Read Hearts Under Fire Online

Authors: Kelly Wyre and HJ Raine

Tags: #Gay Romance

Hearts Under Fire (20 page)

BOOK: Hearts Under Fire
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In the mirror, Clark’s brow creased and his eyes narrowed. His body began to tense and tighten, making him feel out of his mind. Everything was so damned
even as Daniel quickened the rhythm. Crazily, Clark felt like Daniel was controlling more than just his hands and body: it felt like Daniel had bound Clark’s brain and cock and wrestled all sense of normalcy and control away. He would come when Daniel’s body damned well let him, and Clark thrashed as the orgasm built but didn’t break, as the pleasure rose but didn’t crest.

“Shit,” Clark called, teeth clenched and voice stunningly loud in comparison to his seconds-ago silence. “Fucking... please, oh God, Sir, oh please
Jesus... I can’t...” He shuddered hard, every muscle tensing, torso twisting and then thrashing against the bonds. Leaning heavily against Clark’s back, Daniel wrapped his arms around Clark’s sides and chest and somehow managed to pull himself even deeper. Clark gave a sobbing cry at the weight and the helpless feeling of being so thoroughly taken.

I can’t fucking move.

Daniel’s cock dragged over Clark’s prostate with every thrust, and Clark began calling out in broken yells every time he did it.

Feels too goddamned good. This is going to kill me. Tear me in half.

The friction on Clark’s chest, the fast breathing on his skin, the shuddering of the man on top of him, it was all just...

Love it... love it... Christ, need it... can’t...

Clark’s eyes flew open, wide and wild. His mouth parted in a silent scream, and the orgasm was just suddenly
Everything shattered, released liked a spring flood through a cracking wall of winter ice. Clark lost himself, whimpering when Daniel put one last hard stroke to Clark before he came, too, bucking hard and crying out, arms tightening even more around Clark until he lay trembling.

When the aftershocks finally subsided, Clark went limp and loose beneath the perfect weight of Daniel’s body, and he blinked damp eyes. He couldn’t even form a thought about that or anything else -- not even to focus on breathing -- and merely lay still.

Eventually, Daniel moved, sighing as he slipped from Clark. He ran his hands along damp skin and laid a kiss against Clark’s spine. “You are incredible.”

Daniel unfastened the clasp from the cuffs to the line and opened the panic release. Clark pulled his right arm from beneath him and reached up to rub at his eyes, the arm taking more effort than usual to move. He was sore, aching in more than a few places, and he felt stripped, raw but good.

Daniel got off Clark and stroked Clark’s side before he stepped to turn the mirror away from them. He knelt by Clark’s head, fingers sifting through Clark’s hair. “Want me to hold you for a bit, or would you rather get a little help into the shower?”

Clark tried to speak and found it harder than it ever should be. In lieu of words, he caught Daniel’s hand and looked at deep blue eyes until he could say, “Stay...” He was shocked at how rough his voice was.

Nodding, Daniel squeezed Clark’s hand and let go to strip off his condom. Then he sat on the couch and pulled Clark into his lap. Clark buried his face against Daniel’s neck and wrapped one arm around Daniel, feeling like he still rocked on high seas. Daniel held Clark, stroked fingertips along his bare back and arms, and breathed into his hair, “I’m here. I’ve got you, Clark.”

For a long few moments, Clark listened to Daniel’s heartbeat and breathing. He mentally checked himself over and found peace instead of tension and a quiet drone between his ears instead of impatient voices telling him he was doing something wrong. It was... nice.

Clark held Daniel tightly and realized that when he was this close to Daniel, anything became reasonable. It was crazy to be here after so little time, but part of Clark felt like he’d been waiting for or been with Daniel forever. And there was no guilt here, no panic, no need to hide.

Just my Daniel.

Clark sighed and wiped his eyes again.

Daniel murmured into Clark’s hair, “How are you doing?”

“Okay,” Clark answered. He cleared his throat and coughed. “Ironic, but okay.” Clark kissed the corner of Daniel’s mouth.

“I think so.” Daniel kissed Clark’s hair, and Clark told himself this was all right. He was not some fragile innocent, but rather someone who’d been through the equivalent of an emotional gauntlet in the past twenty-four hours. Clark remembered Daniel saying he thought he loved Clark, and Clark thought about rules and exceptions -- and about how the latter negated the first. And he recalled something he’d told many a sub after a long session.

It’s just me... just us... you’re safe here...

Clark sighed, smirked, and licked a nipple as he shifted in Daniel’s arms.

Daniel laughed. “Welcome back.”

Clark hummed. “Thank you... for...” Clark paused, breath catching. Daniel stroked Clark’s back, and finally Clark rose up and caught Daniel’s lips in a chaste kiss. He looked at the other man, thinking of dark pools and endless oceans. “For all of it,” Clark finished.

“You’re very welcome.” Daniel said with a smile and a nod. “Thank you for being courageous enough to try it. It’s good to know you liked what I did.”

Frowning, Clark stroked a thumb over Daniel’s cheekbone. “No, not just that...” Clark shook his head, realizing the tone and the words called to mind images of clients. “For being you. For being trustworthy and for putting up with me.” Clark met Daniel’s gaze and kissed him again. “For keeping your promise.”

Daniel struggled for air, bit his lip, and then hugged Clark hard. “Thank you,” Daniel murmured.

Clark wrapped around Daniel and held him steady and firm. “I know you, and I’ve got you, too,” Clark said, reaching up to stroke Daniel’s hair. This was better; unrehearsed Daniel was good.

“You do.” Daniel’s hold didn’t relax, but he lowered his head and rested his chin against Clark’s hair. “You startle me with what you see, since I’m so used to being other people’s fantasies. That you care to know who I am feels amazing.”

For a long few minutes, Clark said nothing, content. Just being with Daniel was nice, mere existence made better by the solid presence.

Eventually, however, the need to move and his fastidious nature demanded a shift and a shower. Kissing dusky skin, Clark pulled back to stretch, arching his back and hearing it crack. He laughed. “A few more rounds with you, and my chiropractor will start asking difficult questions.”

Grinning, Daniel replied, “I’ll happily pay him whatever I owe him for the privilege.”

Daniel ran warm hands over Clark, and Clark groaned, muttering something about death and Daniel having it in for him. He bit the damnable man’s shoulder. Daniel winced.

“I’ll keep that in mind when he asks if I’ve been hog-tied lately, and I have to think about it before I answer.” Smirking, Clark rolled and started to get up off the couch. He undid the cuffs around his legs with only a mild tilt of his head. Tossing the straps onto the couch to be dealt with later, Clark smiled at Daniel. “About that shower...”

Daniel asked a wary, “Yes?”

Clark backed up two steps and cocked a brow at Daniel. “What, you going to make me take one alone? Who
what kind of trouble I could find with an hour’s worth of hot water and no supervision?” Clark clucked his tongue and turned on his heel.

Laughing, Daniel followed. “Guess I’d better come supervise, then, hm?”

Clark looked over his shoulder, thinking he could get used to this man and even this particular kind of afterglow. No, it wasn’t easy -- Clark wasn’t sure it ever would be. And maybe that was better in some ways. Clark still got chills from the idea of Daniel under him, moaning like last night. But better still was the easy banter and contentment that came from knowing Daniel wanted to be here with Clark. It reminded Clark of when they first met at Glow.

Thinking about how many fools across his bar had told him their tales of love and lust at first sight, Clark shook his head and smiled at Daniel. “Yeah... you probably should at that.”

Chapter 10

Coming to consciousness, Daniel quickly oriented himself. Clark lay next to him, warm and solid, softly snoring, and the quiet sounds of the loft felt familiar, comforting. He swung out of bed, used the restroom, washed his hands, and eyed himself in the mirror.

A single weekend, and everything felt different. It was Sunday night, and in the morning he needed to take the Tesla back to the university. Daniel and Clark had worked out how to charge the car from the outlets in Clark’s building. It was a small thing, but with a power source for his car, Daniel could come and go as he pleased.

He turned off the bathroom lights, slid back into the bed, and contemplated the weekend. Starting as roughly as it had, the last day and a half surprised Daniel with how smoothly he and Clark fit together. A few things still hung unresolved as Monday approached. Daniel dreaded working them out over the phone in the middle of his insane task list, and wanted to know when he’d see Clark again. It felt like they’d covered ten years in less than forty-eight hours, and Daniel was getting entirely too comfortable having Clark around.

Shifting, Daniel’s thoughts turned to the client scheduled for Wednesday. The idea made him feel torn and confused. After the incredible connection with Clark, it felt strange to think about going back to the strictures and rules of his business.

“You’re doing that thing where you think so hard it makes my head hurt, which is impressive since I’m half asleep,” Clark said, voice muffled by his pillow.

Daniel laughed and rolled flush against Clark’s back, his arm going around the lean man. “Mm... am I? Is that mind reading, or are you just asleep enough to think I’m a dream?”

“Mmm... warm...” Clark muttered, turning his head. He yawned. “You are a dream. Any second now, I’m going to wake up hungover and surrounded by empty whiskey bottles. Just know it.” Clark caught Daniel’s arm under his own.

Daniel hugged him with a slow, contented sigh. “Mm... right. With your tongue tasting like cotton and your head in a vise. Teach you not to drink enough water when you’re drunk.”

“One would think,” Clark said, managing a sleepy version of forlorn. He squeezed Daniel’s hand. “What’s bothering you in the middle of the night, Professor?”

“Oh, wondering when I get to see you again once our week starts up. I think I’ll just leave you my house key, since I have the extra one buried in the garden,” Daniel said. “It’s funny, but I’m going to miss you tomorrow morning. We’ve been so close these last two days.”

Lips moving into a lazy smile, Clark rolled in Daniel’s arms and pulled him into an embrace. “Close is good.” Clark sighed. “And house keys...” He paused. “I’ve got a spare, too. I’ll give it to you tomorrow before you go. And I could bring you lunch. Make sure you eat something. Or you could come by the bar after work.” Clark shrugged and slid his hands up and down Daniel’s bare back. “Want to see you, too.”

Daniel chuckled, skin awakening with Clark’s caresses. “You do read minds. How did you know I keep missing lunch? That would work tomorrow, but Wednesday I have a client, so I’d probably have to miss out unless you want to come to my house after you close? I get home about midnight.”

Clark’s eyes opened, and he looked at Daniel. His expression changed -- sleepy to thinking -- but his hands kept moving over Daniel’s body. “A client?” he asked evenly.

“Yes,” Daniel answered. “He’s a regular, and mid-week has worked out well for both of us.” Stating the facts gave Daniel some distance from his own uncertainty.

Clark licked his lips. “I get it,” he said. “These people depend on you to serve a purpose. Trust you. But...” Clark shook his head and smiled ruefully. “I don’t like it very much.”

“You don’t?” Daniel swallowed, composure melting in the heat behind Clark’s words. “I’m not sure I do, either. Not after this.” He stroked Clark’s back. “But I have a couple of nieces and a nephew depending on me to put ‘em through college. I can’t do it on my regular salary.”

Clark made a soft noise and pulled Daniel closer, lips brushing his forehead. “If it’s the money, that’s fixable.”

“You can find a way around that?” Daniel asked, and let himself lean. “And like you said, he -- no -- they depend on me. I can’t just leave clients high and dry.”

Clark’s fingertips stroked down Daniel’s spine and back up again. “How about this. I buy say, three months of your time -- get you through summer vacation at least. Given what I know about your schedule and what you could probably pull from Break, four sessions a week sounds fair to me.

“And as for the rest, I think I can find someone enough like you and how you play to fill in for your regulars. It’ll take some calling and explaining on your behalf, but...” The patterns Clark traced on Daniel’s back made him shiver. “I can make the arrangements tomorrow morning. Get you contact information or set it up myself with a few details from you.”

Daniel made a sound of protest. “That’s... Clark, what... You’d help me that much? That might take care of...” He paused. “What would I have to
for you at that kind of price?”

Clark laughed and slung a leg over Daniel’s hips, hand kneading Daniel’s neck. “Oh, I’m sure I could come up with something.”

“You’d better tell me
what before I agree to this, Clark,” Daniel said, suddenly finding his focus. Now Clark was a potential client, someone paying Daniel to do everything in his power to make fantasy into reality, and given how much Clark was offering, Daniel swallowed. Subbing felt impossible for him, but if that was what Clark wanted, Daniel would try.

“Hey,” Clark said, concerned. He pulled back, brushing a thumb over Daniel’s cheek. “I would never ask something you didn’t want to do, too.” His eyes searched Daniel’s in the gray dark. “I know... ‘client,’ but...” Clark smiled. “I don’t ever want to be just a client to you, Daniel. Just like I’d never ask you to be only my dom.”

“I’m sorry. I should trust you, but...” Daniel looked steadily back. “That’s a lot of money, Clark. I’d need to feel like I earned it, you know? And I was getting used to the idea of you not being a client, and now you are. Not just... never just, but I have standards I have to meet.”

Clark’s mouth worked silently, and he leaned forward to brush his lips over Daniel’s. “I get it -- really. But I suppose I sort of saw this working like... well... more of what happened yesterday. Talk about it and go with it.” He paused, lips pressing together, and then the easy smile that Daniel equated with masks and hidden emotions was back. “We can work on the details and mark off the sessions however you need to make it work for both of us.”

Daniel sighed. “I want this. I can see you really want me to take it, too. It’s an easy way to be with you and still fulfill my obligations. I’ll work with you on who to contact, and I’d like to see some of the profiles you put together. But I really do need you to tell me what kind of scene you want me to design for you. Is there something you always wanted to do? A fantasy you never thought could be fulfilled?”

Clark stiffened before he suddenly moved backward on the bed. He looked away and rubbed deeper into the skin and muscle of Daniel’s back. “Oh, sure. Like I said, we’ll think of something.”

Lifting Clark’s chin, Daniel forced Clark to meet his eyes. “What did you just think of?”

Anger flickered in Clark’s gaze, and he tensed before gradually relaxing in Daniel’s grip. “You know, sometimes I hate that you’re good at what you do,” Clark said, without real accusation in his voice.

Daniel gave a wry grin and nodded. “Yeah, I think I know, because sometimes I hate how good you are, too. You’ve hit me in every soft spot I have, and it aches, I’ll tell you.”

“Fair enough,” Clark said, and sighed. “Brian and I were supposed to meet up again. I think I told you that, and we talked a bit about what we wanted to do. So... that’s...” Clark shrugged. “That’s what I thought of first.”

“What were the elements involved? Particular equipment or dynamics?” Daniel asked, trying to give Clark the room he needed when talking about his desires.

Bracing, Clark nodded, gripping Daniel’s arm. His eyes studied Daniel’s collarbone as he spoke. “It was a step up from what we managed the first time. The belts worked -- you know I like being bound -- and Brian...” Clark tilted his head. “He wanted to bind me again, but differently. I never did quite understand the logistics, but he wanted me on my back with...” Clark licked his lips. “Everything available to him.” Clark spoke quickly. “Because he got that I liked teasing, and... well...

“So he talked about finding a brace to bend me over backward and then securing hands and legs from there. Sounded complicated to me, but he liked the idea, and I wasn’t opposed. We discussed gags and blindfolds, too. Argued over it.” Clark’s mouth twisted into a smirk. “And Brian wanted...” Clark paused. “To plug me and incorporate some type of impact play, but we were a little limited on base. He said he’d ‘work on it,’ and I told him he was crazy. Again.”

Clark shut his mouth with an audible clack of teeth and finally glanced up at Daniel. “But... looked forward to it.”

Daniel was overwhelmed with awe at how swiftly Clark had gone from being completely unable to acknowledge his need for submission to being able to tell Daniel exactly what he wanted.

Hugging Clark soundly, Daniel made himself meet Clark’s gaze. “Yeah, I can see why. Both why you called him crazy and why you looked forward to it. Were you arguing for or against a gag and blindfold? It would certainly make for...” Daniel shuddered, a small rock of his shoulders, and whether it was in fear of such a setup for himself or desire to have Clark in such a manner, he wasn’t quite sure. “For a situation where you were completely helpless.”

A soft noise comprised of groan and sigh filled the air. With a sharp inhale, Clark’s hand flexed on Daniel’s skin, eyes flickering to his mouth. “For...” Clark murmured.

“Oh.” Daniel’s hands caressed Clark’s back, and he tried to find the track of the conversation again. He considered his options and his pride, and what little those had to do with how much he cared for this man within his arms. Emotions thickened his throat, and Daniel could only whisper, “I’d do that for you for free, love. Give it to you as a gift, and, I guess, maybe that’s what you’re trying to do for me, too, with the money. I’ll accept what I need from you as a gift, Clark, if you’ll take what you need in exchange?”

“If you’ll take my help, then I’ll take yours,” Clark said, breathless. “I like you being with me. And not with anyone else. I’m not a jealous person, usually, but...” Clark shivered. “You fly in the face of most of my rules and seem to be the exception to all of them. And God... having you... do that... to...”

Without finishing the sentence, Clark let out a breath that vibrated in the air between them. Clark’s hand slid from Daniel’s arm to his hip.

The thought of Clark needing Daniel, wanting him so much as to be jealous, made him feel unaccountably tender. Daniel closed the gap between them, suddenly needing to taste Clark’s mouth, to breathe his breath. “I accept,” Daniel whispered, the minute contact with Clark’s lips melting away all his reserve. “It’s a promise, Sergeant.”

Clark swallowed, wide eyes searching Daniel’s face before Clark deliberately spoke. “Likewise, Professor,” he whispered.


Clark smiled against Daniel’s skin. “It’s getting easier. All of it,” he said, ache and wonder in his voice. “Even in just two days.”

“It’s almost like everything we do just works.” Daniel finished. “That’s new for me, and I really like it.”

Clark’s shoulders relaxed, and he maneuvered himself to wrap around Daniel. “Yeah,” he said with a smile. “Exactly. Now sleep. And tomorrow...” Clark yawned. “I’ll bring you lunch.”

Daniel chuckled and snuggled in, realizing that he could finally stop thinking. “Mm... lunch. That’ll be good. G’night, Clark.”

“Night, Professor,” Clark mumbled, already half asleep.

BOOK: Hearts Under Fire
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