Hell On An Angel (Fated Love Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Hell On An Angel (Fated Love Book 2)
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“Does Lucas know all of this?” I asked.

He nodded again. “I’m upfront with anyone I do jobs for. Normally I don’t do field work, but I was requested on this one. It was a special case.” He winked at me and ran his fingers through my hair.

“What do I do if you have one?”

“With Absentee there is nothing you can do. It’s over as quick as it starts. If I tell you that I feel I am about to faint though, just make sure there is nothing around me. Some nurses talked to me through it, telling me that I was going to be okay, that it was just a seizure, I was safe and I was okay and coached me out of it. I can come out of it disorientated, though, so the less people around me the better. I can’t be around strangers or I can potentially do damage when I flip the fuck out.”

I chewed on my lip again as I let all of that slowly start to sink in. Maybe I should have eased myself into that. Tim leaned in and kissed my neck.

“I have a doctor’s appointment when I get back home. Do you want to come and ask questions to her so you can find out more?” he asked.

I nodded softly. “If that’s okay?”

He smiled and kissed me softly again. “You’ll be okay. I know I just dropped a lot of information in your lap, and if you want to talk please don’t hold it in. I know it’s a lot to take on. I was seeing a psychologist for years before I made peace with it. As long as I sleep well, try and avoid stressful situations and take my medication every night then I can keep them from happening.”

I laid my head against his shoulder. “We should go to bed. We have to say goodbye to Lucas early in the morning before we head back to visit Mama H.”

I decided to let all this information sink in before I filled my head with any more. Without warning, Tim picked me up as he stood up and he carried me into the bedroom. He excused himself for a minute while I got into my pyjamas, to go into his room and get all his stuff and bring it in here. When he came back, he took a tablet before stripping down to his boxers and joined me in bed.

“Bit presumptuous, don’t you think?”

He just laughed. “Hush, woman, and go to sleep.”

I smacked my hand against his chest and rolled onto my side. When Tim cuddled in behind me, I linked my fingers with his and drifted off to sleep, not realizing just how tired I was.


I’d told Maddie everything last night, and waking up beside her this morning was one of the best feelings in the world. She honestly was the love of my life and being with her made me feel like I was a teenager again. It was a good feeling to be this light and carefree again. We got up this morning and said goodbye to Lucas and Daniel before they left for the airport to catch their flight. Lucas and I made plans to catch up when I got back home and Maddie got settled in. That was something I really needed to talk to her about first, though. After the night before, Morgan had made himself scarce, and I, for one, was glad about that.

After we checked out, we grabbed some breakfast then hit the road, heading back toward Tamworth. We stopped again on the way back for lunch so the girls could stretch their legs and get some fresh air before continuing on. We made sure that Jasmine was either in front of us or behind us the whole time in case she needed to stop or needed to swap drivers. Just because I couldn’t drive didn’t mean that I wouldn’t if Jasmine needed me too. Fortunately, she didn’t need to, and we all got to Tamworth a couple of hours later. Making our way to Jasmine’s, because Maddie had rented her place out, we showered and changed before heading over to Hannah and Allan’s place for dinner.

After she hugged the girls, she saw me standing there. “So, you’re back then.”

I gave her a nod. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Well, what are ya waitin’ for then?” Hannah held her arms open and I moved to hug her. “Welcome home, Kid.”

I squeezed her a little tighter. “Good to be home, Mama H.” Letting her go, I stepped back and wrapped my arm around Maddie’s shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple.

“Does Michael know?”

Maddie shook her head no. “I wanted to talk to you before I call him. I need to clear the air about some things,” she told Hannah. Hannah motioned for us to come inside and we all followed. Jasmine made a beeline for the kitchen, while Maddie and I moved to the back porch. We always made ourselves at home here. I, for one, loved it out on the back porch. You could see the whole of the Evans property. It had a peaceful feel to it. Sitting down on one of the bench seats, Maddie came and sat down beside me and I put my arm back around her. I looked up when I heard the door open and Hannah and Jasmine walked out with drinks. Standing up to help Jas with the tray, I sat it down on the table. I passed Maddie one as Jas handed one to Hannah and took one for herself, I sat back down with mine. Taking a sip of it, I looked at Jas and she winked at me. One taste and I knew it was a ‘Jazzybee Special’. When we were sixteen, she came up with a drink that looked like punch to the average eye, but she added the perfect amount of vodka to it to give it a little kick. Hannah would always pretend not to notice, but we all knew that she knew. We only did it here, so she let it go.

“So, what’s on your mind, Maddie?” Hannah asked as she took a drink and sat back.

I rubbed Maddie’s back as she leaned against me and let her know that I was right here. “Did you keep one of the letters that Tim sent me?”

“No, baby, I didn’t. He sent them all back before I could get them and put them away for you. I knew at the time you didn’t need to open those wounds, but I thought once a little time passed you deserved to get them.”

“Why didn’t anyone tell me that he’d written to me?” Maddie asked.

“We trusted Michael when he said that he would tell you when the time was right. We didn’t know that you didn’t know.” “One of the letters was missing.” I told them. Hannah turned and looked at me.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I numbered them, and I never got the first letter back. I got number two and so on, so I just assumed that it was Maddie sending them back. She didn’t know about them until a couple of days ago.”

Hannah stood up without another word and went inside the house. It was only a minute before we heard her raised voice coming from inside. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell her, Michael! She had a right to know the truth! You have kept them apart for what damn reason? I swear if you mention his name to me I am flying down there to put my foot up your ass!” There was silence again before she called him a few choice words. “I am sending her down to you and you are going to give her the letter. You are going to make this up to her, Michael. I mean it. He isn’t fucking God. You are so wrong for what you’ve done. If she chooses not to talk to you after this, then I am behind her one hundred percent.”

A few seconds later, Hannah was back outside and moved to crouch down in front of Maddie. “Maddie, baby, I am so sorry. I thought he told you everything. Had I have known different then I would have sat you down and told you. I can’t make this up to either of you.”

Maddie moved to hug her and hid her face in her neck. As Maddie did, her arms tightened around Hannah and Hannah wrapped her arms around Maddie and whispered softly to her. I looked over at Jasmine who looked like she wanted to move over to them both and wrap her arms around them. As I sat there, I let my hand run over Maddie’s back in small circles again. When they broke apart, Hannah wiped away Maddie’s tears and rested her hand on her cheek. When she looked up at me, there was a sadness in her eyes.

“You might want to have a word with your father. He orchestrated all of this. Michael knew what was coming.”

I shook my head and my hand clenched. If I didn’t hate my father before, then I would after this trip. Looks like I was going back home to confront some old demons…


“Is he back in Tasmania?” Hannah shook her head when I asked about Michael.

“Not at the moment, no. He is at a conference in Sydney until next week. He said if you didn’t want to go and see him there, he would come through here before he went back home.” I nodded and chewed the inside of my lip as I squeezed my hand on Tim’s thigh. I curled back into his side when Hannah moved to sit back down in the chair across from us. I looked over at Jas, who looked as though she was ready to come over and join me on the bench seat. I held up my arm and she moved to curl into me as I curled into Tim. Hannah just laughed.

“The amount of times you three would be like that when I got home from work...” She shook her head with a smile.

Tim pressed a kiss to my head and I smiled a little. No matter what happened with Uncle Michael, I was with Tim now, where I belonged. Allan came and joined us not long after, and he and Tim cooked the BBQ, while Hannah, Jasmine and I did the rest. After a few more drinks, we all ended up crashing there so that none of us were driving.

Waking up the next morning, I curled into Tim and groaned as my head started to hurt. Tim just chuckled and kissed my head. “Aww, did someone have a little too much to drink last night?”

I shoved him for his teasing me, but curled right back into him. “It’s not nice to tease so early in the morning.”

He chuckled again and wrapped me tighter in his arms. I nuzzled into his neck and closed my eyes. Our silence didn’t last long, though. It wasn’t long before there was a banging on the door.

“Can I kill her?” I asked Tim.

Tim squeezed my shoulder. “No, you would miss her if you did.” I let out a dramatic sigh and tried to go back to sleep. There was another banging on the door followed by “If you don’t get up I am coming in!”

I groaned and threw a pillow at the door. “Go away, Evans. You’re a pain in my ass.” I heard the door open and before I could move, she landed on top of us and I groaned. “Woman, I am gonna beat you!” She snorted and I managed to get my arms out from under her and shoved her off the bed. I curled back into Tim and closed my eyes again when she stood up and slapped my ass.


I threw another pillow at her and sighed. Pulling back the covers on the bed, I sat up slowly and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I looked over at Tim, who was getting up and the sight of him in just his boxers made me groan. That was a sight that had only gotten better with time. I trailed my eyes up his body and caught him watching me.

“Too bad she knows we are awake,” he said with a smirk as he pulled his jeans on. I felt the heat in my cheeks and cursed my best friend. Moving round to take his hand, we walked out to find Jasmine and took the coffee that Hannah handed us on our way past.

“Thanks, Mama H.” We walked into the front room and saw Jasmine curled up under covers watching TV. Turning my head to see what she was watching, I saw Alice in Wonderland and snorted. I crossed the room and sat my coffee down and curled up with her under the covers.

“Are you gonna go see him, or let him come to you?” Jasmine asked as she wrapped her arms around me. I looked up at Tim, who was leaning against the door before I turned back to Jasmine.

“I hadn’t really decided yet. I don’t want to leave him to come to me in case he doesn’t.”

“So, go to him. You know he is gonna try and avoid it for as long as he can. He has let it go this long now. What’s a bit longer?”

I picked my coffee back up and asked. “What makes me think he isn’t going to tell me anything? He has had how long now? What’s to stop him turning round and saying that I know now, he isn’t gonna say any more on the matter?”

“If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll tell ya,” Hannah called from the kitchen. I couldn’t help but laugh. She wasn’t going to let him let this go. Tim moved away from the door and I laid my head on Jas’ shoulder. Did it really matter what he said, or why he did it? Tim was here now and I knew what happened. Was getting that letter just going to open old wounds, or would it answer questions? Tim had already told me what happened, so unless it was going to have something he’d forgotten to mention then I didn’t really need it.

“At least talk to him. Your choice, though.” I sipped my coffee and thought about it as we watched Alice in Wonderland.

A few hours later after Hannah was happy that we had been fed and were hangover free, we all went back to Jasmine’s. Jas went back to bed to sleep before she had to work tomorrow, which left Tim and I to our own devices. We were laying there watching movies while his hands ran up and down my back.

“I booked us a hotel in Sydney…” I lifted my head to look at him.

BOOK: Hell On An Angel (Fated Love Book 2)
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