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Authors: Jayme L Townsend


BOOK: Hart
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Jayme L Townsend





First published in Great Britain in 2015 by Jayme L Townsend

Jayme L Townsend 2015

The right of Jayme L Townsend to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


All the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.










This one’s for you Mum, thank you for the endless amount of work that you do to make my dreams come true.

Chapter 1


“I have to stop this kind of behaviour before it ruins you. You’re going to England, there’s no other way about it”

I’m stood in this office being shouted at like I’m a fucking child “For fuck sake Nikki, I’m about twenty years too old to be told off about my behaviour”

“I would have thought the same but here we are. I’m your agent and unless you want to end up unemployed you’ll go. Your plane ticket is booked for tomorrow, I’ve even found and rented a lovely house by the sea, it even has a smaller guest house so Richard can join you… just in case. One more thing Greyson you start a work placement on Monday with James Bartholomew”

“I have to fucking work?! You’re talking about the James Bartholomew… what Charles’s son?”

“Yes, he’s a Managing Director and he knows why you’re going. It’s so you can see how to properly run a company and speak with an English accent for your next role… which starts filming three months from today so enough of arguing with me, go home and pack what you need, Jane will be over later to finish it off. Remember Greyson, I know you. Make sure you leave her alone”

“Yes Mother” I turn to walk out


I stop at the door and turn “What?”

“Please use this time to sort yourself out, not everyone knows who you are but at the same time remember who you could be when these films are released”              

I just nod my head and walk out of her office. Louise the receptionist gives me a smile and my stomach suddenly drops when I think about how hard she’s still trying for my attention. I fucked her a couple of months back and although she’s pretty and has amazing tits I try not to repeat, anyway there’s no need too, there’s plenty of fish in the sea. I press the button to call the lift and as the doors open my eyes are on the floor, I notice a pair of red high heels. I slowly bring my eyes up, taking in her long legs, slim waist, big tits and blonde hair. I feel the smile come to my face… just my type I think, her smile matches mine.

“Hi Greyson I’m Jane. I will be over in an hour I just need to finish up some paperwork with Nikki”

I just raise my hand in her direction and walk on into the lift, I watch her as she leaves and goes in the direction of Nikki’s office, it’s almost like watching a model walk a runway, I know…. I’m an arrogant fucker but there’s no need to try anymore. If I want them, I have them.

I get to my Harley Davidson, zip up my leather jacket and slide on my helmet. I’ve always had a motorbike, it’s much easier getting around, no one recognises me and I don’t get stuck in the downtown traffic.

I reach my apartment less than ten minutes later. I can’t believe I’m being forced to go to England… I’m 30 and getting a bollocking about my behaviour. Yes I admit it was from Hollywood’s top agent Nikki Brookes. So what, I sleep with a lot of women and I drink a little but I don’t and never will do any form of drugs. I enter my apartment and throw my helmet and jacket on the chair. If I time this right I can get all my clothes ready and just come out of the shower as Jane arrives, she will see the body I spend hours and hours keeping perfect and won’t be able to resist me, easy enough right? No chat up or buying drinks and I’ll be able to leave her packing my stuff afterwards and head on down to Stripease.

I look in my closet; half of it is filled with really expensive, impeccably tailored suits and the other half with plain t shirts and jeans. I’m not going to waste time sorting through this, I’ll take the lot. I go to my safe to find my passport and relevant papers and put that ready. Time for a glass of whiskey and hit the shower.

I weave my way through various perfectly furnished rooms, into my bedroom and through to my bathroom, stripping as I go. When I arrive at the full length mirror I take in my appearance from my short dark hair and beard, I trim it every three days or so to keep it short. I have amazing bone structure, cheek bones and a perfect straight nose, honestly every inch of me is perfection. I was a male model for a while, that’s where Nikki first saw me and signed me up. She’s gotten me the first few films and this new one that she thinks could win me an Oscar, it’s a love story not that I know anything about love… I’ve never even been close. There was this girl who I quite liked but she wanted to get serious and that’s just not me, I don’t do serious. I have a tattoo, it covers one side of my chest and all over my arm, of course Nikki went mad when I had it done but it can be covered up when I’m filming. I move my eyes lower, my cock is a good size, not huge but just right. I felt brave a couple of years ago and some of my mates dared me to get a Prince Albert… shit that was painful and worst of all I couldn’t use it for about three weeks. I remember going on a mad session after that and made it sore from overuse. I love my body, actually I just love my life.


I hear the door open then I hear a few steps then the door closes again, Jane shouts out that she’s here and she’ll make a start. I carry on in the shower, I love the thought of walking out there and watching her appreciation of me, I decide not to dry my body and I just rub through my hair with a small towel, one last glance in the mirror to check I look as amazing as I feel and of course I do.

I open the bathroom door totally naked and watch as Jane turns on her heels and slowly takes my whole body in, if she could talk I’m sure she would probably be saying wow… or something to that affect. I walk towards her as I see her eyes cloud over with lust and her breathing increases. I walk right up to her and grab her chin to raise up her head. I lower my mouth to hers and kiss her hard, I’m not really fussed on kissing but the girls seem to love it, she responds to the kiss and her hands land softly on my chest and she leans into me, pressing her tits against me. Jesus it’s all so predictable but amazing at the same time.

I grab her hands from my chest and raise them above her head, I think I might fuck her without any foreplay or any of that shit, I do need to save some energy for tonight, I hold her hands with one of mine, I give her one last chance to back out “Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes” she says as she throws her head back, I reach down to the hem of her skirt and pull it up around her waist and rip her knickers from her, I hear her moan, fuck I forgot a condom I quickly release her and grab my wallet from my jeans on the floor, I quickly suit up and return to the same position, she wraps her legs around my hips as I hold my cock and run it through her wetness before slamming into her, she screams my name as I pump fast and hard, I pull out and take her to the dressing table and lean her over the chair and enter her again hard, I grab her hair and pull her head back so I can see her face in the mirror, well so she can she my face, as I slam into her again and again, I watch as she tenses and throws her head back, I feel her tighten and pulse around my cock, I love watching a woman come, I slam harder into her as I watch her, her orgasm still taking hold of her, I can feel my balls tighten and I pull back and with one last slam into her I come too. I lean on her back while I catch my breath, she smells good but I need to get going, I pull out and slap her ass, then turn and walk back to the bathroom, I remove the condom and jump back in the shower, this time when I leave the bathroom I am fully dressed and ready to leave.

“Jane…” I say, she’s still in the same place, her ass in the air… I feel my cock start to get hard as she turns then gives me that look, ok so that’s one way to get rid of an erection “Can you pack my wardrobe? I’ll be back later”

“You’re going out?” she says back at me, looking over her shoulder

Oh my God is she going to cry? “Yeah sorry I’m already late as it is” I walk straight past her, grab my stuff and leave. She was good but Christ what is it with women? One fuck and they think you want to marry them.

I start the Harley and ride the three blocks to the club, I’ve been coming here for years and this is what Nikki wants me to stop doing, I nearly got photographed pissed out of my head coming out of a strip club last week, she went ape shit and that’s why she is sending me to England… to “Get myself together”  I park my bike round the back and enter through the back way, I nod to Charlie, it’s not worth talking, he won’t answer. I make my way to the bar.

“Evening Greyson, the usual?”

“Hi Sam no better not, I got my bike I’ll just have a coke thanks” I turn and lean my elbows on the dark stained wood bar and take in the scene, there’s a couple of hot naked girls dancing to either side of the stage. I watch each of them for a minute, on the main stage is Beverly a transgender, I don’t find that hot but most of the people in here do. I turn back to the bar and throw my money down on the counter; I nod to Sam and take my coke. I make my way through the people and the main bar to the member’s area out back, Frank releases the rope and lets me through. Jesus it’s mad in here, there are scenes happening all over. I walk down the middle of the carpet, taking in each scene for a few moments. There was a time when I thought this was so hot… admittedly I’m hard and my dick is hurting in my jeans but surely any man walking through this damn place would be the same. I stop at one group of people, three girls and one man. So one is sat on his face, one on his cock and the other is brushing his balls with some feathery thing, I shake my head and carry on. Then I see just one man and one woman, the way they are looking at each other, no that’s not sex. They’re making love; I don’t think I’ve ever made love. I stand watching them when I feel some large hands wrap around me from behind then move down over my cock as a deep voice says in my ear “Hello darling looking for something different?”

I jump forward and turn its Beverley the transgender woman from the main stage. I raise my hand in protest and shake my head, time to leave… I don’t need this. I let myself out through the back and get back to my bike, I can’t go home because Jane will be dragging out her time and still hanging about in my apartment. I drive the bike back home and walk a few minutes to Casey’s Bar around the corner.

I love it in here, everybody is so laid back. It’s an old style bar with some real charm, I reach the bar and Casey has a whiskey waiting “Cheers” I knock it back in one.

“What’s going on then mate?” he asks

“I’m off to England for three months, don’t have a choice apparently” I’ve been coming her for years now, Casey has become a real friend and he’s watched me go from nothing to where I am now

“That’s cool mate, I would love to go. I’ve always wanted too and never got round to it”

“Yeah I’m sure it’s nice I just wish I wasn’t going” I say shaking my head back and forth

“Well why are you then?”

“Fucking agent is sending me, wants me to reflect upon my lifestyle”

“Ha mate, you know it could be worse” 

“Yeah right how?”

“I’m not sure, another whiskey then?”

“Yeah, keep them coming”

The waitress brushes pass me a couple of times, I give her my look and she seems to want it. I‘ve just knocked back another whiskey when the waitress tells me she’s on a break, I get off my stool and follow her to a small room, she grabs me and pulls me in then locks the door, ok this is just what I need, I quickly grab her and push her back to the door, undo my jeans and quickly suit up before lifting her very short skirt to find she is not wearing any knickers. I lift her leg and slam into her so hard I have to put my hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming, this is how I like to fuck, hard no commitment no talking just straight fucking. Once I’ve finished I tie the condom off and throw it into the bin, I put myself back together and help straighten her out. Once we are straight I walk back to my stool at the bar.


Three hours later and I’m done, I go to stand and can barely get off my stool let alone steady myself so thankfully Casey helps me up and then helps me walk home, he has to open the door for me and helps me to the bedroom, what the hell is wrong with me? Why do I have to drink this much and get myself into such a fucking state? He leaves me slumped on the bed, I’m glad Jane has left, I think… then that’s it I’m out.

BOOK: Hart
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