Read Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) Online

Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Ancient World, #Medieval, #Scottish, #Historical Romance

Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1)
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Chapter 1


Carron Castle, held by Coll MacKenzie, Scotland, 1210, the following day.


Kyla MacKenzie stood on the high rocky cliff overlooking the blue-green waters of the inner channel of Loch Carron as the dawn sun breached the horizon. A brisk breeze rose and whipped the brewing storm clouds farther out toward sea. If only the wind could whip her own unsettled emotions away just as quickly. For twenty years her true name of Christina Matheson had never been spoken again, and no man did she despise more than Colin MacKenzie who’d taken that right away from her. ’Twas just as well Coll and Duncan had brought her here for a little while, to give her a small reprieve from their chief and his devious demands.

“Come inside, Kyla!” Duncan leaned over the corner crenellation of the battlements, his great plaid belted at his waist and untucked tunic flapping in the breeze. “I must leave soon and wish to say farewell.”

“Coming.” The rising sun sent a swathe of vibrant gold and red shimmering across the curtain wall and she grasped her midnight-blue velvet skirts and hurried back through the main gate. Up on the battlements, Duncan tugged his leather riding gloves on and shrugged into his leather jerkin. She rushed up the side stairs. Since he was leaving, then their current chess game would need to be put on hold. Most nights they adjourned to the library and played together, the game one Coll had never had the patience for, but one she and Duncan most definitely had. She thrived on considering all the multiple strategies needed to win, always adored it when she managed to best Duncan in what many called the King’s Game.

Breathing hard, she reached the top of the barbican then giggled as Duncan caught her up in his outstretched arms and twirled her around. “Put me down, you big oaf.”

“Dinnae you go and move those chess pieces around while I’m gone, little sister. I know exactly what my next move shall be, although ’twill have to wait until my return afore I can make it.” He set her back on her feet, his expression turning somber as he murmured in her ear, “You looked sad out there on the cliffs. My father is far away at his own keep and you’re supposed to be enjoying yourself while staying here with Coll and I.”

“Your father’s threats follow me about no matter where I am. I also miss Coll. Have you heard any word from him?”

“Nay, but he’ll be somewhere to the far north of our MacKenzie lands. Hopefully he’ll send a messenger soon so we’ll know exactly how his mission fares. Our fighting force isnae yet as strong as we’d like it. That’s for certain.” Duncan stroked one finger under her chin, lifted her gaze fully to his. “I love you, just as Coll loves you, and as your mother told us in her vision twenty years ago, ’tis time for the fae to live. That includes the three of us, even though you’ve never been able to return to your true clan.”

“They’re your true clan too, no matter you’ve never lived amongst them.” She tapped his nose. “Where are you going?”

“I must ride for Ardan House to see how Niall Matheson’s training goes under Muirin’s guidance. There is much the fae sorceress can teach him, just as she’s taught Coll and I.”

“Are they getting along better, Muirin and Niall?”

“At first they argued night and day, but their soul bond is strong, has grown greatly this past month. ’Tis of course a shame Niall’s son escaped our dungeons afore I could officially release him as I’d wished to do.”

“Your guards beat Ronan to within an inch of his life and never should have. I’m glad his fae princess arrived and ensured his escape. I couldnae stand seeing him being so restrained behind our bars.”

“I left implicit instructions that Ronan never came to any harm while I was gone and the two guards who flayed him have been sent away. I had no choice but to ensure his captivity. Hamish had ‘seen’ ’twas necessary if Muirin was to have a chance in strengthening her bond with Niall. I certainly willnae have any of my men bringing harm to one of the fae.”

“The fae village has strong healers within.” She’d prayed the fae princess had gotten Ronan safely into her people’s hands.

“Aye, and they would’ve ensured Ronan’s injuries healed without issue.” His gaze softened as he tucked a lock of her golden-red hair behind her ear. “You’ve yet to tell me exactly what’s worrying you. I wish only to chase your sadness away.”

“I—” How she wanted to tell Duncan of the soul bond that had taken form between her and Ronan during his captivity, only doing so would be fruitless. Colin’s threats remained in force, whether she was soul bound to another or not, and if she didn’t abide by his will then her parents would pay dearly for it, something she’d never allow. With her silence, she’d been protecting them for the past twenty years and would continue to do so, for however long it took. Her future was set. She’d wed either Coll, Duncan, or Jeremiah. The MacKenzie’s decree that she would rang strong in her ears, as it had since the day he’d issued it.

No one shall ever learn who you are, and if you wish for your parents to live then you’ll forget your village and all who remain within it. From this moment forth, you’ll no longer be Christina Matheson but instead Kyla MacKenzie, my foster daughter. You have no fae blood, no kin, and I’ve taken you in, a poor urchin I found abandoned in the forest. You’ll join me, be raised within my household and even though you remain unskilled, in time I’ll ensure your revered fae blood mixes into my direct line. You’ll wed one of my three sons, whichever I please. Do you understand?

Aye, she’d understood his decree well, would rather he choose between Coll or Duncan. She certainly shuddered at the thought of ever having to join with Jeremiah, Colin’s one and only son by Cait. During his younger years, Jeremiah had lived both at Rhue Castle to the far north of his father’s lands and also with them at Loch Alsh. He was cut from the same cloth as his father and she’d done her best to steer clear of him, however possible. At the age of ten, Colin had thankfully sent Jeremiah away to be fostered with the Chief of MacLennan and now Rhue belonged to him, a stronghold Jeremiah ruled with an iron hand.

Heart heaving, she clutched her aching chest. She had to take every advantage of this time she’d been given here, because if she wished even a little say in her future then she needed to take action.

“I can see your sadness grows.” Duncan rubbed her arms, stroking slowly up and down with his gloved hands. “A burden shared is a burden lessened.”

“Jeremiah has no knowledge of my fae blood, would take every advantage of it if he did.” Colin had kept that a secret, never wishing for one of her kin to hear of the news and suspect who’d taken her.

“I agree, although neither Coll or I would ever share the truth about your fae blood with Jeremiah. In time, Father though might if he believes he’ll gain from doing so.” A slow nod. “I believe I understand where your sadness is coming from.”

“May I tell you something?”

“Of course, anything.”

She dragged in a deep, fortifying breath, the wind whipping around them. ’Twas time for all honesty. “If I had the chance to choose the man I’m to wed, then it would be you.”

“Are you certain?”

“Very.” Her throat dried out. “I wish to marry you.”

“Then consider yourself betrothed.” No hesitation.


“I’ve no wish to see you wed to Jeremiah, will do anything to ensure that never happens.” He gripped her shoulders. “We’ve been foster brother and sister these past twenty years and of course I hold a brotherly love for you, but if we’re both willing then we can change that.”

“You truly think so?”

“Anything is possible.” He smiled, one brow rising. “Come. We’ll see if we can make the change. Permit me a kiss, to seal our agreement to wed.”

“Is this a test?” She gulped.

“Aye, and you’ve gone a little green, Kyla.” He stepped her backward into a nook where none could see them, his smile turning cheeky. “I promise no’ to slobber all over you, provided you promise the same.”

She laughed. “I promise.”

“Now that’s better. It hurts my heart to see you forced into a corner and to accept what must be, but I give you my word I’ll be a good husband, to ensure you want for naught. And you’re right to speak to me about all of this. We need to take the choice out of my father’s hand and into ours then once we’ve wed and consummated our marriage, he’ll be able to do naught about it.”

“All I want to do is keep my parents safe, to make certain Colin never lays a hand on them.”

“Then marrying me will ensure it, and upon my return from Ardan House, we’ll speak our vows afore a priest. We’ll be man and wife and when I lie with you, you’ll give me your complete submission.” His cheeky smile doubled. “Which means you’ll allow me to win every game of chess to come.”

“Never.” She slapped his chest and he broke out into loud laughter. “Hurry up with that kiss. Slobber away and I shall do the same.”

“Och, that’s my lass, my devoted betrothed.” He leaned closer and brushed his nose against hers, his breath warm and soft against her cheeks. “Close your eyes.”

It might be best if she did.

Oh goodness. Kissing Duncan seemed the strangest thing to do. He’d taught her how to swim, even crafted her first bow from a long length of yew he’d whittled away at as a lad, then afterward he’d shown her how to shoot an arrow toward a target. Whenever she’d moaned about needing something sweet to eat, he’d been the one to sneak a treat from the kitchens, well him and Fiona both. When learning to ride, Duncan had been the one to spend hour upon hour teaching her how to sit in the saddle, to care for her horse and all other things. His devotion was absolute.

She took one long breath in then slowly let it out. She could do this. She closed her eyes and when she did, a sweet image of Ronan wavered to full brilliance in her mind. Ronan’s pale blond hair brushed his shoulders, his scruffy beard the same pale shade and those bewitching eyes of his heating to such a stunning shade of liquid gold. Ronan had such a heavily muscled body, much like Duncan did, that of a warrior born and bred. Aye, Duncan was Ronan. That she needed to believe, to consider naught else if she wished to get through this kiss.

“Ready, Kyla?”

“Aye.” A soft sweep of his lips over hers, his mouth there one moment then gone the next. She peeked one eye open. “Was that it?”

“For now.” A devilish glint lit his eyes. “That wasnae so bad, was it?”

“’Twas terrible for a first kiss, but glad I am ’tis over.”

“Aye, glad I am too.” He pulled her in for a long hug and she hugged him back, the familiarity of his hold soothing her. “Be good while I’m gone.”

“I’ll try, and travel safely. I shall see you upon your return.”

“That you will, by the week’s end and no more.” He tweaked her nose, jogged down the side stairs toward the lad who held his destrier’s reins in the inner bailey and mounted. With a wave, he rode out under the arch, a half dozen of his armed men falling in behind him. Ardan House, his own stronghold farther along the loch, sat close which meant Duncan was never far away.

She rubbed her chilled arms. Well, ’twas done. Betrothed now, and a traitor too, to her own mate no less. With a long sigh, she opened her skill and reached out along the pathway which would take her to Ronan, although as usual naught but a dark void remained in place where he should have been. Surely he’d survived the whipping inflicted by those awful guards. She certainly wouldn’t consider anything else. He lived, would continue to live, provided he stayed far away from her.

Downstairs, she tramped and across the courtyard toward the front door of the keep.

The hearty chattering of her kin reverberated toward her as she stepped into the great hall where a good hundred warriors remained seated around the trestle tables as they ate their morning meal. Serving lasses weaved around the men with trays of steaming bowls of oats and jugs of warm cider in hand. Overhead, massive wooden-beamed rafters rose to an imposing height with the dawn’s sunshine peppering in through the tall windows and sprinkling golden rays across the wooden floorboards. She walked past the blazing fireplace where two dogs sat guzzling scraps then stepped up onto the dais.

“It appears you’ve been out on the cliffs again. Your gown is damp and your nose all red.” Gordon rose from where he was seated and pulled out a chair for her. Duncan’s captain had spent a great deal of time guarding Ronan in the dungeons, had come to know their prisoner well.

“I wished to see the sun rise and the storm clouds finally scatter.” She sat in the high-backed chair and he tucked it in. “I spoke to Duncan afore he rode out and we, ah—” How did she put this? Best she just speak the words and be done with it. “We’ve agreed to a betrothal.”

“Then you have my most hearty congratulations. Duncan will be good for you, lass.” He returned to his seat, plunked down in his chainmail and black boots. From the platters in the center of the table, he selected some of the choicest cuts of meat and added them to his trencher then offered her the platter holding fresh fish.

“Thank you.” She popped the meat into her mouth and it near melted on her tongue. ’Twas delicious, yet the taste soon turned to dust as another image of Ronan flittered through her mind. Arms outstretched, he’d been chained to the blackened stone wall of his cell, his body slumped and his hunger and thirst beating at her. It had taken all her willpower not to unlock those cuffs and set him free. How she’d wanted to, desperately. All that had stayed her hand was the knowledge that Muirin needed time with his father. The fae sorceress had deserved the chance to forge the soul bond with her mate and she’d had no desire to take that right from her, not as it had been so cruelly taken from her. ’Twas sacred, a bond all her kin desired. A bond she’d been gifted with, but could never accept.

BOOK: Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1)
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