Read High Stakes Seduction Online

Authors: Lori Wilde

Tags: #Uniformly Hot

High Stakes Seduction (16 page)

BOOK: High Stakes Seduction
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could be such a bad boy,” Eva said some time later, and moved from his arms to straddle him.
“And that turns you on?” Adam reached up and spanned her waist with both hands, trapping her between his thighs. Disappointment warred with his desire for her. Of course she liked bad boys. She’d been with Barksdale, hadn’t she?

Well, you’re not exactly a choirboy, Mancuso. You’re breaking all the rules here.

Yeah and he wasn’t one bit proud of himself, but dammit there were just some things beyond a man’s control. An overpowering urge to join his body with Eva St. George was one of them.

She loomed over him, confident in her sexuality, her eyes glistening in the muted candlelight, fully accustomed to getting what she wanted.

She leaned down to rest her forehead against his, and peered into his eyes. “Do you watch me every night?”

He licked his lips and spoke the truth. “Yes.”

“Do you touch yourself when you watch me?”

“Umm, sometimes,” he admitted.

She moved, hooking her legs around his. Her bottom pressed against his thighs. She might look cool and in control, but he felt her tremble. Knew she was as excited as he.

Her fingers lightly tickled his abdomen. “Do you come when you watch me?”

He’d been assigned to watch her, but it had gone far beyond the job. As he’d watched he’d fantasized about a moment just like this one, but in all honesty, he’d never really dreamed it could happen. A naked Eva straddling his body, the sweet smell of her invading his nostrils, turning his mind into a pile of mush.

His hands traveled from her waist to her shoulders. Her lean arms were simultaneously muscular yet soft, a delightful contrast.

Eva herself was a compilation of contrasts. At once disciplined enough to run her own business, but free-flowing enough for surfing. She was unfettered and yet at the same time one of the most grounded women he’d ever known. She was comfortable in her own skin and yet at the oddest moments a vulnerability would settle over her as it had at the golf scramble with Kirsten and Teddy.

She was childlike and yet mature, sharp-tongued and gentle, soft and firm. She was his dream and his demon.

And hot.

So damned hot.

He shouldn’t want her, but he did. He shouldn’t
her—but he did.

She tossed her hair and he felt it like a punch to his gut. Everything she did, every move she made affected him on a visceral level. Her smile got him hard. Her touch gave him goose bumps. Her laugh made his knees weak.

She made him feel…well, that was just it, wasn’t it? She made him feel.

Adam hadn’t realized how long he’d been emotionally numb. Blunted by the demands of his job and his desire to succeed. Whether he was irritated or delighted, worried or turned-on, whenever he was around Eva he felt those emotions he’d kept smothered for so long.

His skin tingled and he was acutely aware of everything. The way the candlelight threw shadows across her face, and illuminated her in a soft glow. Angels couldn’t look this pretty, tousled and tossed. He smiled, remembering how responsive she’d been when he pressed his mouth to her most intimate part.

She’d turned him inside out and upside down. She’d opened the floodgates of emotions and everything had come pouring out. This woman who some might see as little more than ordinary, was the most extraordinary thing that had ever happened to him. He saw now what Kirsten had meant when she’d broken up with him. He felt as if he’d been sleepwalking through life until this moment—until Eva.

Why hadn’t anyone warned him he could feel this way? He hadn’t thought to protect against it, because until now, he’d never felt it—this kind of love.

Every thought that rose in his mind was “we” or “us.” He couldn’t picture his life without her and that was alarming, mostly because he’d been lying to her. Yes, it was part of his job, but he hated it. He had to tell her the truth, even if it meant violating a direct order from his commander.

She was like a daisy, all bright and hearty, but that was on the outside. On the inside, he knew she’d been hurt, kept those hurts buried, but felt them nonetheless. She didn’t want anyone to see her vulnerabilities so she kept things light, pretended she didn’t care. But he knew she cared. It was in the way she looked at him, the way she touched him, the way she opened her heart up to him even though she knew she might get hurt again. And here he was with the ability to crush that heart.

Dammit. Why had this happened? Why had he met her under these circumstances? Why couldn’t they have met in an ordinary way?

She thinks you did meet in an ordinary way. She thinks you’re just her neighbor.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked.

A lump formed in his throat. He had to tell her the truth. But how to start? “Sunshine.”

“Is that your nickname for me? Are you being sappy, Adam Mancuso?”

“I suppose I am.” He smiled.

“And here I thought you weren’t the sappy type.”

“You make me sappy.”

“Don’t try to blame this on me.” She laughed, her blond hair tumbling about her shoulders in wild disarray. “You’re sappy to the core.”

“I’m not.”

“You call me Sunshine.”

“Because you have such a sunny disposition.”

“That’s sappy.”

“And you love it.”

She grinned. “Sap.”


“I remember you promised me hard, hot sex.”

“Ah,” he said. “I suppose I did.”

“C’mon. Let’s take a shower.”


She reached for his hand. “Yes, together. What? You’ve never showered with a woman before?”

Honestly, no. But that wasn’t why he hesitated. He was thinking about how to break the news.

“Let’s go.” She tugged on his arm.

“Showering together? And you’re calling me a sap.”

“Showering together isn’t sappy, it’s sexy. There’s a big difference.”

“You’re going to have to illustrate the point for me because I’m not seeing the difference.”

“Oh, have no fear. Eva’s here.” She giggled and drew him off the bed, her bare little rump dancing as she yanked on his arm.

He followed. He loved to go where she led. She took him to places he’d never been before. She stretched him in ways he’d never considered. Stretched him so much in fact, he feared he could never return to the shape and form he’d been before. How did you go back to your old mindset once your eyes had been opened?

Once they were in the darkened bathroom, she pulled matches from a drawer and lit a plethora of candles scattered around the bathroom. The woman certainly knew how to set a scene.

She danced him over to the shower, opened the clear glass door and stepped inside, taking him with her. Impishly, she kissed his arm as she simultaneously reached around to turn on the shower. She jumped and squealed as the cold water hit their skin and he maneuvered past her to turn up the heat. The water temperature evened out.

“Eva—” He started to tell her that there was something they needed to talk about after their shower was over. Something he needed to tell her before things went any further. But her arms were around his neck and she was pulling his head down for a kiss and he was a goner.

His dick took his brain hostage.

He kissed her back, fiercely. Mine, he thought. My woman.

Usually he was not the possessive type, but with Eva—well, with Eva there was no usually. Everything was different with her and he loved it.

She moved her lips from his mouth and nibbled down the length of his chin to his throat.

Adam braced himself with both arms against either wall of the shower as she slipped lower and lower and lower….

Her mouth touched the head of his penis as water splashed against his chest. His mind whirled. He wanted to tell her to stop, because what she was doing was making a muddle of his head, but what she was doing felt too good, too fine.

He held his breath and then let it out in a long hiss of air as she worked him over with that hot tongue of hers. Glory. Pure glory.

How come he’d never showered with a woman before? It was incredible. She was incredible.

“Eva.” He groaned.

While her mouth was occupied with his penis, her hands drifted around to cup his buttocks. Her fingers sank into his flesh, kneading his muscles.

The pleasure! Such

He felt her everywhere. On his skin, in his heart, inside his brain. Her frisky tongue flicked him in ways he’d never been flicked. She was a goddess, his Eva. His Eva.

He had to shake that thought. She couldn’t be his. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Once she learned he’d been betraying her…

“Eva,” he murmured, and reached for her, trying to break her from what she was doing so that they could talk. They had to have this talk.

But she mistook his actions and quickened her pace. Increasing suction, doing more wild things to him. His mind went blank. He could not think. Could not do anything except submit. Whatever she wanted, he would give to her. Sun, moon, stars, it didn’t matter. He would get it for her, whatever she wanted.

He felt the rumbling of his orgasm surge up through his shaft and just when he thought it was a foregone conclusion, she stopped.

“Argh!” The strangled cry shot from his throat as a sharp ache tightened around his cock.

“Now,” she said. “I want you inside me.”

“Wha…?” His mind was gone; a complete sieve.

He wasn’t even thinking of condoms, but she reached outside the shower and suddenly she had one and then she was rolling it on him with her tongue. When she was done, she got to her feet.

Adam pulled her to him and kissed her so hard and long she was gasping. Then he grabbed her around the waist and turned her toward the wall. “Brace yourself,” he said.

She leaned forward, both palms placed against the wall under the showerhead, her gorgeous butt even with his cock. She twitched her fanny, tempting him, bewitching him. “Come and get me.”

He didn’t stand a chance. The sight of her sexy back stretching out underneath the water spray was his utter undoing.

Droplets rolled down the small of her back and came to rest on her rump, bathing her in a glistening light. He tightened his grip on her waist with both hands. She was slick and wet and he was mindless. He plunged in, crazed as crazy could be. Pushed himself in to the hilt.

“So good,” she moaned. “Adam, it feels so good to have you up inside me this way. Give it to me. Make me scream.”

He let loose, pumping and pounding against her lush backside, her sweet ass.

She reached between her legs to find and cup his balls and he lost all the air in his lungs.

“Harder, harder,” she begged.

If that’s what she wanted, then that’s what he would give her. His goddess. He slammed into her with more force than he thought possible, lifting her up with each thrust.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she chanted. “Adam, Adam, Adam.”

“Tell me what you want.” He kept driving into her. “Is this what you want?”

“More, more…” came her hoarse gasp.

He was terrified he was going to disappoint her. That he was going to come before she got her orgasm. He was too close. If he kept on this way he was going to lose it. He had to do something to hurry up her orgasm.

Still holding on to her with one hand, he slipped his other hand down and eased his fingers over her mound until he found what he was looking for.

The minute he touched her clit he felt her inner muscles tighten around his cock, heard her rugged intake of air. “Yeah, baby, you like that?”

She couldn’t answer, only moaned and nodded.

“That’s right.” He kept thrusting, pushing hard while his finger massaged her swollen little nub. “That’s right.”

He’d never done this with anyone. Been so aggressive while at the same time so tender. She brought out the beast in him, but she was the lion tamer, cracking her whip.

She opened up new worlds for him. When he was with her, his neurons fired differently, making new pathways in his brain. She was uncharted territory, pushing him to the limits of his endurance.

Eva said a very naughty word that lit him up inside.

Adam didn’t need any more urging than that. He was on it. Giving her what she begged him for. Utter release. He let go of everything—his thoughts, his fears, his embarrassment.

Adam Mancuso let down his guard. Let her in. Her body consumed his, pulling him in deeper and deeper and deeper until he knew there was no getting out of this. He was in this up to the hilt and he didn’t want to be anywhere else on the planet. He was inside Eva St. George and there wasn’t anything that felt better.

Her hot, slick hands were still on his balls, tugging gently, causing them to pull up tight against his body. His hand was still on her clit, strumming purposefully. He was buried inside of her, grunting and grappling and feeling every inch of her. Knowing that this was the place he belonged forever and always. Eva.

“Adam,” she whimpered.

It happened then.

BOOK: High Stakes Seduction
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