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Authors: Kasey Martin

Heart's Desires (8 page)

BOOK: Heart's Desires
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Charlie yawned as Tony finished pouring a cup and passed it to her. She added cream and sugar, and after taking a long chug of the morning goodness, was more than grateful.  Charlie smiled as the liquid warmed her from the inside out.

“Hmmm,” she sighed, as she relaxed just a little.

              “Morning. You doing ok?”  Tony asked, his brow furrowed.  Charlie didn’t miss the look of concern that was marring his kind, handsome face.

              “Yeah. I’m fine.”  Charlie spoke half-heartedly.  “Lot on my mind,” she mumbled, not wanting to reveal what she felt was a small problem, considering the grand scheme of things.

              Tony didn’t respond.  He just gazed at her, assessing her in a brotherly way.  “You know, we’re family, and I hope that you feel comfortable enough to talk to me, that is, if you ever needed.”  Tony gave her a small smile. 

              “And there’s always your cousin….” he smirked, lightening the mood.

              Charlie gave him the side-eye.  “Now you know damn well….”  Charlie trailed off as Korri entered the kitchen.

              “What do you know?”  Korri asked Tony, overhearing the last bit of his and Charlie’s conversation.

              Tony simply shrugged, busying himself with making Korri a mug of coffee.

              Korri stretched and peered over at Charlie, who was drinking her coffee and avoiding Korri’s suspicious hazel eyes.  “Well?”  Korri questioned Charlie.

              “Well… what?”  Charlie played dumb, avoiding the topic of her problems.  It was too early in the morning for such a deep conversation.

              Korri sighed.  “So what time do you have to go into work today?  I was thinking we could go look at some bridal gowns if you have time?”  She asked Charlie, dropping the subject of what she had overheard.

              “I don’t have to go in until later this afternoon. Where’d you want to go?”  Charlie smiled, thankful that her cousin didn’t start with her million and one questions.

              “There’s a little boutique in
The Shops at Legacy
in Plano.  I thought we could go there.  I collaborated with them in a runway show a couple of years ago, and I love their designs.

              “Cool, so you don’t want to make your own dress?”  Charlie questioned.  She loved Korri’s designs because they were always so innovative and unique.  She was one of the most talented people Charlie knew.

              “No, I decided that I didn’t need the extra pressure. But I did start working on yours and Lauryn’s dresses though.”  Korri beamed, excited to reveal her surprise to her cousin.

              Charlie’s face lit up.  “That is so awesome, babygirl!  I already know our dresses are going to be gorgeous.”  Charlie clapped her hands together happily.  She wasn’t really big on shopping, but to see her baby cousin so happy and in love made Charlie energized.


              Later that morning, Korri stood on the pedestal in the small boutique.  Lauryn, Charlie, and Brandon had come to help Korri pick out a dress.  Korri’s choices so far had been lackluster, but the dress she had on now…. well they all just sat silently, looking anywhere but at her.

              “Guys, guys… soooo what do ya’ll think of this one?”  The dress was a champagne color, but instead of being a vibrant gold that complimented Korri’s mahogany skin, its color seemed faded and dull, and it washed her out.  It had rows of feathers that made up the layered skirt, the waist was accented by a black belt, and the bodice was a sheer bustier with a sweetheart neckline that pushed Korri’s breast up to her chin.  There was only one word that could describe it… horrible.

              Lauryn was the first to acknowledge Korri.  She cleared her throat uncomfortably before speaking.  “Uh, what do you think?  I mean do you
it?”  Lauryn was squinting at the dress as if it had done something to offend her, personally.  She was barely able to hide the look of disgust as she sat contemplating what to do if her friend actually did love this monstrosity.

              “I’m not sure.  I mean, it’s different,” Korri answered, shrugging her delicate shoulders while at the same time adjusting the dress as it rode up.  Korri sighed deeply because she was not able to read the faces of her loved ones, mostly because they were actively avoiding making any eye-contact with her.

              “It’s definitely different…”  Brandon mumbled, rolling his eyes dramatically.

              “Ok… what gives you guys?  None of you are ever this dang quiet, and you
have something to say, so just say it!”  Korri put her hands on her slender hips, waiting for any of them to reply.             

              “Look, we don’t want to discourage you if you love the dress, babygirl.  I mean you would look good in practically anything,” Charlie began, then took a deep breath.  “Korri, I say this with all sincerity and love, but that dress is a disaster.”

              Both Lauryn and Brandon exhaled the breath they’d been holding. They’d both thought the same thing, but didn’t want to hurt Korri’s feelings.

              Korri looked at Brandon and Lauryn’s faces, “I can tell from your expressions that you guys agree…”

              Lauryn simply nodded, her face and body relaxing.  Brandon relaxed too before finally stating his opinion.  “Yes, that shit looks like the feathers were dipped in a ‘golden shower’ and glued to your body, and your boobs are pushed so far up you damn near look like you’re sporting a double chin.”

              All three women stared wide-eyed at Brandon with their mouths hanging open before they all burst into a fit of laughter.

              “Well damn, tell me how you really feel,” Korri laughed, looking at her friends’ serious expressions.

              “Sorry, babygirl, but as much as I love you, there was no way in hell I was going to let you walk down the aisle in that hot ass mess of a dress.  I’m glad you didn’t like it because it would have been a shame for Tony to waste money on something that mysteriously caught on fire before you could wear it.”  Brandon’s serious expression was now replaced with mirth.

              “Ok, ok… I get it.  This is a no.”  Korri turned to the saleswoman.  “Uh, we will nix this one.  On to the next.” The woman smiled politely, and helped Korri off the pedestal and back to the dressing rooms.

              Once Korri was gone the group looked at each other.  “What the hell was that?”  Lauryn asked.

              “I think she’s just nervous about impressing Tony.  She wants something ‘different’ that he’s never seen her in,” Brandon answered shaking his head.  “She should know by now she could show up wearing a trash bag with a sack over her head and Tony would think she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.”

              Both women nodded in agreement. 

“Maybe we should talk to her and let her know she should just be herself,” Charlie added. “She’s a designer for goodness sakes. We can’t let her ruin her reputation by letting her be seen in some shit like that on her big day.”

              They all agreed they would meet later that week for dinner, and have a come-to-Jesus meeting with Korri.  Then they all left the boutique and Charlie headed to work.





After a long day at work, Jake picked Charlie up and they went to their favorite little hole in the wall restaurant.  She wanted to talk to Jake about her growing feelings, but she didn’t want to come off as some needy woman because that wasn’t her at all. 

              Normally, her feelings wouldn’t be able to develop this much because in the past she would’ve cut off the guy by now.  But Jake was different; he was her favorite addiction.  Going a day without him around her, beside her, hell, inside her, was enough to make her go looking for his ass.  She was woman enough to be honest with herself and know that there was no way in hell she could walk away from this man.  So she wanted, no she needed to know where they stood.

              Jake sat across from Charlie as she fidgeted in her seat.  He could feel the nervous energy coming from her.  He grabbed her hand, rubbing a slow circle with his thumb.

              “Hey… relax. Babe, it’s me.”  Jake gave her a reassuring squeeze before lifting her hand to his lips to kiss her palm.

              “I know…” Charlie shook her head.  “I just have so many conflicting feelings when it comes to us.”

              Jake nodded, trying to understand.  “Heart, I want to understand where you’re coming from, but you have to let me in.  I can tell that you have a wall a mile high around your heart, but baby I’m not willing to go through not having you in my life.  So we need to get to the bottom of this shit.” 

              “I know, Bear.  I’m sorry. I’ve been hurt, so badly, I just… let me just start from the beginning.”

              Charlie told Jake all about her time in college. She relived the pain of that time so she could finally let go and move on. She told her story without leaving anything out. Charlie let him know about Lawrence, how he treated her, about all of the outside influences that she felt contributed to the ruin of her relationship, and how he’d stomped all over her heart without a second thought.  However, as she told Jake about all of their problems, she came to realize that she had learned a lesson; the person she’d been with wasn’t man enough to handle either the situation or her heart.

              After sharing her story, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.  She knew without a doubt that the things that happened in her relationship with Lawrence would not happen with Jake.

              “Thanks for sharing all that with me, Heart,” Jake said, with a look of relief on his handsome face.

              “I’m just glad to have it all out there.  I feel better now.”

              “Good…”  Jake’s words trailed off and he hesitated, wanting to ask her more questions, but not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.  After all, she had just revealed a lot, and he didn’t want to push her.

              “I still have my reservations…”  Charlie inhaled a deep breath.  “…but I don’t want you to feel like I don’t care about you, because I do.”

              Jake’s face split into a wide smile.  “You know there’s no turning back from here, right?”

              “I don’t want to go back.”  Charlie smiled as she looked into Jake’s bright green eyes.


              Since their talk at the restaurant, Charlie and Jake had been spending even more time together than before. Since Charlie’s condo wasn’t ready yet, they spent most of their time at Jake’s house.  Tonight, she was going to Jake’s so they could spend even more quality time together.  When she pulled up to his house, she received a text:

Use the key under the rock. I’ll be waiting.

Okay, that’s weird,
Charlie thought. Jake was ever the gentleman.  If he wasn’t at her car when she pulled up, he was definitely at the door to greet her when she arrived

I wonder what he’s up to.

As she unlocked the front door, the security system beeped, announcing her entry. The lights were turned down low and Jake was nowhere in sight. She walked into the foyer, closed the door behind her, dropped her overnight bag on the floor by the stairs, and kicked off her shoes. 

“Jake?!”  Charlie yelled as she looked around the large area.

“I’m in the den, Heart,” Jake yelled from the back of the house.

“Jake you need more furniture in here.  Your voice echoes with all this empty space…”  Charlie’s words died in her throat as she walked into the den.

There she found Jake standing in the middle of the sunken floor, wearing nothing but a blank expression.  He was standing stock still, holding a blind fold in one hand and what looked like rope in the other.  Charlie inhaled a sharp breath; she could never get over the sight of his gloriously toned muscular body, especially when he was full on naked.  He stood with his legs spread wide, his organ in between his muscular thighs already at full mast, head red and angry, waiting for her touch.  The V-shape leading from his organ up to his six pack abs made Charlie want to lick every inch of him.

Her eyes lingered a bit before moving on to his muscular chest and his colorful tattoos; his chest was moving up and down with each breath he took. His face held a neutral expression, but his sparkling green eyes gave away the naughty thoughts and mischief he had in mind.

Before she spoke, Charlie swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. “Hey, Bear.  Uh, what’s going on?”  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I-is that for me?” 

The low chuckle that came from his throat sounded almost dangerous.  Charlie shivered at the sound.  His emerald eyes, dark with lust, were zeroed in on her hazel ones.  His face lit up with a slow, sexy smile.

“What, Heart?  The blind fold or the rope?”  He held up each item.  “Or maybe you’re wondering if this dick is for you.” He nodded toward his large member, but his darkened green, desire filled eyes never left Charlie’s wide shocked hazel ones.  He held her captive with just a look as he slowly and seductively moved toward her.

If Charlie hadn’t been so mesmerized by that naughty gleam in his eyes, or the sultry steps he was taking to get to her, she would have taken a step back, or maybe even taken off running.  However, all she could do was stand frozen like a statue as she gawked at him stalking toward her with a slow hypnotic gaze as if she were his prey. Charlie’s chest was heaving from what should have been the simple act of breathing, but she couldn’t breathe, because whenever she took in the vision of Jake’s glorious physique, he simply took her breath away.

Charlie’s mouth was dry.  Her bright eyes grew even wider at the anticipation of Jake’s touch, but he stopped right before he was in reach.  He perused her body, taking in her luscious curves.  He started at her bare feet and moved on to her jean clad legs, muscular and strong from her daily two mile runs.  He took in her voluptuous ass, and full round breasts.   His eyes were so intense it was as though he was touching every inch of her, little by little, caressing her with his emerald gaze.

He stopped in front of her and placed the rope and blindfold on a table.  “I need you naked, Heart,” Jake said in that seductive way of his.

That was all she needed to hear to come out of her trance like state.  Charlie hurriedly started to undo the buttons on her blouse, when Jake shook his head.

“No, honey, there’s no rush.  I want you to go slow, so I can see all of you.”

Charlie slowed her movements, but just enough to please him because she was ready to rip her clothes off and attack this gloriously naked man standing so tantalizingly close, but still not touching her.

Once she had all the buttons undone, Charlie dropped her blouse to the floor and stood in her bra and tight fitting jeans when she saw the desire kick up in Jake’s eyes. His pink tongue peeked out of his mouth, and he leisurely licked his full lips.  He then let out a low growl as he took in all of her beautiful curves.

Charlie looked up from unbuttoning her jeans and the two locked gazes.  She smiled mischievously at his growl.

“You sound frustrated, Jake, almost like a big ol’ bear.  You did say go slow… right?”  Charlie questioned, with a sassy lilt to her voice, and her brow quirked.  She then slowed down even more.  Charlie loved their games; the more she got to know Jake, and the more open they became with one another, the more intense their sexual chemistry became.

Jake growled again, finally reaching for Charlie only to have her slap his hands away.

“Uh uh, Bear, you need to be patient and wait for your honeypot.”  Charlie smiled a saccharine sweet smile.  She knew that Jake was all about having control, especially when he played his little games.  But she thought she would have a little fun with her big, giant man.  She slowly continued her seductive undressing.

He wanted her to go slow, but not that damn slow.  She was trying to take control, but Jake wasn’t having it.  He snatched Charlie’s hands away from her jeans, and pulled them down, along with her panties, in one fell swoop.  His hand reached around and unsnapped her bra with an easy flip of his wrist, and just like that, she was standing naked in front of him.  A slow satisfied smile spread across his handsome, chiseled face, his dimples on full display.  She reached out to grab his manhood when he sidestepped her.

“Uh uh… no touching, honey.  Now that you’re naked, I need you to turn around.”

Charlie pursed her lips in defiance. She liked Jake’s games, but right now, with him naked and hard, she was all too ready to be ravaged.  She unenthusiastically did as she was told, slowly turning around so that her back was to him. 

“I like it when you don’t question me, and you just do what you’re told like a good girl,”  Jake said, stroking Charlie’s plump backside with his fingers moving over her skin in a circular motion.  Goosebumps popped out on her smooth chocolate skin, and she began to squirm at the sensation he was causing.  Jake smirked; he knew the anticipation was building up in his baby.  He grabbed the black silk rope that he had placed to the side, and effectively and swiftly tied Charlie’s hands behind her back.  He then turned her around to face him, holding up the blindfold for her eyes.

BOOK: Heart's Desires
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