Read Hexed and Vexed Online

Authors: Rebecca Royce

Hexed and Vexed (6 page)

BOOK: Hexed and Vexed
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“If anything ever took you from me….” Campbell slipped the symbol of their engagement on her finger. “I’d never be okay. Do you understand that? I know how you felt because I’d feel exactly the same way.”

The band locked onto her finger with a snap. She stared at it before trying to pull it off. The jewelry didn’t budge. Gritting her teeth, she pulled harder. Her fingers weren’t too big for the diamond. Why wouldn’t it come off?

Campbell leaned back, a smirk telling her that he had engaged in some kind of mischief.

“What did you do?”

He stroked her hand. “That’s my grandmother’s ring. I bespelled it. It’s never coming off. I mean ever. To remind you of my level of commitment to you.”

“You’re crazy. Do you know that?” Still, she reached up to kiss her insane fiancé square on the lips.

He shuddered beneath her embrace and pulled her closer. “I don’t remember the last six months. My body, however, knows it’s been six months since we’ve been together. I need you, need to be buried deep inside of you.”

“Come here. I won’t complain. I promise.”

“Good.” He kissed her right above her ear. “I’m going to remind you over and over again how much I love you until it’s so embedded within your soul no magic spell will ever take it from you.”

He kissed her everywhere. She closed her eyes and let the moment move through her. The stress of the last six months pushed aside in favor of the intimacy she’d missed them sharing.

She reached up and stroked the side of his face. He had always been so precious to her. She would never again take for granted the right to look at him as much as she wanted.

She tugged on his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. With minimal effort, Campbell always stayed fit. Olive ran her hands across his chest. His spray of black hair felt soft beneath her fingertips. “You’re so beautiful, Cam. Do I tell you enough?”

“Hush.” He bit down on her lower lip. “Men aren’t beautiful. You’re the one who’s breathtaking to look at. Every year you get more and more gorgeous.”

She touched his pants feeling the hard bulge. He groaned and jumped beneath her hands. He’d told her he wanted to be in her in the worst way. Clearly, he’d not been overstating his need.

Warmth spread throughout her core. She undid his pants, feeling his moist briefs.

“Let me help.” Campbell rubbed his face in her hair. He stepped back and removed the rest of his clothing. The man she’d thought she lost stood before her in all of his naked glory.

He came back onto the bed. “Now your turn.”

She took off the nightshirt he’d dressed her in.

He sucked in his breath. “I want you. I’m always going to. No other woman in the universe can hold a candle to you.”

“The things you say.” Her cheeks were hot but she wouldn’t trade this moment for anything in the world.

“Are the condoms still there?” He looked to his right at her drawer.

“Exactly where we left them.” Even though she’d thought about getting rid of them many times.


Campbell put the condom on himself. She’d like to do it for him and would suggest it later. For now, the desperation she felt coming off him told her they wouldn’t make it far if she touched him.

He kissed her and then entered her. Swift and strong, he filled her completely.

“Oh, darling.” Tears streamed down her face. She’d missed this, needed it. Now she had it again. It felt like a dream.

“No tears.” He kissed them away. Then he started to move.

Together, they found their rhythm that had always left her breathless and complete. She squeezed her legs around his waist wanting him deeper, wanting more.

He gave her all that she desired. Her love, the man she needed and could not do without.

They finished together staring into each other’s eyes. She could see her own passion given back to her many times over. Campbell’s heart told her all she needed to know; it shone through his eyes into her very soul.

Some time later, when she snuggled against his chest listening to his heartbeat, he finally spoke. “I’m sorry we were separated for six months, but I’m not at all upset if that is how we make up after time apart.”

She laughed, kissing the side of his chest. “Thank you for coming back to me.”

He sighed. “Thank you for still being here. I have this nightmare where I’m actually hexed for years. I wake up to find out you’re married to a guy twice my size with three kids. That would be the worst.”

“No.” She leaned up to look at him. “That’s impossible. Our love defeated the hex. How else would you explain the worst witch in witching school being able to do what I did?”

“Olive, you know I hate that phrase.”

She giggled. He’d come home. It took a little bit of impossible witchcraft, a magical island not on any map, and a pink, puke-colored bridesmaid’s dress to make it happen.

“What are you laughing at?” He sat up to look at her.

“I’m happy.”

The emotion filled her inside like nothing else could.







As a teenager, Rebecca Royce would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was well worth it.

Rebecca is the mother of three adorable boys and is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

She's in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. Rebecca loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.

In Rebecca Royce's world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.


You can visit Rebecca at:




Love in One Night



Melanie is a woman prepared for disaster. If the world as she knows it were to come grinding to a disastrous halt, her sustainable living community will be ready and able to take care of the people in their area. She doesn't have a man in her life anymore, but she has her daughter and that's enough.

Until a tall, dark stranger drives into her life.

Griffith is on a mission to find Melanie's ex-husband Victor, who has stolen a very expensive new drug from a pharmaceutical company. Griffith is a man who can find what others can't. He never backs down from a fight and he's never afraid—until he sees Melanie. She steals his breath and makes him wish for things he's never wanted before.

These two people are prepared for everything, except the depth of their own need for one another.








Devin Owen has come back from the Dragon Wars a changed Werewolf. For one thing, he's lost his wolf side as well as much of his desire to live. He spends most of his life doped up to handle the pain from his injured leg.

Lena Knox knew the moment she met Devin that he was her mate. But, she’d been a child at the time and he hadn't noticed her at all. Now, all grown up, she wants Devin to be the wolf she’s waited for. Not that she has a lot of time for longing with life and home crumbling around her.

A couple of heated encounters draw them together, but is it enough to overcome the war wounds they both carry? Or will an outside enemy destroy them before they get the chance to find forever?





Eye Contact



Thirty years ago, after the breakdown of an oil negotiation, the President of the United States decided that all people born with unusual abilities, which he would now refer to as “the condition”, would be locked away from the general public where they couldn't harm others. Parents and loved ones of these people, most of whom were children, were forced to turn them in upon penalty of death. Formed to keep the institutions secure, the Committee for the Protection of a Free Society now rules these institutions with an iron fist.

The granddaughter of one the Committee members, Addison Wade has lived her life wary of the institutions and all they represent. A woman of secrets, she is forced to turn to Safe Dawn, one of the facilities designed to hold conditioned people, when her nephew is kidnapped and, despite her best efforts, cannot be recovered. She knows the last thing anyone in 'Safe Dawn' will want to do is to help a Wade with any problems, but she is desperate and out of options.

Spencer Lewis is famous for being the premier conditioned ‘locator.’ There's no one he can't find and he has a soft spot for missing children. But, Spencer has been through a trauma and locating Jeremy Wade may be dangerous both to himself and to those around him. In addition, he takes one look at ice cold Addison Wade and wants nothing more than to knock her down a peg. Never having turned down an opportunity to help a child, he reluctantly agrees to help recover Jeremy.

In a world where nothing is as it seems and every person they encounter has his own agenda, Addison and Spencer will find that the only people they can trust are each other. But how can anyone fall in love living in a world that wants you dead just for being born?


BOOK: Hexed and Vexed
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