Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2)
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Why does he do that? Twist my curiosity around to make me feel guilty? Was it wrong to want to know who these men were? Who the names were on the envelopes that he kept in that secret box? He just stated that he had nothing to hide and now he was standing in front of me telling me he didn’t want to talk about it. God, he was so frustrating.

“Fine.” I pushed past him and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed two plates and began shoveling the meat and potatoes onto them.

Chain placed his hand on the counter. “So now you’re mad at me?”

“Nope,” I retorted. I walked over to the table and placed his plate down.

I felt his hands touch my shoulders and he rubbed them gently. “Violet, please don’t be like this.”

I shrugged him off. “I’m not being like anything, you’re hungry and tired, I understand.” I wasn’t exactly mad, I was irritated. How could he make a statement like, ‘I have nothing to hide,’ then in the same breath say, ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ We were supposed to be in a relationship, a trusting relationship, I thought. Yet he couldn’t trust me enough to reveal who these men were?

I grabbed a wine bottle from the fridge, then walked to the table, pouring wine in the glasses.

“Sean Michaels is my birth name,” Chain blurted out.

His words stilled me. “What?”

“Sean Michaels, that was my birth name.” I placed the wine bottle down and slowly slid into the chair.

“Your name is not Chain Alexander?”

“No, I mean yes. I legally changed it when I was eighteen.” Now that explained why the envelopes were addressed to Chain’s old office building.

“Why would you change your name?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “After my sister and mother died, I wanted a fresh start so I changed my name.”

“So is Devin Michaels your father’s name? He sends you letters?”

Chain brought a forkful of food to his mouth. “Yes and yes.”

“Do you send him letters back?” I asked as I swirled my fork in my food.

He grunted. “Violet, can we not talk about this anymore? I told you more than I wanted, can we just give it a rest for tonight?”

I smiled. “Okay.” I really didn’t want to push him. I knew it was hard for him to talk about it, but it still didn’t make me stop wondering about why he was so angry at his father. Sure, he explained that he blamed his father for the accident, but Chain wasn’t a man who held grudges. I couldn’t see him going through life dismissing his father over an accident that, from what I gathered, wasn’t his father’s fault. There had to be more to it and even though I was not going to push him tonight, I definitely planned on finding out the real truth of why Chain refused to speak to his father.

After dinner, Chain worked on his laptop while I cleaned up the dishes. The mall in Minneapolis had become a thorn in his side since the city revoked his building permits because he had changed the structure without giving them notice, namely the small palace he had built for the children to play in when they visited the mall. He had attorneys working day and night to get the permits and he was constantly looking over the blueprints, trying to figure out a way he could please the city and himself.

I walked into the living room where he sat back on the couch, laptop in his lap, scanning the blueprints on his screen. I slid behind him and began massaging his neck.

He closed his eyes, moaning softly. “That feels so good.”  I began to rub his shoulders and he leaned slightly forward, placing his laptop on the coffee table, then pulled me into his lap, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

I grinned as I stroked his cheek. “Yes, about ten times.”

“Well now it’s eleven,” he responded as he patted my behind. I stood up. He rubbed his neck before standing and facing me. “I’m tired, I’m going to hit the sack, are you coming?”

I shook my head. “No.” The air grew silent and thick with tension as it always did when I refused to go to bed with him, which during the past three months, I had done every time. I flickered my eyes up at him and I could see the sadness and disappointment in his eyes.

Since the incident with Phillip, I had become quite trained in the way I approached bedtime with Chain. I knew him like a book. The minute he hit that bed, he was out within fifteen minutes, so I waited twenty before I slid into bed next to him. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to lie with Chain, cuddle up next to him. I did more than anything, it’s just I couldn’t. I didn’t want to start anything I couldn’t finish and cuddling with us always led to more and more was not something I was ready to give right now.

He bent and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. “Night.”

“Night.” I watched as he disappeared behind the bedroom door and a cloud of depression surrounded me. I stood up and walked out to the balcony, leaning my arms on the rail.

This was getting out of hand. Chain didn’t deserve this, I didn’t deserve this. I had to stop letting what Phillip did to me control every aspect of my life. The only way I was ever going to get past this was to make a stand and take my control back.

But how could I do that? How could I reprogram my brain to forget about Phillip, to forget about what he had done? Then Harrison entered my mind. I remembered thinking my world was over, that I would never get through what Harrison had done, but I did. I think every memory you have, good or bad, stays with you, it’s just learning how to live with it and move on. I had to find a way to live with what Phillip did and move on.

A scuffling noise caught my attention and I turned to see Chain standing near the balcony door. Our eyes locked and we stood staring at each other for what seemed like forever. His eyes said it all.

He missed me.

He needed me.

He wanted me.

I couldn’t look at him any longer, I was afraid of failing him, of rejecting him, of hurting him.

I felt his hands press against my shoulders as he stood behind me and I was nervous, really nervous. The touch of his lips against my skin sent a shivering tingle through my body as he kissed his way across the back of my neck. “You’re so beautiful.”

I closed my eyes, embracing his touch as his lips dipped to the top of my shoulder. “I love your skin, it’s so soft.”

His hands slipped under my skirt and up the bare skin of my hips. As his lips sucked on the side of my neck I was suddenly thrown back in time and all I saw was Phillip.

I froze.

My heart dropped.

My breath faltered.

Thoughts of Phillip coursed through my head, his words blistering through my mind.
Fuck you’re beautiful.
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as his words continued.
‘Your skin is so fucking soft.’
 I jumped when I felt hands caress my arms. Chain turned me to face him and I opened my eyes, tears falling down my face, to see him staring down at me worriedly.

“Violet, it’s me,” Chain whispered as he placed his hands on my cheeks, brushing away the tears with his thumbs. “I hate Phillip for doing this to you,” he continued.

I placed my hands over his and smiled. “I’m okay.” The flashbacks didn’t come often but when they did, they seemed to engulf me completely. My therapist said it was normal, that what Phillip had done to me was something I would never forget, that it would forever be burned into my memory. The way I saw it, I had two choices. I could live in that memory and let Phillip victimize me over and over in my mind. Or I could stand strong and realize that this was just something bad that happened to me and I had to learn to live with it. I most definitely didn’t want to spend my life thinking about Phillip. I had to take control.

I dropped to my knees.

Unzipped his pants.

Yanked them down.

A groan rumbled from his throat as I gripped him in my hand, and moved it up and down his length. He rolled his eyes and his hips began to flex as I slid my tongue around the tip.

“Violet,” he moaned. I tilted my eyes up to meet his lustful gaze. I cupped my mouth around his erection and sucked—hard. His hips began to buck and he was moaning loudly; his moaning aroused me and my desire to please him deepened. There was nothing more that I wanted to do at that moment than to make Chain come undone. I pushed him deeper inside of my mouth, until I felt him hit the back of my throat. He grasped the sides of my head with his hands and began to thrust faster and harder into my mouth.

“Oh God,” he screamed, panting and thrusting. I could feel his veins throbbing, pulsating and I knew he was right there. Gripping his base tightly, I bared my teeth, scraping the flesh of his engorged erection and that was his undoing. His body shook as he cried out and stilled; the warm, salty liquid of his release burned as it trickled down my throat. I clamped my mouth around him, sucking and licking up every last drop.

He reached down and lifted me up and I kissed his jaw, his chin, and then placed small kisses down his neck. I slanted my mouth to capture his and his hand curled around my body, pulling me against him. He lifted his head for one moment to glance into my eyes. I drew a breath and held it before he planted his lips onto mine again.




Complete love.

A cool breeze swept across me as the warmth of his body left mine and he reached to the hem of my dress, pulling it up and lifting it over my head. “No bra?” He grinned as he threw my dress over the rail and onto the concrete ground.

“The dress has a built-in slip, I don’t need one,” I answered. He shook his head as he slid down my body, slipping his hands into the sides of my panties and pulling them off, before taking his own shirt and throwing it to the side. He brushed the sides of my hair with his hands.

“Violet, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” I was still a little frightened, but I needed to do this. I needed to start living my life again. I would no longer let Phillip take away the intimacy I had with Chain, the deep love we shared.

His lips caressed my cheeks before he rained kisses down my neck, his hands massaging my breasts. I felt the wet tip of his tongue as he twirled it around my nipple. Moisture beaded between my legs, the place where I was aching for him so badly. His hand slid down my stomach and he rubbed the inside of my thigh, cupping me in his hand before slipping a finger deep inside of me.

“Oh,” I moaned, as he slipped another one in. His lips closed around my nipple and I arched my back, leaning to his mouth. “Chain,” I groaned. He began to circle his fingers inside as his palm massaged me gently.

“I missed touching you,” he whispered in my ear as his palm began to rock, his fingers sliding in and out faster. But a quick orgasm was not what I wanted. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I needed to feel him inside of me.

“You, Chain, please, I need you,” I pleaded.

He removed his fingers, his body shifting slightly as he grasped my hips and lifted me, placing me on the rail. I grasped his shoulders as his hands slid between my thighs, and he spread them wide.

“I love you, Violet,” he mumbled as he kissed each corner of my lips, pressing his hardness against my entrance.

I felt pressure as he entered inside of me and I gasped. He pulled out instantly, lifting his head. “Are you okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s just been a while, that’s all, I’ll be fine,” I whimpered.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No.” I pressed my lips against his. “Please, don’t stop.”

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. He eased inside of me again. He took his time, stretching me slowly and soon my body adjusted to the intrusion and I found myself moving in rhythm with him.

My hands gripped the tops of his shoulders as he began to move faster. I watched his face twist into a look of pleasure as his teeth bit down on his lip.

“You feel so good,” he groaned as he ground into me, faster and harder. I could feel myself beginning to climb as he hit my special spot.

It didn’t take long till we were both moving in perfect sync, my body meeting his thrust for thrust, our bodies moving feverishly against each other. My body was begging for release and as he pumped into me, I wrapped my legs around his waist, the feel of him deeper inside of me putting me right at the edge.

“That’s it, Chain, right there,” I screamed out.

His mouth nipped at my ear. “Shit, Violet, fuck,” he panted.

The sweat was pouring from my body, both of us panting and grunting as we both neared our peak. I scraped my nails across his back, and I was there, right there.

“Chain!” I screamed as I reached my climax. He grunted, a small groan releasing from his lips as his legs stiffened and he released inside of me.

I didn’t know if it was because we made love in the open air, or if it was the lack of doing it, but I was spent, my body defeated. I could not move an inch if my life depended on it.

I could feel him still pulsating inside of me as my body fell limp against his. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head before scooping me into his arms. My eyes closed mechanically as my head hit his shoulder and my mind succumbed to darkness.  


BOOK: Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2)
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