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Authors: Janelle Denison

Hard To Resist (3 page)

BOOK: Hard To Resist
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Her eyes lit up at his suggestion. “I'd like that. A lot.”

“Me, too,” he said, realizing just how sincere the offer was.

She tipped her head to the side, her mouth curving up in a sassy, seductive smile. “So, are we going to stand out here and talk all night, or are you going to take me up to your room and finish what you started with that kiss?”

It wasn't a difficult choice to make. “My room,” he said, grabbing her hand and leading the way back to the hotel.

But even after he made love to her, they were far from


By the time Jake closed the door to his hotel room, Renee’s blood hummed in her veins and her body buzzed with anticipation. She truly thought she’d be more nervous when it came down to following through on their pact to replace the memories of their awkward first time together, but the warm, caring look in Jake’s eyes chased away any possible anxiety.

In that moment, she was hit with the realization of just how far and fast she’d fallen for him and the man he’d become. The knowledge was both frightening and exhilarating because she still wasn’t sure what all
meant to him, but she was willing to put her heart on the line and hope that this weekend would change the status of their current on-line relationship.  

He walked to where she stood by the king-sized bed, his steps determined as he approached. And when he framed her face in his hands and kissed her again with single-minded purpose, she melted against him, completely relaxing in a way that opened her up to the luxurious, far more sophisticated experience awaiting her.

By the time he lifted his mouth from hers minutes later, she was trembling with need and aching for more. The heat glittering in Jake’s dark eyes and the confident smile on his lips stole her breath and escalated her excitement—and he knew it, too.  

He dragged his thumb across her damp bottom lip, his eyes tracking the movement. “This time around is going to be
good,” he murmured huskily.

“Yeah?” Feeling frisky, she nipped at his finger, delighted by his surprised catch of breath. “How good?”

“Amazingly . . . phenomenally . . . Mind-blowing good,” he promised silkily, as he moved to stand behind her. He pushed her hair over one shoulder so the vibrant auburn curls cascaded down to her breasts, then softly kissed the side of her neck as he oh-so-slowly unzipped her dress.

“You’re very sure of yourself,” she teased, unable to hold back a full-bodied shiver when he trailed his fingers down her bared-to-him spine, and reached the curve of her bottom.

“If you think our phone sex is hot, you’re going to go up in flames when I do all those wicked things to you in person,” he whispered in her ear. “And this time, we have a big, huge bed to stretch out on.”

She swallowed back a moan, but there was nothing she could do about the wet heat throbbing between her legs or the way her breasts swelled and tightened and ached for the touch of his hands, the stroke of his tongue. It was all she could do to keep from telling him to hurry up because she was already on fire.

With a gentle tug from Jake, her dress slithered down her body and pooled around her feet. She stepped out of the circle of fabric then started to turn around, but Jake stopped her before she could face him.  

“Not yet, sweetheart.” He skimmed his hands from her hips, along the curve of her waist, then unhooked her strapless bra and tossed it on the floor, too, leaving her standing there in just her lacey panties and high heel shoes. “Ten years ago, I didn’t take the time to appreciate your body and enjoy your breasts, and I plan to do that now. There’s no rush tonight, no worry about getting caught, and I promise I have a helluva lot more stamina now than I did back then.”

The humor in his voice made her smile, until he reached around her and cupped her breasts in his palms and rolled her hard nipples between his fingers. She gasped in initial shock, then released a long, blissful sigh and pressed her flesh more firmly into his hands, encouraging him to continue the decadent torment. She arched her back, deliberately pushing her bottom against his groin. The hard ridge of his erection strained against her backside, and oh, Lord, she couldn’t wait to feel all that heat and strength pushing deep, deep inside her.

Eyes closed, she let her head fall back against his shoulder, and he kissed her throat, his mouth damp and hot as his lips slid across her skin. She was so turned on, she could barely stand. The heavy pulse between her thighs became an insistent ache, and as if knowing exactly what she needed, Jake skimmed one of his hands downward, his fingers gliding across her belly, then slipping beneath the elastic waistband of her panties. A little lower, and he found her sweet, slick spot.

Needing something to hold on to, she lifted a hand and curled her fingers around the nape of his neck. He stroked her expertly, his touch knowing and incredibly experienced, and when he slid a finger inside her, her body clenched around him hungrily, shamelessly.

He groaned loudly, his breathing harsh in her ear as he ground his erection against her bottom, amplifying her desire. He bit her neck, his teeth tugging gently on her flesh, while his other fingers plucked and pinched her nipple. Sensation swamped her, and after just a few calculated strokes her orgasm hit her, vibrating through her body, and she came with a shudder and a soft cry.

She sagged against him, grateful for the arm he secured around her waist to support her. When she could speak coherently again, she gave him the praise he fully deserved. “Okay, you’re good.”

He chuckled, though the sound was strained by the fact that he’d yet to find his own release. “I’d like to think my prowess has improved with age. And just think, that was only the
part of tonight.”

“I hope I survive phenomenal and mind-blowing.” Finally trusting her legs to keep her upright, she turned around to face him. His jaw was clenched from restraint, his eyes dark with lust as he tried to keep his own body's demands in check.

It was the last thing she wanted. Feeling a bit self-conscious standing there in just her panties while he was fully dressed, she reached for the buttons on his shirt. “You still have way too many clothes on.”

He grinned. “That's an easy problem to fix.”

He stripped down to just his boxer briefs, and the sight of his nicely muscled chest and gorgeous, toned body made her want to touch and caress him everywhere. She splayed her fingers on his flat stomach, reveling in the flex of muscle beneath her palm and the coarse texture of hair that swirled around his navel and trailed downward. But before she could explore further, he exhaled a hiss of breath and grabbed her wrists, pulling her hand away.

“You'll get your turn later,” he said, his tone as rough as sandpaper. “I'm not done with you yet. Lay back on the bed.”

She did as he asked, making herself comfortable on the mattress with her head resting on a pillow while he retrieved a few condoms from his overnight bag. Then he returned to the foot of the bed, and she watched as he shucked his briefs, allowing her to see him completely naked for the first time. She bit her bottom lip, taking in the impressively thick length of his shaft as he removed her high heels, then reached up to her hips and dragged her panties down and off.

After donning protection, he pushed her knees wide apart and moved onto the bed. His gaze trailed over her body, along the straining peaks of her breasts, her soft belly, and finally to where she was open and utterly exposed to him. Sensual hunger etched his masculine features, and in the next instant he'd settled himself between her spread legs and lowered his head.

She gasped at the warm, damp touch of his lips on her inner knee and trembled as he leisurely licked and nibbled his way up her thigh, then started the seduction all over again with her other leg. He took his time getting to where she ached for him the most, teasing her with his mouth and tongue . . . the whole process so luxurious, so agonizing, so erotic. 

She'd never begged for an orgasm in her entire life, but she did now. “Please, Jake,” she pleaded huskily.

He gave a murmur of approval, and finally put her out of her misery. She groaned out loud at the wet, rough rasp of his tongue against her sensitive flesh, and thanked God the teasing was over. His hands slid up to grip her hips, holding her in place as he opened his mouth over her sex and kissed her passionately, his tongue firm and fast on her clitoris, precisely how she needed.  

Her second orgasm was even more intense than the first, and she slipped her fingers into his hair and hung on for dear life. Her thighs shook, her body bowed, and she cried out in unbridled ecstasy as he pushed her up and over that sharp edge of pleasure.

She was still trying to catch her breath when he crawled up over her body, until his face was above hers, his dark blue eyes dilated with a primal hunger that, shockingly, peaked her excitement all over again.

“That was
,” she said, giving him every bit of credit. Then she wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs and pulled his hips forward, needing him inside her,

“Oh, yeah,” he agreed, just as the tip of his erection glided through her wetness and nudged at her opening, causing a deep, aggressive growl to rumble in his chest. “Now get ready for mind-blowing.”

He filled her up in one smooth, driving thrust, and didn't stop there. He draped his body fully over hers for a deeper, more direct contact, delved all ten fingers into her hair, and sealed his mouth over hers as his hips began to pump against hers. Their tongues tangled and danced. His lips devoured, his kiss as relentless as his quickening pace and the way he demanded things from her she'd never given another man.

He claimed her body as if he couldn't get enough of her. It certainly seemed as though she couldn't get enough of him. She caught fire again, and another powerful orgasm rippled through her, pouring pleasure into every pore. She pulsed around him, her inner muscles clenching as she moaned softly against his lips.

Only then did he allow himself to let go and claim his own shattering release. Lifting his head, he stared down at her, the intensity in his molten gaze making her feel as though he could see into her soul as he jerked against her, again and again, and a low, guttural groan vibrated through him as he climaxed.

He collapsed on top of her, utterly spent, his lips warm as he nuzzled her throat.

Renee closed her eyes, her heart racing with crazy emotions. Without a doubt, Jake Copeland had blown her mind and more than made up for that awkward first time together their senior year in high school. But unlike ten years ago when they'd both gone their separate ways, this time she wanted to see what developed between her and Jake beyond their on-line relationship. Somewhere along the way, he'd become much more than a “do-over” for her, but someone she wanted in her life on a regular basis.

Because she'd fallen in love with him

There was no denying what was in her heart, but there was just one thing stopping her from telling Jake how she felt. They'd agreed on this one weekend of sex, nothing more, and she had no idea what, if anything, their time together meant to him.


Renee woke to a masculine body spooning against her back, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, and an upbeat tune she hazily recognized as You Are My Sunshine playing somewhere from the other side of the bed.  She squinted at the digital clock, which glowed 9:15 AM. Confused for a moment because the drapes had been drawn and the room was still pitch dark, it took her a moment to realize where she was and that the whimsical melody was coming from Jake’s cell phone. An odd choice for a grown man to select for any incoming call.

“Sorry,” he said of the musical disturbance as he quickly moved off the bed, pulled on his pants from last night—sans underwear—and grabbed his still chiming phone off the nightstand.

He pressed a button, stopping the song mid-way, and tucked the phone against his ear as he drew back the drapes enough to let the bright morning sun pour into the room, then opened the slider and stepped out onto the balcony.

“Hey, sweetheart,” she heard him say softly, affectionately, to whoever was on the other end of the line. “What's going on?”

? Like a splash of cold water to her face, that doting pet name, clearly meant for someone female, jolted Renee awake completely. Her stomach churning with a sense of dread, and her heart pounding in her chest, she sat up in bed. And even though she wasn’t one to normally eavesdrop, this was one conversation she couldn’t bring herself to ignore.

“Sure honey.” His voice was tender and caring, and then he chuckled at something she must have said. “Tell grandma I said yes. I’m glad you’re having a good time. What are you planning on doing today? Anything fun?”

Renee’s mind spun as she processed his words and came to the conclusion that he could only be talking to a child—a daughter judging by the feminine endearments he used.

She dragged her fingers through her disheveled hair, still in shock. Good God, he had a
, and he’d never mentioned her, which said everything about Jake's thoughts on their time together this weekend. While she’d hoped this was just the beginning of something deeper, clearly for him it had been all about a fun, no-strings-attached hook-up.  

How stupid was she for thinking that there was something more to all their late night talks and emails? For believing that the intimate, caring look in his eyes last night when he’d been buried deep inside her carried the same emotional impact for him as it had her? Or maybe she’d just imagined it all because she’d wanted there to be so much more between them.

The truth was like a knife to the heart, and despite the hurt and disappointment eating at her, Renee knew she had no one to blame for this unexpected and devastating letdown than herself. Jake had never made any promises beyond amazing, phenomenal, mind-blowing sex, which he’d given her plenty of last night. Their do-over had been a huge success and he’d fulfilled his end of the bargain, and then some.

BOOK: Hard To Resist
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