Read His to Claim Online

Authors: Sierra Jaid

Tags: #Fiction, #Paranormal & Urban, #Paranormal, #Romance, #romance adult, #romance series

His to Claim (8 page)

BOOK: His to Claim
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Belligerence instantly flipped into concern for her. “Why dinna ye say sae ‘fore? Got tae take ye oout of ‘ere. I should ‘ave realised it, ye are na dressed warm. Take me jacket.”

Swaddled in his warmth and alluring scent, Elaine wanted to cry like a silliest girl. No one ever showed so much care and interest in her comfort and well-being.

Trevor then slung an arm over her shoulders and proceeded to lead her from the thrumming music, factitious smiles, and all the incisive looks focused on them.

Closed within the metallic walls of the hotel lift, Trevor faintly asked over her head. “Yer no’ cold now, are ye?”

He then stopped the elevator between floors, astounding her.

Though perplexed by his action, she unquestioningly shook her head in answer against his chest. How could she ever be cold in his arms?

“When I saw ye this mornin’ at the burial, I wanted tae hold ye just like this.”

There was that pain Elaine had felt in him. Her own arms wound about him, offering comfort.

“It was sae damned hard tae look at ye an’ no’ come o’er. Talk tae ye..”

“Why didn’t you?”

His hands grasped her face from either side and tipped it back to meet his gaze. “Ye would ‘ave welcomed me?”

It was so easy to do him damage then. Just a little ‘no’ from her would have been a blow too harsh upon the weight that was already weighing him down–a father and a mother, who till the day they lived never had enough time for their other son, and an elder brother, to whose merits younger’s every accomplishment would be forced to compete with.

But Elaine could no longer restrain her true feelings for him. She didn’t want to lie to him, or to herself anymore.

Blooming as a white jasmine bathed in moonlight, she acquiesced breathily, “Yes, I would have.”

Trevor’s eye darted to her trembling mouth and just like that, intense heat seared up between them.

“Welcomed my kiss?”

“Yes..” On lightest breeze floated her single syllable.

The daunting width of his solid chest pressed against the soft crescents of her breasts with the intake of his every marked breath.

Mesmerised, she watched his head descending. The closer his face came, the faster she forgot to breathe–anticipation fuelling to a new height. And when their mouths brushed, his clever lips whispered against her trembling ones, “Would ‘ave let me make love tae ye?”

Quiet pulse beating in tune with the clamouring silence, Elaine understood they were now talking on another level.

Her heavy lashes lowered to shade her reflection. Did she want him to know that much?

But Trevor wasn’t letting her go easy. His hands moved, splaying restless fingers into her hair. The assertive aggression wasn’t benign. Silken tufts of her hair fisted, he pulled her head back. “Answer me.”

The gritted demand didn’t scare Elaine. Her smile, knowing. Feminine instinct rose past her mist of inexperience with fatal precision. Cognizant of her own power over him right in this moment.

“Yes, I would have let you make love to me.”




revor’s mouth clamped down on hers with a hunger that set a fire in Elaine the heat of which she thought would only calm when it had consumed her to the ends of her existence.

In that instant, responding to him was more important than catching air in her lungs. The force of his kiss was the lifeline she most treasured. This was what Elaine had been living for. To be in his embrace was akin to giving meaning to her drifting life.

But then the string to her sweetest dreams horrifyingly snapped with the breaking of his kiss, and a laconic, “No.”

She wasn’t far from begging him. It felt cruel to give her a taste of what she had always craved only to have it snatched.

When his arms began prying her from him, whimpering in desolation, she gripped at his T-shirt with shaking fingers.

“Shh..hush.. Elaine.” Trevor laid his forehead to hers, his hands holding her face tilted it up to him.

As she wouldn’t stop floundering like a fish out of water, he generously gave into her petulant demands and once again latched his lips to her quivering ones.

“There..” Trevor couldn’t hold his effervescent laughter even through the haze of a ball breaking ache in his groin.

Was he too drunk, or had she fucking grown more beautiful than how he remembered her from last?

But then again, for a year and a half now, every damned time he had laid eyes on her, she had reached even deeper than before in his guts, and grabbed him by the very root of his dick.

These violating thoughts made him feel like the worst pervert in the world, but then the shame born of it had helped him too in keeping his hands off her, until now.

Today his alcohol dulled conscience was listening to none of the garbles. Elaine’s heated body rubbing against his was all he could think about. Nothing could extinguish the fire her perfect little breasts were goading in him. Except, “Ye wouldna want me tae take ye in an elevator, would ye? No’ yer first time.”

“I don’t care, Trevor. Just don’t put me away from your arms..” Elaine’s slender limbs circled his formidable shoulders.

He met her gaze a meaningful moment, then charged to hit a number on the panel of buttons. Seconds later when the doors slid open, he took possession of her wrist, and purposefully led her out after him onto a long hallway.

Farther into the empty length of the passage a room-attendant’s trolley stood unattended before a storage. As they walked past it, Trevor dipped his hand in it without breaking his stride.

Their progress along the hallway came to a stop when a ‘vacant’ sign turned over a keytab of a door appeared after a series of ‘occupied’ ones. Without a hitch, he then swiped his pilfered keycard through it.

As one hand steered Elaine inside, the other flung the card back into the trolley with practised ease. His focused mind working as a scope through his drunk.

Elaine dumbfounded gaped about the big, luxurious room conjured before her. It was clearly out of most men’s range.

“The entire floor t’night’s a favo’r from me tae some friends.” He came behind her, wrapping his arms about Elaine’s waist, intoxicating her with his masculine scent and the tang of liquor on his breath. “If I had kent I was goin’ tae get lucky, too, I damn well ‘ave got ye the best suit ‘ere.” His fluttering kisses at the side of her neck were slowing her thought process down until all she was privy of were the crackling sensations he was rousing in her.

“Now I canna wait another minute tae ‘ave ye.”

His hands riding low on the flat of her belly dipped even lower to the core that was yearning for his touch. Slave to her need of him, she leaned back on Trevor, giving him full access to that evocative place.

“Are ye wet, Elaine?” He stroked her through the layers of her diaphanous dress and little panties underneath, his jacket having fallen off her shoulders unheeded.

“Mmm..” Flood of desire made her incoherent.

“Let’s find oout.” He nipped at her throat and she gasped, the sensitive nipples on her breasts budding achingly.

Leaving her panting, burning for more, his hand travelled further down, then slipped up the hem of her dress–caressing her soft thigh, fore and back. His touch telling her to lift that leg up, and when she did, lending support at the back of her knee he angled it such, that she lay open to his every whim.

Wicked fingers of his free hand feathered their way past the band of her panties and into the silken tuft hiding her secret cove. Her arms thrown back clawed onto his shoulder blades when one pluming digit hardened into iron boldly penetrated her entrance.

“Tre.. Trey.” She was lost in a sensual whirlwind.

“Aye… I ken, Elaine. Yer already sae close I can almost taste it.”

That lone, masterful digit raging havoc in her was joined by another, raising high the margin of devastation it was wrecking on her. Elaine felt the sweet pressure of the two all the way to the tips of her hairs.

“Take it, lass. Aye, open fo’ me.” Her eager response provoked his own libido to a predatory instinct. To strip her of all denials and submit to him, was a rapacious need compelling him to head on without mercy.

The random nips at her throat turned into precise, dextrous clinchers right over the erogenous pulse throbbing in sync with her heart, and all the while his two fingers worked her slick channel nonstop.

The tide of his calculated assault then hit her with a blinding intensity, rumbling the earth out from under her heels.

A vague, dark cloud of fever started spreading in her. “”

“Let it come, Elaine. That’s it, come.” His skilled fingers crooked inside, manipulating that hidden knot of unprecedented pleasure, taking her even higher.

An implosion burst within Elaine, and a million sparks scattered electrified every inch of her, on and on.

Dazed, when she returned to the ground from that most exhilarating flight of her life, Trevor was in the process of pealing her dress off.

Her legs felt like Jell-O under her, too weak to take her weight. And once divested of her clothes, he carried her to bed in his arms, with kisses being scattered anywhere and everywhere he could reach.

Lying on the froth of pristine sea-green, she watched in trance the graceful movement of Trevor taking his clothes off, her own nakedness forgotten. He was fully erect and proud. The magnificent sight sent desire spiralling straight to her pelvis, pooling in her centre. His body an amalgam of youth and virility.

Her sexuality though appreciated this with clenching eagerness, a tiny section of her mind resisted. It kept cautioning her of the possible pain to come, that if she allowed this to happen, the blade standing between the strong columns of his thighs would tear her asunder.

Elaine’s treacherous body, however, recklessly crushed that voice. It yearned to share this precious moment with him, to give him comfort when he most needed it. And she didn’t doubt, even for a second, that Trevor needed her then.

The price of a little pain in exchange for a chance to give him some happiness was so small, it didn’t even bear thinking.

He came down on her, and she parted her thighs in contented surrender.

“Gawd, I had wanted ye fo’ sae long, lass. Yer sae beautiful, it knocks my breath every time I look at ye.”

“I had liked you, too. I mean, I still like you. I’ll always..” She couldn’t admit to loving him so soon.

In her romantic, girly dreams, she had always seen him owning to it first–Trevor telling her how much he cared for her,
her. That’d be the day she would no longer want for anything.

Moved by a flow of overwhelming emotions, she brushed back the hair falling over his smooth forehead. She could remember the innumerate times she had wanted to do this, only to call herself stupid for the silly fancy.

But now that her small gesture made him groan, savouring the pleasure of her touch, she gave into the whim over and over again.

He was looking down at her with a crooked smile on his wide, seductive mouth.

Elaine tilted her chin up in challenge for him to make some remark upon it, daring to continue gliding her fingers through his hair and meeting that look with pluck. But it had an opposite effect, sparking in his blue eyes a wicked, unguarded hunger.

Trevor took her mouth with the frenzy of a starving wolf.

Bent on proving his dominance over her, he forced her to accept his taste and hold nothing back. Her submission must have appeased his alpha masculinity, for he was reining himself the next minute.

With erratic anticipation, she felt the head of his cock poised at her entrance. The indolent pet of his tongue over her delightfully plush lips, up and down, was inducing liquid fire to gather down between her quivering legs.

“Yer ready fo’ me, lass.” His rasp gravelled along the rim of her ear. “’Tis time.” And with unbelievable sweetness, inch, after inch, he entered her.

Even though he took care to give her time, acquaint herself with his size, the tight, glove like fit was proving uncomfortable for Elaine, but there was no disconcerting pain yet.

“I dinna ken ye.. would be sae tight.” He growled out, breathing hard to control the rampant lust kicking his balls to thrust in. This was fucking torture. He didn’t know how long he could keep up this killing drag when everything in him wanted to pummel in her to the hilt.

His agonising progress then met with the wall of her innocence. And lying under him, eyes pressed closed to the inevitable hurt, she granted him complete access to the secrets of her body and soul.

There was no way around it, Trevor knew.

Closed lids flew open when a splintering pain racked through Elaine. Tears brimmed and trailed into her hair spread over the pillow. Her body gone rigid beneath him.

“Relax, lass. T..Try tae relax. ‘Tis.. ‘Tis o’er now.” Her clasp on him was so snug, it geared his muscles with unbearable tension.

She had pushed the adrenaline already high from his drinks to soar immeasurably. It was impossible for him to stay still now. As he moved in her experimentally, a rewarding sound of her moaning reached up. Emboldened further, he eagerly dug himself deeper into her.

Gawd, that was… fuck.

Panting, Trevor suckled from her one ripe breast to another, and Elaine unhinged. A crimson abyss was pulling her under.

She felt him draw her knees up. And the vulnerable position immediately sank him into her ever more, rendering her to cry out from the sheer pleasure of it.

The dull ache from her broken hymen having completely ebbed, erotic raptures ravaged her, and she willingly, mindlessly, drowned in the flood of his making.

“Aye, lass. That’s it, take me. Take everything. Gawd, I want tae give ye sae much..” Trevor drove into her with a wild intensity of the most consumed lover.

Hot beads of fire spurting in Elaine wound her tighter and tighter, then all at once, in one big explosion, she shattered. “Trev…Trevor!”

Trevor let himself go only when Elaine had lost herself in the fiery vertigo.

As the heat of their climax carried them higher in its flames, her muscles wrenching his swollen shaft maddened him with ecstasy.


drone of faint whispers intruded on Elaine’s sleep.

“Keep your voice down.” Trevor’s irate command finally roused her from the pearly shell of the most delicious slumber she had ever had.

The drapes on the long window were pulled open to one of the best mornings greeting her.

It had her wishing she could laze abed longer, but an annoying snicker gurgling somewhere way behind her back scored the fragile veneer of her placidity.

A frown marred her delicately curved brows. Something in her cautioned against rising and throwing away her advantage. So lying still as the dead, buried in the insulating warmth of a quilt, she listened.

“We won, man. Won the bet!” Whoever was exuberating such joy, he remembered well to keep it in a hushed leash. It was hard to determine if she had heard this other voice before.

But the words ‘bet’ and ‘won’ created a riptide in Elaine that somehow portended disaster. Her heart boom..boomed. Her hand resting on the pillow tensed, nails digging into her palm.

“Just as we said, wh..when she fucking came,” he fairly crooned with foul delight, “she damn near squealed the walls down!” His dirty thoughts slithered like some revolting snake over her, raising goosebumps on her skin. “Squealed like a pig in slaughter! Everyone down ten doors must have heard her!”

An involuntary gasp choked out from her, and instantly the muttering stopped into a tense quiet.

Their probing stare was burning her back. She bit down on her small fist in hope of preventing herself from crying out, the blow of a betrayed trust too sharp.

“Your girl up yet?”

“Keep your shit head out my door.” Trevor snarled, his own head splitting from a monster hangover. “And beat it from here before I-”

“Chill out, Trey. Didn’t mean nothing by it.” As John backed into the hallway, one door up on the right opened and a couple half out of their clothes crashed to the floor.

BOOK: His to Claim
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