Read Her Midnight Cowboy Online

Authors: Lauri Robinson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Her Midnight Cowboy (5 page)

BOOK: Her Midnight Cowboy
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Chapter Eight

Every single reason why he couldn’t marry Angel Clayton was gone. Rowdy couldn’t have remembered one if his life depended on it—which in a way it did. He couldn’t live without her. “I’ve tried,” he admitted, “but I can’t fight it anymore, Angel girl.”

“Fight what?” She cupped his cheek.

He twirled a curl of her hair around his finger. “You. Me. I don’t even remember why I was fighting. It was useless. A minute doesn’t go by without me thinking about you. Without me wanting you.”

An adorable, somewhat smug smile grew on her lips. “You want me?”

“You know I do.”

“I want you, too.” Her fingertips walked down the front of his shirt.

“Haven’t I told you that I always get what I want?”

He chuckled, and pulled her against him, running his hands along the delicate curve of her lower back. “Yes, more than once.”

She laid her head on his chest. “I’ll go anywhere. I’ll live anywhere you want.”

His chest swelled, yet he questioned her statement. “You’d leave Heaven on Earth?”

“The ranch, yes.” She lifted her head. “Rowdy, heaven on earth isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.”

He knew. It was what he felt for Angel. He’d rather spend one day married to her than a lifetime not, but he felt inclined to explain, “I don’t have much to offer you right now, Angel. Not what you deserve, but—”

She pressed a finger to his lips. “I
deserve happiness.” Her expression grew unsure. “I found heaven on earth in your arms, Rowdy. But I don’t want it if it’s not what you want, too.”

A gush of emotions washed over him like a spring flood. He gazed directly into those big brown eyes so she wouldn’t have any doubt. “I want it. You’re my heaven on earth, Angel. I love you.” He framed her face with his hands. “I’ve loved you for some time. I was just too stubborn to admit it.”

She giggled. “That, I’ll agree with. The man under this hat is a bit stubborn. But that’s all right. I can be a bit stubborn, too.”

“A bit?”

“That’s what I’ve been told.” She stretched onto her toes once more, bringing her lips close to his. “Kiss me, Rowdy.”

He touched the tip of her nose with his. “You sure are demanding, aren’t you?”

“Yep, and you like it.”

“Yes, I do. I like every little bossy bone in your body.” While desire, and love, threatened to strangle him, he kissed her with all the deep-down emotions erupting in his soul.

Her breasts bore into his chest, igniting months of craving into a burning inferno. Holding her tight and kissing her deeply weren’t enough. Moments before his willpower gave out Rowdy broke the kiss. Chest heaving, he set her a few inches away, so he could say his piece. “Angel Clayton, will you marry me?”

She squealed and jumped, landing in his arms. Her hands wound around his neck while her legs wrapped around his waist. “Yes!” she shouted. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

He caught her lips, kissing her thoroughly.

She wiggled in his arms, rubbing her feminine body deeply against him. Planting little kisses on his jaw, she asked, “When?”

The fire in his loins increased tenfold from her enthusiasm. Yet he had other responsibilities to uphold. “I need to ask your father’s permission first.”

She kissed Rowdy’s lips and then leaned back, gazing at him with serious eyes. “You have it. Years ago, when my father married Constance, he asked for my permission. I told him he didn’t need my permission any more than I’d need his when the day came for me to wed. He agreed. He trusts me and my judgments. Besides, he’d never have left you alone with me if you didn’t already have his permission.”

Rowdy grinned. He’d accepted that while pacing the path between the house and bunkhouse for an hour. Ellis Clayton was nobody’s fool. The man knew exactly what he was doing when he took his little trip across the ocean. The knowledge that the rancher thought so highly of him touched Rowdy deeply. Pride that Ellis felt he was good enough for Angel was part of it, but disappointment was there, too. He couldn’t fully show Angel how much he loved her until after her father returned.

She looked at him with a perplexed expression. He kissed her nose. “We’ll get married as soon as your folks get home.”

Her jaw dropped. “What?”

She was so adorable. After a quick kiss, he set her on her feet. As hard as it was, he let her loose and turned for the door.

She caught his arm. “Where are you going?”

The answer was in the back of his mind, but he had a hard time pulling it forward. “It’s late.”

Flying around to stand between him and the door, she planted her hands on her hips. “I know it’s late, but if you think you’re leaving this room, you better think again.”

He cracked a smile. She did deserve him. Only someone as hardheaded as he was would be able to keep her in line.

She ran a finger down the row of buttons on his shirt. “You just told me you love me, and asked me to marry you.”

He covered her hand with his. “And that’s why I’m leaving.”

Her other hand slipped around his neck and pulled his head down. “Rowdy,” she said huskily. “I always get what I want.” Her lips teased his, never stopping long enough for him to catch them. “And right now, I want you.”

Fire exploded inside him. His lips found hers, and the passion heating his blood drove the kiss to an incredible summit. Her body cried out for his, and denying her got harder every second.

Gasping for air, he lifted his head and realized he’d pressed her against the wall.

Her eyes sparkled as she gazed at him. “Take me to bed, Rowdy.”

He dug deep into his conscience. Slowly, thoughtfully, he lowered his face to hers. This was one battle he’d choose to lose. Just this once.

One kiss led to another, and another, and then Rowdy fully gave in to his decision. It was as if they couldn’t get enough of each other, couldn’t move fast enough. The mess she’d made while dressing for the party was nothing compared to what the two of them created. He wasn’t sure if they were his underdrawers or hers hanging from the curtain rod; all he got was a quick glimpse of white as he and Angel tumbled onto the bed, laughing and kissing, and touching one another.

The taste of her naked skin was intoxicating. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured, kissing her shoulder and arm.

Her hand fluttered across his chest. The touch left an intoxicating trail of heat. “I love you, Rowdy, more than you can imagine.”

Her words, earnest and soft, made his heart double in size. “I can imagine, darling, for it’s the same for me.” As his gaze wandered over the beautiful curves of her naked form, every last doubt and insecurity disappeared. She was his Angel, always would be.

Chapter Nine

The room was a blur. All Angel could see was Rowdy’s handsome face and the silver-toned eyes showering her with pure, unabated love. He lifted her arm, kissing it from wrist to shoulder. Her heart sang with joy and her body tingled with excitement.

He nuzzled her neck, and her vision returned slowly. She couldn’t suppress the giggle that escaped her lips. Her bloomers hung from the curtain rod. Other articles of clothing, both his and hers, were strewn about. A stampede of steers couldn’t have created more of a mess. Between his shirt and her dress, there were at least a dozen buttons that would need to be replaced.

Their hurried undressing hadn’t provided her the time to appreciate the sight being unveiled, so she did so now. Stretched out next to her, lying on his side, with one of his sleek, lean legs draped across her knees, was the most stunning man alive. The warmth pooling in her core boiled over with anticipation.

She brought her gaze up to meet his. His kiss was deep and long, and left her drowning in the growing, intense desire consuming her. She needed the fulfillment only he could provide. “Rowdy,” she whispered.

Nibbling on her earlobe, a spot she’d never known was so sensitive, he mumbled, “Hmmm?”

She’d waited for this moment for so long, had dreamed about it so often, but a touch of apprehension wouldn’t leave her mind. “I’m not sure what to do.”

He propped himself on an elbow and looked at her tenderly.

“I don’t want to disappoint you,” she admitted.

“Darling, you could never disappoint me.” His fingertip trailed down the side of her face and along her shoulder. “Just be yourself, Angel girl,” he whispered. “And if something frightens you, or makes you uncomfortable, tell me.”

She nodded, still apprehensive. It was odd. She’d never been overly shy in her life, especially not a short time ago, while ripping off his clothes, so why now?

Rowdy’s lips caressed the side of her face, and she shut her eyes in pleasure. “Do you trust me, Angel?” he asked against her cheek.

“Of course I do, Rowdy.”

“Then trust me now, darling. Neither of us is going to be disappointed.”

She turned and her lips met his. The enthusiasm and thrill that had enticed her to tear off his clothes returned twofold. She stroked his hot, supple skin as he feasted on her mouth. His tongue parted her lips, and willing, ready, for whatever was to come, she met his kiss wholeheartedly. The intense stimulation she felt left her breathless and energetic at the same time.

Rowdy’s lips slipped from hers, finding her breasts. She hugged his head as he licked and teased. The rapture was indescribable, and she wanted it to go on forever.

Once he started, it seemed Rowdy wouldn’t stop until he’d tasted every inch of her body, and she loved it. His lips teased and his hands fondled everything from her breasts and stomach to the inside of her elbows and the backs of her knees. She moaned and twisted, welcoming every new touch. Whenever his face came close to hers, an overwhelming desire made her devour his lips until she was unable to catch her breath. It was after one of those profound kisses, while she was gasping for air, that his mouth left a teasing trail down her torso and settled between her legs.

Fire shot up her body. “Rowdy!” she gasped.

He lifted her bottom, cupping her hips in his hands. Her last ounce of anxiety dissolved. Wanting to experience every touch, she spread her legs wider. The intense heat of his mouth sent her skyward. The powerful energy building within her had her reeling. Her hips bucked, keeping in rhythm with the storm he created.

She was on the brink of explosion when he rose to position himself over her. Radiant, glowing inside and out with uninhabited enthusiasm, she met his gaze. “Now, Rowdy?” she asked, anxious for more.

“Yes, Angel, now.”

It was as if he’d promised her the world. The smile on her face reached all the way to her toes, and she bit her lip, anticipating the moment.

His entrance was tender, and his first thrust gentle as he breached her virgin barrier. She flinched at the quick flash of pain, but then wrapped her legs around his thighs and arched, accepting the solid, full length of him. He slid out and in again, coaxing her to open and close around him, gaining speed gradually. It was the most glorious feeling she’d ever encountered.

His hot, muscled skin flowed beneath her fingers, and her breasts connected blissfully with his chest as every thrust brought them deeper together.

Their gazes locked and she whispered, “I never imagined loving you would be so beautiful. You make me feel as if I’m flying through the clouds.”

“Are you ready to go to heaven on earth?” he asked.

“Oh, yes,” she readily agreed.

He increased his speed, bringing her with him, and with an explosion of joint power, they merged abundantly, neither holding anything back. The world opened up as they soared beyond any imaginary human boundary. When they reached their destination, Angel dug her fingers into his back. “Rowdy!”

His body arched, and with his hands firmly gripping her hips, he gave a deep thrust. Angel barely comprehended the colossal impact as she accepted his ultimate gift of love. The shattering act left her trembling from head to toe, exhausted and elated.

The room spun as she spiraled back to reality. Angel repeated his name over and over as she clung to him, peppering his shoulders and neck with kisses and relishing his love, until she sank deep into the mattress.

Some time later, as he held her tight against his side, she asked, “Will you take me there again, Rowdy? To heaven on earth? It’s a beautiful, wonderful place.”

He kissed her temple. “Yes, it is, and yes, I’ll take you there again.”


“I promise, Angel.” Then he gave her one of his saucy winks. “As soon as your father returns and gives us his blessing.”


Despite her pleas and demands, Rowdy didn’t give in. If possible, his willpower made her love him even more, along with the way he made the waiting a tad more bearable by showering her with loving touches and profound kisses. Hard work helped, too. She spent days cleaning and refurbishing the log cabin for them to live in after the ceremony, and evenings creating the most beautiful wedding gown Wyoming had ever seen. It had a modest neckline. What was beneath was for her husband’s eyes only.

When their wedding day finally arrived, she sat in the small room off the back of the church, waiting for the guests to take their seats.

Her father walked in. “Are you ready?”

She leaped to her feet. “Yes.” Fluffing the layers of lace floating to the floor, she slowly raised her gaze. “How’d you know, Pa? How’d you know I loved Rowdy?”

His eyes grew soft and misty. “It takes someone deep in love to see it in another.” He kissed her cheek. “You look at Rowdy like Constance looks at me.”

Angel didn’t think she could get any happier, but somehow her heart grew.

“Let’s go. Rowdy’s waiting,” Ellis whispered.

Angel kissed her father’s cheek when he handed her to Rowdy at the front of the church. She shed a tear or two while pledging her love, and even more when Rowdy vowed to love her forever. After the last words were spoken, he bestowed a long, promising kiss on her lips.

When he lifted his face, he winked at her. “I love you, Angel girl,” he said, and then scooped her into his arms.

Laughing out loud, she looped her arms around his neck as he carried her past the rows of people clapping and whooping, and out the front door of the church.

Rowdy’s gaze was as bright and sparkling as the summer sun overhead. Her heart threatened to burst. He walked straight to a buggy covered with crepe paper and bearing a Just Married sign between the two back wheels, and set her on the front seat.

Giggling, she kissed his cheek when he’d climbed in beside her. “I feel sorry for anyone who’s not me right now,” she whispered.

He kissed her lips as he flicked the reins over the horse’s back. “I know the feeling, Angel girl, I know the feeling.”

BOOK: Her Midnight Cowboy
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