His to Command #2: The Capture (3 page)

BOOK: His to Command #2: The Capture
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He chuckled and stepped toward her. “How close would you like me to be?”

She ducked sideways and walked across the room. “How about China?” she grated.

He laughed again as he walked to the door. “Sorry. You’ll have to settle for the room next door.”

She heard the door click behind him. She waited a couple of heartbeats before she marched over and turned the key in the old-fashioned lock. Pulling it out, then clutching it tightly in her hand, she savored the feel of security, however temporary—the first she’d felt since Matt Pearce had walked into her life again.

She listened at the door and heard footsteps descending the stairs. She glanced around the sumptuous bedroom. The decor, dreamily feminine, appealed to her. Had Matt known it would? Had he cared?

Besides the double closet door and the door to the hallway, she noticed another door. Pushing it open, she found an en suite bathroom. Wonderful. She’d been worrying about leaving the security of this room to attend to her nighttime rituals.

She took off her suit jacket and hung it on the back of the desk chair. She’d love to take off her skirt, too—it was a bit damp from falling on the ice—but she didn’t want to run around the room in just her pantyhose.

It was only eight o’clock. Although she’d told Matt she was tired, that was only to escape his company. She doubted she would fall asleep this early. She walked to the big armoire across from the bed and opened it. Perfect. There was a TV inside.

She took the remote control and sat down in the upholstered armchair beside the bed. She’d love to change into something less stifling than this straight skirt and blouse, but…damn, she didn’t have anything to change into. What would she sleep in?

The thought of sleeping naked with Matt in the next room made her uncomfortable. Which was silly. He was in the next room. He wouldn’t come barging in here in the middle of the night.

Damn, she was falling into old patterns. She’d trusted Matt long ago…until that dreadful night. After that, how did she really know what he would do?

She heard footsteps walking down the hall again and she stiffened. She held her breath when they stopped outside her door. Was he going to barge in here right now? Would he decide to overwhelm her with his masculine presence, use his impressive authoritative aura to compel her back into her submissive role, then punish her for having left him?

A knock sounded on the door.

She stood up, staring at it. “What is it?”

“I thought you might like something to wear to bed,” Matt said from the other side of the door.

“Um…no, I’m fine.”

“I also have fresh towels for you, and a toothbrush and toothpaste.”

She hesitated, not wanting to open the door, but she realized if he wanted to come in here, she couldn’t stop him. The fact that he was asking her permission was a good sign, and she should respect that.

Also, she really wanted a toothbrush.

She crossed the room and unlocked the door. What would he have for her to wear, she wondered in trepidation? Some little frilly number? Or something in leather?

She pulled open the door. He stepped forward and she automatically backed up. But he simply passed her and set a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush—still in plastic wrap—on the dresser, and set some fluffy white towels beside them. Then he laid something flannel on the bed.

“The pajamas will be too big, but you can wear the top as a nightshirt.” He smiled. “Just like you used to.”

Oh, God, she remembered wearing his pajama top as a shirt the first time she’d stayed over at his house. It had barely covered the essentials, but she hadn’t worried about that. Not back then. Now, however…

“And here’s a robe.” Alongside the red flannel pajamas, he laid a burgundy velour robe. “You’ll be swimming in that, too, but there’s a belt, so it won’t be too bad.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why do you have all these things if you didn’t know we’d be staying overnight?”

“So suspicious, Kate. I didn’t know
be staying overnight. I don’t live nearby, remember. This is a place we use for our executives to stay when attending meetings at the financial headquarters. With the weather, I planned to stay over for the weekend. I have an extra pair of pajamas, and I’m letting you use my robe.”

“Oh.” She stroked the soft fabric of the robe. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So if you haven’t changed your mind about dinner, or a drink by the fire…” He raised a querying eyebrow.

Kate shook her head.

“All right. I’ll leave you to it, then.” He crossed the room to the door and opened it, then glanced back. “Good night, Kate.”

“Good night,” she murmured.

Then he closed the door behind him, leaving her alone in the room.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

She still couldn’t believe Matt Pearce was back in her life. The reality of it shot through her brain like a bullet. What was she going to do? The only thing she could do was remain calm and wait him out—to see what he intended.

Why had he brought her here? Was he after revenge for his sullied male pride? But that’s not the vibe she was getting from him.

She remembered the dark desire in his eyes after he’d kissed her this evening. A disquieting thought gripped her. Clearly, he’d brought her here to confront her about leaving him, but could he be hoping to convince her to start up their relationship again?

Taking a calming breath, she realized it was only her frazzled nerves and exhaustion talking. She put on the pajama top, did a quick wash-up, and slipped into bed. There was no reason for this fear rumbling in the pit of her stomach. Realistically, why would Matt want to pursue her? With his looks and wealth, he could have any woman he wanted. Why go after a woman who had rejected him so completely?

She yawned and realized she was more tired than she’d thought. Matt’s pajama top was warm and cozy, and the subtle masculine scent of him surrounded her.

He was in the room right next to hers. Getting ready for bed. She remembered him stripping off his shirt downstairs, revealing his magnificent chest. Now he’d be removing his suit pants, stepping out of them, then walking to his bed in just his boxers. Or maybe he’d strip off the boxers, too, and climb into bed totally naked. Memories of his strong, virile body flitted through her mind. Desire trilled through her at the thought of his big cock swinging back and forth as he strolled to the bed. Who was she kidding? His cock was gigantic. An ache started as she longed to feel it inside her again.

It was dark and there was something cold and hard against her back, like a stone wall.

“Matt?” Kate called into the darkness, disoriented.

She blinked and it seemed to get lighter. She was in a room, like a dungeon. Cold stone walls surrounded her.

Panic rose in her. “Matt?” she cried.

She tried to step forward, but couldn’t. She felt the bite of cold metal around her wrists. She glanced up to see solid metal bands around her wrist with chains attached to the wall. The chains clanked as she pulled at the restraints.

Matt, tall and wickedly handsome, walked toward her, wearing tight, black leather pants, his chest bare.


His broad shoulders bulged with muscles and the broad expanse of his chest was solid and smooth. Her gaze glided down to his tight, ridged abs. So sexy. Then further, to the bulge threatening to burst the seams of his leather pants.

She licked her lips.

He chuckled and leaned close to her ear. So close that when he spoke, his breath whispered across her neck, setting the fine hairs on her skin prickling to attention. “Like what you see?”

She wouldn’t answer. She knew she shouldn’t be with Matt. Knew she shouldn’t want him.

But she did.

She wanted him to strip her bare and drive into her. Fill her deeply with his big, powerful shaft. Dominate her with his power. With his body. With the intense pleasure only he could give her.

He stroked her hair back, a gentle brush of his fingertips, and her skin rippled with awareness. His lips brushed lightly against her temple, his breath caressing her ear.

“Tell me you want me.”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t want to be with you.”

He chuckled again. “Liar.”

He eased back and his mesmerizing, deep blue eyes locked with hers. She couldn’t look away, and she knew she couldn’t lie, because she was sure he could see into her soul.

She tugged at the restraints again, needing to get away from him. “Let me go,” she pleaded.

He leaned in close. “I’ll never let you go,” he murmured.

His words rippled through her, stirring a need deep inside. She knew there was some reason she should be afraid of him, that she should want to be free of these chains so she could get away, but this feeling, right now, of being totally under his control, sent her senses reeling. She wanted him to control her. She wanted him to

He grabbed the collar of her blouse and tore downward. Her clothing seemed to disintegrate, then she was standing before him, totally naked. His big, masculine hands glided down her sides, then he nuzzled the base of her neck. Pleasure rippled through her.

“I should punish you for leaving me,” he said, his lips brushing her collar bone with feathery light caresses.

“Is that why you brought me here? To punish me?”

He locked gazes with her again. “Yes.” He moved away and picked up a flogger. Big, with multiple strips of leather.

Suddenly, she was facing the hard, stone wall, her wrists still chained. He wielded the flogger and it slashed across her back. But unlike the vaguely remembered pain of the last time she’d been whipped, the violent sensation erupting from the leather straps was mind-shattering pleasure. He whipped again and she gasped at the intensity of it. He whipped again and again. Her insides tightened and her body melted with desire. She could feel it dripping from her.

She gasped at the next strike. Waves of blissful joy washed through her.

He paused before the next stroke and she sucked in a desperate breath, needing it so badly she wanted to cry out.

“Do you want more?” he demanded.

“Oh, yes, Sir. Please. More.”

She gasped as the leather slashed her skin again, her body arching. Pleasure washed through her, rippling through every cell in her body. He kept on until she wailed her release, riding a wave of bliss that thrust her into pure ecstasy.

She fell against the stone wall, cold and hard. His hand brushed her shoulder and she found herself facing him again, her back against the cold wall.

He stroked her cheek with his finger. “Have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes, Sir.” The words came out in a throaty murmur.

“And what have you learned?”

She gazed into his eyes, revealing her soul to him. “That I belong to you.”

He smiled and she felt great satisfaction in the fact she’d pleased him.

Kate jolted from sleep. Oh, God, the dream had left her heated and filled with longing. She had to stop herself from leaping from the bed and racing to Matt’s room. Banging on the door and begging him to take her. She could feel the moisture between her legs, desperately wanted him to glide into her with his big, masterful cock.

But she couldn’t do that.

Oh, God, she was being a fool. She couldn’t be with Matt again. Couldn’t give herself to him. The flogging in the dream had been pleasure itself, but she knew from experience that’s not what it was really like.

What was wrong with her? How could she be so messed up?

BOOK: His to Command #2: The Capture
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