Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Hardly surprising,” Peyton remarked.

“Well, at least I’ve dropped a few pounds. That’s one bonus.”

“You don’t need to lose weight,” Clyde said, winking at her. “You look good with a little meat on you. All in the right places, too.”

“No woman can be too thin or too rich,” she said. “Not much danger of the latter in my case, but one out of two ain’t bad.”

“Except you’re losing weight for all the wrong reasons.”

“Yeah, well, there’s not much I can do about that, is there?”

“I guess not.”

“Tell me how you two came to be in partnership,” she said. “A Yank and a Scott. Not a very likely duo.”

“No mystery about it,” Peyton said, refilling their glasses. “I grew up in Montana. My old man made a living flying crop dusters, so I guess I was into flying almost as soon as I could walk. It’s kinda in the blood, but spraying crops for a living didn’t excite me. So, I took my instructor’s exams and then bummed around the world for a bit, picking up jobs wherever the fancy took me.”

“He pitched up in Scotland at the same school I worked at,” Clyde added. “We hit it off, and the rest, as they say, is history.”

“We took this place on about seven years ago. It was dirt cheap because it was rundown and isolated. Then Tosca Brava came along and saved us from going under.” Peyton shrugged. “I guess it was a case of
right place, right time.

It all sounded very trite and reasonable, but Fabia wondered if it was just a little too simplistic. Hell, when did she get to be so suspicious?

“Seconds?” Clyde asked, glancing with amusement at Fabia’s empty plate.

“No, thanks. It was lovely, but I’m full.” She felt guilt creep up on her. She hadn’t given Sonia a second thought while she sat here being fed and entertained by these two hunks. What sort of sister did that make her?

“Relax,” Peyton said as Clyde cleared the table. “Worrying all the time won’t help any.”

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

He winked at her. “Mind reading’s a pastime of mine.”

“You guys be good now and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Clyde said, poking his head round the door to the terrace.

“Where’s he going?”


“At this time?”

“Lots of people prefer to fly early evening at this time of year. It’s hot as hell in those tiny cockpits during the day.”

“I suppose.” Fabia stood up. “Anyway, I’d better be off, too.”

“No need to go yet.”

“I should.”

He regarded her steadily. “But you don’t want to, do you?”

Fabia didn’t have it in her to lie. “No,” she said softly, “I don’t want to.”

She glanced up at him, trying to figure out where he was going with this, but his expression was unreadable. Less difficult to define was the aura of sexual tension that hovered between them, overwhelming both her senses and her ability to think. If she stayed and he made a pass, she already knew that she wouldn’t turn him down. She’d been so alone since she arrived at Tosca Brava, and the relief at being able to speak about Sonia was palpable. Eating a decent meal hadn’t made any difference to her sister’s situation. Nor would letting this Adonis fuck her. It’s all she’d been thinking about since first setting eyes on the pair of them. She just hadn’t been ready to admit it.

“Then what do you want?”

He led her back to the swing, refilled their glasses, and this time sat beside her, rocking the seat gently back and forth.

“It helped,” she said, “talking about Sonia, I mean, but it hasn’t gotten me any further forward.”

“You’ve had a hell of a lot on your plate,” he said, arresting the progress of a tear that had trickled down her cheek with his forefinger.

“Yes, but I
cry,” she said determinedly, sniffing rather inelegantly. “I can’t afford to weaken.”

He quirked a brow. “The big sister who’ll do anything to protect her sibling?”

“I didn’t do such a good job though, did I? Otherwise Sonia wouldn’t be missing.”

“Shush, stop being brave and take a moment to be yourself.”

He removed the glass from between her slack fingers and placed it on a table. He’d kiss her now, Fabia was sure that he would.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he slipped an arm round her shoulders and pulled her head onto his chest. It felt damned good resting it there, and she felt a little of the tension that had been building over the past weeks drain out of her. And then, to her mortification, the tears flowed in earnest. It was as though the floodgates had opened and there was bugger all she could do to close them again.

“Sorry,” she said, when she was finally able to speak. “That was dumb. I didn’t cry like this when Mum and Dad passed, and I haven’t shed a single tear over Sonia. Until now.”

“Hey, no problem. You needed to let it out.”

“I guess.” She sat up, rummaged in her bag for a tissue, and blew her nose.

“Feel any better?”

“Yes, I think so.” She reached for her glass, unable to meet his eye, and took a healthy swig.

“What happened to the guy you were with?” he asked.

Fabia shot him a surprised look. It was the last question she’d been expecting. “He became too controlling.”

“In what way?”

“He wanted to introduce another woman into our relationship, and I don’t go for women. When I refused, he became abusive and tried to force me, so I walked out.”

“Good girl. I think you said you hadn’t been with anyone since?”

“No, Mum and Dad died just after that, so I had other priorities.”

“It must have taken courage to walk out on a man who controlled you as comprehensively as he did.”

“How do you know he did?”

“Trust me, I know. I can read the signs.”

“I think if he’d pursued me it would have been a lot harder. But I came out here to deal with all that terrible stuff and—”

“And the bastard didn’t come over and give you moral support.” Fabia nodded. “Then you’re better off without him.”

“Yeah, no question.”

He ran a hand gently down her arm. He almost wasn’t touching her, but it was still enough to make her gut churn and her pussy leak. “You realize that Clyde and I share everything.”

“Yes, I got that.”

“It would include you. Does that bother you?”

She shook her head. “Call me selfish, but I don’t want to share a man with another woman, but—”

“But you don’t mind sharing yourself between two men,” he finished for her.


“Ever done it before?”

“No, but I’ve thought about it.”

He offered her a meltingly gentle smile. “Good.”

A noise from below intruded upon their conversation.

“Clyde and his student.”

They watched as a Cessna taxied onto the runway and took off. A short time later, it was back again. The wheels touched the runway, and then the light aircraft lifted back into the sky again almost immediately.

“What’s he doing?”

“They’re called touch-and-gos. Practising takeoffs and landings. He’ll do a circuit, like a square, radio the tower to ask permission to touch down, and then come in. Not that there is a tower here, but they’ll go through the motions so the student will know what to do in bigger places.” They watched as the tiny plane came round again. “The trick is to have the same number of landings as you do takeoffs.”

It took a minute for Fabia to realise that he was joking and dutifully laugh. “It looks scary.”

“It’s worse for the instructor.” He smiled at her. “No, seriously, the planes have dual controls. If the student fucks up then Clyde will bail her out of trouble.” He paused, grinning. “Hopefully.”

“Well, it’s a living, I suppose, but I’d never be tempted. I don’t like flying.”

“Ever been up in one?” She shook her head. “I’ll take you one day. It might change your mind.”

Fabia laughed. “That’s the fourth invite I’ve had since I got here.”

“I don’t doubt it.” He stood up and pulled his shirt over his head. “You need to relax. Come on.”

Fabia wanted to ask him what he was doing, but the words stuck in her throat. Instead, she focused her gaze on his chest. And what a chest it was. Lightly tanned and dusted with a coating of black, curling hair, his muscles rippled as she stared at him in the dwindling daylight. Bulging, flexing pecs drew her attention, as did a well-defined six-pack and washboard abs leading to a tapered waist. This guy was the real deal, and Fabia sure appreciated the view.

“What are you doing?” This time she did get the words out, even though the answer seemed rather obvious.

He stepped out of his pants without responding. He was rock hard. A huge erection sprang from black pubic hair, raised veins visible along its length. He didn’t seem the slightest bit embarrassed, which was more than could be said for her. He reached behind himself and flipped a switch. Illumination appeared beneath Clyde’s jungle, spreading subdued up lighting over the plants. A gecko scampered up the stalk of a bird-of-paradise and disappeared. Peyton flipped another switch and the hot tub sprang into life with a soft rumble, spewing bubbling water over its sides.

“You’re overdressed for this.”

He pulled her to her feet and unzipped her dress. It pooled round her feet and lay where it fell, forgotten by them both. He glanced at her pale pink matching bra and panties and smiled his approval.

“Still too much.”

He reached behind her, unsnapped her bra, and threw it aside. His hands caught her breasts as they fell into them with a soft plop.

“Hmm, much better.” He softly massaged her nipples with the pads of his thumbs.

It was now or never. Fabia must decide whether to get into that hot tub with him or get out of here fast. She couldn’t deny she wanted him. Her rock-hard nipples were doing the talking for her. She trembled and a soft moan slipped past her lips as he continued to gaze at her with obvious appreciation, his hands continuing to work their magic. To her mortification, her pussy got involved, even though he hadn’t touched it, and juices trickled down her inner thigh.

“I guess you need this,” he said.

How the hell did he know? It was twilight, and even with the soft lighting illuminating the terrace, he couldn’t possibly know that she’d leaked, could he?

“Won’t they see us from those houses over there?”

“No, none of the windows face this way.” He grinned. “We made sure of that before we designed the terrace.”

“Yes, but still I—”

“You need to tell me that you want this, too, Fabia. I won’t do anything if you don’t want me to.”

She lifted her gaze to his face and made up her mind. “I want you to,” she said, a tremble in her voice.

“Does that mean I get to kiss that sensuous mouth of yours? I haven’t been able to think about anything else all the evening.”

With a victorious smile, Peyton closed his strong arms round her and pulled her against him, stroking her mouth with soft, seductive swipes of his tongue. Raw carnality and deep desperation swamped her. She wanted him to kiss her like he meant it. She needed for her lips to feel seared as he crushed them beneath his. But Peyton, his mouth warm and mobile as it danced over hers, tangled his tongue with hers almost tentatively at first. It took Fabia a moment to realize what he was doing. He was teasing her, sensing what she needed and deliberately holding back.

So that was his game. Well, she had a few ideas of her own in that respect. She slid her arms round his neck and pressed her breasts against his chest, the hardness of his body thrilling in its contrast to the softness of her own. She melded against him, a perfect fit. It was as though they’d done this a thousand times before, and as she increased the pressure of her body against his, Peyton finally deepened the kiss. He crushed her mouth just the way she wanted him to, his possessiveness causing her pulse to race and more juices to pour from her pussy.

Peyton broke the kiss, swept her from the floor, and carried her to the steaming tub.

“My panties, they’ll get wet.”

He chuckled. “They are already.” He nuzzled her neck. “I wanna fuck you with them on. Will you let me do that?” he asked, his lips brushing hers as he spoke.

“Yes.” She tightened her hold round his neck, burying her fingers in the hair that almost reached his shoulders. “Yes, please!”

She gasped as he lowered her into the tub and the bubbles assailed her from all angles.

“Sit this way a bit.” He adjusted her position so that a strong jet of bubbles hit her directly in the ass.


“Like that, do you?”

Like it? It feels like heaven.
“Hmm.” Fabia squirmed a little closer to the outlet. “It’s pretty good.”

“Don’t be so greedy.” He tapped her thigh. “I’m in charge here.”

Fabia giggled. “Never would have known.”

He slid lower in his seat until his face was level with her tits. Then he went to work, sucking and nipping at her nipples, pulling them between his teeth and increasing the pressure of his bites when she reacted with enthusiasm. He gouged the soft flesh hard with his fingers and Fabia groaned. At last he was getting the idea. She absolutely didn’t want to be treated gently. She got off on pain. God, she would love to have her nipples clamped and let Peyton and Clyde play with them. Presumably, that would happen when—if—she went into the playroom with them both. She would ask, even if it got her punished.

BOOK: Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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