High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two) (14 page)

BOOK: High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two)
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Her hands locked around the belt, clenching the leather as if the act would anchor her. But every pass of his shaft through her channel only pushed her higher, the slight sting making her crazy with need. She shifted her head, biting his shoulder, needing that extra pressure to push her over. He growled and angled her ass, aligning it to take him deeper.

“Now, Payton. God, yes!”

He lost control, pounding into her with the same fevered pace he’d claimed her pussy. Every thrust ground his pelvis against her clit, adding that last bit of sensation she needed. She shouted his name, her body convulsing around him as she fell off the edge, her vision blurring into streaks of black. His back stiffened then arched, his voice bouncing her name off the walls. His cock flared then pulsed, emptying his hot fluid inside her ass. The warm sensation sent another round of shivers down her spine, and she closed her eyes as she started to fade.

Blake’s head hit the bed next to hers, his rough breathing rasping in her ear. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt too heavy. Something tugged at her wrists a moment before his hand closed over her skin, gently easing her arms back to her sides. His fingers drifted to her shoulders as he removed her bra, a soft noise sounding in the background as it hit the floor. He peppered kisses along her face, finally getting her to open her eyes.

Concern colored his expression as he ran a hand down her side. He seemed uncertain, and the simple act only made her love him more. She framed his face, claiming his mouth with a fiery kiss.

He drew a deep breath as he finally pulled away, his gaze searching hers. “Are you okay?”

“Exhausted, but perfectly so.”

He sighed. “Are you sure I didn’t go too hard? Shit, I didn’t meant to be so enthusiastic, but damn, you’re just so fucking hot.”

She kissed his nose, loving how his shaft stiffened a bit against her hip. “I think you’ll find I’m not fragile, either. And there’s no way you could ever love me that would hurt me.”

He rolled over onto his back, pulling her tight to his chest. “Good to know, because I have a few more fantasies I’d like to try. That is if you’re game.”

“As long as I get to try mine out on you, I’d say all’s fair.”

He chuckled as he sat upright, taking her with him. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders, holding tight as he swung his feet over the edge and stood up, cradling her in his arms. She shifted her hands, circling them around his neck as he headed for the bathroom.

“Blake. Where are we going?”

“We need a shower, and I’m ready for another round.” He winked at her. “Ever had a man take you against the shower wall?”

She laughed and shook her head, resting it on his shoulder. “So what happens next?”

“I just told you. Round two.”

“Not that. I mean, after I open the gallery. I assumed you’d want to get back to ghost hunting with Avery.”

“All in good time. Besides, we need to find you another place to set up shop in Phoenix.”

She furrowed her brow as he set her down in the bathroom, opening the door and twisting on the water. “Another gallery in Phoenix?”

He smiled. “As much as I love living in this ghost-infested town, I thought we might want to spend half our time somewhere less haunted.” He grinned. “Your art is going to sell like wildfire. Two galleries might not even be enough.”

“But that means living together. Permanently.”

His smile widened. “That’s the point.” He moved back over to her, taking her hands in his. “If I’ve learned anything over the past couple of cases it’s that it’s unwise to waste what time you have. I love you, Payton. I want you in my life. Period.”

Tears gathered but she held them back. “How can a girl say no to that?”

“She can’t.”

“Then I guess it’s settled. But are you sure about opening another gallery? It’s a huge undertaking.” She squeezed his hands. “You never know what we might dig up.”

Blake rolled his eyes, lifting her up and stepping into the shower. The hot water soothed her sore muscles as he stood there, grinning at her. “After everything we’ve been through, I’m pretty sure I can handle whatever you unearth, just as long as you’ll help me. As I recall, you did make me promise to let you kick some ghost butt.”

“Yes you did.” She tiptoed up, brushing her lips across his. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a deal. Now what was that about taking me against the shower wall?”

He laughed as he pinned her to the glass. “You are one dangerous lady, Payton Scott. And I knew I was in trouble as soon as I picked up that phone.” He planted a soul-deep kiss on her lips. “But I’m bloody glad I did.”

“Me, too. So I guess we should be thankful I got attached to an evil spirit. Without Dalton, we might not have found each other.”

“I’ll thank him later, after I’m done thanking you.” He cupped her face. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. Now how about you make me scream again.”







About the Author



Author, single mother, slave to chaos—she’s a jack-of-all-trades who's constantly looking for her ever elusive clone.


Kris started writing some years back, and it took her a while to realize she wasn't destined for the padded room, and that the voices chattering away in her head were really other characters trying to take shape—and since they weren't telling her to conquer the human race, she went with it. Though she supposes if they had…insert evil laugh.


Kris loves writing erotic novels. She loves heroines who kick butt, heroes who are larger than life and sizzling sex scenes that leave you feeling just a bit breathless.


Kris loves to talk to her readers and can be found at http://www.krisnorris.ca.






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BOOK: High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two)
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