opposite him as Sam brought over to heaping
plates of food.

“That’s a lot food Sam” I appraised my plate.

“You’re eating for two and protein will go a long way.”
Looking at her she too was dressed and ready for work.

“I suppose your right” I picked up the fork realizing I was
very hungry.

“Brady do you think you can take me to Chesapeake

“Of course…plan on buying a new car?”

“But of course…I figure a range rover would suit me well.
Especially, since I plan on living out here.”

“I agree. So am I sensing that you’re making peace with the

“Like I was always told, “you never know what hand you will
be dealt” and this is not the worst thing that could be handed my way. So Yes
I’ve made peace with it and the idea of having a little girl.”

“It suits you Lil” Sam added.

“I never in a million years saw myself pregnant, but
somehow, I find that perhaps things happen for a reason.”

“Have you started on names for her? I’m sorry too soon

“No it’s not and I have a name for her …” Pausing I looked
up to Brady. “I’m naming her for Ally…I think it’s appropriate”

He smiled as if he already knew.

“Lil…what are you planning to do about the father?”
Slighting his head, Brady wanted to

Glaring at him, I so didn’t want to have this conversation
right now, especially not in front of Sam.

“That’s not a discussion right now. Nor does it matter. I
don’t believe he will care to know about her or this pregnancy.”

“Well since we are on topic, I should warn you to prepare
you self for the opposite to hold true.”

Slighting my head…I knew something was up. But what?
Damn it, I don’t have it in me to repeat my
hidden past, not this time.
Brady and a
few other souls have carried this secret for this long and I wasn’t about to
entertain any ideas of a repeat.

“We’ll talk later about this.
I’ll take you to the dealership, I have court
this morning at 10. So why don’t we meet up for a late lunch or something at my
office around 3?”

“That works; I have an appointment at the hospital with Dr.
Fitz. So I’ll meet you after.”

We finished out breakfast and Sam quickly cleaned off the
plates placing them in the dishwasher. I excused myself and went to get myself

This was going to be a challenge as I’m sure my stomach
though not large would inhibit the ability to fit into most of my clothes.

It looked like it was going to be leggings, a long tunic that
was definitely pulling around my pregnant belly. Looking in the mirror, I
actually felt a sense of pride. My little girl…who would have thought?

I pulled a pair of dark camel riding boots…more for style
than actual use. But they weren’t heels and had a good rubber traction that
would come in handy today.

My eyes caught site of a small box. Pulling it open, it was
a colorful purple hand knit scarf that Nana had made me years ago.

Double wrapping it, I was amused how long it was. I walked
into the bathroom and found my make up going for a light application then back
to the closet to pull my green utility jacket that came down below my hips.

I ran out to the hall noticing an impatient Brady tapping
his foot.

“Sorry, not much fits …let me grab my purse from the
office. I thought I saw my wallet there.”

“I had put it on the back self,” he offered.

I walked in and spotted it immediately along with the
leather worn messenger bag and thru in the wallet.

Walking back out I met him in the foyer and he handed me the
keys to the house. I smiled and turned to the alarm pad arming the house.

“You look…dare I say …” he grinned

“Best not to.” I matched his grin rolling my eyes.

He dropped me off at the dealership, as I was confident I
would be purchasing something on the lot.

A white Range rover fully loaded seemed to work out just fine
for me. The dealer was pretty amused, when I declined financing and simply
wrote a check.
Having it is for such a
large amount I had to wait for fund verification…

Finally, after three hours, I was pulling out in my new

I had no more than an hour until my appointment.

Driving through the city seemed odd.
Remembering how I needed out of it. It had
also dawned on me that I hadn’t spoken with Julie in all that time and not one
email from her. Perhaps there was no point in an email if she believed the lie
Brady fed everyone.

I pulled into the hospital and parked. Walking through I
patiently waited for my appointment knowing this was simply routine and should
go smoothly.

I was right in my assumption. He did a quick follow exam
and gave me a clean bill of health. Walking from his office, I passed the
hospital gift shop. Pausing, I had already decided that I was going to pay a
visit to a patient I knew was in resident.

In the gift shop, I decided on a bouquet of lilies and a
ridiculously pink teddy bear. I knew he would appreciate my humor. On the other
hand, I hoped he would.

I crossed over to the second tower housing the Oncology

Stopping at the nurses’ station, I wasn’t sure I would gain
entrance to see him. That right was typically reserved for family only. I
figured that I could at least leave him the flowers and the bear. I was sure he
would know they were from me.

“May I help you?” the young nurse looked up at me.

“Yes, I believe you have a patient here by the name of
Prescott Vaihn?”

“Are you family?” she looked hopeful? Weird.

“No I’m not and I understand the rules. I was just
wondering if you could please give the flowers and bear to him.”

“But of course…Can I let him know who you are?”

“I’m sorry where my manors are of course. Please let him
know they are from Elizabeth.”

“Wait…Elizabeth Holtinbach? She leaned down and pulled out
some papers then looked back to me.

Quizzically, I looked down at her “Yes, that’s my name
though I don’t go by it…well the last name anyhow.”

“Prescott had you put on the list and insisted that you be
let in. He’s going to very happy to see Elizabeth.”

“Really?” The nurse seemed to really like him and I suppose
she would. Hell, I always liked him. At one point, I use to call him Uncle
Scotty; due to the amount of time, he spent around my dad as I grew up.

“He’s been very hopeful that you would be by. I think he’s
held on just for you.” She smiled a big smile “He’s asked everyday if a blonde
woman had been by”

“Uncle Scott…what are you up too?” shaking my head I

“He’s just down the hall in room 304.”

“Thank you”

I wasn’t sure what to expect, let alone why I was even
here. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones or possible father Joe’s last sermon
reeling thru my mind.

Whatever the reason, I was here.

Pausing at the door, I knocked and opened it slowly. I
wasn’t sure if he was alone and should have asked before I came.

It was too late now.

“Do come in,” his voice was hoarse and labored.

I walked in to a dim lit room making sure to close the door
behind me.

Coming around he was so old in appearance.

The machines slow and constant in the background. This was
not the vibrant man, I once remembered.

He looked up at me, as I immediately and very nervously,
searched for a place to put the flowers down.

I walked over as he watched me in silence. Standing by the
bed; clutching to the bear in my hands. I leaned over and kissed him on his

“Oh, how I hoped you would come.” He offered in a shaky

“I would have been here sooner had I not been precisely
where you lay now.” I lifted up from him as his eyes trapped me for a moment.
It was his eyes and the way he looked deep into mine.
He looked at me the way Charlie had however,
his eyes carried a hope not longing.

“You have so much of Henry, yet you remind me of your
There was something about the
way he referenced my mother, that always had me asking if he loved her?

“Funny, how that happens.” I sat down on the bed next to
him still holding firm on the bear.

“I have always envied Henry…for you’re a daughter I would
have always wanted. And don’t be coy. I‘ve been keeping tabs on you since your
father’s passing.
I know what you have
succeeded to accomplish and what you still plan for.”

“You’ve known all this time?” panic seemed to surge thru me…everything
for not.

“Oh, child need not worry…I’ve said nothing to …well to
those bastards of mine. I’ve rather enjoyed the show. It amazes me how both my
sons have been this arrogant not to see…but then again it is a testament to
your brilliance.”
His smile was genuine
and full of amusement.

BOOK: Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)
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