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Authors: Lila Dubois

Tags: # menage , # mystery , # romance , # espionage , # suspense , # alpha male , # wealthy

Hidden Devotion

BOOK: Hidden Devotion
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Hidden Devotion

The Trinity Masters, Book Five

Lila Dubois and Mari Carr

Published by:

Farm Boy Press,
Los Angeles,
United States of America.

First electronic edition May 2015

Copyright © 2015 Lila Dubois and Mari Carr, all rights reserved

Cover by Valerie Tibbs (
Edited by Kelli Collins (
Book formatted by Farm Boy Press (
[email protected]

ISBN: 978-1-941641-06-4

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Publisher’s note:
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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Hidden Devotion
The Trinity Masters Book Five

There’s power and passion in three

Juliette Adams has spent her life running…from her father, from her arranged marriage, from her Trinity Masters legacy. Until the day everything changed and she became Grand Master—a position she was never meant to hold.

Devon Asher has more than a few secrets, the least of which is his desperate love for Juliette, which shouldn’t be a problem since they were betrothed as children. Now that she’s Grand Master, his secrets aren’t safe.

Franco Garcia Santiago always assumed the tales of the Trinity Masters were fantastical yarns spun by his grandfather, until Juliette appears at his door. Together they delve into the organization’s secrets, unaware of the impending danger.

Juliette must decide if she’ll turn her back on her destiny or embrace the role of Grand Master, and if she’ll use her power to discontinue the trinity marriages she grew up despising, or follow her heart, which tells her happiness lies with both Devon and Franco.

From the Authors

This book is being published much later than anticipated. Thank you for your patience with this series, and with us, but we had a baby!

Mari: Uh, what do you mean “we”? You had a baby.

Lila: I figure if I say “we” then it won’t be weird when I leave the baby on your doorstep.

Mari: Yea, I don’t think so.

Lila: But she doesn’t sleep! Why won’t she sleep?

Mari: *hysterical laughter* Good luck!

Lila: *sobs*

In summary, it turns out that being pregnant and then having a baby seriously detracts from one’s writing time.

But the baby is cute.



Table of Contents

Hidden Devotion


Title Page


From the Authors


Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


Connect with Lila and Mari

Red Ribbon
by Lila Dubois

Triple Beat
by Mari Carr

The Trinity Masters
by Mari Carr and Lila Dubois

About the Authors

Additional Titles by Lila Dubois

Additional Titles by Mari Carr


She pulled the scarf over her hair out of habit. Her mind was thousands of miles away from the sun-warm streets of Istanbul, her thoughts of home, of Boston.

She held up a small laminated badge, skirting the line and the admission fee for the Aya Sophia. Called the Hagia Sophia by westerners, the museum was one of her favorite places in the world. Though hundreds of thousands of people visited the church-turned-mosque-turned-museum every day, it was far more than it seemed. Aya Sophia’s secrets were right there, waiting to be uncovered—hiding in plain sight.

The same could be said of Juliette, and of the man she’d come here to meet.

Sebastian Stewart was waiting for her on the second floor. The crowd in the gallery was an eclectic mix of people and styles of dress. From the back, with his dark hair, jeans and long-sleeved button-down dress shirt, Sebastian could have passed for a variety of ethnicities. Rather than tap him on the shoulder—though in this heavily trafficked place, in the less-than-strict Istanbul, she doubted anyone would have taken offense—Juliette stood beside him, close enough that he’d notice her.

They stood in silence for a moment, a silence that was anything but tense. Sebastian was one of her oldest friends. The kind of friend who knew all her secrets.

“It always awes me that this wasn’t destroyed.” Sebastian gestured to the Deesis mosaic of Christ, which had been preserved under Islamic decoration and calligraphy when the church was converted to a mosque and uncovered during restoration in the twentieth century.

“It’s nice when history preserves rather than destroys,” she added.

Their conversation paused as a Japanese tour group stopped just behind them, the guide gesturing to the gold-and-blue image of Jesus, quickly explaining his importance to the Christian faith before moving on to the subject of the restoration and the technicalities involved in uncovering this and other mosaics.

BOOK: Hidden Devotion
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