Read Hard Online

Authors: Kathryn Thomas

Hard (12 page)

BOOK: Hard
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Treble allowed Lindy to draw him down. When he had thought of bringing her here, he wanted to make love to her under the stars, but he was determined to let her make the first move. He enjoyed the chase, but he wasn’t going to be led around by his cock or beg, and this was an easy way to make it clear who was in charge. But now that she had indicated her desire, it was time to take over.


He took her lips and kissed her passionately, sucking gently on her lower lip before moving to her neck. He was more aggressive, his hunger more evident than their previous two encounters, and it washed over her like a wave, causing her own passions to roar into life.
Fire…I miss the fire…
Bridget’s voice rang in her head as Treble ravaged her with tender aggression. She moaned softly as her own erotic fire grew hotter, fueled by Treble’s.


He pulled back from the kiss and stripped off his shirt, Lindy’s hands going to his chest, sliding over his body as he worked at her buttons. Once open he pulled one cup of her bra aside and took the exposed nipple into his mouth. As he nursed, she pushed and shoved until he moved between her legs. He settled lightly on her as her legs wrapped around his back and began to gently thrust her hips into his stomach, her hands tangled in his hair.


She shoved at Treble, trying to get him to move off of her. She had wanted him between her legs, but now she needed
, so much more. He pulled back and she rose with him, kissing his chest, licking and sucking his nipple a moment before reaching behind her, untucked the rest of her shirt and removed it along with her bra. As she worked, he sat down beside her and slid out of his pants, so she did the same.


I miss the fire…
Bridget’s voice said again. Lindy didn’t understand exactly what that meant until this moment. She was skinning out of her pants when Treble turned on her, pushing her down on the blanket and helping her with her pants. In the time he had spent kissing and suckling her, the moon began to peek over the horizon, giving her just enough light to see. She took his cock into her hand and squeezed softly, his hiss exciting her at a primal level. Her pants free, he moved to cover her, but she struggled, forcing him over onto his back.


“I want you to teach me,” she growled as she swung a leg over his hips and settled onto his chest. “I want you to teach me how to please a man.”


Treble said nothing, but pulled her lips roughly to his. They kissed, something she had always been good at, and then he pulled her head away and pushed her lower. She took the hint and began to kiss down his body, allowing him to steer her head to a nipple. She licked and sucked at them, imitating some of the things he had done to her. He held her head there, pressing down a little harder, so she increased the intensity of her attack, flicking his nipple harder, enjoying how it hardened under her assault. As she worked on his nipple, she reached between them, taking his cock into her hand and began to stroke it, using her thumb to tease the head.


“Yes…” he hissed. “Like that.”


She continued to tease his nipple for a moment more before kissing her way across his chest to subject its mate to her sweet tortures. She lied harder against his chest, the hand she had propped on joining the fray, tweaking and caressing the still wet nipple she had just abandoned. “Easy…” he gasped as she became a bit too aggressive with her fingers and lips. “Not so hard.”


She backed off slightly on the intensity of her play, not wanting to hurt him. She was flooding with excitement and began to caress her way down his body with her lips, still teasing his nipples with her fingers, pressing his cock into the valley of her breasts. He held her head but allowed her to play, kissing ever lower, his chest and stomach rising and falling in hard breaths. She continued to move lower, taking her time, using her nails to lightly scratch down his sides, delighting in the gasp and shiver it elicited.
Oh yes…this is a very good game.
Reaching his manhood, she took the head into her mouth and began to flick with her tongue.


As her mouth surrounded his cock, Treble pressed down ever so lightly on Lindy’s head, encouraging her to take him deep. She resisted the hint for a moment, then slid down, her lips clamped tight around his member, holding them there for a moment before slowly rising back up.


“Suck me,” he encouraged as she began to slide down and almost instantly he felt the pull.


His growl then hiss as she drew on his cock like straw made her try harder, to want to take him deeper, to please him like no woman before her. She could feel his heartbeat against her tongue as she tried to take him all the way in, but couldn’t, and backed off before she gagged. He reached for her, taking her leg and trying to pull her around, but she dug in and resisted his pull until he let her go, never pulling him from her mouth. She wanted to make him come with her mouth and didn’t want the distraction of having him whip her into a froth with his tongue and lips. She continued to lick and kiss, his hands guiding her while his hisses and gasps instructed her better than words ever could.


Lindy learned fast, taking what he had shown her this morning and embellishing it with her own ideas. It was working and she was inching him to orgasm. The moon had risen enough that he could see her, her eyes meeting his and her expression questioning. He started to tell her she was doing fine, better than fine, but she plunged down on him, taking him deeper than ever before, and the words were lost to his gasping grunt of pleasure.


She couldn’t hold him that deep but for a moment without gagging, but his grunt as his face twisted in pleasure made her want to learn how to take a man all the way in more than anything in the world. She wouldn’t be able to do it tonight, but soon…soon she would give Mr. J. J. Treble something to grunt about.


“You’re going to make me come,” he gasped, his control slipping. It was hard to believe that she was a virgin only twenty-four hours ago, and he wondered if all women learned so quickly, or if knowing how to please a man was something women were born knowing how to do. She plunged down his shaft again, her nails gently scratching his balls and he shook his head as he struggled to not come. “I’m going to come, Lindy…you’re going to make me come,” he warned her again.


She didn’t stop, tingling in the excitement that she was going to succeed in making him orgasm. She didn’t think she was ready for him to come in her mouth, but she couldn’t yet judge how close he was, so she continued to stroke him with her lips.


“Lindy!” he gasped, his voice strained as if in pain. He held against the rushing tide of pleasure, his hands twisting in her hair, for a moment longer, just long enough to feel her pull her mouth away as his essence spilled from him.


She felt the sudden increase in tension in his body as his cocked seemed to swell and she knew that was the moment. She jerked her head back just as he came, his semen exploding from him in one, then two energetic squirts before dribbling over her hand. With a smile she stroked him, using his own semen and her saliva as lubricant, smiling in satisfaction as he twitched and jerked.


“Fuck! Stop!” he barked after a moment as she tortured him with pleasure. She stilled her hand until he began to relax before pumping him again to make him jerk.
Oh, she’s an evil one
he growled to himself,
but now she is going to get hers.
He knew he needed ten to fifteen minute to recover before he could go again, and he was going to make good use of the time.


Lindy allowed Treble to pull her up, drawing her lips to his. She felt like she was glowing, alive like she had never felt before. She wanted to feel his tongue on her, to have him kiss and lick and tickle her to another mind-blowing orgasm. He took his fill from her lips then tugged her upwards again. She didn’t understand what he wanted and rose up and off of him.


“No. Here,” he breathed softly, pulling her down again.


She allowed him to guide her upwards until she placed a knee to either side of his head as his arms wrapped around her legs and drew her tight. As she settled, his hands slid up her stomach, pushing her upright as his tongue began to flick and dart. She groaned softly as he caressed her, his hands never still as they glided softly over her body. She could already feel the weight of her orgasm as his tongue slithered and probed, and she knew she wasn’t going to last long as she settled a little more firmly on his face.


Treble smiled as Lindy began to hunch forward, her back curving as she began to pant and gasp, her hands twisting in his hair. His hands found her breasts and she leaned into his arms as her grunts became harder, her hands pulling his mouth more firmly into her as she began to softly rock her hips.


Her orgasm rolled over her in a great wave, causing her to groan out her pleasure as she bent over, unable to hold herself upright as her release ravaged her, making her want to scream, to shout the world how Treble made her feel. As her climax receded, she slid down, taking his lips, drinking deep from the well of emotions she felt for him. No matter what happened in the future, no matter how this might end, she would always remember Treble fondly and how he had affected her.


As she pulled back from the kiss, she smiled at him, the smile of a woman that knew what she wanted from a man, a smile that spoke of confidence and maturity, a smile he had seen many times from many women, but never from Lindy—until now—and it transformed her. “You are so incredibly beautiful,” he whispered while gently pushing her hair back so he could see all of her face. “So beautiful.”


His words speared her, almost making her gasp. There was something in way he said them, the way he looked at her, that touched her. It was probably just the afterglow of passion spent, but it still made her feel that losing her virginity to his handsome man was natural and right and nothing to be ashamed of. She didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing, taking his lips in another soft kiss, allowing her actions to speak for her. Slowly pulling back, she moved a bit lower then rose slightly before taking his cock and steering it into her as she settled.


He watched her, amazed at the transformation happening right before his eyes. Gone was the shy girl who drank ginger ale instead of tequila, gone was the fumbling virgin, replaced by this strong, confident woman. As he slid into her she held herself erect, her hands going behind her head as she stared at him and pumped her hips slowly. At this moment, with the stars behind her and the soft glow of the moon lighting her, she was by far the sexiest, most beautiful woman he had ever met. He watched her a moment, her eyes closed in erotic pleasure, a small sexy smile on her face as she twisted and moved in the most sensuous way possible. He reached for her, her sinuous movements making the need to touch her strong and undeniable.


She gasped as his hands slid up her body, his touch leaving behind a crackling pleasure, until he reached her breasts where began to knead them gently, his touch adding to the pleasure. She kept her eyes closed, luxuriating in the moment, moving slowly and drawing out their pleasure. She opened her eyes, her soft smile widening slightly as he stared at her, his gaze soft but intense. Her legs were tiring so she leaned forward, bringing her lips back to his.


As she tipped forward, he pulled her down, holding her snuggly against him, a hand on the back of her head, another on her back. They thrust together a moment, the feeling of their naked bodies moving against each other causing their thrusts to become harder, more deliberate.


“I want you to come again,” she whispered as she pushed back against him, allowing him to plunge more deeply into her.


“Come with me,” he murmured.


“I will,” she whispered, burning in excitement that she could please him enough that he would climax again.


Treble pulled his legs up and began to drive into her with intent. He held her tight, listening to the sound of her breathing as it became harder and her hands gripped his shoulders. He shifted his feet slightly and redoubled his efforts driving into her hard and fast, his own breathing becoming labored from pleasure and effort.


“Come with me,” she begged softly. He reached for his orgasm, trying to bring it to him, but it was too far away. “Come with me,” she whimpered, feeling the press of her release closing in around her.


“Scream for me,” he growled, clamping her down as he drove into her furiously.




He tipped her up, holding her upright and allowing her to rest on his arms as he pushed her firmly back and down on his plunging cock. His orgasm was coming, the thought of making her scream in pleasure exciting him. “I want to make you scream.”

BOOK: Hard
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